.TH tracker.cfg 5 "July 2007" GNU "Configuration Files" .SH NAME tracker.cfg \- configuration file for the trackerd search daemon .SH DESCRIPTION The tracker.cfg file resides in the $HOME/.config/tracker directory. .PP The file is organized in sections, each section having a number of related options. .SS Comments Empty lines and those starting with ; or # are ignored. .SS Value Types .TP VALUE Denotes a positive integer. .TP BOOLEAN Denotes either true or false. .TP Any other value Any special keyword is to be replaced by one of the documented valid values, e.g. pathnames or language codes. .SH EXAMPLE .PP [General] .PP Verbosity=0 .PP InitialSleep=50 .SH Sections .SS General This section may contain general settings for trackerd. .TP Verbosity=VALUE Specifies how verbose trackerd should be logging. VALUE can be one of 0 through 3. .RS .TP 0 Show no but error and critical output, this is the default behavior. .TP 1 Show minimal output, i.e. not just errors. .TP 2 Show verbose output. .TP 3 Show debugging output, enable this only if you know what you are doing. .RE .TP LowMemoryMode=BOOLEAN Enables low memory mode. Tracker may be slightly less fast at indexing/search but also needs less system memory. .TP InitialSleep=VALUE Sets the initial sleep time for trackerd. This is a number of seconds that trackerd wait before indexing. .SS Watches .TP WatchDirectoryRoots=DIRECTORY[;MORE;DIRECTORIES] Sets the directories trackerd should watch and index. Defaults to the users home directory. .TP NoWatchDirectory=DIRECTORY[;MORE;DIRECTORIES] Sets directories trackerd should ignore, i.e. not index or watch. .TP EnableWatching=BOOLEAN Enables or disables watching of directories, i.e. re-index files when they change. .SS Indexing This section may contain indexing related options. .TP Throttle=VALUE Sets the throttling value for the Indexer. VALUE can be any number from 0 to 20 whereas higher values decrease indexing speed. .TP EnableIndexing=BOOLEAN Enable or disable the indexer. .TP EnableFileContentIndexing=BOOLEAN Enable or disable indexing of files text contents. .TP EnableThumbnails=BOOLEAN Enable or disable the generation of thumbnails. .TP NoIndexFileTypes=FILEGLOB[;MORE;FILEGLOBS...] List of partial file patterns (glob) separated by semicolons that specify files not to index. Only basic metadata (i.e. information retrieved by stat(2)) is indexed. .TP MinWordLength=VALUE Sets the minimum word length to index. Words having less then VALUE characters will not be indexed. .TP MaxWordLength=VALUE Sets the maximum word length to index. Words having more then VALUE characters will not be indexed. .TP Language=LANGCODE Sets the language specific stemmer and stopword list to use. Valid values are: .RS .TP en English .TP da Danish .TP nl dutch .TP fi Finnish .TP fr French .TP de German .TP it Italian .TP nb Norwegian .TP pt Portuguese .TP ru Russian .TP es Spanish .TP sv Swedish .RE .TP EnableStemmer=BOOLEAN Enable or disable the stemmer. .SS Emails This section may contain Email specific options. .TP IndexEvolutionEmails=BOOLEAN Enable or disable indexing or Evolution emails. .SS Performance Trackerd performance related options. .TP MaxTextToIndex=VALUE Maximum size of text in bytes to index from a file's text contents. Defaults to 1048576. .TP MaxWordsToIndex=VALUE Maximum number of unique words to index from a file's text contents. Defaults to 10000. .TP OptimizationSweepCount=VALUE Specifies the no of entities to index before determining whether to perform index optimization. Default to 10000. .TP MaxBucketCount=VALUE Sets the maximum bucket count for the indexer. Defaults to 524288. .TP MinBucketCount=VALUE Sets the minimum bucket count. Defaults to 65536 .TP Divisions=VALUE Sets no. of divisions of the index file. Default to 4. .TP BucketRatio=VALUE Selects the desired ratio of used records to buckets to be used when optimizing index (should be a value between 0 and 4). Defaults to 1. .TP Padding=VALUE Alters how much padding is used to prevent index relocations. Higher values improve indexing speed but waste more disk space. Value should be in range (1..8). Defaults to 2. .SH SEE ALSO .BR tracker(1)