.TH tracker-services 7 "July 2007" GNU "Conventions" .SH NAME tracker-services \- service types of trackerd .SH INTRODUCTION Trackerd understands a number of different services which are used to group search results and documents together. All searches and queries can be refined by specifying a service to search from. .PP For example one could search for "Roses" in the service Conversations which would only return hits from chat conversations. .SH SERVICE TYPES .TP Files Search for files only. This does not include Emails or Conversations. .TP Folders Search for folders i.e. directories. .TP Documents Searches for general documents like word processing, spreadsheets or text files. .TP Emails Searches for Emails. .TP EmailAttachments Search es for Email attachments. .TP Music Search for music files. .TP Images Search for image files. .TP Videos Search for video files. .TP Text Search for text files, like word processing files, but e.g. not spreadsheets. .TP Development Search for development files. This includes make files, source code files and the like. .TP Other Search for documents which could not be put in one of the other services. .TP Applications Search for applications. .SH SEE ALSO .BR trackerd (1), .BR tracker-search (1), .BR tracker-search-tool (1), .BR tracker-query (1), .BR tracker-files (1).