This directory contains self-tests based on NIST's Public Key Interoperability Test Suites, downloaded (2007-02-13) from: ada0f267e0ff4eb16a0e19964cf518a833f00093 bb1dea2e3a1ef163c94c19d07de506228eac41ad PKITS.pdf eeeeb55657c433b57730288cd5c20daaf27f13fb pkits_test_list_generator.tgz The PKCS#12 password is "password". Because of unclear license, they are not distributed with GnuTLS currently. See the PDF for information regarding the self tests. The script "pkits" will invoke the simple scripts "pkits_crt", "pkits_crl", "pkits_pkcs12", "pkits_smime" which will make sure that certtool can parse those structures. The script "pkits_test" will build NIST's tool to generate HTML for tests. It will start a Glade interface, and you should type e.g. 'foo.html' and then 'Generate tables'. Since GnuTLS supports DSA, you should typically click on 'DSA signature verification' too. The interface invokes "gnutls_test_entry" which verifies certificates chains, after building them using "build-chain". A sample output is stored in the file "gnutls-nist-tests.html".