Julita Inca yrazes@gmail.com 2012 Michael Hill mdhillca@gmail.com 2012 See a document's name, location, date modified, or type. Find information about documents Julita Inca

This assumes the reader knows how to sort and search documents and collections. By the end of this page, the reader will be able to: - Explain how you can view metadata, and what metadata is typically stored. - Mention that this metadata is searched.

When a document is created, it comes with metadata. Documents displays the following metadata for each document:

Title: the name of the document, which can be edited;

Source: the path of the folder containing the document;

Date Modified;

Type: the file format of the document.

To see a document's properties:

Click the Check button to switch to selection mode.

Select a document.

Click the Properties button at the right end of the button bar.

Some types of documents (e.g. PDF files) can be password protected, preventing access to their metadata or content.

Documents does not currently offer any mechanism to add privacy to a document. You may be able to do this from the application you used to create the document (e.g. LibreOffice or Adobe Acrobat).