]> The GIR XML format 3 The GIR XML format The GIR XML format The GIR XML format This chapter describes the GIR XML markup format. This describes exported C API, including documentation. It may contain installation-specific data, such as library filenames which may differ between platforms. <emphasis>api</emphasis> node The root node of all GIR documents is the api node. Possible children: namespace. A GIR fragment showing an api node ]]> <emphasis>namespace</emphasis> node Parent node: api. Possible children: callback, class, function. interface. A GIR fragment showing an namespace node ]]> <emphasis>class</emphasis> node Parent node: namespace. Possible children: constructor, field, method, property. A GIR fragment showing an class node ]]> <emphasis>interface</emphasis> node Parent node: namespace. Possible children: field, method, property. A GIR fragment showing an interface node ]]> <emphasis>function</emphasis> node Parent node: namespace. A GIR fragment showing an function node ]]>