Enterprise PVM

In addtion to the minimum requirements for an Enterprise Path Validation Module, these tests assume that the PWM implements the following features:

DSA signature verification
DSA parameter inheritance

Name Constraints:

Distribution Points:
indirect CRLs

Policy Processing:
anyPolicy OID

Expected Result
Actual Result
4.1.1 Valid Signatures Test1
Validate Successfully

4.1.2 Invalid CA Signature Test2
Reject - Invalid signature on intermediate certificate

4.1.3 Invalid EE Signature Test3
Reject - Invalid signature on end entity certificate

4.1.4 Valid DSA Signatures Test4
Validate Successfully

4.1.5 Valid DSA Parameter Inheritance Test5
This test does not need to be run
4.1.6 Invalid DSA Signature Test6
Reject - Invalid signature on end entity certificate

4.2.1 Invalid CA notBefore Date Test1
Reject - notBefore date in intermediate certificate is after the current date

Unexpected success
4.2.2 Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2
Reject - notBefore date in end entity certificate is after the current date

Unexpected success
4.2.3 Valid pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3
Validate Successfully

4.2.4 Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4
Validate Successfully

4.2.5 Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5
Reject - notAfter date in intermediate certificate is before the current date

Unexpected success
4.2.6 Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6
Reject - notAfter date in end entity certificate is before the current date

Unexpected success
4.2.7 Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7
Reject - notAfter date in end entity certificate is before the current date

Unexpected success
4.2.8 Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8
Validate Successfully

4.3.1 Invalid Name Chaining EE Test1
Reject - names do not chain

4.3.2 Invalid Name Chaining Order Test2
Reject - names do not chain

4.3.3 Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test3
Validate Successfully

4.3.4 Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test4
Validate Successfully

4.3.5 Valid Name Chaining Capitalization Test5
Validate Successfully

4.3.6 Valid Name Chaining UIDs Test6
Validate Successfully

4.3.7 Valid RFC3280 Mandatory Attribute Types Test7
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.3.8 Valid RFC3280 Optional Attribute Types Test8
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.3.9 Valid UTF8String Encoded Names Test9
Validate Successfully

4.3.10 Valid Rollover from PrintableString to UTF8String Test10
The certification path is valid. However, a PVM that implements the minimum name comparison rules in RFC 3280 will reject the certification path since it will not recognize that names chain correctly
This test does not need to be run
4.3.11 Valid UTF8String Case Insensitive Match Test11
The certification path is valid. However, a PVM that implements the minimum name comparison rules in RFC 3280 will reject the certification path since it will not recognize that names chain correctly
This test does not need to be run
4.4.1 Missing CRL Test1
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.2 Invalid Revoked CA Test2
Reject - an intermediate certificate has been revoked.

4.4.3 Invalid Revoked EE Test3
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.4. Invalid Bad CRL Signature Test4
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.5 Invalid Bad CRL Issuer Name Test5
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.6 Invalid Wrong CRL Test6
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.7 Valid Two CRLs Test7
Validate Successfully

4.4.8 Invalid Unknown CRL Entry Extension Test8
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.9 Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test9
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.10 Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test10
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.11 Invalid Old CRL nextUpdate Test11
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.12 Invalid pre2000 CRL nextUpdate Tesst12
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.4.13 Valid GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate Test13
Validate Successfully

4.4.14 Valid Negative Serial Number Test14
Validate Successfully

4.4.15 Invalid Negative Serial Number Test15
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.16 Valid Long Serial Number Test16
Validate Successfully

4.4.17 Valid Long Serial Number Test17
Validate Successfully

4.4.18 Invalid Long Serial Number Test18
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.19 Valid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test19
Validate Successfully

4.4.20 Invalid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test20
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.4.21 Invalid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test21
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.5.1 Valid Basic Self-Issued Old With New Test1
Validate Successfully

4.5.2 Invalid Basic Self-Issued Old With New Test2
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.5.3 Valid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test3
Validate Successfully

4.5.4 Valid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test4
Validate Successfully

4.5.5 Invalid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test5
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.5.6 Valid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test6
Validate Successfully

4.5.7 Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test7
Reject - the end entity certificate has been revoked

4.5.8 Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test8
Reject - invalid certification path

4.6.1 Invalid Missing basicConstraints Test1
Reject - invalid certification path

4.6.2 Invalid cA False Test2
Reject - invalid certification path

4.6.3 Invalid cA False Test3
Reject - invalid certification path

4.6.4 Valid basicConstraints Not Critical Test4
Validate Successfully

4.6.5 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test5
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.6 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test6
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.7 Valid pathLenConstraint Test7
Validate Successfully

4.6.8 Valid pathLenConstraint Test8
Validate Successfully

4.6.9 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test9
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.10 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test10
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.11 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test11
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.12 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test12
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.13 Valid pathLenConstraint Test13
Validate Successfully

4.6.14 Valid pathLenConstraint Test14
Validate Successfully

4.6.15 Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test15
Validate Successfully

4.6.16 Invalid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test16
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.6.17 Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test17
Validate Successfully

4.7.1 Invalid keyUsage Critical keyCertSign False Test1
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.7.2 Invalid keyUsage Not Critical keyCertSign False Test2
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.7.3 Valid keyUsage Not Critical Test3
Validate Successfully

4.7.4 Invalid keyUsage Critical cRLSign False Test4
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.7.5 Invalid keyUsage Not Critical cRLSign False Test5
Reject - invalid certification path

Unexpected success
4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy Test1, subtest 1
Validate Successfully [Run if application can be configured as specified (i.e., if initial-policy-set can be any-policy when initial-explicit-policy is set). Otherwise indicate that test could not be run.]

4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy Test1, subtest 2
Validate Successfully

4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy Test1, subtest 3
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy Test1, subtest 4
Validate Successfully

4.8.2 All Certificates No Policies Test2, subtest 1
Validate Successfully

4.8.2 All Certificates No Policies Test2, subtest 2
Reject - no acceptable policy [initial-policy-set may be set to {NIST-test-policy-1, NIST-test-policy-2, NIST-test-policy-3, NIST-test-policy-4, NIST-test-policy-5, NIST-test-policy-6} if it can not be set to any-policy]

Unexpected success
4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 1
Validate Successfully

4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 2
Reject - no acceptable policy [Run if application can be configured as specified (i.e., if initial-policy-set can be any-policy when initial-explicit-policy is set). Otherwise indicate that test could not be run.]

Unexpected success
4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 3
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.4 Different Policies Test4
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.5 Different Policies Test5
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 1
Validate Successfully

4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 2
Validate Successfully

4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 3
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.7 Different Policies Test7
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.8 Different Policies Test8
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.9 Different Policies Test9
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 1
Validate Successfully

4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 2
Validate Successfully

4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 3
Validate Successfully

4.8.11 All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11, subtest 1
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.11 All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11, subtest 2
Reject - path only valid under anyPolicy OID
This test does not need to be run
4.8.12 Different Policies Test12
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 1
Validate Successfully

4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 2
Validate Successfully

4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 3
Validate Successfully

4.8.14 AnyPolicy Test14, subtest 1
Reject - no acceptable policy
This test does not need to be run
4.8.14 AnyPolicy Test14, subtest 2
Reject - no acceptable policy
This test does not need to be run
4.8.15 User Notice Qualifier Test15
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.16 User Notice Qualifier Test16
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.17 User Notice Qualifier Test17
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.18 User Notice Qualifier Test18, subtest 1
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.18 User Notice Qualifier Test18, subtest 2
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.8.19 User Notice Qualifier Test19
This certification path may be rejected since the end entity certificate contains a policy qualifier with an explicitText string that is longer than 200 characters. This certification path may be validated successfully if the length violation is ignored.
This test does not need to be run
4.8.20 CPS Pointer Qualifier Test20
Validate Successfully [Test should be run with initial-explicit-policy set (initial-policy-set may be set to {NIST-test-policy-1, NIST-test-policy-2, NIST-test-policy-3, NIST-test-policy-4, NIST-test-policy-5, NIST-test-policy-6} if it can not be set to any-policy).]

4.9.1 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test1
Validate Successfully

4.9.2 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test2
Validate Successfully

4.9.3 Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test3
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.9.4 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test4
Validate Successfully

4.9.5 Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test5
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.9.6 Valid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test6
Validate Successfully

4.9.7 Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test7
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.9.8 Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test8
Reject - no acceptable policy

Unexpected success
4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension [Test using the default settings (i.e., initial-policy-set = any-policy)

Unexpected success
4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 3
Test can not be run
This test does not need to be run
4.10.2 Invalid Policy Mapping Test2, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.2 Invalid Policy Mapping Test2, subtest 2
Test can not be run
This test does not need to be run
4.10.3 Valid Policy Mapping Test3, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.3 Valid Policy Mapping Test3, subtest 2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.4 Invalid Policy Mapping Test4
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.5 Valid Policy Mapping Test5, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.5 Valid Policy Mapping Test5, subtest 2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.6 Valid Policy Mapping Test6, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.6 Valid Policy Mapping Test6, subtest 2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.7 Invalid Mapping From anyPolicy Test7
Validate Successfully if the anyPolicy OID is treated the same as any other policy OID
This test does not need to be run
4.10.8 Invalid Mapping To anyPolicy Test8
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.9 Valid Policy Mapping Test9
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.10 Invalid Policy Mapping Test10
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.11 Valid Policy Mapping Test11
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.12 Valid Policy Mapping Test12, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.12 Valid Policy Mapping Test12, subtest 2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.13 Valid Policy Mapping Test13
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.10.14 Valid Policy Mapping Test14
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.1 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.2 Valid inhibitPolicyMapping Test2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.11.3 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test3
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.4 Valid inhibitPolicyMapping Test4
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.5 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test5
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.6 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test6
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.7 Valid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test7
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.8 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test8
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.9 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test9
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.10 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test10
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.11.11 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test11
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.1 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.2 Valid inhibitAnyPolicy Test2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.12.3 inhibitAnyPolicy Test3, subtest 1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.3 inhibitAnyPolicy Test3, subtest 2
Test can not be run
This test does not need to be run
4.12.4 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test4
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.5 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test5
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.6 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test6
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.7 Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test7
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.8 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test8
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.9 Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test9
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.12.10 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test10
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.1 Valid DN nameConstraints Test1
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.13.2 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.3 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test3
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.4 Valid DN nameConstraints Test4
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.5 Valid DN nameConstraints Test5
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.6 Valid DN nameConstraints Test6
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.7 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test7
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.8 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test8
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.9 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test9
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.10 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test10
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.11 Valid DN nameConstraints Test11
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.12 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test12
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.13 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test13
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.14 Valid DN nameConstraints Test14
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.15 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test15
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.16 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test16
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.17 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test17
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.18 Valid DN nameConstraints Test18
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.19 Valid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test19
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.20 Invalid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test20
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.21 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test21
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.13.22 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test22
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.23 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test23
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.24 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test24
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.25 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test25
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.26 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test26
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.27 Valid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test27
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.28 Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test28
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.29 Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test29
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.30 Valid DNS nameConstraints Test30
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.13.31 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test31
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.32 Valid DNS nameConstraints Test32
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.33 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test33
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.34 Valid URI nameConstraints Test34
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success
4.13.35 Invalid URI nameConstraints Test35
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.36 Valid URI nameConstraints Test36
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.37 Invalid URI nameConstraints Test37
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.13.38 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test38
Reject - unrecognized critical extension
This test does not need to be run
4.14.1 Valid distributionPoint Test1
Validate Successfully

4.14.2 Invalid distributionPoint Test2
Reject - end entity certificate has been revoked

4.14.3 Invalid distributionPoint Test3
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.4 Valid distributionPoint Test4
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.5 Valid distributionPoint Test5
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.6 Invalid distributionPoint Test6
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.7 Valid distributionPoint Test7
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.8 Invalid distributionPoint Test8
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.9 Invalid distributionPoint Test9
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.10 Valid No issuingDistributionPoint Test10
Validate Successfully

4.14.11 Invalid onlyContainsUserCerts CRL Test11
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.12 Invalid onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test12
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.13 Valid onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test13
Validate Successfully

4.14.14 Invalid onlyContainsAttributeCerts Test14
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.15 Invalid onlySomeReasons Test15
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.16 Invalid onlySomeReasons Test16
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.17 Invalid onlySomeReasons Test17
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.18 Valid onlySomeReasons Test18
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.19 Valid onlySomeReasons Test19
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.20 Invalid onlySomeReasons Test20
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.21 Invalid onlySomeReasons Test21
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.22 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test22
Application may validate successfully. However, if the application treats an issuingDistributionPoint extension with indirectCRL set to TRUE as an unrecognized critical extension then the application should reject the path or issue a warning that the status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.23 Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test23
Reject - end entity certificate has been revoked
This test does not need to be run
4.14.24 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test24
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.14.25 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test25
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.26 Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test26
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.27 Invalid cRLIssuer Test27
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.28 Valid cRLIssuer Test28
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.29 Valid cRLIssuer Test29
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.30 Valid cRLIssuer Test30
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.31 Invalid cRLIssuer Test31
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.32 Invalid cRLIssuer Test32
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.33 Valid cRLIssuer Test33
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.14.34 Invalid cRLIssuer Test34
Reject - end entity certificate has been revoked
This test does not need to be run
4.14.35 Invalid cRLIssuer Test35
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.15.1 Invalid deltaCRLIndicator No Base Test1
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined

4.15.2 Valid delta-CRL Test2
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.15.3 Invalid delta-CRL Test3
Reject - end entity certificate has been revoked
This test does not need to be run
4.15.4 Invalid delta-CRL Test4
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.15.5 Valid delta-CRL Test5
Reject - end entity certificate is on hold
This test does not need to be run
4.15.6 Invalid delta-CRL Test6
Reject - end entity certificate is on hold
This test does not need to be run
4.15.7 Valid delta-CRL Test7
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.15.8 Valid delta-CRL Test8
Validate Successfully
This test does not need to be run
4.15.9 Invalid delta-CRL Test9
Reject - end entity certificate has been revoked
This test does not need to be run
4.15.10 Invalid delta-CRL Test10
Reject or Warn - status of end entity certificate can not be determined
This test does not need to be run
4.16.1 Valid Unknown Not Critical Certificate Extension Test1
Validate Successfully

4.16.2 Invalid Unknown Critical Certificate Extension Test2
Reject - unrecognized critical extension

Unexpected success