path: root/po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'po')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 7142 deletions
diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
deleted file mode 100644
index b2f3e1fd2f..0000000000
--- a/po/LINGUAS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/po/Makevars b/po/Makevars
deleted file mode 100644
index 6487d53ac7..0000000000
--- a/po/Makevars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile variables for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext.
-# Usually the message domain is the same as the package name.
-# These two variables depend on the location of this directory.
-subdir = po
-top_builddir = ..
-# These options get passed to xgettext.
-XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --keyword=_ --keyword=N_
-# This is the copyright holder that gets inserted into the header of the
-# $(DOMAIN).pot file. Set this to the copyright holder of the surrounding
-# package. (Note that the msgstr strings, extracted from the package's
-# sources, belong to the copyright holder of the package.) Translators are
-# expected to transfer the copyright for their translations to this person
-# or entity, or to disclaim their copyright. The empty string stands for
-# the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim
-# their copyright.
-COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report
-# bugs in the untranslated strings:
-# - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines
-# in the GNU gettext documentation, section 'Preparing Strings'.
-# - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context to be
-# understood.
-# - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or
-# money.
-# - Pluralisation problems.
-# - Incorrect English spelling.
-# - Incorrect formatting.
-# It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where translators
-# can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a web page through
-# which the translators can contact you.
-# This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the
-# message catalogs shall be used. It is usually empty.
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8943037b4f..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# List of source files which contain translatable strings.
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2c180e7e..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,969 +0,0 @@
-# Czech translation of gnutls.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Petr Pisar <>, 2009.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-19 19:39+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Petr Pisar <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Úspěch."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Nezdařilo se vyjednat seznam podporovaných šifer."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Tento druh šifry není podporován."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Certifikát a daný klíč se k sobě nehodí."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Nezdařilo se vyjednat podporovanou kompresní metodu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Narazil jsem na neznámý algoritmus veřejného klíče."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Byl vyjednán algoritmus, který není povolen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat packet s velkou TLS strukturou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat packet s neplatnou verzí struktury."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Diffieho-Hellmanovo prvočíslo poslané serverem není přijatelné (není dost dlouhé)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat TLS packet s neočekávanou délkou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Zadaná relace byl z nějakého důvodu zneplatněna."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Vnitřní chyba GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Přijato neplatné rozšíření TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Bylo přijato nepřekonatelné upozornění TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat neočekávaný TLS packet."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Bylo přijato varovné upozornění TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Při výpočtu packetu TLS Finished došlo k chybě."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Druhá strana neposlala žádný certifikát."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Kryptografický algoritmus s nižší prioritou je již přítomen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné dočasné parametry RSA."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné dočasné parametry DH."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat neočekávaný packet zahajující TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Prohlížení velkého celého čísla selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Velké celé číslo nebylo možné exportovat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Dešifrování selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Šifrování selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Dešifrovaní veřejného klíče selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Šifrování veřejného klíče selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Podepisování veřejného klíče selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Podpis veřejného klíče se nepodařilo ověřit."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Dekomprese packetu s TLS strukturou selhala."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Komprese packetu s TLS strukturou selhala."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Vnitřní chyba při alokaci paměti."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Byla požadována neimplementovaná nebo zakázaná vlastnost."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Na takový požadavek chybí prokázání totožnosti."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Chyba v souboru s hesly."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Chybná výplň v PKCS1 packetu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "Požadovaná relace vypršela."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Hašování selhalo."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Chyba při dekódování Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Neočekávaná Base64 hlavička (chyba)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Chyba kódování do Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Chyba při rozebírání souboru s hesly."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Požadovaná data nebyla dostupná."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Chyba v pull funkci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Chyba v push funkci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Bylo dosaženo horní meze pořadového čísla packetu se strukturou. Zírám!"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Chyba v certifikátu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Neznámé alternativní jméno subjektu v X.509 certifikátu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Nepodporované kritické rozšíření v X.509 certifikátu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Bylo zaznamenáno použití klíče v rozporu s pravidly."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Funkce byla přerušena."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Druhá strana požádala o znovuzahájení relace."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Byla přijata data TLS Application, zatímco měly přijít data zahájení."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Chyba databázovém jádře."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Tento druh certifikátu není podporován."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Zadaný paměťový buffer je pro uložení parametrů příliš malý."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Požadavek je neplatný."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Byl přijat neplatný parametr."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Chyba při čtení souboru."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Prvek nebyl nalezen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Identifikátor nebyl nalezen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Chyba při rozebírání DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Hodnota nebyla nalezena."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Obecná chyba při rozebírání."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Hodnota není platná."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Chyba ve ZNAČCE."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: chyba v implicitní značce"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Chyba v typu „ANY“."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Chyba syntaxe."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1 parser: Přetečení při rozebírání DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Bylo přijato příliš mnoho packetů s prázdnou strukturou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Inicializace GnuTLS-extra selhala."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Verze knihovny GnuTLS se neshoduje s verzí knihovny GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Verze knihovny gcrypt je příliš stará."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Verze knihovny tasn1 je příliš stará."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "ID OpenPGP uživatele bylo odvoláno."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Chyba při načítání souboru s klíči. "
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Inicializace LZO selhala."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Žádné podporované kompresní algoritmy nebyly nalezeny."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Žádné podporované režimy šifer nebyly nalezeny."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Nebylo možné získat OpenPGP klíč."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Nebylo možné najít OpenPGP podklíč."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Zadané SRP uživatelské jméno je neplatné."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "OpenPGP otisk není podporován."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Certifikát má nepodporované atributy."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "Tento OID není podporován."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Hašovací algoritmus není znám."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Typ obsahu struktury PKCS není znám."
-# „Bag“ překládá jako „kufřík“ Klíma
-# <>. Jedná se
-# o prvek struktury PFX.
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Typ kufříku ve struktuře PKCS není znám."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Zadané heslo obsahuje neplatné znaky."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "MAC (autentizační kód zprávy) se nepodařilo ověřit."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Některé hranice omezení byly dosaženy."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Nezdařilo se získat náhodná data."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Přijata TLS/IA zpráva Intermediate Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Přijata TLS/IA zpráva Final Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Kontrolní součet fáze TLS/IA se nepodařilo ověřit"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Zadaný algoritmus nebo protokol není znám."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "Zahajovací data jsou příliš velká (DoS?), zkontrolujte gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(neznámý chybový kód)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Oznámení o uzavření"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Neočekávaná zpráva"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Chybný MAC zprávy"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Dešifrování selhalo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Přetečení struktury"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Dekomprese selhala"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Zahájení (handshake) selhalo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Certifikát je špatný"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Certifikát není podporován"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Certifikát byl odvolán"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Certifikát vypršel"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Neznámý certifikát"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Neplatný parametr"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "Autorita není známa"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Přístup byl zamítnut"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Chyba dekódování"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Chyba dešifrování"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Omezení na export"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Chyba ve verzi protokolu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Nedostatečné zabezpečení"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Uživatel zrušen"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Vnitřní chyba"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Znovuvyjednání není dovoleno"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Zadaný certifikát nebylo možné získat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Bylo odesláno nepodporované rozšíření"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Odeslané jméno serveru nebylo rozpoznáno"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "SRP/PSK jméno uživatele chybí nebo není známo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Vyjednávání vnitřní aplikace (IA) selhalo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Ověření vnitřní aplikace (IA) selhalo"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOmezení délky cesty: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tJazyk polity: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexavýpis: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigitální podpis.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNepopiratelnost.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tŠifrování klíčů.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tŠifrování dat.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDohodnutí klíče.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodepisování certifikátu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodepisování CRL.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPouze šifrování klíčů.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPouze dešifrování klíčů.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS WWW server.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS WWW klient.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodepisování kódu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOchrana e-mailu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tČasové razítkování.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodepisování OCSP.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tJakýkoliv účel.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikační autorita (CA): NE\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikační autorita (CA): ANO\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tXMPP adresa: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOID dalšíhoJména: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tdalšíJméno v DER: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tdalšíJméno v ASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tVerze: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tSériové číslo (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tVydavatel: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tPlatnost:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNe před: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNe po: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tSubjekt: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "není známo"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritmus veřejného klíče subjektu: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tModul (%d bitů:)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tMocnitel:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVeřejný klíč (%d bitů):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tRozšíření:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tZákladní omezení (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "kritické"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "není kritické"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentifikátor klíče subjektu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentifikátor klíče autority (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUžití klíče (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tÚčel klíče (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAlternativní jméno subjektu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tMísta distribuce CRL (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInformace o zástupném certifikátu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNeznámé rozšíření %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tHexavýpis: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritmus podpisu: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "varování: podepsáno vadným podpisovým algoritmem, kterým lze falšovat.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tPodpis:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tMD5 otisk:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tSHA-1 otisk:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tID veřejného klíče:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informace X.509 certifikátu:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Další Informace:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tVerze: 1 (implicitní)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tData aktualizací:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVydáno: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tDalší v: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tOdvolané certifikáty (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tŽádné odvolané certifikáty.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tSériové číslo (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tOdvoláno v: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informace o seznamu odvolaných X.509 certifikátů (CRL):\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUžití klíče:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "chyba: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigitální podpisy.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tŠifrování komunikace.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tŠifrování uložených dat.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAutentizace.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tID (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tOtisk (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tOdvolán: Ano\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tOdvolán: Ne\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tČasová razítka:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVytvoření: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVypršení: Nikdy\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVypršení: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritmus veřejného klíče: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tJméno[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tOdvolané jméno[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informace o OpenPGP certifikátu:\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index d30467b83e..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# German gnutls translation.
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Jens Seidel <>, 2006.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 1.4.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-05-12 00:21+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-12 09:37+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Michael Piefel <>\n"
-"Language-Team: German <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Erfolg."
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Konnte keine unterstützte Code-Suite aushandeln."
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Der Code-Typ wird nicht unterstützt."
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Das Zertifikat und der gegebene Schlüssel passen nicht zueinander."
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Konnte keine unterstützte Kompressionsmethode aushandeln."
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Ein unbekannter öffentlicher-Schlüssel-Algorithmus trat auf."
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Ein nicht aktivierter Algorithmus wurde ausgehandelt."
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Ein großes TLS-Datensatzpaket wurde empfangen."
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Ein Datensatzpaket mit illegaler Version wurde empfangen."
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Die Diffie-Hellman-Primzahl, die vom Server gesendet wurde, ist nicht akzeptabel (nicht lang genug)."
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Ein TLS-Paket mit unerwarteter Länge wurde empfangen."
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Die angegebene Sitzung wurde aus irgendwelchen Gründen ungültig."
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Interner GnuTLS-Fehler."
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Eine illegale TLS-Erweiterung wurde empfangen."
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Ein fataler TLS-Alarm wurde empfangen."
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Ein unerwartetes TLS-Paket wurde empfangen."
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Eine TLS-Warnmeldung wurde empfangen."
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Ein Fehler trat bei der fertiggestellten TLS-Paketberechnung auf."
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Die Gegenstelle sendete kein Zertifikat."
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Es wurden keine temporären RSA-Parameter gefunden."
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Es wurden keine temporären DH-Parameter gefunden."
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Ein unerwartetes TLS-Handshake-Paket wurde empfangen."
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Das Lesen einer großen Ganzzahl schlug fehl."
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Konnte keine große Ganzzahl exportieren."
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Die Entschlüsselung schlug fehl."
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Die Verschlüsselung schlug fehl."
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Die Entschlüsselung mittels öffentlichem Schlüssel schlug fehl."
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Die Verschlüsselung mittels öffentlichem Schlüssel schlug fehl."
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Das Signieren mittels öffentlichem Schlüssel schlug fehl."
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Die Verifizierung der Signatur mittels öffentlichem Schlüssel schlug fehl."
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Die Dekomprimierung des TLS-Datensatzpakets schlug fehl."
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Die Komprimierung des TLS-Datensatzpakets schlug fehl."
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Interner Fehler bei Speicheranfoderung."
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Eine nicht implementierte oder deaktivierte Eigenschaft wurde abgefragt."
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Unzureichende Berechtigungsnachweise für diese Anfrage."
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Fehler in Passwortdatei."
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Falsche Auffüllung in PKCS1-Paket."
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "Die abgefragte Sitzung ist ausgelaufen."
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Hashing schlug fehl."
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-Entschlüsselungsfehler."
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-Verschlüsselungsfehler."
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Lesefehler in Passwortdatei."
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Die abgefragten Daten waren nicht verfügbar."
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Fehler in der Pull-Funktion."
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Fehler in der Push-Funktion."
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Das obere Limit der Datensatzpaketsequenznummern wurde erreicht. Huch!"
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Fehler im Zertifikat."
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Unbekannter Betreffalternativenname im X.509-Zertifikat."
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Nicht unterstützte kritische Erweiterung im X.509-Zertifikat."
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Schlüsselverwendungsverletzung im Zertifikat wurde entdeckt."
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Funktion wurde unterbrochen."
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Neuer Handshake wurde von der Gegenstelle gefordert."
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "TLS-Anwendungsdaten wurden empfangen, während Handshake-Daten erwartet wurden."
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Fehler im Datenbank-Backend."
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Der Zertifikattyp wird nicht unterstützt."
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Der verfügbare Speicherpuffer ist zu kurz, um Parameter aufzunehmen."
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Die Anfrage ist ungültig."
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Ein illegaler Parameter wurde empfangen."
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Dateilesen."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Element wurde nicht gefunden."
-# FIXME: full stop is missing
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Identifikator wurde nicht gefunden."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Fehler im DER-Parsen."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Wert wurde nicht gefunden."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Allgemeiner Verarbeitungsfehler."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Wert ist nicht gültig."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Fehler in TAG."
-# FIXME: capitalisation, full stop
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Fehler in implizitem Tag."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Fehler im Typ 'ANY'."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Syntaxfehler."
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-Parser: Überlauf beim DER-Parsen."
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Zu viele leere Datensatzpakete wurden empfangen."
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Die Initialisierung von GnuTLS-extra schlug fehl."
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Die Version der GnuTLS-Bibliothek stimmt nicht mit der Version der GnuTLS-extra-Bibliothek überein."
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Die Version der Bibliothek gcrypt ist zu alt."
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Die Version der Bibliothek tasn1 ist zu alt."
-msgid "The specified GnuPG TrustDB version is not supported. TrustDB v4 is supported."
-msgstr "Die angegebene Version von GnuPG-TrustDB wird nicht unterstützt. TrustDB Version 4 wird unterstützt."
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Schlüsselrings."
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Die Initialisierung von LZO schlug fehl."
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Keine unterstützten Kompressionsalgorithmen wurden gefunden."
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Keine unterstützten Code-Suites wurden gefunden."
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Konnte OpenPGP-Schlüssel nicht bekommen."
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Der angegebene SRP-Benutzername ist illegal."
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "Der OpenPGP-Fingerabdruck wird nicht unterstützt."
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Das Zertifikat hat nichtunterstützte Attribute."
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "OID wird nicht unterstützt."
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Der Hash-Algorithmus ist unbekannt."
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Der Inhaltstyp der PKCS-Struktur ist unbekannt."
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Der Verpackungstyp der PKCS-Struktur ist unbekannt."
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Das angegebene Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen."
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Die Überprüfung des Authentifizierungscodes der Nachricht schlug fehl."
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Einige beschränkende Limits wurden erreicht."
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Konnte keine zufälligen Daten erhalten."
-# FIXME: missing fullstops in next three msgid's
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Empfing eine »TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished«-Mitteilung"
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Empfing eine »TLS/IA Final Phase Finished«-Mitteilung"
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Verifizierung der TLS/IA-Phasenprüfsumme schlug fehl"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e371efae4..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,966 +0,0 @@
-# translation of gnutls-2.5.7.po to French
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls-2.5.7 package.
-# Nicolas Provost <>, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls-2.5.7 2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-17 12:12+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: N. Provost <>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Succs."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Impossible de ngocier une mthode de chiffrement."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Algorithme de chiffrement non support."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Le certificat ne correspond pas avec la clef fournie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Echec lors de la ngociation d'une mthode de compression."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Algorithme de clef publique inconnu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Un algorithme non encore oprationnel a t ngoci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Un paquet TLS volumineux de donnes applicatives a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Un paquet de donnes contenant un numro de version incorrect a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Le nombre premier de Diffie Hellman envoy par le serveur n'est pas acceptable (pas suffisamment grand)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Un paquet TLS de longueur incorrecte a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "La session courante a t invalide pour une raison non prcise."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Erreur interne GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Une extension TLS incorrecte a t reue."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Une alerte TLS fatale a t reue."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Un paquet TLS incorrect a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Un avertissement TLS a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Erreur durant la prparation du paquet TLS de fin d'tablissement de session (\"TLS Finished\")."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "La machine distante n'a pas envoy de certificat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Un algorithme de chiffrement de priorit infrieure a dj t slectionn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Paramtres temporaires RSA non trouvs."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Paramtres temporaires DH non trouvs."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Un paquet de ngociation (handshake) TLS incorrect a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Echec lors de la recherche d'un grand entier."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Impossible de transmettre un grand nombre entier."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Le dcryptage a chou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Le chiffrement a chou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Le dchiffrement a chou (clef publique)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Le chiffrement a chou (clef publique)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Echec de la signature (clef publique)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Echec lors de la vrification de la signature (clef publique)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Echec de la dcompression d'un paquet TLS de donnes applicatives (\"TLS Record\")."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Echec de la compression d'un paquet TLS de donnes applicatives (\"TLS Record\")."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Erreur interne d'allocation mmoire."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Une fonctionnalit non supporte a t demande."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Droits insuffisants pour satisfaire cette demande."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Erreur dans le fichier de mots de passe."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Bourrage (padding) PKCS1 incorrect."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "La session a expir."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Le calcul d'empreinte (hash) a chou."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Erreur de dcodage Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Erreur au niveau de l'entte Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Erreur d'encodage Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Erreur d'analyse du fichier de mots de passe."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Les donnes demandes ne sont pas disponibles."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Erreur au niveau de la fonction \"pull\"."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Erreur au niveau de la fonction \"push\"."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "La valeur maximale des numros de squence des paquets de donnes applicatives \"TLS Record\" a t atteinte !"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Erreur dans le certificat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "L'entre \"Subject Alternative Name\" (autre nom du sujet) du certificat X509 est vide."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Une extension critique du certificat X509 n'est pas supporte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Utilisation de la clef d'un certificat pour un usage non prvu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Interruption de fonction."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Une rengociation a t demande par la machine distante."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Des donnes applicatives TLS ont t reues alors que des donnes de ngociation taient attendues."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Erreur dans la structure de la base de donnes."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Ce type de certificat n'est pas support."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Le tampon mmoire donn est trop petit pour contenir tous les paramtres."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Requte incorrecte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Un paramtre incorrect a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Erreur de lecture de fichier."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "Element manquant durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "Identifiant non trouv durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Erreur de dcodage DER durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "Valeur non trouve durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "Erreur durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "Valeur incorrecte dtecte durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "Erreur d'tiquette (tag) dtecte durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "Erreur d'tiquette (tag implicite) dtecte durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "Erreur dans un type \"ANY\" dtecte lors de l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "Erreur de syntaxe dtecte lors de l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Dpassement de capacit lors du dcodage DER durant l'analyse ASN1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Trop de paquets de donnes applicatives (\"TLS Record\") vides ont t reus."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Echec de l'initialisation de GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "La version de la librairie GnuTLS ne correspond pas celle de la librairie GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "La version utilise de la librairie gcrypt est trop ancienne."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "La version utilise de la librairie tasn1 est trop ancienne."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "L'identifiant d'utilisateur OpenPGP (User ID) est rvoqu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Erreur durant le chargement du trousseau de clefs."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Echec de l'initialisation de LZO."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Aucun algorithme de compression n'est disponible."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Aucune mthode de chiffrement n'est disponible."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la clef OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Impossible de trouver la sous-clef OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Le nom d'utilisateur SRP communiqu est illicite."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "Cette empreinte OpenPGP n'est pas supporte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Le certificat possde des attributs non supports."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "Identifiant OID non support."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Algorithme d'empreinte (hash) inconnu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Type de structure PKCS inconnu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Type de conteneur (bag) PKCS inconnu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Le mot de passe fourni comporte des caractres invalides."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Echec de la vrification du code d'authentification du message (MAC)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Certaines valeurs limites ont t atteintes."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Impossible de gnrer une valeur alatoire."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Un message signalant l'avant-dernire tape de l'change de donnes et clefs complmentaires (\"TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished\") a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Un message signalant la fin de l'change de donnes et clefs complmentaires (\"TLS/IA Final Phase Finished\") a t reu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Echec de la vrification de la somme de contrle durant la phase \"TLS/IA\" (change complmentaire de donnes et clefs)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "L'algorithme ou le protocole demand est inconnu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "La taille des donnes de ngociation (handshake) est trop grande (dni de service ?). Contrlez gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(code d'erreur inconnu)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Notification de fermeture"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Message inattendu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Mauvais bloc MAC"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Le dcryptage a chou"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Dpassement de taille d'enregistrement"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Echec de dcompression"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Echec de ngociation"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Mauvais certificat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Ce certificat n'est pas support"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Le certificat est rvoqu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Le certificat a expir"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Certificat inconnu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Paramtre illgal"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "Autorit racine CA inconnue"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Accs refus"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Erreur de dcodage"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Erreur de dchiffrage"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Restriction l'export"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Erreur de version de protocole"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Scurit insuffisante"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Annulation par l'utilisateur"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Erreur interne"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Rengociation interdite"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir le certificat spcifi"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Une extension non supporte a t transmise"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Le nom de serveur transmis n'est pas reconnu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "Le nom d'utilisateur SRP/PSK est absent ou inconnu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Echec de ngociation interne l'application"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "La vrification interne l'application a chou"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tProfondeur de chemin de certificats (Path Length Constraint): %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTermes de politique d'utilisation: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tCode-hexadcimal :"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignature lectronique.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNon rpudiation.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChiffrement de clef.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChiffrement de donnes.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tValidation de clef.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignature de certificat.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignature de liste de rvocation (CRL).\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChiffrement de clef seulement.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDchiffrement de clef seulement.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tServeur web TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tClient web TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignature de code.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tProtection d'email.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tHorodatage.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignature OCSP.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tToutes utilisations.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertificat autorit (CA): NON\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertificat autorit (CA): OUI\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAdresse XMPP: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tautre nom OID: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tautre Nom DER: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tautreNom ASCII:"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tVersion: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tNumro de srie (hexadcimal): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tEmetteur: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tValidit:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPas avant: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPas aprs: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tSujet: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "inconnu"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorithme de clef publique du sujet: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tModule (bits %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExposant:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tClef publique (bits %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tExtensions:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tContraintes de base (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "critique"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "non critique"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentifiant de clef du sujet (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentifiant de la clef de l'autorit (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUsages possibles de la clef (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtilisation prvue de la clef (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAutre nom du sujet (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPoints de distribution des listes de rvocation (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tDtails du certificat du proxy (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExtension inconnue %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tCode hexadcimal: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorithme de signature: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "attention : sign en utilisant un algorithme de signature dj \"cass\" (faible) potentiellement corruptible.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tSignature:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tEmpreinte MD5:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tEmpreinte SHA-1:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tId de clef publique:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Dtail du certificat X509:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Autres informations :\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tVersion: 1 (dfaut)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tDates de mise jour:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tEmis: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tProchainement: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tCertificats rvoqus (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tCertificats non rvoqus.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tNumro de srie (hexa): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tRvoqu le : %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Dtails sur la liste de rvocation du certificat X509 : \n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUsages possibles de la clef :\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "Erreur: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSignatures lectroniques.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChiffrement de communications.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChiffrement de stockage de donnes.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAuthentification.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tID (hexa) :"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tEmpreinte (hexa) : "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tRvoqu: oui\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tRvoqu: non\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tHorodatage:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tCration: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExpiration: jamais\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorithme de clef publique: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNom[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNom rvoqu[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Dtails du certificat OpenPGP :\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4260eb4927..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,966 +0,0 @@
-# gnutls Bahasa Melayu (Malay) (ms)
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan <>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-11-01 00:39+0800\n"
-"Last-Translator: Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Malay <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Berjaya."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Tidak dapat merunding sut cipher yang disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Jenis cipher tidak disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Sijil dan kekunci diberi tidak sepadan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Tidak dapat merunding kaedah mampatan disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Algoritma kekunci awam tidak diketahui dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Algoritma yang tidak dihidupkan telah dirundingkan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Paket rekod TLS besar telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Paket rekod dengan versi tidak sah telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Perdana Diffie Hellman yang dihantar oleh pelayan tidak boleh diterima (tidak cukup panjang)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Paket TLS dengan panjang tidak dijangka telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Sesi yang dinyatakan telah dinyahsahkan atas sebab tertentu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Ralat dalaman GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Sambungan TLS tidak sah telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Amaran teruk TLS telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Paket TLS tidak dijangka telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Arahan amaran telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Ralat ditemui pada pengiraan paket Selesai TLS"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Rakan tidak menghantar sebarang sijil."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Telah terdapat algoritma kripto dengan keutamaan rendah."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Tiada parameter RSA sementara telah dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Tiada parameter DH sementara telah dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Paket handshake TLS tidak dijangka telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Pengesanan integer besar telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Tidak dapat mengeksport integer besar."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Nyahenkripsi telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Enkripsi telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Nyahenkripsi kekunci awam telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Enkripsi kekunci awam telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Tandatangan kekunci awam telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Pengesahan tandatangan kekunci awam telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Nyahmampatan paket rekod TLS telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Mampatan paket rekod TLS telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Ralat dalaman dalam pengumpukan memori."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Ciri tidak disediakan atau dimatikan telah diminta."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Akuan tidak mencukupi untuk permintaan tersebut."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Ralat dalam fail katalaluan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Pelapik salah dalam paket PKCS1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "Sesi diminta telah tamat tempoh."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Menghash telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Ralat menyahkod base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Ralat pengepala tidak dijangka base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Ralat mengenkod base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Ralat huraian dalam fail katalaluan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Data yang diminta tiada."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Ralat dalam fungsi tarik."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Ralat dalam fungsi tolak."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Had atas nombor jujukan paket rakaman telah dicapai. Wow!"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Ralat dalam sijil."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Nama Subjek Alternatif tidak diketahu dalam sijil X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Sambungan kritikal tidak disokong dalam sijil X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Pelanggaran penggunaan kekunci dalam sijik telah dikesan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Fungsi telah dibatalkan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Rehandshake diminta oleh peer."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Data Aplikasi TLS telah diterima, semasa menjangka data handshake."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Ralat dalam backend Pengkalan Data."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Jenis sijil tidak disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Buffer memori yang diberikan terlalu pendek untuk memegang parameter."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Permintaan tidak sah."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Parameter tidak sah telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Ralat apabila membaca fail."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Elemen tidak dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Pengenalan tidak dijumpai"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Ralat dalam huraian DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Nilai tidak dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Ralat menghurai generik."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Nilai tidak sah."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Ralat dalam TAG."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: ralat dalam tag tersirat"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Ralat dalam jenis 'ANY'."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Ralat sintaks."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Penghurai ASN1: Limpahan dalam penghuraian DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Terlalu banyak paket rekod kosong telah diterima."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Pemulaan GnuTLS-extra telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Versi pustaka GnuTLS tidak sepadan dengan versi pustaka GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Versi pustaka gcrypt terlalu lama."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Versi pustaka tasn1 terlalu lama."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "ID Pengguna OpenPGP telah dibatalkan."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Ralat memuatkan cecincin kunci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Pemulaan LZO telah gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Tiada algoritma pemampat yang disokong dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Tiada sut cipher yang disokong dijumpai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Tidak dapat memperoleh kekunci OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Tidak dapat mencari subkekunci OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Namapengguna SRP yang diberikan tidak sah."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "Cap jari OpenPGP tidak disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Sijil tidak mempunyai ciri disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "OID tidak disokong."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Algoritma hash tidak diketahui."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Jenis kandungan struktur PKCS tidak diketahui."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Jenis beg struktur PKCS tidak diketahui."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Katalaluan diberikan mengandungi aksara tidak sah."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Pengesahan Message Authentication Code gagal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Beberapa had kekangan telah dicapai."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Gagal untuk mendapatkan data rawak."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Menerima mesej TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Menerima mesej TLS/IA Final Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Pengesahan checksum fasa TLS/IA gagal"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Algoritma atau protokol dinyataka tidak diketahui."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "Saiz data jabat tangan terlalu besar (DoS?), periksa gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(kod ralat tidak diketahui)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Pemberitahuan tutup"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Mesej tidak dijangka"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Rekod MAC buruk"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Nyahenkripsi gagal"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Rekod melimpah"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Nyahmampatan gagal"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Jabat tangan gagal"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Sijil buruk"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Sijil tidak disokong"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Sijil telah dibatalkan"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Sijil tamat tempoh"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Sijil tidak diketahui"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Parameter tidak sah"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "CA tidak diketahui"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Akses telah dihalang"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Ralat decode"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Ralat decrypt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Halangan eksport"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Ralat dalam versi protokol"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Sekuriti tidak mencukupi"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Pengguna membatalkan"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Ralat dalaman"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Tiada perbincangan semula dibenarkan"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat mendapatkan sijil dinyatakan"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Sambungan tidak disokong telah dihantar"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Nama pelayan dihantar tidak dikenali"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna SRP/PSK tiada atau tidak diketahui"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Perbincangan aplikasi dalaman gagal"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Pengesahan aplikasi dalaman gagal"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKekangan Panjang Laluan: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tBahasa Polisi: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tLambakan Hex: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTandatangan digital.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTidak ditolak.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPenyulitan kekunci.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPenyulitan data.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPersetujuan kekunci.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMenandatangan sijil.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMenandatangan CRL.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tEncipher kekunci sahaja.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDecipher kekunci sahaja.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPelayan WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKlien WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMenandatangan kod.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPerlindungan emel.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCap waktu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMenandatangan OCSP.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSebarang tujuan.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPihak Berkuasa Sijil (CA): SALAH\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPenguasa Sijil (CA): BENAR\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAlamat XMPP: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tnamaLain OID: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tnamaLain DER:"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tnamaLain ASCII:"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tVersi: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tNombor Siri (hex):"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tPengeluar: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tKesahan:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTidak Sebelum: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTidak Selepas: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tSubjek: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "tidak diketahui"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritma Kekunci Awam Subjek: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tModulus (%d bit):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tEksponen:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKekunci awam (%d bit):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tSambungan:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKekangan Asas (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "kritikal"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "tidak kritikal"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSubjek Kekunci Pengenalan (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPengesahan Kekunci Pengenalan (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPenggunaan Kekunci (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTujuan Kekunci (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNama Alternatif Subjek (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTitik Edaran CRL (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tMaklumat Sijil Proksi (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSambungan tidak diketahui %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tLambakan Hex: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritma tandatangan: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "amaran: ditandatangan menggunakan algoritma tandatangan rosak yang boleh dipalsukan.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tTandatangan:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tCap jari MD5:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tCap jari SHA-1:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tId Kekunci Awam:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Maklumat Sijil X.509:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Maklumat Lain:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tVersi: 1 (default)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tTarikh kemaskini:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tDikeluarkan: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSeterusnya pada: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tSijil dibatalkan (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tTiada sijil dibatalkan.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tNombor Siri (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tDibatalkan pada: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Maklumat Senarai Pembatalan Sijil X.509:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPenggunaan Kekunci:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "ralat: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTandatangan digital.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPenyulitan komunikasi.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPenyulitan data simpanan.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPengesahan.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tID (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tCapjari (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tDibatalkan: Betul\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tDibatalkan: Salah\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tCap waktu:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPenciptaan: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTamat tempoh: Tiada\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTamat tempoh: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritma Kekunci Awam: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNama[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNama Dibatalkan[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Maklumat Sijil OpenPGP:\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 433b423c13..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,968 +0,0 @@
-# Dutch translations for gnutls-2.5.7.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Benno Schulenberg <>, 2007, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls-2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-21 22:06+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Benno Schulenberg <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Gelukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Kan geen gemeenschappelijke coderingsmethode overeenkomen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "De coderingsmethode wordt niet ondersteund."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Het certificaat en de gegeven sleutel passen niet bij elkaar."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Kan geen gemeenschappelijke compressiemethode overeenkomen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Onbekend versleutelingsalgoritme gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Er werd een uitgeschakeld algoritme overeengekomen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een groot TLS-datapakket ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een datapakket met een ongedige versie ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Het door de server toegezonden Diffie-Hellman-priemgetal is niet acceptabel (niet lang genoeg)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een TLS-pakket met een onverwachte lengte ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "De aangegeven sessie is om een of andere reden ongeldig geworden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "**Interne fout** in GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een ongeldige TLS-uitbreiding ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Er werd een ernstig TLS-alarm ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een onverwacht TLS-pakket ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Er is een TLS-waarschuwing ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de TLS-pakketeinde-berekening."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "De andere computer heeft geen certificaat gestuurd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Er is al een encryptie-algoritme met een lagere prioriteit."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Er zijn geen tijdelijke RSA-parameters gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Er zijn geen tijdelijke DH-parameters gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Er werd een onverwacht TLS-handshake-pakket ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Het lezen van een groot geheel getal is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Het exporteren van een groot geheel getal is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Ontsleuteling is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Versleuteling is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Ontsleuteling met publieke sleutel is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Versleuteling met publieke sleutel is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Ondertekenen met publieke sleutel is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Controle van ondertekening met publieke sleutel is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Decompressie van het TLS-datapakket is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Compressie van het TLS-datapakket is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "**Interne fout** bij reserveren van geheugen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Er werd een uitgeschakelde of ongeïmplementeerde functie gevraagd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Onvoldoende rechten voor dat verzoek."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Fout in wachtwoordenbestand."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Onjuiste opvulbytes in PKCS1-pakket."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "De gevraagde sessie is verlopen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Hashen is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-decoderingsfout."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Onverwachte fout in base64-kopregel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-coderingsfout."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Fout in de indeling van wachtwoordenbestand."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "De gevraagde gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Fout in de 'pull'-functie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Fout in de 'push'-functie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Het hoogste volgnummer voor datapakketten is bereikt. Wauw!"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Fout in het certificaat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Onbekende naam van toegevoegd onderwerp in X.509-certificaat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Niet-ondersteunde kritieke uitbreiding in X.509-certificaat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Er is een overtreding van het sleutelgebruik in het certificaat geconstateerd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Functie werd onderbroken."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "De andere computer heeft om een hernieuwde handshake gevraagd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Er werd TLS-toepassingsdata ontvangen, terwijl handshake-gegevens verwacht werden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Fout in databank-backend."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Het certificaattype wordt niet ondersteund."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Beschikbare buffer is te klein voor de gegeven parameters."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Het verzoek is ongeldig."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Er werd een ongeoorloofde parameter ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Fout tijdens lezen van bestand."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Element niet gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Naam niet gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Fout in ontleden van DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Waarde niet gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Algemene ontledingsfout."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Waarde is ongeldig."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Fout in TAG."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Fout in impliete tag."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Fout in type 'ANY'."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Syntaxfout."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-parser: Overloop in DER-ontleding."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Er zijn te veel lege datapakketten ontvangen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Het initialiseren van GnuTLS-extra is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "De versies van de GnuTLS- en GnuTLS-extra-bibliotheken komen niet overeen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "De versie van de gcrypt-bibliotheek is te oud."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "De versie van de tasn1-bibliotheek is te oud."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "Het OpenPGP-gebruikers-ID is ingetrokken."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Fout tijdens laden van de sleutelring."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Het initialiseren van LZO is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Er is geen ondersteund compressie-algoritme gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Er is geen ondersteund encryptie-algoritme gevonden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Kan OpenPGP-sleutel niet verkrijgen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Kan OpenPGP-subsleutel niet vinden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "De gegeven SRP-gebruikersnaam is ongeldig."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "De OpenPGP-vingerafdruk wordt niet ondersteund."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Het certificaat heeft niet-ondersteunde eigenschappen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "Het OID wordt niet ondersteund."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Onbekend hash-algoritme."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Onbekend inhoudstype van PKCS-structuur."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Onbekend buideltype van PKCS-structuur."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Het opgegeven wachtwoord bevat ongeldige tekens."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Verificatie van berichtauthenticatiecode is mislukt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Sommige beperkingsgrenzen werden bereikt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Kan geen willekeurige bits verkrijgen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "TLS/IA-tussenfasebeëindigingsbericht ontvangen"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "TLS/IA-eindfasebeëindigingsbericht ontvangen"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Verificatie van TLS/IA-fasecontrolesom is mislukt"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Het opgegeven algoritme of protocol is onbekend."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "De gegevensgrootte van de handshake is te groot (DoS-aanval?); controleer gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(onbekende foutcode)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Afsluitingsbericht"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Onverwacht bericht"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Record met ongeldige MAC"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Ontsleuteling is mislukt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Recordoverloop"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Decompressie is mislukt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Handshake is mislukt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Certificaat is ongeldig"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Certificaat wordt niet ondersteund"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Certificaat is ingetrokken"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Certificaat is verlopen"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Onbekend certificaat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Ongeldige parameter"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "CA is onbekend"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Toegang werd geweigerd"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Decoderingsfout"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Ontsleutelingsfout"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Exportbeperking"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Fout in protocolversie"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Onvoldoende veiligheid"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Door gebruiker geannuleerd"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "**Interne fout**"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Heronderhandeling is niet toegestaan"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Kan het opgegeven certificaat niet ophalen"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Een niet-ondersteunde uitbreiding werd toegezonden"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "De toegezonden servernaam werd niet herkend"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "De SRP/PSK-gebruikersnaam ontbreekt of is onbekend"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Inwendige programmaonderhandeling is mislukt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Inwendige programmaverificatie is mislukt"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPadlengtebeperking: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tBeleidstaal: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigitale ondertekening.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNiet-herroeping.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSleutel-encryptie.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tData-encryptie.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSleutelovereenstemming.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertificaatondertekening.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCRL-ondertekening.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAlleen sleutel-encryptie.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAlleen sleutel-decryptie.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS WWW-server.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS WWW-cliënt.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCode-ondertekening.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tE-mailbescherming.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTijdsstempels.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOCSP-ondertekening.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tElk doel.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertificaatautoriteit (CA): ONWAAR\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertificaatautoriteit (CA): WAAR\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tXMPP-adres: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAndere naam (OID): %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tAndere naam (DER): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tAndere naam (ASCII): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tVersie: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tSerienummer (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tUitgever: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tGeldigheid:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNiet vóór: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNiet na: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tOnderwerp: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "onbekend"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritme van publieke sleutel: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExponent:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPublieke sleutel (bits %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tUitbreidingen:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tFundamentele beperkingen (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "kritiek"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "niet kritiek"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tOnderwerps-ID van sleutel (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAutoriteits-ID van sleutel (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tGebruik van sleutel (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tDoel van sleutel (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tToegevoegde onderwerpen (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tCRL-distributiepunten (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInformatie over proxy-certificaat (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tOnbekende uitbreiding %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tOndertekeningsalgoritme: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "Waarschuwing: ondertekend met een algoritme dat vervalst kan worden.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tOndertekening:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tID van publieke sleutel:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informatie over X.509-certificaten:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Andere informatie:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tVersie: 1 (standaard)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tBijwerkingsdata:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUitgegeven: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVolgende op: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tIngetrokken certificaten (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tGeen ingetrokken certificaten.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tSerienummer (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIngetrokken op: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informatie over ingetrokken X.509-certificaten:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tGebruik van sleutel:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "fout in get_key_usage(): %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigitale ondertekeningen.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tEncryptie van communicatie.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tEncryptie van opgeslagen data.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAuthenticatie.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tID (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tVingerafdruk (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tIngetrokken: Ja\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tIngetrokken: Nee\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tTijdsstempels:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAangemaakt op: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVervaldatum: Nooit\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tVervaldatum: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritme van publieke sleutel: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNaam[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tIngetrokken naam[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informatie over OpenPGP-certificaten:\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f9d5c110..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,966 +0,0 @@
-# Polish translation for gnutls.
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Jakub Bogusz <>, 2006-2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls-2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-17 16:22+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jakub Bogusz <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Sukces."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Nie udao si wynegocjowa obsugiwanego zestawu certyfikatw."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Ten typ certyfikatu nie jest obsugiwany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Certyfikat i dany klucz nie pasuj do siebie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Nie udao si wynegocjowa obsugiwanej metody kompresji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Napotkano nieznany algorytm klucza publicznego."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Wynegocjowano algorytm, ktry nie zosta wczony."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano duy pakiet rekordu TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano pakiet rekordu o niedozwolonej wersji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Liczba pierwsza Diffie Hellmana wysana przez serwer jest nieakceptowalna (zbyt maa)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano pakiet TLS o nieoczekiwanej dugoci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Podana sesja zostaa z jakiego powodu uniewaniona."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Bd wewntrzny GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano niedozwolone rozszerzenie TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Odebrano krytyczny alarm TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano nieoczekiwany pakiet TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Odebrano ostrzegawczy alarm TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Wykryto bd przy obliczaniu pakietu TLS Finished."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Druga strona nie wysaa adnego certyfikatu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Istnieje ju algorytm kryptograficzny z niszym priorytetem."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono parametrw tymczasowych RSA."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono parametrw tymczasowych DH."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Odebrano nieoczekiwany pakiet nawizania TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Poszukiwanie duej liczby cakowitej nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Nie udao si wyeksportowa duej liczby cakowitej."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Szyfrowanie nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Szyfrowanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Podpisywanie z kluczem publicznym nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Sprawdzenie podpisu z kluczem publicznym nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Dekompresja pakietu rekordu TLS nie powioda si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Kompresja pakietu rekordu TLS nie powioda si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Bd wewntrzny przy przydzielaniu pamici."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Zadano niezaimplementowanej lub wyczonej opcji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Niewystarczajce uprawnienia dla tego dania."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Bd w pliku hase."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Bdne wyrwnanie w pakiecie PKCS1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "dana sesja wygasa."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Funkcja skrtu nie powioda si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Bd dekodowania base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany bd nagwka base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Bd kodowania base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Bd przetwarzania pliku hase."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "dane dane nie byy dostpne."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Bd w funkcji pull."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Bd w funkcji push."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Osignito grne ograniczenie numerw sekwencyjnych pakietw rekordw. Wow!"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Bd w certyfikacie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Nieznana nazwa Subject Alternative w certyfikacie X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Nieobsugiwane rozszerzenie krytyczne w certyfikacie X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Wykryto naruszenie uycia klucza w certyfikacie."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Funkcja zostaa przerwana."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Druga strona zadaa ponownego nawizania sesji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Odebrano dane aplikacji TLS, ale oczekiwano na nawizanie sesji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Bd w backendzie bazy danych."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Ten typ certyfikatu nie jest obsugiwany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Przekazany bufor pamici jest zbyt may do przechowania parametrw."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "danie jest nieprawidowe."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Odebrano niedozwolony parametr."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Bd podczas odczytu pliku."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono elementu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono identyfikatora."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Bd przy analizie DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Nie znaleziono wartoci."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Oglny bd przetwarzania."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Warto nie jest prawidowa."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Bd w znaczniku."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: bd w domylnym znaczniku."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Bd w typie 'ANY'."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Bd skadni."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Analiza ASN1: Przepenienie przy analizie DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Odebrano zbyt duo pustych pakietw rekordw."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Inicjalizacja GnuTLS-extra nie powioda si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Wersja biblioteki GnuTLS nie zgadza si z wersj biblioteki GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Wersja biblioteki gcrypt jest zbyt stara."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Wersja biblioteki tasn1 jest zbyt stara."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "Identyfikator uytkownika OpenPGP jest uniewaniony."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Bd przy wczytywaniu zbioru kluczy."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Inicjalizacja LZO nie powioda si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono obsugiwanego algorytmu kompresji."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono obsugiwanego zestawu certyfikatw."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Nie udao si uzyska klucza OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Nie udao si odnale podklucza OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Podana nazwa uytkownika SRP nie jest dozwolona."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "Odcisk klucza OpenPGP nie jest obsugiwany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Certyfikat ma nieobsugiwane atrybuty."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "OID nie jest obsugiwany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Algorytm skrtu jest nieznany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Typ zawartoci struktury PKCS jest nieznany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Typ opakowania struktury PKCS jest nieznany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Podane haso zawiera nieprawidowe znaki."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Sprawdzenie kodu autentycznoci wiadomoci (MAC) nie powiodo si."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Osignito niektre ograniczenia."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Nie udao si pozyska danych losowych."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Odebrano wiadomo TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Odebrano wiadomo TLS/IA Final Phase Finished"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Sprawdzenie sumy kontrolnej frazy TLS/IA nie powiodo si"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Podany algorytm lub protok jest nieznany."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "Rozmiar danych nawizania jest zbyt duy (DoS?), prosz sprawdzi gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(nieznany kod bdu)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Powiadomienie o zamkniciu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany komunikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Bdny MAC rekordu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie nie powiodo si"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Przepenienie rekordu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Dekompresja nie powioda si"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Nawizanie komunikacji nie powiodo si"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Bdny certyfikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Nieobsugiwany certyfikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Certyfikat zosta anulowany"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Certyfikat wygas"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Nieznany certyfikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Niedozwolony parametr"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "Nieznane CA"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Dostp zabroniony"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Bd dekodowania"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Bd odszyfrowywania"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Ograniczenia eksportowe"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Bd w wersji protokou"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Niewystarczajce bezpieczestwo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Anulowane przez uytkownika"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Bd wewntrzny"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Renegocjacja niedozwolona"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Nie udao si pobra wskazanego certyfikatu"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Wysano nieobsugiwane rozszerzenie"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Nierozpoznana wysana nazwa serwera"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "Brak lub nieznana nazwa uytkownika SRP/PSK"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Negocjacja w ramach aplikacji nie powioda si"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Weryfikacja w ramach aplikacji nie powioda si"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOgraniczenie dugoci cieki: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tJzyk polityki: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tZrzut hex: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpis cyfrowy.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tBez odmowy.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie klucza.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie danych.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tUzgodnienie klucza.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisanie certyfikatu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisanie CRL.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTylko szyfrowanie klucza.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTylko deszyfrowanie klucza.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSerwer WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKlient WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisywanie kodu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOchrona poczty elektronicznej.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOznaczanie czasu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisywanie OCSP.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDowolne zastosowanie.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCA: NIE\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCA: TAK\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAdres XMPP: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOID otherName: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tDER otherName: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tASCII otherName: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tWersja: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tNumer seryjny (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tWystawca: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tWano:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNie wczeniej ni: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNie pniej ni: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tPrzedmiot: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "nieznany"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorytm klucza publicznego: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tReszta (bitw: %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tWykadnik:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKlucz publiczny (bitw: %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tRozszerzenia:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tOgraniczenia podstawowe (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "krytyczny"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "niekrytyczny"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentyfikator klucza przedmiotu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tIdentyfikator klucza autorytetu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUycie klucza (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPrzeznaczenie klucza (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAlternatywna nazwa przedmiotu (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPunkty rozproszenia CRL (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInformacja o certyfikacie proxy (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNieznane rozszerzenie %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tZrzut hex: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorytm podpisu: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "uwaga: podpisano zamanym algorytmem podpisu, ktry moe by podrobiony.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tPodpis:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tOdcisk MD5:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tOdcisk SHA-1:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tIdentyfikator klucza publicznego:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informacja o certyfikacie X.509:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Inne informacje:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tWersja: 1 (domylna)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tDaty uaktualnie:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tWystawiono: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNastpnie: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tUniewanione certyfikaty (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tBrak uniewanionych certyfikatw.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tNumer seryjny (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUniewaniono: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informacja o licie uniewanie certyfikatw X.509:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUycie klucza:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "bd: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPodpisy cyfrowe.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie komunikacji.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tSzyfrowanie przechowywanych danych.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tUwierzytelnianie.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tID (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tOdcisk (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tUniewaniony: tak\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tUniewaniony: nie\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tOznaczenia czasu:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtworzenie: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tWyganicie: nigdy\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tWyganicie: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgorytm klucza publicznego: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNazwa[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNazwa uniewaniona[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Informacja o certyfikacie OpenPGP:\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52eaabb2c8..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,977 +0,0 @@
-# Swedish translation of gnutls.
-# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Daniel Nylander <>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-17 13:35+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Lyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Kunde inte förhandla fram en krypteringssvit som stöds."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Krypteringstypen stöds inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Certifikatet och den angivna nyckeln stämmer inte överens."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Kunde inte förhandla fram en stödd komprimeringsmetod."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "En okänd publik nyckelalgoritm påträffades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "En algoritm som inte är aktiverad blev förhandlad."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Ett stort TLS-journalpaket togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Ett journalpaket med otillåten version togs emot."
-# Stort?
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Diffie Hellman-primtalet som skickades av servern är inte acceptabelt (inte tillräckligt långt)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Ett TLS-paket med oväntad längd togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Angiven session har av någon anledning blivit ogiltigförklarad."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Internt fel i GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "En otillåten TLS-utökning togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Ett ödesdigert TLS-larm togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Ett oväntat TLS-paket togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "En TLS-varning har tagits emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Ett fel påträffades vid beräkning av TLS Finished-paketet."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Motparten skickade inget certifikat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Det finns redan en krypteringsalgoritm med lägre prioritet."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Inga temporära RSA-parametrar hittades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Inga temporära DH-parametrar hittades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Ett oväntat TLS-handskakningspaket togs emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Avsökningen av ett stort heltal misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Kunde inte exportera ett stort heltal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Dekryptering misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Kryptering misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Dekryptering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Kryptering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Signering av publik nyckel misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Validering av av publika nyckelns signatur misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Dekomprimering av TLS-journalpaketet har misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Komprimering av TLS-journalpaketet har misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Internt fel i minnesallokering."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "En icke implementerad eller inaktiverad funktion begärdes."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Otillräckliga rättigheter för begäran."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Fel i lösenordsfil."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Fel utfyllnad i PKCS1-paket."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "Den begärda sessionen har tagit slut."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Hashning misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-avkodningsfel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Oväntat fel i Base64-huvud."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Base64-kodningsfel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Tolkningsfel i lösenordsfil."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Begärt data var inte tillgängligt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Fel i inhämtningsfunktionen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Fel i utsändningsfunktionen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Den övre gränsen för sekvensnummer för journalpaket har nåtts. Wow!"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Fel i certifikatet."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Okänt alternativt namn för innehavare i X.509-certifikat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Icke stödd kritisk utökning i X.509-certifikat."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Överträdelse av nyckelanvändning i certifikat har upptäckts."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Funktionen avbröts."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Upprepad handskakning begärdes av motparten."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "TLS-programdata togs emot när handskakningsdata förväntades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Fel i databasbakänden."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Certifikattypen stöds inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Den angivna minnesbufferten är för liten för att lagra parametrar."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Begäran är ogiltig."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "En otillåten parameter har tagits emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Fel vid läsning av fil."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Elementet hittades inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Identifieraren hittades inte"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i DER-tolkning."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Värdet hittades inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Allmänt tolkningsfel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Värdet är inte giltigt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i TAG."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: fel i implicit tag"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Fel i typen \"ANY\"."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Syntaxfel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "ASN1-tolkare: Överflöde i DER-tolkning."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "För många tom journalpaket har tagits emot."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Initieringen av GnuTLS-extra har misslyckats."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Versionen av GnuTLS-biblioteket stämmer inte överens med versionen av GnuTLS-extra-biblioteket."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Versionen av gcrypt-biblioteket är för gammal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Versionen av tasn1-biblioteket är för gammal."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "OpenPGP-användaridentiteten är spärrad."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av nyckelringen."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Initiering av LZO misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Inga stödda komprimeringsalgoritmer har hittats."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Inga stödda krypteringssviter har hittats."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Kunde inte hämta OpenPGP-nyckel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Kunde inte hitta OpenPGP-undernyckel."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Det angivna SRP-användarnamnet är inte tillåtet."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "OpenPGP-fingeravtrycket stöds inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Certifikatet har attribut som inte stöds."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "OID:n stöds inte."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Hashalgoritmen är okänd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "PKCS-strukturens innehållstyp är okänd."
-# Hjälp!
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "PKCS-strukturens väsktyp är okänd."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Det angivna lösenordet innehåller ogiltiga tecken."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Validering av meddelandeautentiseringskoden (MAC) misslyckades."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Vissa begränsningar nåddes."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Misslyckades med att få tag på slumpmässigt data."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Tog emot ett TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished-meddelande"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Tog emot ett TLS/IA Final Phase Finished-meddelande"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Validering av kontrollsumma för TLS/IA-fas misslyckades"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Angivna algoritmen eller protokollet är okänt."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "Datastorleken för handskakningen är för stor (DoS?), kontrollera gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(okänd felkod)"
-# SSL_shutdown() shuts down an active TLS/SSL connection. It sends the ``close notify'' shutdown alert to the peer.
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Stängningsnotifiering"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Oväntat meddelande"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "Felaktig MAC-post"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Dekryptering misslyckades"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Överflöde i post"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Dekomprimering misslyckades"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Handskakning misslyckades"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Certifikatet är felaktigt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Certifikatet stöds inte"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Certifikatet var spärrat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Certifikatet har gått ut"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Okänt certifikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Otillåten parameter"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "Certifikatutfärdare är okänd"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Åtkomst nekades"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Avkodningsfel"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Dekrypteringsfel"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Exportbegränsning"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Fel i protokollversion"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Otillräcklig säkerhet"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Användaren avbröt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Internt fel"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Ingen återförhandling tillåts"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Kunde inte hämta angivet certifikat"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "En utökning skickades som inte stöds"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Servernamnet som skickades kändes inte igen"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "SRP/PSK-användarnamn saknas eller är inte känt"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Förhandling för inre program misslyckades"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Validering av inre program misslyckades"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tRestriktion för sökvägslängd: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigital signatur.\n"
-# Klassisk term inom digitala certifikat.
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOförnekbarhet.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNyckelkryptering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDatakryptering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNyckelförhandling.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatsignering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCRL-signering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tEndast nyckelkryptering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tEndast nyckeldekryptering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS-webbserver.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTLS-webbklient.\n"
-# Källkodssignering?
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKodsignering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tE-postskydd.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tTidsstämpling.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOCSP-signering.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tValfritt syfte.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatutfärdare (CA): FALSKT\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tCertifikatutfärdare (CA): SANT\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tXMPP-adress: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tVersion: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tSerienummer (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tUtfärdare: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tGiltighet:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInte före: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInte efter: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tInnehavare: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "okänd"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritm för innehavarens publika nyckel: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tModulus (bitar %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tExponent:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPublik nyckel (bitar %d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tTillägg:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tAllmänna restriktioner (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "kritisk"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "ej kritisk"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInnehavarens nyckelidentifierare (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtfärdarens nyckelidentifierare (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNyckelanvändning (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNyckelsyfte (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInnehavarens alternativa namn (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tCRL-distributionspunkter (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tInformation om proxycertifikat (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tOkänt tillägg %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tSignaturalgoritm: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "varning: signerad med en trasig signaturalgoritm som kan förfalskas.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tSignatur:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tPublik nyckel-identitet:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Information om X.509-certifikat:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Övrig information:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tVersion: 1 (standard)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tUppdateringsdatum:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtfärdat: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNästa den: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tSpärrade certifikat (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tInga spärrade certifikat.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tSerienummer (hex): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSpärrat den: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Information om spärrlista för X.509-certifikat:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tNyckelanvändning:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "fel: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tDigitala signaturer.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKommunikationskryptering.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKryptering för datalagring.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tAutentisering.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tIdentitet (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tFingeravtryck (hex): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tSpärrat: Sant\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tSpärrat: Falskt\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tTidsstämplar:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSkapat den: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtgångsdatum: Aldrig\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tUtgångsdatum: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tAlgoritm för publik nyckel: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNamn[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tSpärrat namn[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Information om OpenPGP-certifikat:\n"
-#~ msgid "The specified GnuPG TrustDB version is not supported. TrustDB v4 is supported."
-#~ msgstr "Den angivna GnuPG TrustDB-versionen stöds inte. TrustDB v4 stöds."
-#~ msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %.*s\n"
-#~ msgstr "\t\t\tPolicyspråk: %.*s\n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85b7c2623e..0000000000
--- a/po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,968 +0,0 @@
-# Vietnamese translation for GnuTLS.
-# Copyright © 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnutls package.
-# Clytie Siddall <>, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnutls 2.5.7\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-16 16:45+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-21 22:11+0930\n"
-"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LocFactoryEditor 1.7b3\n"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:53
-msgid "Success."
-msgstr "Thành công."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:54
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite."
-msgstr "Không thể thỏa thuận một bộ ứng dụng mật mã được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:56
-msgid "The cipher type is unsupported."
-msgstr "Không hỗ trợ kiểu mật mã."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:58
-msgid "The certificate and the given key do not match."
-msgstr "Dãy chứng nhận và khoá đã cho không tương ứng với nhau."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:60
-msgid "Could not negotiate a supported compression method."
-msgstr "Không thể thỏa thuận một phương pháp nén được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:62
-msgid "An unknown public key algorithm was encountered."
-msgstr "Gặp một thuật toán khoá công không rõ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:65
-msgid "An algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated."
-msgstr "Đã thỏa thuận một thuật toán chưa được hiệu lực."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:67
-msgid "A large TLS record packet was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một gói tin mục ghi TLS lớn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:69
-msgid "A record packet with illegal version was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một gói tin mục ghi có phiên bản cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:72
-msgid "The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough)."
-msgstr "Máy phục vụ đã gửi một nguyên tố Diffie Hellman không thích hợp (quá ngắn)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:74
-msgid "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một gói tin TLS lớn có chiều dài bất thường."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:77
-msgid "The specified session has been invalidated for some reason."
-msgstr "Phiên chạy đã ghi rõ cũng bị tắt vì lý do nào."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:80
-msgid "GnuTLS internal error."
-msgstr "Lỗi nội bộ GnuTLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:81
-msgid "An illegal TLS extension was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một phần mở rộng TLS cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:83
-msgid "A TLS fatal alert has been received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một cảnh giác nghiêm trọng TLS cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:85
-msgid "An unexpected TLS packet was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một gói tin TLS bất thường."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:87
-msgid "A TLS warning alert has been received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một cảnh giác báo trước TLS cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:90
-msgid "An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong phép tính gói tin đã kết thúc TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:92
-msgid "The peer did not send any certificate."
-msgstr "Đồng đẳng chưa gửi chứng nhận."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:95
-msgid "There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority."
-msgstr "Đã có một thuật toán mã hoá có mức ưu tiên thấp hơn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:98
-msgid "No temporary RSA parameters were found."
-msgstr "Không tìm thấy tham số RSA tạm thời."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:100
-msgid "No temporary DH parameters were found."
-msgstr "Không tìm thấy tham số DH tạm thời."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:102
-msgid "An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một gói tin thiết lập quan hệ TLS bất thường."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:104
-msgid "The scanning of a large integer has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi quét một số nguyên lớn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:106
-msgid "Could not export a large integer."
-msgstr "Không thể xuất một số nguyên lớn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:108
-msgid "Decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi giải mã."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:109
-msgid "Encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi mã hoá."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:110
-msgid "Public key decryption has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi giải mã khoá công."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:112
-msgid "Public key encryption has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi mã hoá khoá công."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:114
-msgid "Public key signing has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi ký khoá công."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:116
-msgid "Public key signature verification has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi thẩm tra chữ ký khoá công."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:118
-msgid "Decompression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi giải nén gói tin mục ghi TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:120
-msgid "Compression of the TLS record packet has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi nén gói tin mục ghi TLS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:123
-msgid "Internal error in memory allocation."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi nội bộ trong khi cấp phát bộ nhớ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:125
-msgid "An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested."
-msgstr "Đã yêu cầu một tính năng bị tắt hoặc chưa được thực hiện."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:127
-msgid "Insufficient credentials for that request."
-msgstr "Không đủ thông tin xác thực cho yêu cầu đó."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:129
-msgid "Error in password file."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong tập tin mật khẩu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:130
-msgid "Wrong padding in PKCS1 packet."
-msgstr "Sai đệm gói tin PKCS1."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:132
-msgid "The requested session has expired."
-msgstr "Đã yêu cầu một hiên chạy đã hết hạn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:133
-msgid "Hashing has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi chuyển đổi chuỗi sang một mẫu duy nhất."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:134
-msgid "Base64 decoding error."
-msgstr "Lỗi giải mã Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:136
-msgid "Base64 unexpected header error."
-msgstr "Lỗi phần đầu bất thường Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:139
-msgid "Base64 encoding error."
-msgstr "Lỗi mã hoá Base64."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:141
-msgid "Parsing error in password file."
-msgstr "Lỗi phân tích ngữ pháp trong tập tin mật khẩu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:143
-msgid "The requested data were not available."
-msgstr "Đã yêu cầu dữ liệu không sẵn sàng."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:145
-msgid "Error in the pull function."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong hàm pull."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:146
-msgid "Error in the push function."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong hàm push."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:148
-msgid "The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!"
-msgstr "Mới tới giới hạn trên của số thứ tự gói tin mục ghi."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:150
-msgid "Error in the certificate."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong chứng nhận."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:152
-msgid "Unknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Gặp tên Người dân Xen kẽ không rõ trong chứng nhận X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:155
-msgid "Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate."
-msgstr "Gặp phần mở rộng nghiêm trọng không được hỗ trợ trong chứng nhận X.509."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:157
-msgid "Key usage violation in certificate has been detected."
-msgstr "Đã phát hiện sự vi phạm cách sử dụng khoá trong chứng nhận."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:159 lib/gnutls_errors.c:160
-msgid "Function was interrupted."
-msgstr "Hàm đã bị gián đoạn."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:161
-msgid "Rehandshake was requested by the peer."
-msgstr "Đồng đẳng đã yêu cầu thiết lập lại quan hệ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:164
-msgid "TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data."
-msgstr "Nhận được dữ liệu Ứng dụng TLS, còn đợi dữ liệu thiết lập quan hệ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:166
-msgid "Error in Database backend."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi trong hậu phương cơ sở dữ liệu."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:167
-msgid "The certificate type is not supported."
-msgstr "Kiểu chứng nhận không được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:169
-msgid "The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters."
-msgstr "Đã đưa ra một vùng đệm bộ nhớ quá ngắn để chứa các tham số."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:171
-msgid "The request is invalid."
-msgstr "Yêu cầu không hợp lệ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:172
-msgid "An illegal parameter has been received."
-msgstr "Nhận được một tham số cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:174
-msgid "Error while reading file."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi đọc tập tin."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:176
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: không tìm thấy phần tử."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:178
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Identifier was not found"
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: không tìm thấy đồ nhận diện."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:180
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: gặp lỗi trong sự phân tích ngữ cảnh DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:182
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value was not found."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: không tìm thấy giá trị."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:184
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: lỗi phân tích ngữ cảnh chung."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:186
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Value is not valid."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: giá trị không hợp lệ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:188
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in TAG."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: gặp lỗi trong TAG (thẻ)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:189
-msgid "ASN1 parser: error in implicit tag"
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: gặp lỗi trong thẻ dứt khoát."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:191
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: gặp lỗi trong kiểu « ANY » (bất kỳ)."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:193
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Syntax error."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: lỗi cú pháp."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:195
-msgid "ASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing."
-msgstr "Bộ phân tích ASN1: tràn sự phân tích ngữ cảnh DER."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:198
-msgid "Too many empty record packets have been received."
-msgstr "Nhận được quá nhiều gói tin mục ghi rỗng."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:200
-msgid "The initialization of GnuTLS-extra has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi sơ khởi GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:203
-msgid "The GnuTLS library version does not match the GnuTLS-extra library version."
-msgstr "Phiên bản thư viện GnuTLS không tương ứng với phiên bản thư viện GnuTLS-extra."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:205
-msgid "The gcrypt library version is too old."
-msgstr "Phiên bản thư viện gcrypt là quá cũ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:208
-msgid "The tasn1 library version is too old."
-msgstr "Phiên bản thư viện tasn1 là quá cũ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:210
-msgid "The OpenPGP User ID is revoked."
-msgstr "Mã số người dùng OpenPGP bị thu hồi."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:212
-msgid "Error loading the keyring."
-msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi nạp vòng khoá."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:214
-msgid "The initialization of LZO has failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi sơ khởi LZO."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:216
-msgid "No supported compression algorithms have been found."
-msgstr "Không tìm thấy thuật toán nén được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:218
-msgid "No supported cipher suites have been found."
-msgstr "Không tìm thấy bộ ứng dụng mật mã được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:220
-msgid "Could not get OpenPGP key."
-msgstr "Không thể lấy khoá OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:222
-msgid "Could not find OpenPGP subkey."
-msgstr "Không tìm thấy khoá phụ OpenPGP."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:225
-msgid "The SRP username supplied is illegal."
-msgstr "Đã cung cấp một tên người dùng SRP cấm."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:228
-msgid "The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported."
-msgstr "Dấu tay OpenPGP không phải được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:230
-msgid "The certificate has unsupported attributes."
-msgstr "Chứng nhận có thuộc tính không được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:232
-msgid "The OID is not supported."
-msgstr "IOD không được hỗ trợ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:234
-msgid "The hash algorithm is unknown."
-msgstr "Không rõ thuật toán chuyển đổi chuỗi sang mẫu duy nhất."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:236
-msgid "The PKCS structure's content type is unknown."
-msgstr "Không rõ kiểu nội dung của cấu trúc PKCS."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:238
-msgid "The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown."
-msgstr "Không rõ kiểu bao của cấu trúc PKC"
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:240
-msgid "The given password contains invalid characters."
-msgstr "Đã đưa ra một mật khẩu chứa ký tự không hợp lệ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:242
-msgid "The Message Authentication Code verification failed."
-msgstr "Lỗi thẩm tra Mã Xác Thực Thông Điệp."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:244
-msgid "Some constraint limits were reached."
-msgstr "Đã tới một số giới hạn ràng buộc."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:246
-msgid "Failed to acquire random data."
-msgstr "Lỗi lấy dữ liệu ngẫu nhiên. "
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:249
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Intermediate Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Nhận được một thông điệp Giải đoạn Trung gian đã Kết thúc TLS/IA."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:251
-msgid "Received a TLS/IA Final Phase Finished message"
-msgstr "Nhận được một thông điệp Giải đoạn Cuối cùng đã Kết thúc TLS/IA."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:253
-msgid "Verifying TLS/IA phase checksum failed"
-msgstr "Lỗi thẩm tra tổng kiểm của giải đoạn TLS/IA."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:256
-msgid "The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown."
-msgstr "Không rõ thuật toán hoặc giao thức đã ghi rõ."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:259
-msgid "The handshake data size is too large (DoS?), check gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-msgstr "Dữ liệu thiết lập quan hệ có kích cỡ quá lớn (DoS?), hãy kiểm tra lại gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length()."
-#: lib/gnutls_errors.c:348
-msgid "(unknown error code)"
-msgstr "(không rõ mã lỗi)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:42
-msgid "Close notify"
-msgstr "Đóng thông báo"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:43
-msgid "Unexpected message"
-msgstr "Thông điệp bất thường"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:44
-msgid "Bad record MAC"
-msgstr "MAC mục ghi sai"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:45
-msgid "Decryption failed"
-msgstr "Giải mật mã không thành công"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:46
-msgid "Record overflow"
-msgstr "Tràn mục ghi"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:47
-msgid "Decompression failed"
-msgstr "Giải nén không thành công"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:48
-msgid "Handshake failed"
-msgstr "Thiết lập quan hệ không thành công"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:49
-msgid "Certificate is bad"
-msgstr "Chứng nhận sai"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:50
-msgid "Certificate is not supported"
-msgstr "Chứng nhận không được hỗ trợ"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:51
-msgid "Certificate was revoked"
-msgstr "Chứng nhận bị thu hồi"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:52
-msgid "Certificate is expired"
-msgstr "Chứng nhận đã hết hạn"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:53
-msgid "Unknown certificate"
-msgstr "Không nhận ra chứng nhận"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:54
-msgid "Illegal parameter"
-msgstr "Tham số không được phép"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:55
-msgid "CA is unknown"
-msgstr "Không nhận ra nhà cầm quyền cấp chứng nhận (CA)"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:56
-msgid "Access was denied"
-msgstr "Truy cập bị từ chối"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:57
-msgid "Decode error"
-msgstr "Lỗi giải mã"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:58
-msgid "Decrypt error"
-msgstr "Lỗi giải mật mã"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:59
-msgid "Export restriction"
-msgstr "Giới hạn xuất"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:60
-msgid "Error in protocol version"
-msgstr "Lỗi trong phiên bản giao thức"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:61
-msgid "Insufficient security"
-msgstr "Không đủ bảo mật"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:62
-msgid "User canceled"
-msgstr "Người dùng đã thôi"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:63
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Lỗi nội bộ"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:64
-msgid "No renegotiation is allowed"
-msgstr "Không cho phép thỏa thuận lại"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:66
-msgid "Could not retrieve the specified certificate"
-msgstr "Không thể lấy chứng nhận đã xác định"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:67
-msgid "An unsupported extension was sent"
-msgstr "Đã gửi một phần mở rộng không được hỗ trợ"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:69
-msgid "The server name sent was not recognized"
-msgstr "Đã gửi một tên máy phục vụ không được nhận ra"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:71
-msgid "The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known"
-msgstr "Tên người dùng SRP/PSK bị thiếu hay không rõ"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:73
-msgid "Inner application negotiation failed"
-msgstr "Lỗi thỏa thuận bên trong ứng dụng"
-#: lib/gnutls_alert.c:75
-msgid "Inner application verification failed"
-msgstr "Không thẩm tra được bên trong ứng dụng"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:113 lib/x509/output.c:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPath Length Constraint: %d\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tRàng buộc chiều dài đường dẫn: %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:114
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tPolicy Language: %s"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNgôn ngữ chính sách: %s"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:123
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tChính sách:\n"
-"\t\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:125
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tĐổ thập lục: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:217
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signature.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChữ ký dạng số.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:219
-msgid "\t\t\tNon repudiation.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKhông từ chối.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:221
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMã hoá khoá.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:223
-msgid "\t\t\tData encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMã hoá dữ liệu.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:225
-msgid "\t\t\tKey agreement.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChấp thuận khoá.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:227 lib/openpgp/output.c:107
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKý chứng nhận.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:229
-msgid "\t\t\tCRL signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKý CRL.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:231
-msgid "\t\t\tKey encipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChỉ mã hoá khoá.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:233
-msgid "\t\t\tKey decipher only.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChỉ giải mã khoá.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:348
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Server.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMáy phục vụ WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:350
-msgid "\t\t\tTLS WWW Client.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tỨng dụng khách WWW TLS.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:352
-msgid "\t\t\tCode signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKý mã.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:354
-msgid "\t\t\tEmail protection.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tBảo vệ thư điện tử.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:356
-msgid "\t\t\tTime stamping.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tGhi thời gian.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:358
-msgid "\t\t\tOCSP signing.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tKý OCSP.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:360
-msgid "\t\t\tAny purpose.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tBất cứ mục đích nào.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:384
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): FALSE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNhà cầm quyền chứng nhận (CA): SAI\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:386
-msgid "\t\t\tCertificate Authority (CA): TRUE\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tNhà cầm quyền chứng nhận (CA): ĐÚNG\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:491
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\tXMPP Address: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tĐịa chỉ XMPP: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:494
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\t\totherName OID: %.*s\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tOID tên khác: %.*s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:495
-msgid "\t\t\totherName DER: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tDER tên khác: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:497
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\totherName ASCII: "
-msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tASCII tên khác: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:523 lib/x509/output.c:1195 lib/openpgp/output.c:326
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tVersion: %d\n"
-msgstr "\tPhiên bản %d\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:537
-msgid "\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\tSố sản xuất (thập lục): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:554 lib/x509/output.c:1209
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tIssuer: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNhà cấp: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:561
-msgid "\tValidity:\n"
-msgstr "\tHợp lệ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot Before: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKhông phải trước: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:588
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNot After: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKhông phải sau : %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:602
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tNgười dân: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:617 lib/x509/output.c:894 lib/x509/output.c:1305
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:238
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "không rõ"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:619
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSubject Public Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tThuật toán khoá công người dân: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:633 lib/openpgp/output.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tModulus (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tGiá trị tuyệt đối (%d bit):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:635 lib/openpgp/output.c:260
-msgid "\t\tExponent:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tMũ :\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:654 lib/openpgp/output.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tPublic key (bits %d):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tKhoá công (%d bit):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:656 lib/openpgp/output.c:287
-msgid "\t\tP:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tP:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:658 lib/openpgp/output.c:289
-msgid "\t\tQ:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tQ:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:660 lib/openpgp/output.c:291
-msgid "\t\tG:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tG:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:706
-msgid "\tExtensions:\n"
-msgstr "\tPhần mở rộng:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:716
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tBasic Constraints (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tRàng buộc cơ bản (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "critical"
-msgstr "tới hạn"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:717 lib/x509/output.c:732 lib/x509/output.c:747
-#: lib/x509/output.c:762 lib/x509/output.c:777 lib/x509/output.c:794
-#: lib/x509/output.c:809 lib/x509/output.c:826 lib/x509/output.c:838
-msgid "not critical"
-msgstr "không tới hạn"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\tĐồ nhận diện khoá người dân (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tAuthority Key Identifier (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tĐồ nhận diện khoá nhà cầm quyền (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:761
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSử dụng khoá (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:776
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tKey Purpose (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tMục đích khoá (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:793
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tSubject Alternative Name (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTên xen kẽ người dân (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:808
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCRL Distribution points (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tĐiểm phân phối CRL (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:825
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tProxy Certificate Information (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tThông tin chứng nhận ủy nhiệm (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:837
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tUnknown extension %s (%s):\n"
-msgstr "\t\tPhần mở rộng lạ %s (%s):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:866
-msgid "\t\t\tASCII: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tASCII: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:870
-msgid "\t\t\tHexdump: "
-msgstr "\t\t\tĐổ thập lục: "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:895 lib/x509/output.c:1306
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tSignature Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tThuật toán chữ ký: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:901 lib/x509/output.c:1312
-msgid "warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.\n"
-msgstr "cảnh báo : đã ký dùng một thuật toán chữ ký bị hỏng có thể bị giả mạo.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:926 lib/x509/output.c:1337
-msgid "\tSignature:\n"
-msgstr "\tChữ ký:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:949
-msgid ""
-"\tMD5 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tDấu tay MD5:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:951
-msgid ""
-"\tSHA-1 fingerprint:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tDấu tay SHA1:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:985
-msgid ""
-"\tPublic Key Id:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"\tMã số khoá công:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1151
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Thông tin chứng nhận X.509:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1155
-msgid "Other Information:\n"
-msgstr "Thông tin khác:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1191
-msgid "\tVersion: 1 (default)\n"
-msgstr "\tPhiên bản: 1 (mặc định)\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1216
-msgid "\tUpdate dates:\n"
-msgstr "\tNgày cập nhật:\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1229
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tIssued: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tCấp: %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1245
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tNext at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tLần sau vào : %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1255
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked certificates (%d):\n"
-msgstr "\tChứng nhận bị thu hồi (%d):\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1257
-msgid "\tNo revoked certificates.\n"
-msgstr "\tKhông có chứng nhận bị thu hồi.\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1276
-msgid "\t\tSerial Number (hex): "
-msgstr "\t\tSố sản xuất (thập lục): "
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1285
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tRevoked at: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tThu hồi vào : %s\n"
-#: lib/x509/output.c:1368
-msgid "X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information:\n"
-msgstr "Danh sách Thu hồi Chứng nhận X.509:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:85
-msgid "\t\tKey Usage:\n"
-msgstr "\t\tSử dụng khoá:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:94
-#, c-format
-msgid "error: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "lỗi: get_key_usage: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:99
-msgid "\t\t\tDigital signatures.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tChữ ký thuật số.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:101
-msgid "\t\t\tCommunications encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMã hoá giao thông.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:103
-msgid "\t\t\tStorage data encipherment.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tMã hoá dữ liệu lưu trữ.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:105
-msgid "\t\t\tAuthentication.\n"
-msgstr "\t\t\tXác thực.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:128
-msgid "\tID (hex): "
-msgstr "\tMã số (thập lục): "
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:149
-msgid "\tFingerprint (hex): "
-msgstr "\tDấu tay (thập lục):"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:166
-msgid "\tRevoked: True\n"
-msgstr "\tThu hồi: Đúng\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:168
-msgid "\tRevoked: False\n"
-msgstr "\tThu hồi: Sai\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:176
-msgid "\tTime stamps:\n"
-msgstr "\tNhãn thời gian.\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:193
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tCreation: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tTạo : %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:207
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: Never\n"
-msgstr "\t\tHết hạn: Không bao giờ\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:216
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tExpiration: %s\n"
-msgstr "\t\tHết hạn: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tPublic Key Algorithm: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tThuật toán khoá công: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tName[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tTên[%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "\tRevoked Name[%d]: %s\n"
-msgstr "\tThu hồi tên [%d]: %s\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"\tKhoá phụ[%d]:\n"
-#: lib/openpgp/output.c:404
-msgid "OpenPGP Certificate Information:\n"
-msgstr "Thông tin chứng nhận OpenPGP:\n"