#ifndef __OP_BUFFER_H__ #define __OP_BUFFER_H__ #include #include #include #include "gskgldriverprivate.h" typedef struct _Program Program; typedef enum { OP_NONE = 0, OP_CHANGE_OPACITY = 1, OP_CHANGE_COLOR = 2, OP_CHANGE_PROJECTION = 3, OP_CHANGE_MODELVIEW = 4, OP_CHANGE_PROGRAM = 5, OP_CHANGE_RENDER_TARGET = 6, OP_CHANGE_CLIP = 7, OP_CHANGE_VIEWPORT = 8, OP_CHANGE_SOURCE_TEXTURE = 9, OP_CHANGE_REPEAT = 10, OP_CHANGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT = 11, OP_CHANGE_COLOR_MATRIX = 12, OP_CHANGE_BLUR = 13, OP_CHANGE_INSET_SHADOW = 14, OP_CHANGE_OUTSET_SHADOW = 15, OP_CHANGE_BORDER = 16, OP_CHANGE_BORDER_COLOR = 17, OP_CHANGE_BORDER_WIDTH = 18, OP_CHANGE_CROSS_FADE = 19, OP_CHANGE_UNBLURRED_OUTSET_SHADOW = 20, OP_CLEAR = 21, OP_DRAW = 22, OP_DUMP_FRAMEBUFFER = 23, OP_PUSH_DEBUG_GROUP = 24, OP_POP_DEBUG_GROUP = 25, OP_CHANGE_BLEND = 26, OP_LAST } OpKind; typedef struct { int value; guint send: 1; } IntUniformValue; typedef struct { float value; guint send: 1; } FloatUniformValue; typedef struct { float value[2]; guint send: 1; } Float2UniformValue; typedef struct { GskRoundedRect value; guint send: 1; guint send_corners: 1; } RRUniformValue; typedef struct { const GdkRGBA *value; guint send: 1; } RGBAUniformValue; typedef struct { const graphene_vec4_t *value; guint send: 1; } Vec4UniformValue; typedef struct { const GskColorStop *value; guint send: 1; } ColorStopUniformValue; /* OpNode are allocated within OpBuffer.pos, but we keep * a secondary index into the locations of that buffer * from OpBuffer.index. This allows peeking at the kind * and quickly replacing existing entries when necessary. */ typedef struct { RRUniformValue outline; FloatUniformValue spread; Float2UniformValue offset; RGBAUniformValue color; } OpShadow; typedef struct { RRUniformValue outline; } OpOutsetShadow; typedef struct { guint pos; OpKind kind; } OpBufferEntry; typedef struct { guint8 *buf; gsize buflen; gsize bufpos; GArray *index; } OpBuffer; typedef struct { float opacity; } OpOpacity; typedef struct { graphene_matrix_t matrix; } OpMatrix; typedef struct { const Program *program; } OpProgram; typedef struct { const GdkRGBA *rgba; } OpColor; typedef struct { int render_target_id; } OpRenderTarget; typedef struct { GskRoundedRect clip; guint send_corners: 1; } OpClip; typedef struct { graphene_rect_t viewport; } OpViewport; typedef struct { int texture_id; } OpTexture; typedef struct { gsize vao_offset; gsize vao_size; } OpDraw; typedef struct { ColorStopUniformValue color_stops; IntUniformValue n_color_stops; float start_point[2]; float end_point[2]; } OpLinearGradient; typedef struct { const graphene_matrix_t *matrix; Vec4UniformValue offset; } OpColorMatrix; typedef struct { float radius; graphene_size_t size; float dir[2]; } OpBlur; typedef struct { float widths[4]; const GdkRGBA *color; GskRoundedRect outline; } OpBorder; typedef struct { float progress; int source2; } OpCrossFade; typedef struct { char *filename; int width; int height; } OpDumpFrameBuffer; typedef struct { char text[64]; } OpDebugGroup; typedef struct { int source2; int mode; } OpBlend; typedef struct { float child_bounds[4]; float texture_rect[4]; } OpRepeat; void op_buffer_init (OpBuffer *buffer); void op_buffer_destroy (OpBuffer *buffer); void op_buffer_clear (OpBuffer *buffer); gpointer op_buffer_add (OpBuffer *buffer, OpKind kind); typedef struct { GArray *index; OpBuffer *buffer; guint pos; } OpBufferIter; static inline void op_buffer_iter_init (OpBufferIter *iter, OpBuffer *buffer) { iter->index = buffer->index; iter->buffer = buffer; iter->pos = 1; /* Skip first OP_NONE */ } static inline gpointer op_buffer_iter_next (OpBufferIter *iter, OpKind *kind) { const OpBufferEntry *entry; if (iter->pos == iter->index->len) return NULL; entry = &g_array_index (iter->index, OpBufferEntry, iter->pos); iter->pos++; *kind = entry->kind; return &iter->buffer->buf[entry->pos]; } static inline void op_buffer_pop_tail (OpBuffer *buffer) { /* Never truncate the first OP_NONE */ if G_LIKELY (buffer->index->len > 0) buffer->index->len--; } static inline gpointer op_buffer_peek_tail (OpBuffer *buffer, OpKind *kind) { const OpBufferEntry *entry; entry = &g_array_index (buffer->index, OpBufferEntry, buffer->index->len - 1); *kind = entry->kind; return &buffer->buf[entry->pos]; } static inline gpointer op_buffer_peek_tail_checked (OpBuffer *buffer, OpKind kind) { const OpBufferEntry *entry; entry = &g_array_index (buffer->index, OpBufferEntry, buffer->index->len - 1); if (entry->kind == kind) return &buffer->buf[entry->pos]; return NULL; } static inline guint op_buffer_n_ops (OpBuffer *buffer) { return buffer->index->len - 1; } #endif /* __OP_BUFFER_H__ */