/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit
* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see .
* Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000. See the AUTHORS
* file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog
* files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with
* GTK+ at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/.
#include "config.h"
#include "gdk/gdk.h"
#include "gtkversion.h"
#include "gtkrc.h"
#include "gtkstyle.h"
#include "gtkbindings.h"
#include "gtkintl.h"
#include "gtkiconfactory.h"
#include "gtkmain.h"
#include "gtkmodules.h"
#include "gtkmodulesprivate.h"
#include "gtkprivate.h"
#include "gtksettingsprivate.h"
#include "gtkwidgetpath.h"
#include "gtkwindow.h"
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
* SECTION:gtkrc
* @Short_description: Deprecated routines for handling resource files
* @Title: Resource Files
* GTK+ provides resource file mechanism for configuring
* various aspects of the operation of a GTK+ program
* at runtime.
* In GTK+ 3.0, resource files have been deprecated and replaced
* by CSS-like style sheets, which are understood by #GtkCssProvider.
* # Default files #
* An application can cause GTK+ to parse a specific RC
* file by calling gtk_rc_parse(). In addition to this,
* certain files will be read at the end of gtk_init().
* Unless modified, the files looked for will be
* `SYSCONFDIR/gtk-2.0/gtkrc`
* and `.gtkrc-3.0` in the users home directory.
* (`SYSCONFDIR` defaults to
* `/usr/local/etc`. It can be changed with the
* or options when
* configuring GTK+.)
* The set of these default files
* can be retrieved with gtk_rc_get_default_files()
* and modified with gtk_rc_add_default_file() and
* gtk_rc_set_default_files().
* Additionally, the `GTK2_RC_FILES` environment variable
* can be set to a #G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S-separated list of files
* in order to overwrite the set of default files at runtime.
* For each RC file, in addition to the file itself, GTK+ will look for
* a locale-specific file that will be parsed after the main file.
* For instance, if `LANG` is set to ja_JP.ujis,
* when loading the default file `~/.gtkrc` then GTK+ looks
* for `~/.gtkrc.ja_JP` and `~/.gtkrc.ja`,
* and parses the first of those that exists.
* # Pathnames and patterns #
* A resource file defines a number of styles and key bindings and
* attaches them to particular widgets. The attachment is done
* by the widget, widget_class,
* and class declarations. As an example
* of such a statement:
* |[
* widget "mywindow.*.GtkEntry" style "my-entry-class"
* ]|
* attaches the style "my-entry-class" to all
* widgets whose widget path matches the
* pattern"mywindow.*.GtkEntry".
* That is, all #GtkEntry widgets which are part of a #GtkWindow named
* "mywindow".
* The patterns here are given in the standard shell glob syntax.
* The "?" wildcard matches any character, while
* "*" matches zero or more of any character.
* The three types of matching are against the widget path, the
* class path and the class hierarchy. Both the
* widget path and the class path consist of a "."
* separated list of all the parents of the widget and the widget itself
* from outermost to innermost. The difference is that in the widget path,
* the name assigned by gtk_widget_set_name() is used if present, otherwise
* the class name of the widget, while for the class path, the class name is
* always used.
* Since GTK+ 2.10, widget_class paths can also contain
* <classname> substrings, which are matching
* the class with the given name and any derived classes. For instance,
* |[
* widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>.GtkLabel" style "my-style"
* ]|
* will match #GtkLabel widgets which are contained in any kind of menu item.
* So, if you have a #GtkEntry named "myentry", inside of a
* horizontal box in a window named "mywindow", then the
* widget path is: "mywindow.GtkHBox.myentry"
* while the class path is: "GtkWindow.GtkHBox.GtkEntry".
* Matching against class is a little different. The pattern match is done
* against all class names in the widgets class hierarchy (not the layout
* hierarchy) in sequence, so the pattern:
* |[
* class "GtkButton" style "my-style"
* ]|
* will match not just #GtkButton widgets, but also #GtkToggleButton and
* #GtkCheckButton widgets, since those classes derive from #GtkButton.
* Additionally, a priority can be specified for each pattern, and styles
* override other styles first by priority, then by pattern type and then
* by order of specification (later overrides earlier). The priorities
* that can be specified are (highest to lowest):
* - highest
* - rc
* - theme
* - application
* - gtk
* - lowest
* rc is the default for styles
* read from an RC file, theme
* is the default for styles read from theme RC files,
* application
* should be used for styles an application sets
* up, and gtk is used for styles
* that GTK+ creates internally.
* # Theme gtkrc files #
* Theme RC files are loaded first from under the `~/.themes/`,
* then from the directory from gtk_rc_get_theme_dir(). The files looked at will
* be `gtk-3.0/gtkrc`.
* When the application prefers dark themes
* (see the #GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme property for details),
* `gtk-3.0/gtkrc-dark` will be loaded first, and if not present
* `gtk-3.0/gtkrc` will be loaded.
* # Optimizing RC Style Matches #
* Everytime a widget is created and added to the layout hierarchy of a #GtkWindow
* ("anchored" to be exact), a list of matching RC styles out of all RC styles read
* in so far is composed.
* For this, every RC style is matched against the widgets class path,
* the widgets name path and widgets inheritance hierarchy.
* As a consequence, significant slowdown can be caused by utilization of many
* RC styles and by using RC style patterns that are slow or complicated to match
* against a given widget.
* The following ordered list provides a number of advices (prioritized by
* effectiveness) to reduce the performance overhead associated with RC style
* matches:
* 1. Move RC styles for specific applications into RC files dedicated to those
* applications and parse application specific RC files only from
* applications that are affected by them.
* This reduces the overall amount of RC styles that have to be considered
* for a match across a group of applications.
* 2. Merge multiple styles which use the same matching rule, for instance:
* |[
* style "Foo" { foo_content }
* class "X" style "Foo"
* style "Bar" { bar_content }
* class "X" style "Bar"
* ]|
* is faster to match as:
* |[
* style "FooBar" { foo_content bar_content }
* class "X" style "FooBar"
* ]|
* 3. Use of wildcards should be avoided, this can reduce the individual RC style
* match to a single integer comparison in most cases.
* 4. To avoid complex recursive matching, specification of full class names
* (for class matches) or full path names (for
* widget and widget_class matches)
* is to be preferred over shortened names
* containing "*" or "?".
* 5. If at all necessary, wildcards should only be used at the tail or head
* of a pattern. This reduces the match complexity to a string comparison
* per RC style.
* 6. When using wildcards, use of "?" should be preferred
* over "*". This can reduce the matching complexity from
* O(n^2) to O(n). For example "Gtk*Box" can be turned into
* "Gtk?Box" and will still match #GtkHBox and #GtkVBox.
* 7. The use of "*" wildcards should be restricted as much
* as possible, because matching "A*B*C*RestString" can
* result in matching complexities of O(n^2) worst case.
* # Toplevel declarations #
* An RC file is a text file which is composed of a sequence
* of declarations. '#' characters delimit comments and
* the portion of a line after a '#' is ignored when parsing
* an RC file.
* The possible toplevel declarations are:
* * binding name
* { ... }
* Declares a binding set.
* * class pattern
* [ style | binding ][ : priority ]
* name
* Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
* branch of the inheritance hierarchy.
* * include filename
* Parses another file at this point. If
* filename is not an absolute filename,
* it is searched in the directories of the currently open RC files.
* GTK+ also tries to load a
* locale-specific variant of
* the included file.
* * module_path path
* Sets a path (a list of directories separated
* by colons) that will be searched for theme engines referenced in
* RC files.
* * pixmap_path path
* Sets a path (a list of directories separated
* by colons) that will be searched for pixmaps referenced in
* RC files.
* * im_module_file pathname
* Sets the pathname for the IM modules file. Setting this from RC files
* is deprecated; you should use the environment variable `GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE`
* instead.
* * style name [ =
* parent ] { ... }
* Declares a style.
* * widget pattern
* [ style | binding ][ : priority ]
* name
* Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
* group of widgets by matching on the widget pathname.
* * widget_class pattern
* [ style | binding ][ : priority ]
* name
* Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
* group of widgets by matching on the class pathname.
* * setting = value
* Specifies a value for a setting.
* Note that settings in RC files are overwritten by system-wide settings
* (which are managed by an XSettings manager on X11).
* # Styles #
* A RC style is specified by a style
* declaration in a RC file, and then bound to widgets
* with a widget, widget_class,
* or class declaration. All styles
* applying to a particular widget are composited together
* with widget declarations overriding
* widget_class declarations which, in
* turn, override class declarations.
* Within each type of declaration, later declarations override
* earlier ones.
* Within a style declaration, the possible
* elements are:
* * bg[state] = color
* Sets the color used for the background of most widgets.
* * fg[state] = color
* Sets the color used for the foreground of most widgets.
* * base[state] = color
* Sets the color used for the background of widgets displaying
* editable text. This color is used for the background
* of, among others, #GtkText, #GtkEntry, #GtkList, and #GtkCList.
* * text[state] =
* color
* Sets the color used for foreground of widgets using
* base for the background color.
* * xthickness =
* number
* Sets the xthickness, which is used for various horizontal padding
* values in GTK+.
* * ythickness =
* number
* Sets the ythickness, which is used for various vertical padding
* values in GTK+.
* * bg_pixmap[state] =
* pixmap
* Sets a background pixmap to be used in place of
* the bg color (or for #GtkText,
* in place of the base color. The special
* value "<parent>" may be used to indicate that the widget should
* use the same background pixmap as its parent. The special value
* "<none>" may be used to indicate no background pixmap.
* * font = font
* Starting with GTK+ 2.0, the "font" and "fontset"
* declarations are ignored; use "font_name" declarations instead.
* * fontset = font
* Starting with GTK+ 2.0, the "font" and "fontset"
* declarations are ignored; use "font_name" declarations instead.
* * font_name = font
* Sets the font for a widget. font must be
* a Pango font name, e.g. "Sans Italic 10".
* For details about Pango font names, see
* pango_font_description_from_string().
* * stock["stock-id"] = { icon source specifications }
* Defines the icon for a stock item.
* * color["color-name"] = color specification
* Since 2.10, this element can be used to defines symbolic colors. See below for
* the syntax of color specifications.
* * engine "engine" { engine-specific
* settings }
* Defines the engine to be used when drawing with this style.
* * class::property = value
* Sets a style property for a widget class.
* The colors and background pixmaps are specified as a function of the
* state of the widget. The states are:
* A color used for a widget in its normal state.
* A variant of the NORMAL color used when the
* widget is in the %GTK_STATE_ACTIVE state, and also for
* the trough of a ScrollBar, tabs of a NoteBook
* other than the current tab and similar areas.
* Frequently, this should be a darker variant
* of the NORMAL color.
* A color used for widgets in the %GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT state. This
* state is the used for Buttons and MenuItems
* that have the mouse cursor over them, and for
* their children.
* A color used to highlight data selected by the user.
* for instance, the selected items in a list widget, and the
* selection in an editable widget.
* A color used for the background of widgets that have
* been set insensitive with gtk_widget_set_sensitive().
* Colors can be specified as a string containing a color name (GTK+ knows
* all names from the X color database `/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt`),
* in one of the hexadecimal forms #rrrrggggbbbb,
* #rrrgggbbb, #rrggbb,
* or #rgb, where r,
* g and b are
* hex digits, or they can be specified as a triplet
* { r, g,
* b}, where r,
* g and b are either integers in
* the range 0-65535 or floats in the range 0.0-1.0.
* Since 2.10, colors can also be specified by refering to a symbolic color, as
* follows: @color-name, or by using expressions to combine
* colors. The following expressions are currently supported:
* * mix (factor, color1, color2)
* Computes a new color by mixing color1 and
* color2. The factor
* determines how close the new color is to color1.
* A factor of 1.0 gives pure color1, a factor of
* 0.0 gives pure color2.
* * shade (factor, color)
* Computes a lighter or darker variant of color.
* A factor of 1.0 leaves the color unchanged, smaller
* factors yield darker colors, larger factors yield lighter colors.
* * lighter (color)
* This is an abbreviation for
* shade (1.3, color).
* * darker (color)
* This is an abbreviation for
* shade (0.7, color).
* Here are some examples of color expressions:
* |[
* mix (0.5, "red", "blue")
* shade (1.5, mix (0.3, "#0abbc0", { 0.3, 0.5, 0.9 }))
* lighter (@foreground)
* ]|
* In a stock definition, icon sources are specified as a
* 4-tuple of image filename or icon name, text direction, widget state, and size, in that
* order. Each icon source specifies an image filename or icon name to use with a given
* direction, state, and size. Filenames are specified as a string such
* as "itemltr.png", while icon names (looked up
* in the current icon theme), are specified with a leading
* @, such as @"item-ltr".
* The * character can be used as a
* wildcard, and if direction/state/size are omitted they default to
* *. So for example, the following specifies different icons to
* use for left-to-right and right-to-left languages:
* |[
* stock["my-stock-item"] =
* {
* { "itemltr.png", LTR, *, * },
* { "itemrtl.png", RTL, *, * }
* }
* ]|
* This could be abbreviated as follows:
* |[
* stock["my-stock-item"] =
* {
* { "itemltr.png", LTR },
* { "itemrtl.png", RTL }
* }
* ]|
* You can specify custom icons for specific sizes, as follows:
* |[
* stock["my-stock-item"] =
* {
* { "itemmenusize.png", *, *, "gtk-menu" },
* { "itemtoolbarsize.png", *, *, "gtk-large-toolbar" }
* { "itemgeneric.png" } // implicit *, *, * as a fallback
* }
* ]|
* The sizes that come with GTK+ itself are "gtk-menu",
* "gtk-small-toolbar", "gtk-large-toolbar",
* "gtk-button", "gtk-dialog". Applications
* can define other sizes.
* It's also possible to use custom icons for a given state, for example:
* |[
* stock["my-stock-item"] =
* {
* { "itemprelight.png", *, PRELIGHT },
* { "iteminsensitive.png", *, INSENSITIVE },
* { "itemgeneric.png" } // implicit *, *, * as a fallback
* }
* ]|
* When selecting an icon source to use, GTK+ will consider text direction most
* important, state second, and size third. It will select the best match based on
* those criteria. If an attribute matches exactly (e.g. you specified
* PRELIGHT or specified the size), GTK+ won't modify the image;
* if the attribute matches with a wildcard, GTK+ will scale or modify the image to
* match the state and size the user requested.
* # Key bindings #
* Key bindings allow the user to specify actions to be
* taken on particular key presses. The form of a binding
* set declaration is:
* |[
* binding name {
* bind key {
* signalname (param, ...)
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
* ]|
* key is a string consisting of a
* series of modifiers followed by the name of a key. The
* modifiers can be:
* - <alt>
* - <ctl>
* - <control>
* - <meta>
* - <hyper>
* - <super>
* - <mod1>
* - <mod2>
* - <mod3>
* - <mod4>
* - <mod5>
* - <release>
* - <shft>
* - <shift>
* <shft> is an alias for
* <shift>,
* <ctl> is an alias for
* <control>,
* and
* <alt> is an alias for
* <mod1>.
* The action that is bound to the key is a sequence
* of signal names (strings) followed by parameters for
* each signal. The signals must be action signals.
* (See g_signal_new()). Each parameter can be
* a float, integer, string, or unquoted string
* representing an enumeration value. The types of
* the parameters specified must match the types of the
* parameters of the signal.
* Binding sets are connected to widgets in the same manner as styles,
* with one difference: Binding sets override other binding sets first
* by pattern type, then by priority and then by order of specification.
* The priorities that can be specified and their default values are the
* same as for styles.
typedef struct
gint type;
GType class_type;
gchar *class_name;
GPatternSpec *pspec;
} elt;
} PathElt;
typedef struct {
GSList *color_hashes;
} GtkRcStylePrivate;
#define GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_PRIVATE(obj) ((GtkRcStylePrivate *) gtk_rc_style_get_instance_private ((GtkRcStyle *) (obj)))
static void gtk_rc_style_finalize (GObject *object);
static void gtk_rc_style_real_merge (GtkRcStyle *dest,
GtkRcStyle *src);
static GtkRcStyle* gtk_rc_style_real_create_rc_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
static GtkStyle* gtk_rc_style_real_create_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
static gint gtk_rc_properties_cmp (gconstpointer bsearch_node1,
gconstpointer bsearch_node2);
static void insert_rc_property (GtkRcStyle *style,
GtkRcProperty *property,
gboolean replace);
static const GScannerConfig gtk_rc_scanner_config =
" \t\r\n"
) /* cset_skip_characters */,
) /* cset_identifier_first */,
) /* cset_identifier_nth */,
( "#\n" ) /* cpair_comment_single */,
TRUE /* case_sensitive */,
TRUE /* skip_comment_multi */,
TRUE /* skip_comment_single */,
TRUE /* scan_comment_multi */,
TRUE /* scan_identifier */,
FALSE /* scan_identifier_1char */,
FALSE /* scan_identifier_NULL */,
TRUE /* scan_symbols */,
TRUE /* scan_binary */,
TRUE /* scan_octal */,
TRUE /* scan_float */,
TRUE /* scan_hex */,
TRUE /* scan_hex_dollar */,
TRUE /* scan_string_sq */,
TRUE /* scan_string_dq */,
TRUE /* numbers_2_int */,
FALSE /* int_2_float */,
FALSE /* identifier_2_string */,
TRUE /* char_2_token */,
TRUE /* symbol_2_token */,
FALSE /* scope_0_fallback */,
static const gchar symbol_names[] =
static const struct
guint name_offset;
guint token;
} symbols[] = {
{ 52, GTK_RC_TOKEN_FG },
{ 55, GTK_RC_TOKEN_BG },
{ 187, GTK_RC_TOKEN_GTK },
{ 209, GTK_RC_TOKEN_RC },
{ 260, GTK_RC_TOKEN_LTR },
{ 264, GTK_RC_TOKEN_RTL },
static GHashTable *realized_style_ht = NULL;
static gchar *im_module_file = NULL;
static gchar **gtk_rc_default_files = NULL;
/* RC file handling */
static gchar *
gtk_rc_make_default_dir (const gchar *type)
const gchar *var;
gchar *path;
var = g_getenv ("GTK_EXE_PREFIX");
if (var)
path = g_build_filename (var, "lib", "gtk-3.0", GTK_BINARY_VERSION, type, NULL);
path = g_build_filename (_gtk_get_libdir (), "gtk-3.0", GTK_BINARY_VERSION, type, NULL);
return path;
* gtk_rc_get_im_module_path:
* Obtains the path in which to look for IM modules. See the documentation
* of the `GTK_PATH`
* environment variable for more details about looking up modules. This
* function is useful solely for utilities supplied with GTK+ and should
* not be used by applications under normal circumstances.
* Returns: (type filename): a newly-allocated string containing the
* path in which to look for IM modules.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gchar *
gtk_rc_get_im_module_path (void)
gchar **paths = _gtk_get_module_path ("immodules");
gchar *result = g_strjoinv (G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, paths);
g_strfreev (paths);
return result;
* gtk_rc_get_im_module_file:
* Obtains the path to the IM modules file. See the documentation
* environment variable for more details.
* Returns: (type filename): a newly-allocated string containing the
* name of the file listing the IM modules available for loading
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gchar *
gtk_rc_get_im_module_file (void)
const gchar *var = g_getenv ("GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE");
gchar *result = NULL;
if (var)
result = g_strdup (var);
if (!result)
if (im_module_file)
result = g_strdup (im_module_file);
result = gtk_rc_make_default_dir ("immodules.cache");
return result;
* gtk_rc_get_theme_dir:
* Returns the standard directory in which themes should
* be installed. (GTK+ does not actually use this directory
* itself.)
* Returns: The directory (must be freed with g_free()).
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gchar *
gtk_rc_get_theme_dir (void)
const gchar *var;
gchar *path;
var = g_getenv ("GTK_DATA_PREFIX");
if (var)
path = g_build_filename (var, "share", "themes", NULL);
path = g_build_filename (_gtk_get_data_prefix (), "share", "themes", NULL);
return path;
* gtk_rc_get_module_dir:
* Returns a directory in which GTK+ looks for theme engines.
* For full information about the search for theme engines,
* see the docs for `GTK_PATH` in
* .
* return value: (type filename): the directory. (Must be freed with g_free())
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gchar *
gtk_rc_get_module_dir (void)
return gtk_rc_make_default_dir ("engines");
* gtk_rc_add_default_file:
* @filename: (type filename): the pathname to the file. If @filename
* is not absolute, it is searched in the current directory.
* Adds a file to the list of files to be parsed at the
* end of gtk_init().
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkStyleContext with a custom #GtkStyleProvider instead
gtk_rc_add_default_file (const gchar *filename)
* gtk_rc_set_default_files:
* @filenames: (array zero-terminated=1) (element-type filename): A
* %NULL-terminated list of filenames.
* Sets the list of files that GTK+ will read at the
* end of gtk_init().
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkStyleContext with a custom #GtkStyleProvider instead
gtk_rc_set_default_files (gchar **filenames)
* gtk_rc_get_default_files:
* Retrieves the current list of RC files that will be parsed
* at the end of gtk_init().
* Return value: (transfer none) (array zero-terminated=1) (element-type filename):
* A %NULL-terminated array of filenames. This memory is owned
* by GTK+ and must not be freed by the application. If you want
* to store this information, you should make a copy.
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
gchar **
gtk_rc_get_default_files (void)
return gtk_rc_default_files;
* gtk_rc_parse_string:
* @rc_string: a string to parse.
* Parses resource information directly from a string.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_parse_string (const gchar *rc_string)
g_return_if_fail (rc_string != NULL);
* gtk_rc_parse:
* @filename: the filename of a file to parse. If @filename is not absolute, it
* is searched in the current directory.
* Parses a given resource file.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_parse (const gchar *filename)
g_return_if_fail (filename != NULL);
/* Handling of RC styles */
static void
gtk_rc_style_init (GtkRcStyle *style)
GtkRcStylePrivate *priv = GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_PRIVATE (style);
guint i;
style->name = NULL;
style->font_desc = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
static const GdkColor init_color = { 0, 0, 0, 0, };
style->bg_pixmap_name[i] = NULL;
style->color_flags[i] = 0;
style->fg[i] = init_color;
style->bg[i] = init_color;
style->text[i] = init_color;
style->base[i] = init_color;
style->xthickness = -1;
style->ythickness = -1;
style->rc_properties = NULL;
style->rc_style_lists = NULL;
style->icon_factories = NULL;
priv->color_hashes = NULL;
static void
gtk_rc_style_class_init (GtkRcStyleClass *klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->finalize = gtk_rc_style_finalize;
klass->parse = NULL;
klass->create_rc_style = gtk_rc_style_real_create_rc_style;
klass->merge = gtk_rc_style_real_merge;
klass->create_style = gtk_rc_style_real_create_style;
static void
gtk_rc_style_finalize (GObject *object)
GSList *tmp_list1, *tmp_list2;
GtkRcStyle *rc_style;
GtkRcStylePrivate *rc_priv;
gint i;
rc_style = GTK_RC_STYLE (object);
rc_priv = GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_PRIVATE (rc_style);
g_free (rc_style->name);
if (rc_style->font_desc)
pango_font_description_free (rc_style->font_desc);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
g_free (rc_style->bg_pixmap_name[i]);
/* Now remove all references to this rc_style from
* realized_style_ht
tmp_list1 = rc_style->rc_style_lists;
while (tmp_list1)
GSList *rc_styles = tmp_list1->data;
GtkStyle *style = g_hash_table_lookup (realized_style_ht, rc_styles);
g_object_unref (style);
/* Remove the list of styles from the other rc_styles
* in the list
tmp_list2 = rc_styles;
while (tmp_list2)
GtkRcStyle *other_style = tmp_list2->data;
if (other_style != rc_style)
other_style->rc_style_lists = g_slist_remove_all (other_style->rc_style_lists,
tmp_list2 = tmp_list2->next;
/* And from the hash table itself
g_hash_table_remove (realized_style_ht, rc_styles);
g_slist_free (rc_styles);
tmp_list1 = tmp_list1->next;
g_slist_free (rc_style->rc_style_lists);
if (rc_style->rc_properties)
guint i;
for (i = 0; i < rc_style->rc_properties->len; i++)
GtkRcProperty *node = &g_array_index (rc_style->rc_properties, GtkRcProperty, i);
g_free (node->origin);
g_value_unset (&node->value);
g_array_free (rc_style->rc_properties, TRUE);
rc_style->rc_properties = NULL;
g_slist_foreach (rc_style->icon_factories, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
g_slist_free (rc_style->icon_factories);
g_slist_foreach (rc_priv->color_hashes, (GFunc) g_hash_table_unref, NULL);
g_slist_free (rc_priv->color_hashes);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_rc_style_parent_class)->finalize (object);
* gtk_rc_style_new:
* Creates a new #GtkRcStyle with no fields set and
* a reference count of 1.
* Returns: the newly-created #GtkRcStyle
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
GtkRcStyle *
gtk_rc_style_new (void)
GtkRcStyle *style;
style = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_RC_STYLE, NULL);
return style;
* gtk_rc_style_copy:
* @orig: the style to copy
* Makes a copy of the specified #GtkRcStyle. This function
* will correctly copy an RC style that is a member of a class
* derived from #GtkRcStyle.
* Return value: (transfer full): the resulting #GtkRcStyle
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
GtkRcStyle *
gtk_rc_style_copy (GtkRcStyle *orig)
GtkRcStyle *style;
g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_RC_STYLE (orig), NULL);
style = GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_CLASS (orig)->create_rc_style (orig);
GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_CLASS (style)->merge (style, orig);
return style;
static GtkRcStyle *
gtk_rc_style_real_create_rc_style (GtkRcStyle *style)
return g_object_new (G_OBJECT_TYPE (style), NULL);
static gint
gtk_rc_properties_cmp (gconstpointer bsearch_node1,
gconstpointer bsearch_node2)
const GtkRcProperty *prop1 = bsearch_node1;
const GtkRcProperty *prop2 = bsearch_node2;
if (prop1->type_name == prop2->type_name)
return prop1->property_name < prop2->property_name ? -1 : prop1->property_name == prop2->property_name ? 0 : 1;
return prop1->type_name < prop2->type_name ? -1 : 1;
static void
insert_rc_property (GtkRcStyle *style,
GtkRcProperty *property,
gboolean replace)
guint i;
GtkRcProperty *new_property = NULL;
GtkRcProperty key = { 0, 0, NULL, { 0, }, };
key.type_name = property->type_name;
key.property_name = property->property_name;
if (!style->rc_properties)
style->rc_properties = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GtkRcProperty));
i = 0;
while (i < style->rc_properties->len)
gint cmp = gtk_rc_properties_cmp (&key, &g_array_index (style->rc_properties, GtkRcProperty, i));
if (cmp == 0)
if (replace)
new_property = &g_array_index (style->rc_properties, GtkRcProperty, i);
g_free (new_property->origin);
g_value_unset (&new_property->value);
*new_property = key;
else if (cmp < 0)
if (!new_property)
g_array_insert_val (style->rc_properties, i, key);
new_property = &g_array_index (style->rc_properties, GtkRcProperty, i);
new_property->origin = g_strdup (property->origin);
g_value_init (&new_property->value, G_VALUE_TYPE (&property->value));
g_value_copy (&property->value, &new_property->value);
static void
gtk_rc_style_real_merge (GtkRcStyle *dest,
GtkRcStyle *src)
gint i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (!dest->bg_pixmap_name[i] && src->bg_pixmap_name[i])
dest->bg_pixmap_name[i] = g_strdup (src->bg_pixmap_name[i]);
if (!(dest->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_FG) &&
src->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_FG)
dest->fg[i] = src->fg[i];
dest->color_flags[i] |= GTK_RC_FG;
if (!(dest->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_BG) &&
src->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_BG)
dest->bg[i] = src->bg[i];
dest->color_flags[i] |= GTK_RC_BG;
if (!(dest->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_TEXT) &&
src->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_TEXT)
dest->text[i] = src->text[i];
dest->color_flags[i] |= GTK_RC_TEXT;
if (!(dest->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_BASE) &&
src->color_flags[i] & GTK_RC_BASE)
dest->base[i] = src->base[i];
dest->color_flags[i] |= GTK_RC_BASE;
if (dest->xthickness < 0 && src->xthickness >= 0)
dest->xthickness = src->xthickness;
if (dest->ythickness < 0 && src->ythickness >= 0)
dest->ythickness = src->ythickness;
if (src->font_desc)
if (!dest->font_desc)
dest->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (src->font_desc);
pango_font_description_merge (dest->font_desc, src->font_desc, FALSE);
if (src->rc_properties)
guint i;
for (i = 0; i < src->rc_properties->len; i++)
insert_rc_property (dest,
&g_array_index (src->rc_properties, GtkRcProperty, i),
static GtkStyle *
gtk_rc_style_real_create_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style)
return gtk_style_new ();
* gtk_rc_reset_styles:
* @settings: a #GtkSettings
* This function recomputes the styles for all widgets that use a
* particular #GtkSettings object. (There is one #GtkSettings object
* per #GdkScreen, see gtk_settings_get_for_screen()); It is useful
* when some global parameter has changed that affects the appearance
* of all widgets, because when a widget gets a new style, it will
* both redraw and recompute any cached information about its
* appearance. As an example, it is used when the default font size
* set by the operating system changes. Note that this function
* doesn't affect widgets that have a style set explicitly on them
* with gtk_widget_set_style().
* Since: 2.4
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_reset_styles (GtkSettings *settings)
gtk_style_context_reset_widgets (_gtk_settings_get_screen (settings));
* gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings:
* @settings: a #GtkSettings
* @force_load: load whether or not anything changed
* If the modification time on any previously read file
* for the given #GtkSettings has changed, discard all style information
* and then reread all previously read RC files.
* Return value: %TRUE if the files were reread.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (GtkSettings *settings,
gboolean force_load)
return FALSE;
* gtk_rc_reparse_all:
* If the modification time on any previously read file for the
* default #GtkSettings has changed, discard all style information
* and then reread all previously read RC files.
* Return value: %TRUE if the files were reread.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_reparse_all (void)
return FALSE;
* gtk_rc_get_style:
* @widget: a #GtkWidget
* Finds all matching RC styles for a given widget,
* composites them together, and then creates a
* #GtkStyle representing the composite appearance.
* (GTK+ actually keeps a cache of previously
* created styles, so a new style may not be
* created.)
* Returns: (transfer none): the resulting style. No refcount is added
* to the returned style, so if you want to save this style around,
* you should add a reference yourself.
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
GtkStyle *
gtk_rc_get_style (GtkWidget *widget)
g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), NULL);
gtk_widget_ensure_style (widget);
return gtk_widget_get_style (widget);
* gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths:
* @settings: a #GtkSettings object
* @widget_path: (allow-none): the widget path to use when looking up the
* style, or %NULL if no matching against the widget path should be done
* @class_path: (allow-none): the class path to use when looking up the style,
* or %NULL if no matching against the class path should be done.
* @type: a type that will be used along with parent types of this type
* when matching against class styles, or #G_TYPE_NONE
* Creates up a #GtkStyle from styles defined in a RC file by providing
* the raw components used in matching. This function may be useful
* when creating pseudo-widgets that should be themed like widgets but
* don't actually have corresponding GTK+ widgets. An example of this
* would be items inside a GNOME canvas widget.
* The action of gtk_rc_get_style() is similar to:
* |[
* gtk_widget_path (widget, NULL, &path, NULL);
* gtk_widget_class_path (widget, NULL, &class_path, NULL);
* gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths (gtk_widget_get_settings (widget),
* path, class_path,
* G_OBJECT_TYPE (widget));
* ]|
* Return value: (transfer none): A style created by matching with the
* supplied paths, or %NULL if nothing matching was specified and the
* default style should be used. The returned value is owned by GTK+
* as part of an internal cache, so you must call g_object_ref() on
* the returned value if you want to keep a reference to it.
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
GtkStyle *
gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths (GtkSettings *settings,
const char *widget_path,
const char *class_path,
GType type)
GtkWidgetPath *path;
GtkStyle *style;
path = gtk_widget_path_new ();
/* For compatibility, we return a GtkStyle based on a GtkStyleContext
* with a GtkWidgetPath appropriate for the supplied information.
* GtkWidgetPath is composed of a list of GTypes with optional names;
* In GTK+-2.0, widget_path consisted of the widget names, or
* the class names for unnamed widgets, while class_path had the
* class names always. So, use class_path to determine the GTypes
* and extract widget names from widget_path as applicable.
if (class_path == NULL)
gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, type == G_TYPE_NONE ? GTK_TYPE_WIDGET : type);
const gchar *widget_p, *widget_next;
const gchar *class_p, *class_next;
widget_next = widget_path;
class_next = class_path;
while (*class_next)
GType component_type;
gchar *component_class;
gchar *component_name;
gint pos;
class_p = class_next;
if (*class_p == '.')
widget_p = widget_next; /* Might be NULL */
if (widget_p && *widget_p == '.')
class_next = strchr (class_p, '.');
if (class_next == NULL)
class_next = class_p + strlen (class_p);
if (widget_p)
widget_next = strchr (widget_p, '.');
if (widget_next == NULL)
widget_next = widget_p + strlen (widget_p);
component_class = g_strndup (class_p, class_next - class_p);
if (widget_p && *widget_p)
component_name = g_strndup (widget_p, widget_next - widget_p);
component_name = NULL;
component_type = g_type_from_name (component_class);
if (component_type == G_TYPE_INVALID)
component_type = GTK_TYPE_WIDGET;
pos = gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, component_type);
if (component_name != NULL && strcmp (component_name, component_name) != 0)
gtk_widget_path_iter_set_name (path, pos, component_name);
g_free (component_class);
g_free (component_name);
style = _gtk_style_new_for_path (_gtk_settings_get_screen (settings),
gtk_widget_path_free (path);
return style;
* gtk_rc_scanner_new: (skip)
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead
gtk_rc_scanner_new (void)
return g_scanner_new (>k_rc_scanner_config);
* Parsing functions *
static gboolean
lookup_color (GtkRcStyle *style,
const char *color_name,
GdkColor *color)
GtkRcStylePrivate *priv = GTK_RC_STYLE_GET_PRIVATE (style);
GSList *iter;
for (iter = priv->color_hashes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
GHashTable *hash = iter->data;
GdkColor *match = g_hash_table_lookup (hash, color_name);
if (match)
color->red = match->red;
color->green = match->green;
color->blue = match->blue;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* gtk_rc_find_pixmap_in_path:
* @settings: a #GtkSettings
* @scanner: Scanner used to get line number information for the
* warning message, or %NULL
* @pixmap_file: name of the pixmap file to locate.
* Looks up a file in pixmap path for the specified #GtkSettings.
* If the file is not found, it outputs a warning message using
* g_warning() and returns %NULL.
* Return value: (type filename): the filename.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_find_pixmap_in_path (GtkSettings *settings,
GScanner *scanner,
const gchar *pixmap_file)
g_warning ("Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: \"%s\"",
return NULL;
* gtk_rc_find_module_in_path:
* @module_file: name of a theme engine
* Searches for a theme engine in the GTK+ search path. This function
* is not useful for applications and should not be used.
* Return value: (type filename): The filename, if found (must be
* freed with g_free()), otherwise %NULL.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead.
gtk_rc_find_module_in_path (const gchar *module_file)
return _gtk_find_module (module_file, "engines");
* gtk_rc_parse_state:
* @scanner: a #GScanner (must be initialized for parsing an RC file)
* @state: (out): A pointer to a #GtkStateType variable in which to
* store the result.
* Parses a #GtkStateType variable from the format expected
* in a RC file.
* Returns: %G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
* that was expected but not found.
* Deprecated: 3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead
gtk_rc_parse_state (GScanner *scanner,
GtkStateType *state)
guint old_scope;
guint token;
g_return_val_if_fail (scanner != NULL, G_TOKEN_ERROR);
g_return_val_if_fail (state != NULL, G_TOKEN_ERROR);
/* we don't know where we got called from, so we reset the scope here.
* if we bail out due to errors, we *don't* reset the scope, so the
* error messaging code can make sense of our tokens.
old_scope = g_scanner_set_scope (scanner, 0);
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
switch (token)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE)
g_scanner_set_scope (scanner, old_scope);
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
* gtk_rc_parse_priority:
* @scanner: a #GScanner (must be initialized for parsing an RC file)
* @priority: A pointer to #GtkPathPriorityType variable in which
* to store the result.
* Parses a #GtkPathPriorityType variable from the format expected
* in a RC file.
* Returns: %G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
* that was expected but not found.
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead
gtk_rc_parse_priority (GScanner *scanner,
GtkPathPriorityType *priority)
guint old_scope;
guint token;
g_return_val_if_fail (scanner != NULL, G_TOKEN_ERROR);
g_return_val_if_fail (priority != NULL, G_TOKEN_ERROR);
/* we don't know where we got called from, so we reset the scope here.
* if we bail out due to errors, we *don't* reset the scope, so the
* error messaging code can make sense of our tokens.
old_scope = g_scanner_set_scope (scanner, 0);
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != ':')
return ':';
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
switch (token)
*priority = GTK_PATH_PRIO_GTK;
*priority = GTK_PATH_PRIO_THEME;
*priority = GTK_PATH_PRIO_RC;
g_scanner_set_scope (scanner, old_scope);
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
* gtk_rc_parse_color:
* @scanner: a #GScanner
* @color: (out): a pointer to a #GdkColor in which to store
* the result
* Parses a color in the format expected
* in a RC file.
* Note that theme engines should use gtk_rc_parse_color_full() in
* order to support symbolic colors.
* Returns: %G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
* that was expected but not found
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead
gtk_rc_parse_color (GScanner *scanner,
GdkColor *color)
return gtk_rc_parse_color_full (scanner, NULL, color);
* gtk_rc_parse_color_full:
* @scanner: a #GScanner
* @style: (allow-none): a #GtkRcStyle, or %NULL
* @color: (out): a pointer to a #GdkColor in which to store
* the result
* Parses a color in the format expected
* in a RC file. If @style is not %NULL, it will be consulted to resolve
* references to symbolic colors.
* Returns: %G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
* that was expected but not found
* Since: 2.12
* Deprecated:3.0: Use #GtkCssProvider instead
gtk_rc_parse_color_full (GScanner *scanner,
GtkRcStyle *style,
GdkColor *color)
guint token;
g_return_val_if_fail (scanner != NULL, G_TOKEN_ERROR);
/* we don't need to set our own scope here, because
* we don't need own symbols
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
switch (token)
gint token_int;
GdkColor c1, c2;
gboolean negate;
gdouble l;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token == G_TOKEN_INT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_int;
else if (token == G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_float * 65535.0;
color->red = CLAMP (token_int, 0, 65535);
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_COMMA)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token == G_TOKEN_INT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_int;
else if (token == G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_float * 65535.0;
color->green = CLAMP (token_int, 0, 65535);
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_COMMA)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token == G_TOKEN_INT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_int;
else if (token == G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
token_int = scanner->value.v_float * 65535.0;
color->blue = CLAMP (token_int, 0, 65535);
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_CURLY)
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
if (!gdk_color_parse (scanner->value.v_string, color))
g_scanner_warn (scanner, "Invalid color constant '%s'",
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
case '@':
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
if (!style || !lookup_color (style, scanner->value.v_identifier, color))
g_scanner_warn (scanner, "Invalid symbolic color '%s'",
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
if (strcmp (scanner->value.v_identifier, "mix") == 0)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)
negate = FALSE;
if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) == '-')
g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner); /* eat sign */
negate = TRUE;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
l = negate ? -scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_COMMA)
token = gtk_rc_parse_color_full (scanner, style, &c1);
if (token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
return token;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_COMMA)
token = gtk_rc_parse_color_full (scanner, style, &c2);
if (token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
return token;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)
color->red = l * c1.red + (1.0 - l) * c2.red;
color->green = l * c1.green + (1.0 - l) * c2.green;
color->blue = l * c1.blue + (1.0 - l) * c2.blue;
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
else if (strcmp (scanner->value.v_identifier, "shade") == 0)
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)
negate = FALSE;
if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) == '-')
g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner); /* eat sign */
negate = TRUE;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
l = negate ? -scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_COMMA)
token = gtk_rc_parse_color_full (scanner, style, &c1);
if (token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
return token;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)
_gtk_style_shade (&c1, color, l);
return G_TOKEN_NONE;
else if (strcmp (scanner->value.v_identifier, "lighter") == 0 ||
strcmp (scanner->value.v_identifier, "darker") == 0)
if (scanner->value.v_identifier[0] == 'l')
l = 1.3;
l = 0.7;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)
token = gtk_rc_parse_color_full (scanner, style, &c1);
if (token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
return token;
token = g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
if (token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)
_gtk_style_shade (&c1, color, l);
return G_TOKEN_NONE;