/* GUPNP Simple IGD unit tests * * Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora, Nokia * @author: Olivier Crete * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include "libgupnp-igd/gupnp-simple-igd.h" #include "libgupnp-igd/gupnp-simple-igd-thread.h" #include #define IP_ADDRESS_FIRST "" #define IP_ADDRESS_SECOND "" #define PPP_ADDRESS_FIRST "" #define PPP_ADDRESS_SECOND "" #define INTERNAL_PORT 6543 typedef enum { CONNECTION_IP, CONNECTION_PPP } ConnectionType; static GMainLoop *loop = NULL; static GUPnPServiceInfo *ipservice = NULL; static GUPnPServiceInfo *pppservice = NULL; gboolean return_conflict = FALSE; gboolean dispose_removes = FALSE; gboolean local_remove = FALSE; gchar *invalid_ip = NULL; static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_new (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); GUPnPSimpleIgdThread *igdthread = gupnp_simple_igd_thread_new (); GUPnPSimpleIgdThread *igdthread1 = gupnp_simple_igd_thread_new (); g_object_unref (igd); g_object_unref (igdthread); g_object_unref (igdthread1); } static void get_external_ip_address_cb (GUPnPService *service, GUPnPServiceAction *action, gpointer user_data) { ConnectionType ct = GPOINTER_TO_INT (user_data); if (invalid_ip) gupnp_service_action_set (action, "NewExternalIPAddress", G_TYPE_STRING, invalid_ip, NULL); else if (ct == CONNECTION_IP) gupnp_service_action_set (action, "NewExternalIPAddress", G_TYPE_STRING, IP_ADDRESS_FIRST, NULL); else if (ct == CONNECTION_PPP) gupnp_service_action_set (action, "NewExternalIPAddress", G_TYPE_STRING, PPP_ADDRESS_FIRST, NULL); else g_assert_not_reached (); gupnp_service_action_return (action); } static void add_port_mapping_cb (GUPnPService *service, GUPnPServiceAction *action, gpointer user_data) { guint requested_external_port = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (user_data); gchar *remote_host = NULL; guint external_port = 0; gchar *proto = NULL; guint internal_port = 0; gchar *internal_client = NULL; gboolean enabled = -1; gchar *desc = NULL; guint lease = 0; gupnp_service_action_get (action, "NewRemoteHost", G_TYPE_STRING, &remote_host, "NewExternalPort", G_TYPE_UINT, &external_port, "NewProtocol", G_TYPE_STRING, &proto, "NewInternalPort", G_TYPE_UINT, &internal_port, "NewInternalClient", G_TYPE_STRING, &internal_client, "NewEnabled", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &enabled, "NewPortMappingDescription", G_TYPE_STRING, &desc, "NewLeaseDuration", G_TYPE_UINT, &lease, NULL); g_assert (external_port); g_assert (remote_host && !strcmp (remote_host, "")); g_assert (proto && (!strcmp (proto, "UDP") || !strcmp (proto, "TCP"))); g_assert (internal_port == INTERNAL_PORT); g_assert (internal_client && !strcmp (internal_client, "")); g_assert (enabled == TRUE); g_assert (desc != NULL); g_assert (lease == 10); g_free (remote_host); g_free (proto); g_free (internal_client); g_free (desc); if (requested_external_port) g_assert (external_port == requested_external_port); if (return_conflict && external_port == INTERNAL_PORT) gupnp_service_action_return_error (action, 718, "ConflictInMappingEntry"); else gupnp_service_action_return (action); } static gboolean loop_quit (gpointer user_data) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); return FALSE; } static void delete_port_mapping_cb (GUPnPService *service, GUPnPServiceAction *action, gpointer user_data) { guint requested_external_port = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (user_data); gchar *remote_host = NULL; guint external_port = 0; gchar *proto = NULL; gupnp_service_action_get (action, "NewRemoteHost", G_TYPE_STRING, &remote_host, "NewExternalPort", G_TYPE_UINT, &external_port, "NewProtocol", G_TYPE_STRING, &proto, NULL); g_assert (remote_host != NULL); if (requested_external_port || !return_conflict) g_assert (external_port == INTERNAL_PORT); else g_assert (external_port != INTERNAL_PORT); g_assert (proto && !strcmp (proto, "UDP")); gupnp_service_action_return (action); g_free (remote_host); g_free (proto); GSource* src = g_idle_source_new (); g_source_set_callback (src, loop_quit, NULL, NULL); g_source_attach (src, g_main_context_get_thread_default ()); } typedef struct _MappedData { GMainContext *context; const char *ip_address; guint port; } MappedData; gboolean service_notify (gpointer user_data) { MappedData *d = (MappedData *) user_data; gupnp_service_notify (GUPNP_SERVICE (ipservice), "ExternalIPAddress", G_TYPE_STRING, d->ip_address, NULL); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void mapped_external_port_cb (GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd, gchar *proto, gchar *external_ip, gchar *replaces_external_ip, guint external_port, gchar *local_ip, guint local_port, gchar *description, gpointer user_data) { MappedData *d = (MappedData *) user_data; guint requested_external_port = d->port; g_assert (invalid_ip == NULL); if (requested_external_port) g_assert (external_port == requested_external_port); else if (return_conflict) g_assert (external_port != INTERNAL_PORT); else g_assert (external_port == INTERNAL_PORT); g_assert (proto && !strcmp (proto, "UDP")); g_assert (local_port == INTERNAL_PORT); g_assert (local_ip && !strcmp (local_ip, "")); g_assert (description != NULL); g_assert (external_ip); if (replaces_external_ip) { g_assert ((!strcmp (replaces_external_ip, IP_ADDRESS_FIRST) && !strcmp (external_ip, IP_ADDRESS_SECOND)) || (!strcmp (replaces_external_ip, PPP_ADDRESS_FIRST) && !strcmp (external_ip, PPP_ADDRESS_SECOND))); if (dispose_removes) g_object_unref (igd); else if (local_remove) gupnp_simple_igd_remove_port_local (igd, proto, local_ip, local_port); else gupnp_simple_igd_remove_port (igd, proto, requested_external_port); } else { if (!strcmp (external_ip, IP_ADDRESS_FIRST)) { d->ip_address = IP_ADDRESS_SECOND; g_main_context_invoke(d->context, service_notify, d); } else if (!strcmp (external_ip, PPP_ADDRESS_FIRST)) { d->ip_address = PPP_ADDRESS_SECOND; g_main_context_invoke(d->context, service_notify, d); } else g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void error_mapping_port_cb (GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd, GError *error, gchar *proto, guint external_port, gchar *local_ip, guint local_port, gchar *description, gpointer user_data) { g_assert (proto && !strcmp (proto, "UDP")); g_assert (local_ip && !strcmp (local_ip, "")); g_assert (description != NULL); g_assert (local_port == INTERNAL_PORT); if (invalid_ip && error->domain != GUPNP_CONTROL_ERROR) { g_assert (error); g_assert (error->domain == GUPNP_SIMPLE_IGD_ERROR); g_assert (error->code == GUPNP_SIMPLE_IGD_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS); g_assert (error->message); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } #if 0 else g_assert_not_reached (); #endif } static gboolean ignore_non_localhost (GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd, GUPnPContext *gupnp_context, gpointer user_data) { if (!g_strcmp0 (gssdp_client_get_interface (GSSDP_CLIENT (gupnp_context)), "lo")) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static void run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (GMainContext *mainctx, GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd, guint requested_port) { GUPnPContext *context; GUPnPRootDevice *dev; GUPnPDeviceInfo *subdev1; GUPnPDeviceInfo *subdev2; const gchar *xml_path = "."; GError *error = NULL; g_signal_connect (igd, "context-available", G_CALLBACK (ignore_non_localhost), NULL); if (mainctx) g_main_context_push_thread_default (mainctx); context = gupnp_context_new ("lo", 0, NULL); g_assert (context); if (g_getenv ("XML_PATH")) xml_path = g_getenv ("XML_PATH"); gupnp_context_host_path (context, xml_path, ""); /* gupnp_context_host_path (context, "InternetGatewayDevice.xml", "/InternetGatewayDevice.xml"); gupnp_context_host_path (context, "WANIPConnection.xml", "/WANIPConnection.xml"); gupnp_context_host_path (context, "WANPPPConnection.xml", "/WANPPPConnection.xml"); */ dev = gupnp_root_device_new (context, "InternetGatewayDevice.xml", xml_path, &error); g_assert (dev); g_assert (error == NULL); subdev1 = gupnp_device_info_get_device (GUPNP_DEVICE_INFO (dev), "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1"); g_assert (subdev1); subdev2 = gupnp_device_info_get_device (subdev1, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1"); g_assert (subdev2); g_object_unref (subdev1); ipservice = gupnp_device_info_get_service (subdev2, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"); g_assert (ipservice); pppservice = gupnp_device_info_get_service (subdev2, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1"); g_assert (pppservice); g_object_unref (subdev2); g_signal_connect (ipservice, "action-invoked::GetExternalIPAddress", G_CALLBACK (get_external_ip_address_cb), GINT_TO_POINTER (CONNECTION_IP)); g_signal_connect (ipservice, "action-invoked::AddPortMapping", G_CALLBACK (add_port_mapping_cb), GUINT_TO_POINTER (requested_port));; g_signal_connect (ipservice, "action-invoked::DeletePortMapping", G_CALLBACK (delete_port_mapping_cb), GUINT_TO_POINTER (requested_port)); g_signal_connect (pppservice, "action-invoked::GetExternalIPAddress", G_CALLBACK (get_external_ip_address_cb), GINT_TO_POINTER (CONNECTION_PPP)); g_signal_connect (pppservice, "action-invoked::AddPortMapping", G_CALLBACK (add_port_mapping_cb), GUINT_TO_POINTER (requested_port)); g_signal_connect (pppservice, "action-invoked::DeletePortMapping", G_CALLBACK (delete_port_mapping_cb), GUINT_TO_POINTER (requested_port)); gupnp_root_device_set_available (dev, TRUE); MappedData d; d.context = mainctx; d.port = requested_port; g_signal_connect (igd, "mapped-external-port", G_CALLBACK (mapped_external_port_cb), &d); g_signal_connect (igd, "error-mapping-port", G_CALLBACK (error_mapping_port_cb), NULL); gupnp_simple_igd_add_port (igd, "UDP", requested_port, "", INTERNAL_PORT, 10, "GUPnP Simple IGD test"); loop = g_main_loop_new (mainctx, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_main_loop_unref (loop); gupnp_root_device_set_available (dev, FALSE); g_object_unref (dev); if (mainctx) g_main_context_pop_thread_default (mainctx); g_object_unref (context); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_default_ctx (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); g_object_unref (igd); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_default_ctx_local (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); local_remove = TRUE; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); g_object_unref (igd); local_remove = FALSE; } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_custom_ctx (void) { GMainContext *mainctx = g_main_context_new (); GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd; g_main_context_push_thread_default (mainctx); igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); g_main_context_pop_thread_default (mainctx); run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (mainctx, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); g_object_unref (igd); g_main_context_unref (mainctx); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_thread (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgdThread *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_thread_new (); GMainContext *mainctx = g_main_context_new (); run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (mainctx, GUPNP_SIMPLE_IGD (igd), INTERNAL_PORT); g_object_unref (igd); g_main_context_unref (mainctx); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_random_no_conflict (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, 0); g_object_unref (igd); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_random_conflict (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); return_conflict = TRUE; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, 0); return_conflict = FALSE; g_object_unref (igd); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_dispose_removes (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); dispose_removes = TRUE; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); dispose_removes = FALSE; } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_dispose_removes_thread (void) { GUPnPSimpleIgdThread *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_thread_new (); GMainContext *mainctx = g_main_context_new (); dispose_removes = TRUE; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (mainctx, GUPNP_SIMPLE_IGD (igd), INTERNAL_PORT); dispose_removes = FALSE; g_main_context_unref (mainctx); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_invalid_ip(void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); invalid_ip = "asdas"; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); invalid_ip = NULL; g_object_unref (igd); } static void test_gupnp_simple_igd_empty_ip(void) { GUPnPSimpleIgd *igd = gupnp_simple_igd_new (); invalid_ip = ""; run_gupnp_simple_igd_test (NULL, igd, INTERNAL_PORT); invalid_ip = NULL; g_object_unref (igd); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add_func("/simpleigd/new", test_gupnp_simple_igd_new); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/default_ctx", test_gupnp_simple_igd_default_ctx); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/default_ctx/remove_local", test_gupnp_simple_igd_default_ctx_local); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/custom_ctx", test_gupnp_simple_igd_custom_ctx); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/thread", test_gupnp_simple_igd_thread); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/random/no_conflict", test_gupnp_simple_igd_random_no_conflict); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/random/conflict", test_gupnp_simple_igd_random_conflict); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/dispose_removes/regular", test_gupnp_simple_igd_dispose_removes); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/dispose_removes/thread", test_gupnp_simple_igd_dispose_removes_thread); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/invalid_ip", test_gupnp_simple_igd_invalid_ip); g_test_add_func ("/simpleigd/empty_ip", test_gupnp_simple_igd_empty_ip); g_test_run (); return 0; }