#! /usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os import string import time import sys import ConfigParser import platform import ontology_prefixes import tools # all ontology modules import ncal import nmm import nco import nfo import mfo import mto import nmo import mlo import slo import tracker def recent_enough_python (): """ True if it is 2.6 or more recent """ print "Running generate with python", platform.python_version () version = platform.python_version_tuple () return (int(version[0]) >= 2 and int(version[1]) >= 6) #################################################################################### def argument_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Nepomuk test data generator") parser.add_argument('config_file', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('output_dir', nargs='?') return parser args = argument_parser().parse_args() config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() try: loaded_files = config.read(args.config_file) # config.read # in 2.3 return None # in 2.6+ returns a list of loaded files if recent_enough_python (): if (len (loaded_files) != 1): print "Cannot open %s" % (args.config_file) sys.exit (-1) except Exception, e: print "Failed to read configuration file %s (%s)" % (args.config_file, e) sys.exit (-1) if args.output_dir: if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) def get_counter (section, option): if config.has_option (section, option): return config.getint (section, option) else: return 1 # set up all known types tools.addType( 'nco#EmailAddress', 10 ) tools.addType( 'nco#PostalAddress', 11 ) tools.addType( 'nco#PhoneNumber', 12 ) tools.addType( 'nco#IMAddress', 13 ) tools.addType( 'nco#ContactEmail', 14 ) tools.addType( 'nco#ContactCall', 15 ) tools.addType( 'nco#ContactIM', 16 ) tools.addType( 'nco#PersonContact', 18 ) tools.addType( 'slo#GeoLocation', 20 ) tools.addType( 'slo#Landmark', 21 ) tools.addType( 'mlo#GeoPoint', 26 ) tools.addType( 'mlo#LocationBoundingBox', 27 ) tools.addType( 'mlo#GeoLocation', 28 ) tools.addType( 'mlo#Landmark', 29 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#MailAccount', 30 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#MailFolder', 31 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#Email', 32 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#CommunicationChannel', 35 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#IMMessage', 36 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#SMSMessage', 37 ) tools.addType( 'nmo#Call', 38 ) tools.addType( 'nmm#Artist', 40 ) tools.addType( 'nmm#MusicAlbumDisc', 40) tools.addType( 'nmm#MusicAlbum', 41 ) tools.addType( 'nmm#MusicPiece', 42 ) tools.addType( 'nfo#Equipment', 44 ) tools.addType( 'nmm#Photo', 45 ) tools.addType( 'nmm#Video', 46 ) tools.addType( 'tracker#Volume', 50 ) tools.addType( 'nfo#PlainTextDocument', 51 ) tools.addType( 'nfo#SoftwareCategory', 60 ) tools.addType( 'nfo#SoftwareApplication', 61 ) tools.addType( 'nfo#WebHistory', 65 ) tools.addType( 'ncal#Alarm', 70 ) tools.addType( 'ncal#Calendar', 71 ) tools.addType( 'ncal#Event', 72 ) tools.addType( 'ncal#Todo', 73 ) tools.addType( 'mfo#FeedChannel', 80 ) tools.addType( 'mfo#FeedMessage', 81 ) tools.addType( 'mto#TransferElement', 90 ) tools.addType( 'mto#UploadTransfer', 91 ) print "Generating Contacts", count_contacts = get_counter('counts','contacts') for contact in xrange(1, count_contacts+1): if (contact % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nco.generateEmailAddress( contact ) nco.generateContactEmail( contact ) nco.generatePostalAddress( contact ) nco.generatePhoneNumber( contact ) nco.generateContactCall( contact ) nco.generateIMAddress( contact ) nco.generateContactIM( contact ) nco.generatePersonContact( contact ) print "Done" print "Generating Locations and landmarks", count_locations = get_counter('counts','locations') for location in xrange(1, count_locations+1): if (location % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() slo.generateGeoLocation( location ) slo.generateLandmark( location ) count_locations = get_counter('counts','locations') for location in xrange(1, count_locations+1): if (location % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() mlo.generateGeoPoint( location ) mlo.generateLocationBoundingBox( location ) mlo.generateGeoLocation( location ) mlo.generateLandmark( location ) print "Done" print "Generate Emails", count_accounts = get_counter('counts','accounts') count_folders = get_counter('counts','folders') count_emails = get_counter('counts','emails') for account in xrange(1, count_accounts+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmo.generateMailAccount( account*count_folders*count_emails ) for folder in xrange(1, count_folders+1): nmo.generateMailFolder( account*count_folders*count_emails+folder*count_emails ) for email in xrange(1, count_emails+1): nmo.generateEmail( account*count_folders*count_emails+folder*count_emails+email ) print "Done" print "Generate IM messages", count_comchans = get_counter('counts','comchans') count_ims = get_counter('counts','ims') for comchannel in xrange(1, count_comchans+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmo.generateCommunicationChannel( comchannel ) for im in xrange(1, count_ims+1): nmo.generateIMMessage( comchannel*count_ims+im ) print "Done" print "Generate SMS messages", count_sms = get_counter('counts','sms') for sms in xrange(1, count_sms+1): if (sms % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmo.generateSMSMessage( sms ) print "Done" print "Generate calls", count_calls = get_counter('counts','calls') for call in xrange(1, count_calls+1): if (call % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmo.generateCall( call ) print "Done" print "* Starting with file system based content" print "Generate volumes", count_volumes = get_counter('counts','volumes') for volume in xrange(1, count_volumes+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() tracker.generateVolume( volume ) print "Done" print "Generating Music", count_artists = get_counter('counts','artists') count_albums = get_counter('counts','albums') count_songs = get_counter('counts','songs') count_discs = get_counter('counts','discs') song_index = 0 for artist in xrange(1, count_artists+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmm.generateArtist( artist*count_albums*count_songs ) for album in xrange(1, count_albums+1): nmm.generateAlbum( artist*count_albums*count_songs+album ) for disc in xrange(1, count_discs+1): discUri = nmm.generateMusicAlbumDisc( artist*count_albums*count_songs+album+disc ) for song in xrange(1, count_songs+1): nmm.generateMusicPiece( song_index, discUri ) song_index = song_index + 1 print "Done" print "Generate Equipment", count_equipment = get_counter('counts','equipment') nmm.generateOwnEquipment () for equipment in xrange(1, count_equipment): if (equipment % 2 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmm.generateEquipment( equipment ) print "Done" print "Generate Photos", count_images = get_counter('counts','images') for photo in xrange(1, count_images+1): if (photo % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmm.generatePhoto( photo ) print "Done" print "Generate Videos", count_videos = get_counter('counts','videos') for video in xrange(1, count_videos+1): if (video % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nmm.generateVideo( video ) print "Done" print "Generate plain text documents", count_docs = get_counter('counts','docs') for doc in xrange(1, count_docs+1): if (doc % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nfo.generatePlainTextDocument( doc ) print "Done" print "Generate feeds", count_fchans = get_counter('counts','fchans') count_fms = get_counter('counts','fms') for fchan in xrange(1, count_fchans+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() mfo.generateFeedChannel( fchan*count_fms ) for fm in xrange(1, count_fms+1): mfo.generateFeedMessage( fchan*count_fms+fm ) print "Done" print "Generate software", count_softcats = get_counter('counts','softcats') count_softapps = get_counter('counts','softapps') for softcat in xrange(1, count_softcats+1): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nfo.generateSoftwareCategory( softcat*count_softapps ) for softapp in xrange(1, count_softapps+1): nfo.generateSoftwareApplication( softcat*count_softapps+softapp ) print "Done" print "Generate something for the rest", count_others = get_counter('counts','others') for index in xrange(1,count_others+1): if (index % 10 == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() nfo.generateWebHistory( index ) ncal.generateAlarm( index ) ncal.generateCalendar( index ) ncal.generateEvent( index ) ncal.generateTodo( index ) mto.generateTransferElement( index ) mto.generateUploadTransfer( index ) print "Done" # dump all files tools.saveResult(output_dir=args.output_dir)