/* * librest - RESTful web services access * Copyright (c) 2010 Intel Corporation. * * Authors: Rob Bradford * Ross Burton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "lastfm-proxy-call.h" #include "lastfm-proxy-private.h" #include "rest/rest-proxy-call-private.h" #include "rest/sha1.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (LastfmProxyCall, lastfm_proxy_call, REST_TYPE_PROXY_CALL) static gboolean _prepare (RestProxyCall *call, GError **error) { LastfmProxy *proxy = NULL; LastfmProxyPrivate *priv; RestProxyCallPrivate *call_priv; GHashTable *params; char *s; g_object_get (call, "proxy", &proxy, NULL); priv = LASTFM_PROXY_GET_PRIVATE (proxy); call_priv = call->priv; /* First reset the URL because Lastfm puts the function in the parameters */ call_priv->url = g_strdup (_rest_proxy_get_bound_url (REST_PROXY (proxy))); rest_proxy_call_add_params (call, "method", call_priv->function, "api_key", priv->api_key, NULL); if (priv->session_key) rest_proxy_call_add_param (call, "sk", priv->session_key); params = rest_params_as_string_hash_table (call_priv->params); s = lastfm_proxy_sign (proxy, params); g_hash_table_unref (params); rest_proxy_call_add_param (call, "api_sig", s); g_free (s); g_object_unref (proxy); return TRUE; } static void lastfm_proxy_call_class_init (LastfmProxyCallClass *klass) { RestProxyCallClass *call_class = REST_PROXY_CALL_CLASS (klass); call_class->prepare = _prepare; } static void lastfm_proxy_call_init (LastfmProxyCall *self) { } #if BUILD_TESTS #warning TODO lastfm signature test cases #endif