Debugging An action signal. Causes the characters in the current selection to be copied to the clipboard and then deleted from the widget. @editable: the object which received the signal. @simple: @path: @iter: @type: @nargs: @args: @Returns: A macro to check whether a child widget of the CList has the focus. @clist: The #GtkCList widget to check. What are Signal Marshallers? Marshals are functions which all have the same prototype: they take a #GtkObject, a #GtkSignalFunc, a #gpointer, and an array of argument values. The functions are names gtk_marshall_RETURNTYPE__PARAMTYPE1_PARAMTYPE2.... They then call a native function: the GtkObject is the first parameter passed in. The arguments are passed in the native calling convention: chars, shorts, ints, longs may be packed on the stack, or tucked in registers: it doesn't matter because the same calling convention will be generated inside the gtkmarshal code as is expected where you define your handlers. So the function named: gtk_marshal_BOOL__POINTER_INT_INT_UINT(GtkObject*, GtkSignalFunc, gpointer, GtkArg*); will call the #GtkSignalFunc assuming it was a function with signature: gboolean sigfunc(gpointer,gint,gint,guint); Writing Custom Marshals Marshals are primarily used as arguments to gtk_signal_new(). Sometimes, you may find that a marshaller you need isn't available in the standard list. Then you have to write your own. If you wish to define a signal with a new type of argument list. Suppose you want 2 pointers and 2 integers. You would write: typedef int (*GtkSignal_INT__POINTER_POINTER_INT_INT)( gpointer, gpointer, gint, gint ); void marshal_INT__POINTER_POINTER_INT_INT(GtkObject* object, GtkSignalFunc func, gpointer func_data, GtkArg* args) { GtkSignal_NONE__POINTER_POINTER_INT_INT rfunc; gint* return_val; return_val = GTK_RETLOC_INT(args[4]); rfunc = (GtkSignal_INT__POINTER_POINTER_INT_INT)func; *return_val = (*rfunc)(object, GTK_VALUE_POINTER(args[0]), GTK_VALUE_POINTER(args[1]), GTK_VALUE_INT(args[2]), GTK_VALUE_INT(args[3]), func_data); } Add an array of signals to a #GtkObjectClass. Usually this is called when registering a new type of object. @klass: the object class to append signals to. @signals: the signals to append. @nsignals: the number of signals being appended. @wid: @flag: @obj: @Returns: @engine: @Returns: @selection: @type: @n_columns: @Varargs: @Returns: @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @v: @visual: @window: @focus: @widget: @arg: A boolean indicating whether the widget is editable by the user. Sets one of the two font filters, to limit the fonts shown. @fontsel: a #GtkFontSelection. @filter_type: which of the two font filters to set, either #GTK_FONT_FILTER_BASE or #GTK_FONT_FILTER_USER. The user filter can be changed by the user, but the base filter is permanent. @font_type: the types of font to be shown. This is a bitwise combination of #GTK_FONT_BITMAP, #GTK_FONT_SCALABLE and #GTK_FONT_SCALABLE_BITMAP, or #GTK_FONT_ALL to show all three font types. @foundries: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing foundry names which will be shown, or NULL to show all foundries. @weights: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing weight names which will be shown, or NULL to show all weights. @slants: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing slant names which will be shown, or NULL to show all slants. @setwidths: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing setwidth names which will be shown, or NULL to show all setwidths. @spacings: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing spacings which will be shown, or NULL to show all spacings. @charsets: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing charset names which will be shown, or NULL to show all charsets. @container: Signal Marshallers A structure used to return values from @gtk_type_query. @type: @type_name: @object_size: @class_size: @v: @buffer: @Returns: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: A #GtkJustification for the text. This is only used when the tag is applied to the first character in a paragraph. This is currently a hack left in for a scheme wrapper library. It may be removed. Don't use it. @object: The object which emits the signal. @data: The user data associated with the hook. @nparams: The number of parameters to the function. @args: The actual values of the arguments. @arg_types: The types of the arguments. @return_type: The type of the return value from the function or #GTK_TYPE_NONE for no return value. Add an emission hook for a type of signal, for any object. (with control of what happens when the hook is destroyed). @signal_id: the type of signal add the hook for. @hook_func: the function to invoke to handle the hook. @data: the user data passed in to hook_func. @destroy: a function to invoke when the hook is destroyed, to clean up any allocation done just for this signal handler. @Returns: the id (that you may pass as a parameter to gtk_signal_remove_emission_hook()). @buffer: @override_location: @time: @interactive: @default_editable: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @simple: @path: @iter: @tree_column: @size: @width: @textview: the object which received the signal. @text_view: @iter: @x: @y: Gets an array of argument values from an object. @object: the object to get arguments from. @n_args: the number of arguments to query. @args: the arguments to fill in. @buffer: @iter: @Returns: Get the type of GtkIdentifier. @Returns: GtkType -- the enumerated type of something. @name: @Returns: @parent: @stamp: @simple: @path: @iter: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @engine: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SELECTED: @GTK_CELL_RENDERER_PRELIT: @GTK_CELL_RENDERER_INSENSITIVE: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @mark: @Returns: Determines if the user can edit the text in the editable widget or not. This is meant to be overriden by child classes and should not generally useful to applications. @editable: the object which received the signal. @is_editable: %TRUE if the user is allowed to edit the text in the widget. @simple: @path: @iter: This signal is emitted when text is deleted from the widget by the user. The default handler for this signal will normally be responsible for inserting the text, so by connecting to this signal and then stopping the signal with gtk_signal_emit_stop(), it is possible to modify the inserted text, or prevent it from being inserted entirely. The @start_pos and @end_pos parameters are interpreted as for gtk_editable_delete_text() @editable: the object which received the signal. @start_pos: the starting position. @end_pos: the end position. @ruler: the gtkruler An action signal. Delete a single line. @editable: the object which received the signal. @direction: the direction in which to delete. Positive indicates forward deletion, negative, backwards deletion. @argc: @argv: Register a new set of enum @values and give them the name in @type_name. @type_name: must not be null. @values: GtkEnumValue* @Returns: Menu Factory @w: @v: @widget: @visual: @widget: @nargs: @args: Convert a gtk type into its sequence number @type: @GTK_MENU_FACTORY_MENU: @GTK_MENU_FACTORY_MENU_BAR: @GTK_MENU_FACTORY_OPTION_MENU: @obj: @iter: @Returns: @textview: the object which received the signal. @engine: Deprecated. @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @tree_store: @iter: @var_args: @buffer: @time: @interactive: @default_editable: Indicates that the user has activated the widget in some fashion. Generally, this will be done with a keystroke. (The default binding for this action is Return for #GtkEntry and Control-Return for #GtkText.) @editable: the object which received the signal. @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_CHAR: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_POSITIONS: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_WORD: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_WRAPPED_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_LINE_ENDS: @GTK_TEXT_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Pixel width of the left margin of the text for lines after the first line in a wrapped paragraph. @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @area: @widget: @detail: @x: @y: @width: @height: @obj: An action signal. Causes the characters in the current selection to be copied to the clipboard. @editable: the object which received the signal. Initializes a previously allocated #GtkCList widget for use. This should not normally be used to create a #GtkCList widget. Use gtk_clist_new() instead. @clist: A pointer to an uninitialized #GtkCList widget. @columns: The number of columns the #GtkCList should have. @titles: An array of strings that should be used as the titles i of the columns. There should be enough strings in the array for the number of columns specified. @factory: @entries: @nentries: @tree_view: @path: @column: @row_align: @col_align: @buffer: @iter: @str: @start: @end: @Returns: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Internal function used by #GtkHPaned and #GtkVPaned @paned: @allocation: @child1_req: @child2_req: Private: print debugging information while doing a gtk_object_ref() or a gtk_object_unref(). @object: object to reference or unreference. @func: name of caller's function to print (used within macros). @dummy: unused. @line: line number (used within macros). @do_ref: whether to reference or unreference. Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_CALLBACK @a: Private: Gets an array of #GtkArgs from a va_list C structure. @object_type: the type of object to collect arguments for. @arg_list_p: pointer to be filled in with a list of parsed arguments. @info_list_p: optional pointer for a returned list #GtkArgInfos. @first_arg_name: name of first argument. @var_args: value of first argument, followed by more key/value pairs, terminated by NULL. @Returns: an error message, or NULL on success. It is the caller's responsibility to call g_free() in the event of error. A set of bit flags used to specify the type of fonts shown when calling gtk_font_selection_dialog_set_filter() or gtk_font_selection_set_filter(). @GTK_FONT_BITMAP: bitmap fonts. @GTK_FONT_SCALABLE: scalable fonts. @GTK_FONT_SCALABLE_BITMAP: scaled bitmap fonts. @GTK_FONT_ALL: a bitwise combination of all of the above. The last structured enumerated type value. Get the number of signals defined by this object. @obj: the object to query. Private function to get an argument and argument info from an object. @object: the object whose argument should be retrieved. @arg: the argument, for the name on input, the rest is filled on output. @info: a #GtkArgInfo structure to optionally fill in. @factory: @subfactory: @path: Return the pointer to the type's children's types. @type: GtkType @Returns: pointer to a GList An action signal. Move the cursor by pages. @editable: the object which received the signal. @x: Number of pages to move the cursor horizontally. @y: Number of pages to move the cursor vertically. Register a new set of flags @values and give them the name in @type_name. @type_name: must not be null. @values: GtkFlagValue* @Returns: @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @PRIVATE_GTK_USER_STYLE: @PRIVATE_GTK_RESIZE_PENDING: @PRIVATE_GTK_RESIZE_NEEDED: @PRIVATE_GTK_LEAVE_PENDING: @PRIVATE_GTK_HAS_SHAPE_MASK: @PRIVATE_GTK_IN_REPARENT: @PRIVATE_GTK_DIRECTION_SET: @PRIVATE_GTK_DIRECTION_LTR: Set the mem_chunk size so it will hold @n_chunks of the objects of that @type. @type: There must be an unlocked TypeNode associated with this type otherwise nothing happens. @n_chunks: @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @x: @y: @width: @height: The first structured enumerated type value. This structure contains all the information about a particular signal: its name, the type it affects, the signature of the handlers, and its unique identifying integer. @object_type: @signal_id: @signal_name: @is_user_signal: @signal_flags: @return_val: @nparams: @params: Given a @type, describe all of its children, and their children. Only show the size if @show_size is true. @type: GtkType @show_size: gboolean @mark: @Returns: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: An action signal. Delete a single character. @editable: the object which received the signal. @direction: the direction in which to delete. Positive indicates forward deletion, negative, backwards deletion. @window: @xid: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @iter: @pixmap: @mask: @Returns: An action signal. Delete a single word. @editable: the object which received the signal. @direction: the direction in which to delete. Positive indicates forward deletion, negative, backwards deletion. @context_simple: @data: @max_seq_len: @n_seqs: Test whether a GtkObject's arguments have been prepared. @obj: the object to examine. Sets one of the two font filters, to limit the fonts shown. @fsd: a #GtkFontSelectionDialog. @filter_type: which of the two font filters to set, either #GTK_FONT_FILTER_BASE or #GTK_FONT_FILTER_USER. The user filter can be changed by the user, but the base filter is permanent. @font_type: the types of font to be shown. This is a bitwise combination of #GTK_FONT_BITMAP, #GTK_FONT_SCALABLE and #GTK_FONT_SCALABLE_BITMAP, or #GTK_FONT_ALL to show all three font types. @foundries: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing foundry names which will be shown, or NULL to show all foundries. @weights: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing weight names which will be shown, or NULL to show all weights. @slants: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing slant names which will be shown, or NULL to show all slants. @setwidths: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing setwidth names which will be shown, or NULL to show all setwidths. @spacings: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing spacings which will be shown, or NULL to show all spacings. @charsets: a NULL-terminated array of strings containing charset names which will be shown, or NULL to show all charsets. @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @Returns: No idea. Combine a fundemantal type and a sequence number to create a gtk type. @parent_t: @seqno: Functions to adapt C structures to native calling convention. The last "flat" (no struct) enumerated type value. @selection: @tree_view: @mark: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Destroy all the signal handlers connected to an object. This is done automatically when the object is destroyed. This function is labeled private. @object: the object whose signal handlers should be destroyed. @iter: @start: @end: @Returns: Get the varargs type associated with @foreign_type @foreign_type: GtkType @Returns: GtkType Indicates that the user has changed the contents of the widget. @editable: the object which received the signal. @tree_column: @Returns: @path: @type: @accel_group: @widget: @subfactories: @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_C_FOREIGN @a: Define a signal-handler for a new signal on an already defined object. See the signal documentation for more general information. @klass: the object class to define the signal for. @name: the name of the signal. @signal_flags: the default emission behavior for the signal. See gtk_signal_new(). @marshaller: a function that will take an array of GtkArgs and invoke the appropriate handler with the normal calling conventions. @return_val: specify the return-value type for the signal (or GTK_TYPE_NONE for no return-value). @nparams: specify the number of parameters the signal receives from the caller of gtk_signal_emit(). @Varargs: list of nparams #GtkTypes to pass to the signal handlers. @Returns: the signal id. (See #GtkSignals) @textview: the object which received the signal. @wid: @flag: @ruler: the gtkruler Construct an object with an array of arguments. @object_type: the type of the object to create. @n_args: the number of arguments to set. @args: an array of n_args arguments (which are name and value pairs). @Returns: the new GtkObject. @obj: @iter: @Returns: @GTK_DEBUG_OBJECTS: @GTK_DEBUG_MISC: @GTK_DEBUG_SIGNALS: @GTK_DEBUG_DND: @GTK_DEBUG_PLUGSOCKET: @factory: @paths: @npaths: Given a type, return various interesting parameters of the type. @type: GtkType @Returns: GtkTypeQuery* @GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_RESIZEABLE: @GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE: @GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED: Hide the name of gtk_identifier_get_type @object: @func: @func_data: @args: This function is not usually used by users. @ctree: @columns: @tree_column: @titles: @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @x: @y: @width: @height: Returns whether a connection id is valid (and optionally not blocked). @object: the object to search for the desired handler. @handler_id: the connection id. @may_be_blocked: whether it is acceptable to return a blocked handler. @Returns: TRUE if the signal exists and wasn't blocked, unless #may_be_blocked was specified. FALSE otherwise. @Returns: @wid: @Returns: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Given the type of an object and a pointer to it, the object is freed. @type: GtkType @mem: gpointer to the object @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @path: @widget: Holds the data for a statusbar message. text holds the actual text string. context_id is the context that this message is associated with, and message_id is this particular message's identifier. However, these fields should not be modified directly. @text: @context_id: @message_id: @widget: @stock_id: @size: @detail: @Returns: Private Information The position of the cursor. @engine: @parent_type: @type_name: @type_info: @Returns: @factory: @path: @Returns: @path: @accelerator: @callback: @callback_data: @widget: An action signal. Causes the contents of the clipboard to be pasted into the editable widget at the current cursor position. @editable: the object which received the signal. @window: @xid: @tree_column: @active: Define a signal-handler for a new signal on an already defined object. @klass: the object class to define the signal for. @name: the name of the signal. @signal_flags: the default emission behavior for the signal. See gtk_signal_new(). @marshaller: takes a GtkObject, a #GtkSignalFunc, and an array of arguments, and invokes the function using the appropriate calling conventions. Usually just select a function out of gtkmarshal.h. @return_val: specify the return-value type for the signal (possibly #GTK_TYPE_NONE). @nparams: specify the number of parameters the signal receives from the caller of gtk_signal_emit(). @params: array of #GtkTypes the signal handlers for this signal should have in their prototype (of length nparams). @Returns: the signal id. (See #GtkSignals) @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @tree_column: @active: Controls whether opacity can be set with the #GtkColorSelection. If this functionality is enabled, the necessary additional widgets are added to the #GtkColorSelection and the opacity value can be retrieved via the fourth value in the color array returned by the gtk_color_selection_get_color() function. @colorsel: a #GtkColorSelection. @use_opacity: a boolean indicating whether the opacity selection is enabled. @object: @func: @func_data: @args: #GtkSignal The signal handling functions (of which marshallers are really an implementation detail). An action signal. Move the cursor by words. @editable: the object which received the signal. @num_words: The number of words to move the cursor. (Can be negative). @model: @flags: @tree: @tab_offset: @button_pressed_node: @button_pressed_tree: @children: @width: @height: @hadjustment: @vadjustment: @bin_window: @header_window: @anchor: @cursor: @cursor_drag: @xor_gc: @drag_pos: @x_drag: @prelight_node: @prelight_tree: @prelight_offset: @selection: @columns: @column: @header_height: @obj: @type: @action: Private function to set an argument and argument info to an object. @object: the object whose argument should be set. @arg: the argument. @info: infomation about this type of argument in general. @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_CHAR: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_HALF_WORD: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_WHOLE_WORD: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_HALF_WRAPPED_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_WHOLE_WRAPPED_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_HALF_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_WHOLE_LINE: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_WHITESPACE: @GTK_TEXT_DELETE_WHITESPACE_LEAVE_ONE: @object: @tables: @compose_buffer: @tentative_match: @tentative_match_len: The first "flat" (no struct) enumerated type value. @widget: @nargs: @args: @tree_model_sort: @tree_column: @Returns: @type: @Returns: Mark an allocated object as constructed. This is used for situations that require precise control of the construction process. This is done when gtk_object_default_construct() is inadequate. In #GtkCList the need arises because #GtkCList does construction work that must happen after its derivers. This work cannot be done in an initializer function, so an alternate constructor is mandatory. It calls gtk_object_constructed() to indicate it has done its job, so that no other constructor will be invoked. Normally this function is just automatically run from gtk_object_default_construct(). @object: object which has been constructed. This is usually done automatically by gtk_object_new() and gtk_object_newv(). This function is called to construct arguments that haven't been initialized but have the #GTK_ARG_CONSTRUCT flag set. All number arguments are set to 0. All pointers and strings are set to NULL. Normally invoked by gtk_object_new() automatically; gtk_type_new() can be used to bypass it. @object: the object to initialize. Internal to #GtkLabel. @buffer: Query information about an argument type. @object_type: type of object to query about. @arg_name: name of the argument. @info_p: pointer to be filled in with a pointer to the GtkArgInfo. @Returns: an error message, or NULL on success. It is the caller's responsibility to call g_free() in the event of error. @GTK_TREE_SELECTION_SINGLE: @GTK_TREE_SELECTION_MULTI: Setting this with a GtkType of GTK_TYPE_SIGNAL connects the signal to the object, so that the signal is always run after other user handlers and the default handler. A macro that returns a GList that contains the selection of the root tree of @obj. @obj: A pointer to the #GtkTree. @obj will accept any pointer, but it the pointer does not point to a #GtkTree, the results are undefined. Causes the "changed" signal to be emitted. @editable: a #GtkEditable widget. Set an array of arguments. @object: the object whose arguments should be set. @n_args: the number of arguments to set. @args: the desired values, as an array of #GtkArgs (which contain the names, types, and values of the arguments). @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @arg3: @obj: @buffer: @time: @mark: @Returns: Pixels to offset the text horizontally or vertically, useful to produce superscript and subscript. This signal is emitted when text is inserted into the widget by the user. The default handler for this signal will normally be responsible for inserting the text, so by connecting to this signal and then stopping the signal with gtk_signal_emit_stop(), it is possible to modify the inserted text, or prevent it from being inserted entirely. @editable: the object which received the signal. @new_text: the new text to insert. @new_text_length: the length of the new text. @position: the position at which to insert the new text. this is an in-out paramter. After the signal emission is finished, it should point after the newly inserted text. Claim or disclaim ownership of the PRIMARY X selection. @editable: a #GtkEditable widget. @claim: if %TRUE, claim the selection, otherwise, disclaim it. @time: the timestamp for claiming the selection. @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Get the array of signals defined for this object. @obj: the object to fetch the signals from. Get all the arguments that may be used for a given type. In Java, this type of mechanism is called introspection. It is used by applications like Glade, that have to determine what can be done to an object at run-time. @class_type: the GtkType of the ObjectClass (returned from GTK_OBJECT_CLASS(class)->type for example). @arg_flags: if non-NULL, obtains the #GtkArgFlags that apply to each argument. You must g_free() this if you request it. @n_args: the number of arguments is returned in this field. @Returns: an array of arguments, that you must deallocate with g_free(). An action signal. Move the cursor to the given column. @editable: the object which received the signal. @column: the column to move to. (A negative value indicates the last column) gtkenums.sgml @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @widget: @user_data: Given a pointer to a GtkTypeObject @type_object, and a GtkType @cast_type, make sure that it's okay to cast @type_object into a @cast_type. @type_object: GtkTypeObject* @cast_type: GtkType @Returns: the same GtkTypeObject* as @type_object @tree_model_sort: @sort_col: @error_code: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Set the varargs type for a fundamental type @foreign_type. @foreign_type: Must be a GtkType with a sequence number of zero. Must not be a fundamental type. @varargs_type: Must be a GtkType which is either structured or flag, or NONE. Given a GtkTypeClass pointer @klass, and a GtkType @cast_type, make sure that it's okay to cast something of that @klass into a @cast_type. @klass: GtkTypeClass* @cast_type: GtkType @Returns: Always return @klass. Setting this with a GtkType of GTK_TYPE_SIGNAL connects the signal to the object, so that the user data and objects and swapped when the signal handler is invoked, and so that the handler is invoked after all others. See gtk_signal_connect_object_after() for more details. @factory: @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @area: @widget: @detail: @arrow_type: @x: @y: @width: @height: Find out the recursion depth of emissions for a particular type of signal and object. (So it will always return 0 or 1 if #GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE is specified) This is a way to avoid recursion: you can see if you are currently running in that signal handler and emit it only if you are. Another way to look at it is that this number increases by one when #gtk_signal_emit(), et al, are called, and decreases by one when #gtk_signal_emit() returns. @object: the object with the signal handler. @signal_id: the signal id. @Returns: the recursion depth of emissions of this signal for this object. @buffer: @iter: @pixmap: @mask: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_ARGS @a: @factory: @entries: @nentries: An action signal. Move the cursor to the given row. @editable: the object which received the signal. @row: the row to move to. (A negative value indicates the last row) These set default functions to call when the user didn't supply a function when connecting. (These are rarely used, and probably only for language bindings) By default, there are no such functions. @marshal_func: the function to invoke on every handlers for which there isn't a function pointer. May be NULL. @destroy_func: the function to invoke when each hook is destroyed. May be NULL. @Returns: @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @area: @widget: @detail: @x: @y: @width: @height: Setting this with a GtkType of GTK_TYPE_SIGNAL connects the signal to the object. Print the types @type inherits from. @type: GtkType @buffer: @text: A set of bit flags used to specify the filter being set when calling gtk_font_selection_dialog_set_filter() or gtk_font_selection_set_filter(). @GTK_FONT_FILTER_BASE: the base filter, which can't be changed by the user. @GTK_FONT_FILTER_USER: the user filter, which can be changed from within the 'Filter' page of the #GtkFontSelection widget. An action signal. Move the cursor position. @editable: the object which received the signal. @x: horizontal distance to move the cursor. @y: vertical distance to move the cursor. Return the class of the parent. Initialize the class if necessary. Return NULL if anything goes wrong. @type: GtkType @Returns: gpointer to the klass. A function which you can use to clean up when the signal handler is destroyed. For example, if your handler requires a few variables that you made into a struct and allocated (using g_new() or something), then you will probably want to free it as soon as the hook is destroyed. This will allow you to do that. (For this in particular it is convenient to pass g_free() as a #GtkSignalDestroy function). @data: The user data associated with the hook that is being destroyed. @window: @defaultw: @tree_store: @iter: @var_args: @textbuffer: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @arg3: @tree_view: @Returns: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Setting this with a GtkType of GTK_TYPE_SIGNAL connects the signal to the object, so that the user data and objects and swapped when the signal handler is invoked. This is useful for handlers that are primarily notifying other objects and could just invoke an already existing function if the parameters were swapped. See gtk_signal_connect_object() for more details. @style: @window: @state_type: @shadow_type: @arrow_type: @x: @y: @width: @height: @obj: @obj: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @tree_column: @type: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @widget: the object which received the signal. @area: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: Internal function. Obtain information about a signal. @signal_id: the signal type identifier. @Returns: a pointer to a GtkSignalQuery structure which contains all the information, or NULL. The pointer is allocated just for you: you must g_free() it. Find out the recursion depth of emissions for a particular type of signal and object. Just like gtk_signal_n_emissions() except it will lookup the signal id for you. @object: the object with the signal handler. @name: the signal name. @Returns: the recursion depth of emissions of this signal for this object. @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @v: @visual: @container: GtkIMContextSimple Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_C_CALLBACK @a: @object: @func: @func_data: @args: @textview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @arg3: @tree_view: @active: @buffer: @regexp: @start: @end: @Returns: @factory: @subfactory: @path: @GTK_TEXT_SCROLL_TO_TOP: @GTK_TEXT_SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM: @GTK_TEXT_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: @GTK_TEXT_SCROLL_PAGE_UP: @iter: @Returns: @tree_store: @iter: