// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // System calls and other sys.stuff for AMD64, FreeBSD // /usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master for syscall numbers. // #include "zasm_GOOS_GOARCH.h" #include "textflag.h" // FreeBSD 8, FreeBSD 9, and older versions that I have checked // do not restore R10 on exit from a "restarted" system call // if you use the SYSCALL instruction. This means that, for example, // if a signal arrives while the wait4 system call is executing, // the wait4 internally returns ERESTART, which makes the kernel // back up the PC to execute the SYSCALL instruction a second time. // However, since the kernel does not restore R10, the fourth // argument to the system call has been lost. (FreeBSD 9 also fails // to restore the fifth and sixth arguments, R8 and R9, although // some earlier versions did restore those correctly.) // The broken code is in fast_syscall in FreeBSD's amd64/amd64/exception.S. // It restores only DI, SI, DX, AX, and RFLAGS on system call return. // http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/amd64/amd64/exception.S?v=FREEBSD91#L399 // // The INT $0x80 system call path (int0x80_syscall in FreeBSD's // amd64/ia32/ia32_exception.S) does not have this problem, // but it expects the third argument in R10. Instead of rewriting // all the assembly in this file, #define SYSCALL to a safe simulation // using INT $0x80. // // INT $0x80 is a little slower than SYSCALL, but correctness wins. // // See golang.org/issue/6372. #define SYSCALL MOVQ R10, CX; INT $0x80 TEXT runtime·sys_umtx_op(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI MOVL mode+8(FP), SI MOVL val+12(FP), DX MOVQ ptr2+16(FP), R10 MOVQ ts+24(FP), R8 MOVL $454, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+32(FP) RET TEXT runtime·thr_new(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ param+0(FP), DI MOVL size+8(FP), SI MOVL $455, AX SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·thr_start(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ DI, R13 // m // set up FS to point at m->tls LEAQ m_tls(R13), DI CALL runtime·settls(SB) // smashes DI // set up m, g get_tls(CX) MOVQ m_g0(R13), DI MOVQ R13, g_m(DI) MOVQ DI, g(CX) CALL runtime·stackcheck(SB) CALL runtime·mstart(SB) MOVQ 0, AX // crash (not reached) // Exit the entire program (like C exit) TEXT runtime·exit(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL code+0(FP), DI // arg 1 exit status MOVL $1, AX SYSCALL MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·exit1(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL code+0(FP), DI // arg 1 exit status MOVL $431, AX SYSCALL MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·open(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVQ name+0(FP), DI // arg 1 pathname MOVL mode+8(FP), SI // arg 2 flags MOVL perm+12(FP), DX // arg 3 mode MOVL $5, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+16(FP) RET TEXT runtime·close(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVL $6, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) RET TEXT runtime·read(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVQ p+8(FP), SI // arg 2 buf MOVL n+16(FP), DX // arg 3 count MOVL $3, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET TEXT runtime·write(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVQ fd+0(FP), DI // arg 1 fd MOVQ p+8(FP), SI // arg 2 buf MOVL n+16(FP), DX // arg 3 count MOVL $4, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+24(FP) RET TEXT runtime·getrlimit(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL kind+0(FP), DI MOVQ limit+8(FP), SI MOVL $194, AX SYSCALL MOVL AX, ret+16(FP) RET TEXT runtime·raise(SB),NOSPLIT,$16 // thr_self(&8(SP)) LEAQ 8(SP), DI // arg 1 &8(SP) MOVL $432, AX SYSCALL // thr_kill(self, SIGPIPE) MOVQ 8(SP), DI // arg 1 id MOVL sig+0(FP), SI // arg 2 MOVL $433, AX SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·setitimer(SB), NOSPLIT, $-8 MOVL mode+0(FP), DI MOVQ new+8(FP), SI MOVQ old+16(FP), DX MOVL $83, AX SYSCALL RET // func now() (sec int64, nsec int32) TEXT time·now(SB), NOSPLIT, $32 MOVL $232, AX MOVQ $0, DI // CLOCK_REALTIME LEAQ 8(SP), SI SYSCALL MOVQ 8(SP), AX // sec MOVQ 16(SP), DX // nsec // sec is in AX, nsec in DX MOVQ AX, sec+0(FP) MOVL DX, nsec+8(FP) RET TEXT runtime·nanotime(SB), NOSPLIT, $32 MOVL $232, AX // We can use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_FAST here when we drop // support for FreeBSD 8-STABLE. MOVQ $4, DI // CLOCK_MONOTONIC LEAQ 8(SP), SI SYSCALL MOVQ 8(SP), AX // sec MOVQ 16(SP), DX // nsec // sec is in AX, nsec in DX // return nsec in AX IMULQ $1000000000, AX ADDQ DX, AX MOVQ AX, ret+0(FP) RET TEXT runtime·sigaction(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVL sig+0(FP), DI // arg 1 sig MOVQ new+8(FP), SI // arg 2 act MOVQ old+16(FP), DX // arg 3 oact MOVL $416, AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$64 get_tls(BX) // check that g exists MOVQ g(BX), R10 CMPQ R10, $0 JNE 5(PC) MOVQ DI, 0(SP) MOVQ $runtime·badsignal(SB), AX CALL AX RET // save g MOVQ R10, 40(SP) // g = m->signal MOVQ g_m(R10), BP MOVQ m_gsignal(BP), BP MOVQ BP, g(BX) MOVQ DI, 0(SP) MOVQ SI, 8(SP) MOVQ DX, 16(SP) MOVQ R10, 24(SP) CALL runtime·sighandler(SB) // restore g get_tls(BX) MOVQ 40(SP), R10 MOVQ R10, g(BX) RET TEXT runtime·mmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI // arg 1 addr MOVQ n+8(FP), SI // arg 2 len MOVL prot+16(FP), DX // arg 3 prot MOVL flags+20(FP), R10 // arg 4 flags MOVL fd+24(FP), R8 // arg 5 fid MOVL off+28(FP), R9 // arg 6 offset MOVL $477, AX SYSCALL MOVQ AX, ret+32(FP) RET TEXT runtime·munmap(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI // arg 1 addr MOVQ n+8(FP), SI // arg 2 len MOVL $73, AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·madvise(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ addr+0(FP), DI MOVQ n+8(FP), SI MOVL flags+16(FP), DX MOVQ $75, AX // madvise SYSCALL // ignore failure - maybe pages are locked RET TEXT runtime·sigaltstack(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8 MOVQ new+8(SP), DI MOVQ old+16(SP), SI MOVQ $53, AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·usleep(SB),NOSPLIT,$16 MOVL $0, DX MOVL usec+0(FP), AX MOVL $1000000, CX DIVL CX MOVQ AX, 0(SP) // tv_sec MOVL $1000, AX MULL DX MOVQ AX, 8(SP) // tv_nsec MOVQ SP, DI // arg 1 - rqtp MOVQ $0, SI // arg 2 - rmtp MOVL $240, AX // sys_nanosleep SYSCALL RET // set tls base to DI TEXT runtime·settls(SB),NOSPLIT,$8 ADDQ $16, DI // adjust for ELF: wants to use -16(FS) and -8(FS) for g and m MOVQ DI, 0(SP) MOVQ SP, SI MOVQ $129, DI // AMD64_SET_FSBASE MOVQ $165, AX // sysarch SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET TEXT runtime·sysctl(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ mib+0(FP), DI // arg 1 - name MOVL miblen+8(FP), SI // arg 2 - namelen MOVQ out+16(FP), DX // arg 3 - oldp MOVQ size+24(FP), R10 // arg 4 - oldlenp MOVQ dst+32(FP), R8 // arg 5 - newp MOVQ ndst+40(FP), R9 // arg 6 - newlen MOVQ $202, AX // sys___sysctl SYSCALL JCC 4(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET MOVL $0, AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET TEXT runtime·osyield(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4 MOVL $331, AX // sys_sched_yield SYSCALL RET TEXT runtime·sigprocmask(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL $3, DI // arg 1 - how (SIG_SETMASK) MOVQ new+0(FP), SI // arg 2 - set MOVQ old+8(FP), DX // arg 3 - oset MOVL $340, AX // sys_sigprocmask SYSCALL JAE 2(PC) MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash RET // int32 runtime·kqueue(void); TEXT runtime·kqueue(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVQ $0, DI MOVQ $0, SI MOVQ $0, DX MOVL $362, AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET // int32 runtime·kevent(int kq, Kevent *changelist, int nchanges, Kevent *eventlist, int nevents, Timespec *timeout); TEXT runtime·kevent(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI MOVQ ev1+8(FP), SI MOVL nev1+16(FP), DX MOVQ ev2+24(FP), R10 MOVL nev2+32(FP), R8 MOVQ ts+40(FP), R9 MOVL $363, AX SYSCALL JCC 2(PC) NEGQ AX MOVL AX, ret+48(FP) RET // void runtime·closeonexec(int32 fd); TEXT runtime·closeonexec(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fd+0(FP), DI // fd MOVQ $2, SI // F_SETFD MOVQ $1, DX // FD_CLOEXEC MOVL $92, AX // fcntl SYSCALL RET