// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build !plan9 #include "textflag.h" // NOTE: Windows externalthreadhandler expects memclr to preserve DX. // void runtime·memclr(void*, uintptr) TEXT runtime·memclr(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 MOVQ ptr+0(FP), DI MOVQ n+8(FP), BX XORQ AX, AX // MOVOU seems always faster than REP STOSQ. tail: TESTQ BX, BX JEQ _0 CMPQ BX, $2 JBE _1or2 CMPQ BX, $4 JBE _3or4 CMPQ BX, $8 JBE _5through8 CMPQ BX, $16 JBE _9through16 PXOR X0, X0 CMPQ BX, $32 JBE _17through32 CMPQ BX, $64 JBE _33through64 CMPQ BX, $128 JBE _65through128 CMPQ BX, $256 JBE _129through256 // TODO: use branch table and BSR to make this just a single dispatch // TODO: for really big clears, use MOVNTDQ. loop: MOVOU X0, 0(DI) MOVOU X0, 16(DI) MOVOU X0, 32(DI) MOVOU X0, 48(DI) MOVOU X0, 64(DI) MOVOU X0, 80(DI) MOVOU X0, 96(DI) MOVOU X0, 112(DI) MOVOU X0, 128(DI) MOVOU X0, 144(DI) MOVOU X0, 160(DI) MOVOU X0, 176(DI) MOVOU X0, 192(DI) MOVOU X0, 208(DI) MOVOU X0, 224(DI) MOVOU X0, 240(DI) SUBQ $256, BX ADDQ $256, DI CMPQ BX, $256 JAE loop JMP tail _1or2: MOVB AX, (DI) MOVB AX, -1(DI)(BX*1) RET _0: RET _3or4: MOVW AX, (DI) MOVW AX, -2(DI)(BX*1) RET _5through8: MOVL AX, (DI) MOVL AX, -4(DI)(BX*1) RET _9through16: MOVQ AX, (DI) MOVQ AX, -8(DI)(BX*1) RET _17through32: MOVOU X0, (DI) MOVOU X0, -16(DI)(BX*1) RET _33through64: MOVOU X0, (DI) MOVOU X0, 16(DI) MOVOU X0, -32(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -16(DI)(BX*1) RET _65through128: MOVOU X0, (DI) MOVOU X0, 16(DI) MOVOU X0, 32(DI) MOVOU X0, 48(DI) MOVOU X0, -64(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -48(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -32(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -16(DI)(BX*1) RET _129through256: MOVOU X0, (DI) MOVOU X0, 16(DI) MOVOU X0, 32(DI) MOVOU X0, 48(DI) MOVOU X0, 64(DI) MOVOU X0, 80(DI) MOVOU X0, 96(DI) MOVOU X0, 112(DI) MOVOU X0, -128(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -112(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -96(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -80(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -64(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -48(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -32(DI)(BX*1) MOVOU X0, -16(DI)(BX*1) RET