# Common Utility NMake Makefile Template # Used to Generate Introspection files for various Projects # Can Override with env vars as needed # You will need to have built gobject-introspection for this to work. # Change or pass in or set the following to suit your environment BASEDIR = ..\..\vs$(VSVER)\$(PLAT) GIR_SUBDIR = share\gir-1.0 GIR_TYPELIBDIR = lib\girepository-1.0 G_IR_SCANNER = $(BASEDIR)\bin\g-ir-scanner G_IR_COMPILER = $(BASEDIR)\bin\g-ir-compiler.exe G_IR_INCLUDEDIR = $(BASEDIR)\$(GIR_SUBDIR) G_IR_TYPELIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)\$(GIR_TYPELIBDIR) # Note: The PYTHON2 must be a Python 2.6.x or 2.7.x Interpretor! # Either having python.exe from Python 2.6.x/2.7.x in your PATH will work # or passing in PYTHON2=<full path to your Python 2.6.x/2.7.x interpretor> will do # This is required, and gobject-introspection needs to be built # before this can be successfully run. PYTHON2=python # Don't change anything following this line! VALID_PKG_CONFIG_PATH = FALSE VALID_GCC_INSTPATH = FALSE MSG_INVALID_PKGCONFIG = You must set or specifiy a valid PKG_CONFIG_PATH MSG_INVALID_MINGWDIR = You must set or specifiy a valid MINGWDIR, where gcc.exe can be found in %MINGWDIR%\bin MSG_INVALID_CFG = You need to specify or set CFG to be release or debug to use this Makefile to build the Introspection Files ERROR_MSG = BUILD_INTROSPECTION = TRUE !if ![pkg-config --print-errors --errors-to-stdout $(CHECK_PACKAGE) > pkgconfig.x] \ && ![setlocal] \ && ![set file="pkgconfig.x"] \ && ![FOR %A IN (%file%) DO @echo PKG_CHECK_SIZE=%~zA > pkgconfig.chksize] \ && ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f pkgconfig.x] !endif !include pkgconfig.chksize !if "$(PKG_CHECK_SIZE)" == "0" VALID_PKG_CONFIG_PATH = TRUE !else VALID_PKG_CONFIG_PATH = FALSE !endif !if ![IF EXIST %MINGWDIR%\bin\gcc.exe @echo VALID_GCC_INSTPATH=TRUE > gcccheck.x] !endif !if ![IF NOT EXIST %MINGWDIR%\bin\gcc.exe @echo VALID_GCC_INSTPATH=FALSE > gcccheck.x] !endif !include gcccheck.x !if ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f pkgconfig.chksize gcccheck.x] !endif VALID_CFGSET = FALSE !if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" VALID_CFGSET = TRUE !endif !if "$(VALID_GCC_INSTPATH)" != "TRUE" BUILD_INTROSPECTION = FALSE ERROR_MSG = $(MSG_INVALID_MINGWDIR) !endif !if "$(VALID_PKG_CONFIG_PATH)" != "TRUE" BUILD_INTROSPECTION = FALSE ERROR_MSG = $(MSG_INVALID_PKGCONFIG) !endif !if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" != "TRUE" BUILD_INTROSPECTION = FALSE ERROR_MSG = $(MSG_INVALID_CFG) !endif