GNOME Documentation Project Phil Bull Shaun McCance Michael Hill Allow guests to use your computer temporarily, without having to give them a password. Add a guest user account Kat

It's not possible to have a guest user in 3.10

You can create a user account for guests, people who will only use the computer on a brief, temporary basis. The guest user will be able to use the programs on your computer, but they won't be able to access your files, change your settings, or install software.

Create a guest user account:

Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your name to open the Users window.

Click Unlock in the top right corner and type your password to make changes. You must be an administrative user to add user accounts.

In the list of accounts on the left, click the + button to add a new user account.

Select Standard for the account type. You don't want to give the guest account administrative access. Then give the account a name like Guest, or any other name you like. The username will be filled in automatically based on the full name. The default is probably OK, but you can change it if you like. Click Add when you're done.

Select the new guest user account. Under Login Options, click the label Account disabled next to Password. You will be presented with a window with password options. From the Action drop-down list, select Log in without a password.

Back in the User Accounts window you can click the image next to the user's name on the right to set an image for the account. This image will be shown in the login window. GNOME provides some stock photos you can use, or you can select your own or take a picture with your webcam.