/* Messy DOS-specific code for correctly treating binary, Unix text and DOS text files. This has several aspects: * Guessing the file type (unless the user tells us); * Stripping CR characters from DOS text files (otherwise regex functions won't work correctly); * Reporting correct byte count with -b for any kind of file. */ typedef enum { UNKNOWN, DOS_BINARY, DOS_TEXT, UNIX_TEXT } File_type; struct dos_map { off_t pos; /* position in buffer passed to matcher */ off_t add; /* how much to add when reporting char position */ }; static int dos_report_unix_offset = 0; static File_type dos_file_type = UNKNOWN; static File_type dos_use_file_type = UNKNOWN; static off_t dos_stripped_crs = 0; static struct dos_map *dos_pos_map; static int dos_pos_map_size = 0; static int dos_pos_map_used = 0; static int inp_map_idx = 0, out_map_idx = 1; /* Guess DOS file type by looking at its contents. */ static inline File_type guess_type (char *buf, register size_t buflen) { int crlf_seen = 0; register char *bp = buf; while (buflen--) { /* Treat a file as binary if it has a NUL character. */ if (!*bp) return DOS_BINARY; /* CR before LF means DOS text file (unless we later see binary characters). */ else if (*bp == '\r' && buflen && bp[1] == '\n') crlf_seen = 1; bp++; } return crlf_seen ? DOS_TEXT : UNIX_TEXT; } /* Convert external DOS file representation to internal. Return the count of characters left in the buffer. Build table to map character positions when reporting byte counts. */ static inline int undossify_input (register char *buf, size_t buflen) { int chars_left = 0; if (totalcc == 0) { /* New file: forget everything we knew about character position mapping table and file type. */ inp_map_idx = 0; out_map_idx = 1; dos_pos_map_used = 0; dos_stripped_crs = 0; dos_file_type = dos_use_file_type; } /* Guess if this file is binary, unless we already know that. */ if (dos_file_type == UNKNOWN) dos_file_type = guess_type(buf, buflen); /* If this file is to be treated as DOS Text, strip the CR characters and maybe build the table for character position mapping on output. */ if (dos_file_type == DOS_TEXT) { char *destp = buf; while (buflen--) { if (*buf != '\r') { *destp++ = *buf++; chars_left++; } else { buf++; if (out_byte && !dos_report_unix_offset) { dos_stripped_crs++; while (buflen && *buf == '\r') { dos_stripped_crs++; buflen--; buf++; } if (inp_map_idx >= dos_pos_map_size - 1) { dos_pos_map_size = inp_map_idx ? inp_map_idx * 2 : 1000; dos_pos_map = (struct dos_map *)xrealloc((char *)dos_pos_map, dos_pos_map_size * sizeof(struct dos_map)); } if (!inp_map_idx) { /* Add sentinel entry. */ dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx].pos = 0; dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx++].add = 0; /* Initialize first real entry. */ dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx].add = 0; } /* Put the new entry. If the stripped CR characters precede a Newline (the usual case), pretend that they were found *after* the Newline. This makes displayed byte offsets more reasonable in some cases, and fits better the intuitive notion that the line ends *before* the CR, not *after* it. */ inp_map_idx++; dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx-1].pos = (*buf == '\n' ? destp + 1 : destp ) - bufbeg + totalcc; dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx].add = dos_stripped_crs; dos_pos_map_used = inp_map_idx; /* The following will be updated on the next pass. */ dos_pos_map[inp_map_idx].pos = destp - bufbeg + totalcc + 1; } } } return chars_left; } return buflen; } /* Convert internal byte count into external. */ static inline off_t dossified_pos (off_t byteno) { off_t pos_lo; off_t pos_hi; if (dos_file_type != DOS_TEXT || dos_report_unix_offset) return byteno; /* Optimization: usually the file will be scanned sequentially. So in most cases, this byte position will be found in the table near the previous one, as recorded in `out_map_idx'. */ pos_lo = dos_pos_map[out_map_idx-1].pos; pos_hi = dos_pos_map[out_map_idx].pos; /* If the initial guess failed, search up or down, as appropriate, beginning with the previous place. */ if (byteno >= pos_hi) { out_map_idx++; while (out_map_idx < dos_pos_map_used && byteno >= dos_pos_map[out_map_idx].pos) out_map_idx++; } else if (byteno < pos_lo) { out_map_idx--; while (out_map_idx > 1 && byteno < dos_pos_map[out_map_idx-1].pos) out_map_idx--; } return byteno + dos_pos_map[out_map_idx].add; }