/* gnome-rr.c * * Copyright 2007, 2008, 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of the Gnome Library. * * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: Soren Sandmann * Giovanni Campagna */ #define GNOME_DESKTOP_USE_UNSTABLE_API #include #include #include #include #undef GNOME_DISABLE_DEPRECATED #include "gnome-rr.h" #include "gnome-rr-config.h" #include "gnome-rr-private.h" enum { SCREEN_PROP_0, SCREEN_PROP_GDK_SCREEN, SCREEN_PROP_DPMS_MODE, SCREEN_PROP_LAST, }; enum { SCREEN_CHANGED, SCREEN_OUTPUT_CONNECTED, SCREEN_OUTPUT_DISCONNECTED, SCREEN_SIGNAL_LAST, }; gint screen_signals[SCREEN_SIGNAL_LAST]; struct GnomeRROutput { ScreenInfo * info; guint id; glong winsys_id; char * name; char * display_name; GnomeRRCrtc * current_crtc; GnomeRRCrtc ** possible_crtcs; GnomeRROutput ** clones; GnomeRRMode ** modes; char * vendor; char * product; char * serial; int width_mm; int height_mm; GBytes * edid; char * edid_file; int backlight; int min_backlight_step; gboolean is_primary; gboolean is_presentation; gboolean is_underscanning; gboolean supports_underscanning; GnomeRRTile tile_info; }; struct GnomeRRCrtc { ScreenInfo * info; guint id; glong winsys_id; GnomeRRMode * current_mode; GnomeRROutput ** current_outputs; GnomeRROutput ** possible_outputs; int x; int y; enum wl_output_transform transform; int all_transforms; int gamma_size; }; #define UNDEFINED_MODE_ID 0 struct GnomeRRMode { ScreenInfo * info; guint id; glong winsys_id; int width; int height; int freq; /* in mHz */ gboolean tiled; }; /* GnomeRRCrtc */ static GnomeRRCrtc * crtc_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id); static GnomeRRCrtc * crtc_copy (const GnomeRRCrtc *from); static void crtc_free (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc); static void crtc_initialize (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, GVariant *res); /* GnomeRROutput */ static GnomeRROutput *output_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id); static void output_initialize (GnomeRROutput *output, GVariant *res); static GnomeRROutput *output_copy (const GnomeRROutput *from); static void output_free (GnomeRROutput *output); /* GnomeRRMode */ static GnomeRRMode * mode_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id); static void mode_initialize (GnomeRRMode *mode, GVariant *info); static GnomeRRMode * mode_copy (const GnomeRRMode *from); static void mode_free (GnomeRRMode *mode); static void gnome_rr_screen_finalize (GObject*); static void gnome_rr_screen_set_property (GObject*, guint, const GValue*, GParamSpec*); static void gnome_rr_screen_get_property (GObject*, guint, GValue*, GParamSpec*); static gboolean gnome_rr_screen_initable_init (GInitable*, GCancellable*, GError**); static void gnome_rr_screen_initable_iface_init (GInitableIface *iface); static void gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init (GAsyncInitableIface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GnomeRRScreen, gnome_rr_screen, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_INITABLE, gnome_rr_screen_initable_iface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_ASYNC_INITABLE, gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init)) G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (GnomeRRCrtc, gnome_rr_crtc, crtc_copy, crtc_free) G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (GnomeRROutput, gnome_rr_output, output_copy, output_free) G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (GnomeRRMode, gnome_rr_mode, mode_copy, mode_free) /* Errors */ /** * gnome_rr_error_quark: * * Returns the #GQuark that will be used for #GError values returned by the * GnomeRR API. * * Return value: a #GQuark used to identify errors coming from the GnomeRR API. */ GQuark gnome_rr_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("gnome-rr-error-quark"); } /* Screen */ static GnomeRROutput * gnome_rr_output_by_id (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRROutput **output; g_assert (info != NULL); for (output = info->outputs; *output; ++output) { if ((*output)->id == id) return *output; } return NULL; } static GnomeRRCrtc * crtc_by_id (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRRCrtc **crtc; if (!info) return NULL; for (crtc = info->crtcs; *crtc; ++crtc) { if ((*crtc)->id == id) return *crtc; } return NULL; } static GnomeRRMode * mode_by_id (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRRMode **mode; g_assert (info != NULL); for (mode = info->modes; *mode; ++mode) { if ((*mode)->id == id) return *mode; } return NULL; } static void screen_info_free (ScreenInfo *info) { GnomeRROutput **output; GnomeRRCrtc **crtc; GnomeRRMode **mode; g_assert (info != NULL); if (info->outputs) { for (output = info->outputs; *output; ++output) output_free (*output); g_free (info->outputs); } if (info->crtcs) { for (crtc = info->crtcs; *crtc; ++crtc) crtc_free (*crtc); g_free (info->crtcs); } if (info->modes) { for (mode = info->modes; *mode; ++mode) mode_free (*mode); g_free (info->modes); } if (info->clone_modes) { /* The modes themselves were freed above */ g_free (info->clone_modes); } g_free (info); } static gboolean has_similar_mode (GnomeRROutput *output, GnomeRRMode *mode) { int i; GnomeRRMode **modes = gnome_rr_output_list_modes (output); int width = gnome_rr_mode_get_width (mode); int height = gnome_rr_mode_get_height (mode); for (i = 0; modes[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRRMode *m = modes[i]; if (gnome_rr_mode_get_width (m) == width && gnome_rr_mode_get_height (m) == height) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } gboolean _gnome_rr_output_get_tiled_display_size (GnomeRROutput *output, int *tile_w, int *tile_h, int *total_width, int *total_height) { GnomeRRTile tile; int ht, vt, i; int total_h = 0, total_w = 0; if (!_gnome_rr_output_get_tile_info (output, &tile)) return FALSE; if (tile.loc_horiz != 0 || tile.loc_vert != 0) return FALSE; if (tile_w) *tile_w = tile.width; if (tile_h) *tile_h = tile.height; for (ht = 0; ht < tile.max_horiz_tiles; ht++) { for (vt = 0; vt < tile.max_vert_tiles; vt++) { for (i = 0; output->info->outputs[i]; i++) { GnomeRRTile this_tile; if (!_gnome_rr_output_get_tile_info (output->info->outputs[i], &this_tile)) continue; if (this_tile.group_id != tile.group_id) continue; if (this_tile.loc_horiz != ht || this_tile.loc_vert != vt) continue; if (this_tile.loc_horiz == 0) total_h += this_tile.height; if (this_tile.loc_vert == 0) total_w += this_tile.width; } } } *total_width = total_w; *total_height = total_h; return TRUE; } static void gather_tile_modes_output (ScreenInfo *info, GnomeRROutput *output) { GPtrArray *a; GnomeRRMode *mode; int width, height; int tile_w, tile_h; int i; if (!_gnome_rr_output_get_tiled_display_size (output, &tile_w, &tile_h, &width, &height)) return; /* now stick the mode into the modelist */ a = g_ptr_array_new (); mode = mode_new (info, UNDEFINED_MODE_ID); mode->winsys_id = 0; mode->width = width; mode->height = height; mode->freq = 0; mode->tiled = TRUE; g_ptr_array_add (a, mode); for (i = 0; output->modes[i]; i++) g_ptr_array_add (a, output->modes[i]); g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); output->modes = (GnomeRRMode **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); } static void gather_tile_modes (ScreenInfo *info) { int i; for (i = 0; info->outputs[i]; i++) gather_tile_modes_output (info, info->outputs[i]); } static void gather_clone_modes (ScreenInfo *info) { int i; GPtrArray *result = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; info->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { int j; GnomeRROutput *output1, *output2; output1 = info->outputs[i]; for (j = 0; output1->modes[j] != NULL; ++j) { GnomeRRMode *mode = output1->modes[j]; gboolean valid; int k; valid = TRUE; for (k = 0; info->outputs[k] != NULL; ++k) { output2 = info->outputs[k]; if (!has_similar_mode (output2, mode)) { valid = FALSE; break; } } if (valid) g_ptr_array_add (result, mode); } } g_ptr_array_add (result, NULL); info->clone_modes = (GnomeRRMode **)g_ptr_array_free (result, FALSE); } static void fill_screen_info_from_resources (ScreenInfo *info, guint serial, GVariant *crtcs, GVariant *outputs, GVariant *modes, int max_width, int max_height) { int i; GPtrArray *a; GnomeRRCrtc **crtc; GnomeRROutput **output; GnomeRRMode **mode; guint ncrtc, noutput, nmode; guint id; info->min_width = 312; info->min_height = 312; info->max_width = max_width; info->max_height = max_height; info->serial = serial; ncrtc = g_variant_n_children (crtcs); noutput = g_variant_n_children (outputs); nmode = g_variant_n_children (modes); /* We create all the structures before initializing them, so * that they can refer to each other. */ a = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; i < ncrtc; ++i) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc; g_variant_get_child (crtcs, i, META_CRTC_STRUCT, &id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); crtc = crtc_new (info, id); g_ptr_array_add (a, crtc); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); info->crtcs = (GnomeRRCrtc **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); a = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; i < noutput; ++i) { GnomeRROutput *output; g_variant_get_child (outputs, i, META_OUTPUT_STRUCT, &id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); output = output_new (info, id); g_ptr_array_add (a, output); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); info->outputs = (GnomeRROutput **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); a = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; i < nmode; ++i) { GnomeRRMode *mode; g_variant_get_child (modes, i, META_MONITOR_MODE_STRUCT, &id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); mode = mode_new (info, id); g_ptr_array_add (a, mode); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); info->modes = (GnomeRRMode **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); /* Initialize */ for (i = 0, crtc = info->crtcs; *crtc; ++i, ++crtc) { crtc_initialize (*crtc, g_variant_get_child_value (crtcs, i)); } for (i = 0, output = info->outputs; *output; ++i, ++output) { output_initialize (*output, g_variant_get_child_value (outputs, i)); } for (i = 0, mode = info->modes; *mode; ++i, ++mode) { mode_initialize (*mode, g_variant_get_child_value (modes, i)); } gather_clone_modes (info); gather_tile_modes (info); } static gboolean fill_out_screen_info (ScreenInfo *info, GError **error) { GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv; guint serial; GVariant *crtcs, *outputs, *modes; int max_width, max_height; g_assert (info != NULL); priv = info->screen->priv; if (!meta_dbus_display_config_call_get_resources_sync (priv->proxy, &serial, &crtcs, &outputs, &modes, &max_width, &max_height, NULL, error)) return FALSE; fill_screen_info_from_resources (info, serial, crtcs, outputs, modes, max_width, max_height); return TRUE; } static ScreenInfo * screen_info_new (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { ScreenInfo *info = g_new0 (ScreenInfo, 1); g_assert (screen != NULL); info->outputs = NULL; info->crtcs = NULL; info->modes = NULL; info->screen = screen; if (fill_out_screen_info (info, error)) { return info; } else { screen_info_free (info); return NULL; } } static GnomeRROutput * find_output_by_winsys_id (GnomeRROutput **haystack, glong winsys_id) { guint i; for (i = 0; haystack[i] != NULL; i++) { if (haystack[i]->winsys_id == winsys_id) return haystack[i]; } return NULL; } static void diff_outputs_and_emit_signals (ScreenInfo *old, ScreenInfo *new) { guint i; gulong winsys_id_old, winsys_id_new; GnomeRROutput *output_old; GnomeRROutput *output_new; /* have any outputs been removed/disconnected */ for (i = 0; old->outputs[i] != NULL; i++) { winsys_id_old = old->outputs[i]->winsys_id; output_new = find_output_by_winsys_id (new->outputs, winsys_id_old); if (output_new == NULL) { g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (new->screen), screen_signals[SCREEN_OUTPUT_DISCONNECTED], 0, old->outputs[i]); } } /* have any outputs been created/connected */ for (i = 0; new->outputs[i] != NULL; i++) { winsys_id_new = new->outputs[i]->winsys_id; output_old = find_output_by_winsys_id (old->outputs, winsys_id_new); if (output_old == NULL) { g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (new->screen), screen_signals[SCREEN_OUTPUT_CONNECTED], 0, new->outputs[i]); } } } typedef enum { REFRESH_NONE = 0, REFRESH_IGNORE_SERIAL = 1, REFRESH_FORCE_CALLBACK = 2 } RefreshFlags; static gboolean screen_update (GnomeRRScreen *screen, RefreshFlags flags, GError **error) { ScreenInfo *info; gboolean changed = FALSE; g_assert (screen != NULL); info = screen_info_new (screen, error); if (!info) return FALSE; if ((flags & REFRESH_IGNORE_SERIAL) || info->serial != screen->priv->info->serial) changed = TRUE; /* work out if any outputs have changed connected state */ diff_outputs_and_emit_signals (screen->priv->info, info); screen_info_free (screen->priv->info); screen->priv->info = info; if (changed || (flags & REFRESH_FORCE_CALLBACK)) g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (screen), screen_signals[SCREEN_CHANGED], 0); return changed; } static void screen_on_monitors_changed (MetaDBusDisplayConfig *proxy, gpointer data) { GnomeRRScreen *screen = data; screen_update (screen, REFRESH_FORCE_CALLBACK, NULL); } static void name_owner_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, GnomeRRScreen *self) { GError *error; char *new_name_owner; new_name_owner = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner (G_DBUS_PROXY (object)); if (new_name_owner == NULL) return; error = NULL; if (!screen_update (self, REFRESH_IGNORE_SERIAL | REFRESH_FORCE_CALLBACK, &error)) g_warning ("Failed to refresh screen configuration after mutter was restarted: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); g_free (new_name_owner); } static void power_save_mode_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, GnomeRRScreen *self) { g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "dpms-mode"); } static gboolean gnome_rr_screen_initable_init (GInitable *initable, GCancellable *canc, GError **error) { GnomeRRScreen *self = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (initable); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; MetaDBusDisplayConfig *proxy; proxy = meta_dbus_display_config_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, "org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig", "/org/gnome/Mutter/DisplayConfig", NULL, error); if (!proxy) return FALSE; priv->proxy = META_DBUS_DISPLAY_CONFIG (proxy); priv->info = screen_info_new (self, error); if (!priv->info) return FALSE; g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "notify::g-name-owner", G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed), self, 0); g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "monitors-changed", G_CALLBACK (screen_on_monitors_changed), self, 0); g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "notify::power-save-mode", G_CALLBACK (power_save_mode_changed), self, 0); return TRUE; } static void on_proxy_acquired (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task = user_data; GnomeRRScreen *self = g_task_get_source_object (task); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; MetaDBusDisplayConfig *proxy; GError *error; error = NULL; proxy = meta_dbus_display_config_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (result, &error); if (!proxy) return g_task_return_error (task, error); priv->proxy = META_DBUS_DISPLAY_CONFIG (proxy); priv->info = screen_info_new (self, &error); if (!priv->info) return g_task_return_error (task, error); g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "notify::g-name-owner", G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed), self, 0); g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "monitors-changed", G_CALLBACK (screen_on_monitors_changed), self, 0); g_signal_connect_object (priv->proxy, "notify::power-save-mode", G_CALLBACK (power_save_mode_changed), self, 0); g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE); } static void on_name_appeared (GDBusConnection *connection, const char *name, const char *name_owner, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task = user_data; GnomeRRScreen *self = g_task_get_source_object (task); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; meta_dbus_display_config_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, "org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig", "/org/gnome/Mutter/DisplayConfig", g_task_get_cancellable (task), on_proxy_acquired, g_object_ref (task)); g_bus_unwatch_name (priv->init_name_watch_id); } static void gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init_async (GAsyncInitable *initable, int io_priority, GCancellable *canc, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GnomeRRScreen *self = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (initable); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; GTask *task; task = g_task_new (self, canc, callback, user_data); priv->init_name_watch_id = g_bus_watch_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, "org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig", G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE, on_name_appeared, NULL, task, g_object_unref); } static gboolean gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init_finish (GAsyncInitable *initable, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error); } static void gnome_rr_screen_initable_iface_init (GInitableIface *iface) { iface->init = gnome_rr_screen_initable_init; } static void gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init (GAsyncInitableIface *iface) { iface->init_async = gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init_async; iface->init_finish = gnome_rr_screen_async_initable_init_finish; } void gnome_rr_screen_finalize (GObject *gobject) { GnomeRRScreen *screen = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (gobject); if (screen->priv->info) screen_info_free (screen->priv->info); g_clear_object (&screen->priv->proxy); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gnome_rr_screen_parent_class)->finalize (gobject); } void gnome_rr_screen_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *property) { GnomeRRScreen *self = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (gobject); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; switch (property_id) { case SCREEN_PROP_GDK_SCREEN: priv->gdk_screen = g_value_get_object (value); return; case SCREEN_PROP_DPMS_MODE: gnome_rr_screen_set_dpms_mode (self, g_value_get_enum (value), NULL); return; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, property_id, property); return; } } void gnome_rr_screen_get_property (GObject *gobject, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *property) { GnomeRRScreen *self = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (gobject); GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = self->priv; switch (property_id) { case SCREEN_PROP_GDK_SCREEN: g_value_set_object (value, priv->gdk_screen); return; case SCREEN_PROP_DPMS_MODE: { GnomeRRDpmsMode mode; if (gnome_rr_screen_get_dpms_mode (self, &mode, NULL)) g_value_set_enum (value, mode); else g_value_set_enum (value, GNOME_RR_DPMS_UNKNOWN); } return; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, property_id, property); return; } } void gnome_rr_screen_class_init (GnomeRRScreenClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GnomeRRScreenPrivate)); bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, GNOMELOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); gobject_class->set_property = gnome_rr_screen_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gnome_rr_screen_get_property; gobject_class->finalize = gnome_rr_screen_finalize; g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, SCREEN_PROP_GDK_SCREEN, g_param_spec_object ( "gdk-screen", "GDK Screen", "The GDK Screen represented by this GnomeRRScreen", GDK_TYPE_SCREEN, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, SCREEN_PROP_DPMS_MODE, g_param_spec_enum ( "dpms-mode", "DPMS Mode", "The DPMS mode for this GnomeRRScreen", GNOME_TYPE_RR_DPMS_MODE, GNOME_RR_DPMS_UNKNOWN, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS) ); screen_signals[SCREEN_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE | G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeRRScreenClass, changed), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * GnomeRRScreen::output-connected: * @screen: the #GnomeRRScreen that emitted the signal * @output: the #GnomeRROutput that was connected * * This signal is emitted when a display device is connected to a * port, or a port is hotplugged with an active output. The latter * can happen if a laptop is docked, and the dock provides a new * active output. * * The @output value is not a #GObject. The returned @output value can * only assume to be valid during the emission of the signal (i.e. within * your signal handler only), as it may change later when the @screen * is modified due to an event from the X server, or due to another * place in the application modifying the @screen and the @output. * Therefore, deal with changes to the @output right in your signal * handler, instead of keeping the @output reference for an async or * idle function. **/ screen_signals[SCREEN_OUTPUT_CONNECTED] = g_signal_new("output-connected", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE | G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeRRScreenClass, output_connected), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * GnomeRRScreen::output-disconnected: * @screen: the #GnomeRRScreen that emitted the signal * @output: the #GnomeRROutput that was disconnected * * This signal is emitted when a display device is disconnected from * a port, or a port output is hot-unplugged. The latter can happen * if a laptop is undocked, and the dock provided the output. * * The @output value is not a #GObject. The returned @output value can * only assume to be valid during the emission of the signal (i.e. within * your signal handler only), as it may change later when the @screen * is modified due to an event from the X server, or due to another * place in the application modifying the @screen and the @output. * Therefore, deal with changes to the @output right in your signal * handler, instead of keeping the @output reference for an async or * idle function. **/ screen_signals[SCREEN_OUTPUT_DISCONNECTED] = g_signal_new("output-disconnected", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE | G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeRRScreenClass, output_disconnected), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); } void gnome_rr_screen_init (GnomeRRScreen *self) { GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, GNOME_TYPE_RR_SCREEN, GnomeRRScreenPrivate); self->priv = priv; } /* Weak reference callback set in gnome_rr_screen_new(); we remove the GObject data from the GdkScreen. */ static void rr_screen_weak_notify_cb (gpointer data, GObject *where_the_object_was) { GdkScreen *screen = GDK_SCREEN (data); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (screen), "GnomeRRScreen", NULL); } /** * gnome_rr_screen_new: * @screen: the #GdkScreen on which to operate * @error: will be set if XRandR is not supported * * Creates a unique #GnomeRRScreen instance for the specified @screen. * * Returns: a unique #GnomeRRScreen instance, specific to the @screen, or NULL * if this could not be created, for instance if the driver does not support * Xrandr 1.2. Each #GdkScreen thus has a single instance of #GnomeRRScreen. */ GnomeRRScreen * gnome_rr_screen_new (GdkScreen *screen, GError **error) { GnomeRRScreen *rr_screen; g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL); rr_screen = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (screen), "GnomeRRScreen"); if (rr_screen) g_object_ref (rr_screen); else { rr_screen = g_initable_new (GNOME_TYPE_RR_SCREEN, NULL, error, "gdk-screen", screen, NULL); if (rr_screen) { g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (screen), "GnomeRRScreen", rr_screen); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (rr_screen), rr_screen_weak_notify_cb, screen); } } return rr_screen; } void gnome_rr_screen_new_async (GdkScreen *screen, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)); g_async_initable_new_async (GNOME_TYPE_RR_SCREEN, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL, callback, user_data, "gdk-screen", screen, NULL); } GnomeRRScreen * gnome_rr_screen_new_finish (GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GObject *source_object; GnomeRRScreen *screen; source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (result); screen = GNOME_RR_SCREEN (g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), result, error)); g_object_unref (source_object); return screen; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_get_ranges: * @screen: a #GnomeRRScreen * @min_width: (out): the minimum width * @max_width: (out): the maximum width * @min_height: (out): the minimum height * @max_height: (out): the maximum height * * Get the ranges of the screen */ void gnome_rr_screen_get_ranges (GnomeRRScreen *screen, int *min_width, int *max_width, int *min_height, int *max_height) { GnomeRRScreenPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen)); priv = screen->priv; if (min_width) *min_width = priv->info->min_width; if (max_width) *max_width = priv->info->max_width; if (min_height) *min_height = priv->info->min_height; if (max_height) *max_height = priv->info->max_height; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_refresh: * @screen: a #GnomeRRScreen * @error: location to store error, or %NULL * * Refreshes the screen configuration, and calls the screen's callback if it * exists and if the screen's configuration changed. * * Return value: TRUE if the screen's configuration changed; otherwise, the * function returns FALSE and a NULL error if the configuration didn't change, * or FALSE and a non-NULL error if there was an error while refreshing the * configuration. */ gboolean gnome_rr_screen_refresh (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); return screen_update (screen, REFRESH_NONE, error); } /** * gnome_rr_screen_get_dpms_mode: * @mode: (out): The current #GnomeRRDpmsMode of this screen **/ gboolean gnome_rr_screen_get_dpms_mode (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GnomeRRDpmsMode *mode, GError **error) { MetaPowerSave power_save; g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, FALSE); power_save = meta_dbus_display_config_get_power_save_mode (screen->priv->proxy); if (power_save == META_POWER_SAVE_UNKNOWN) { g_set_error_literal (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_NO_DPMS_EXTENSION, "Display is not DPMS capable"); return FALSE; } switch (power_save) { case META_POWER_SAVE_ON: *mode = GNOME_RR_DPMS_ON; break; case META_POWER_SAVE_STANDBY: *mode = GNOME_RR_DPMS_STANDBY; break; case META_POWER_SAVE_SUSPEND: *mode = GNOME_RR_DPMS_SUSPEND; break; case META_POWER_SAVE_OFF: *mode = GNOME_RR_DPMS_OFF; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return TRUE; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_set_dpms_mode: * * This method also disables the DPMS timeouts. **/ gboolean gnome_rr_screen_set_dpms_mode (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GnomeRRDpmsMode mode, GError **error) { MetaPowerSave power_save; g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); switch (mode) { case GNOME_RR_DPMS_ON: power_save = META_POWER_SAVE_ON; break; case GNOME_RR_DPMS_STANDBY: power_save = META_POWER_SAVE_STANDBY; break; case GNOME_RR_DPMS_SUSPEND: power_save = META_POWER_SAVE_SUSPEND; break; case GNOME_RR_DPMS_OFF: power_save = META_POWER_SAVE_OFF; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } meta_dbus_display_config_set_power_save_mode (screen->priv->proxy, power_save); return TRUE; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_list_modes: * * List available XRandR modes * * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRRMode ** gnome_rr_screen_list_modes (GnomeRRScreen *screen) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); return screen->priv->info->modes; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_list_clone_modes: * * List available XRandR clone modes * * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRRMode ** gnome_rr_screen_list_clone_modes (GnomeRRScreen *screen) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); return screen->priv->info->clone_modes; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_list_crtcs: * * List all CRTCs * * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRRCrtc ** gnome_rr_screen_list_crtcs (GnomeRRScreen *screen) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); return screen->priv->info->crtcs; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_list_outputs: * * List all outputs * * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRROutput ** gnome_rr_screen_list_outputs (GnomeRRScreen *screen) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); return screen->priv->info->outputs; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_get_crtc_by_id: * * Returns: (transfer none): the CRTC identified by @id */ GnomeRRCrtc * gnome_rr_screen_get_crtc_by_id (GnomeRRScreen *screen, guint32 id) { GnomeRRCrtc **crtcs; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); crtcs = screen->priv->info->crtcs; for (i = 0; crtcs[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (crtcs[i]->id == id) return crtcs[i]; } return NULL; } /** * gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_id: * * Returns: (transfer none): the output identified by @id */ GnomeRROutput * gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_id (GnomeRRScreen *screen, guint32 id) { GnomeRROutput **outputs; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); outputs = screen->priv->info->outputs; for (i = 0; outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (outputs[i]->id == id) return outputs[i]; } return NULL; } /* GnomeRROutput */ static GnomeRROutput * output_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRROutput *output = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRROutput); output->id = id; output->info = info; return output; } static void append_output_array (GnomeRROutput ***array, GnomeRROutput *output) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; (*array)[i]; i++); *array = g_renew (GnomeRROutput *, *array, i + 2); (*array)[i] = output; (*array)[i + 1] = NULL; } static void output_initialize (GnomeRROutput *output, GVariant *info) { GPtrArray *a; GVariantIter *crtcs, *clones, *modes; GVariant *properties, *edid, *tile; int current_crtc_id; guint id; g_variant_get (info, META_OUTPUT_STRUCT, &output->id, &output->winsys_id, ¤t_crtc_id, &crtcs, &output->name, &modes, &clones, &properties); /* Possible crtcs */ a = g_ptr_array_new (); while (g_variant_iter_loop (crtcs, "u", &id)) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc = crtc_by_id (output->info, id); if (!crtc) continue; g_ptr_array_add (a, crtc); if (crtc->id == current_crtc_id) { output->current_crtc = crtc; append_output_array (&crtc->current_outputs, output); } append_output_array (&crtc->possible_outputs, output); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); output->possible_crtcs = (GnomeRRCrtc **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); g_variant_iter_free (crtcs); /* Clones */ a = g_ptr_array_new (); while (g_variant_iter_loop (clones, "u", &id)) { GnomeRROutput *gnome_rr_output = gnome_rr_output_by_id (output->info, id); if (gnome_rr_output) g_ptr_array_add (a, gnome_rr_output); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); output->clones = (GnomeRROutput **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); g_variant_iter_free (clones); /* Modes */ a = g_ptr_array_new (); while (g_variant_iter_loop (modes, "u", &id)) { GnomeRRMode *mode = mode_by_id (output->info, id); if (mode) g_ptr_array_add (a, mode); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); output->modes = (GnomeRRMode **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); g_variant_iter_free (modes); g_variant_lookup (properties, "vendor", "s", &output->vendor); g_variant_lookup (properties, "product", "s", &output->product); g_variant_lookup (properties, "serial", "s", &output->serial); g_variant_lookup (properties, "width-mm", "i", &output->width_mm); g_variant_lookup (properties, "height-mm", "i", &output->height_mm); g_variant_lookup (properties, "display-name", "s", &output->display_name); g_variant_lookup (properties, "backlight", "i", &output->backlight); g_variant_lookup (properties, "min-backlight-step", "i", &output->min_backlight_step); g_variant_lookup (properties, "primary", "b", &output->is_primary); g_variant_lookup (properties, "presentation", "b", &output->is_presentation); g_variant_lookup (properties, "underscanning", "b", &output->is_underscanning); g_variant_lookup (properties, "supports-underscanning", "b", &output->supports_underscanning); if ((edid = g_variant_lookup_value (properties, "edid", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("ay")))) { output->edid = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (edid); g_variant_unref (edid); } else g_variant_lookup (properties, "edid-file", "s", &output->edid_file); if ((tile = g_variant_lookup_value (properties, "tile", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(uuuuuuuu)")))) { g_variant_get (tile, "(uuuuuuuu)", &output->tile_info.group_id, &output->tile_info.flags, &output->tile_info.max_horiz_tiles, &output->tile_info.max_vert_tiles, &output->tile_info.loc_horiz, &output->tile_info.loc_vert, &output->tile_info.width, &output->tile_info.height); g_variant_unref (tile); } else memset(&output->tile_info, 0, sizeof(output->tile_info)); if (output->is_primary) output->info->primary = output; } static GnomeRROutput* output_copy (const GnomeRROutput *from) { GPtrArray *array; GnomeRRCrtc **p_crtc; GnomeRROutput **p_output; GnomeRRMode **p_mode; GnomeRROutput *output = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRROutput); output->id = from->id; output->info = from->info; output->name = g_strdup (from->name); output->display_name = g_strdup (from->display_name); output->vendor = g_strdup (from->vendor); output->product = g_strdup (from->product); output->serial = g_strdup (from->serial); output->current_crtc = from->current_crtc; output->backlight = from->backlight; if (from->edid) output->edid = g_bytes_ref (from->edid); output->edid_file = g_strdup (from->edid_file); output->is_primary = from->is_primary; output->is_presentation = from->is_presentation; array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (p_crtc = from->possible_crtcs; *p_crtc != NULL; p_crtc++) { g_ptr_array_add (array, *p_crtc); } output->possible_crtcs = (GnomeRRCrtc**) g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (p_output = from->clones; *p_output != NULL; p_output++) { g_ptr_array_add (array, *p_output); } output->clones = (GnomeRROutput**) g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (p_mode = from->modes; *p_mode != NULL; p_mode++) { g_ptr_array_add (array, *p_mode); } output->modes = (GnomeRRMode**) g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); return output; } static void output_free (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_free (output->clones); g_free (output->modes); g_free (output->possible_crtcs); g_free (output->name); g_free (output->vendor); g_free (output->product); g_free (output->serial); g_free (output->display_name); g_free (output->edid_file); if (output->edid) g_bytes_unref (output->edid); g_slice_free (GnomeRROutput, output); } guint32 gnome_rr_output_get_id (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_assert(output != NULL); return output->id; } const guint8 * gnome_rr_output_get_edid_data (GnomeRROutput *output, gsize *size) { if (output->edid) return g_bytes_get_data (output->edid, size); if (output->edid_file) { GMappedFile *mmap; mmap = g_mapped_file_new (output->edid_file, FALSE, NULL); if (mmap) { output->edid = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mmap); g_mapped_file_unref (mmap); return g_bytes_get_data (output->edid, size); } } return NULL; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_ids_from_edid: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * @vendor: (out) (allow-none): * @product: (out) (allow-none): * @serial: (out) (allow-none): */ void gnome_rr_output_get_ids_from_edid (GnomeRROutput *output, char **vendor, char **product, char **serial) { g_return_if_fail (output != NULL); *vendor = g_strdup (output->vendor); *product = g_strdup (output->product); *serial = g_strdup (output->serial); } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_physical_size: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * @width_mm: (out) (allow-none): * @height_mm: (out) (allow-none): */ void gnome_rr_output_get_physical_size (GnomeRROutput *output, int *width_mm, int *height_mm) { g_return_if_fail (output != NULL); if (width_mm) *width_mm = output->width_mm; if (height_mm) *height_mm = output->height_mm; } const char * gnome_rr_output_get_display_name (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); return output->display_name; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_backlight: * * Returns: The currently set backlight brightness */ int gnome_rr_output_get_backlight (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, -1); return output->backlight; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_min_backlight_step: * * Returns: The minimum backlight step available in percent */ int gnome_rr_output_get_min_backlight_step (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, -1); return output->min_backlight_step; } /** * gnome_rr_output_set_backlight: * @value: the absolute value which is 0 >= this <= 100 * * Returns: %TRUE for success */ gboolean gnome_rr_output_set_backlight (GnomeRROutput *output, gint value, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, FALSE); return meta_dbus_display_config_call_change_backlight_sync (output->info->screen->priv->proxy, output->info->serial, output->id, value, &output->backlight, NULL, error); } /** * gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_name: * * Returns: (transfer none): the output identified by @name */ GnomeRROutput * gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_name (GnomeRRScreen *screen, const char *name) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (screen->priv->info != NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; screen->priv->info->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutput *output = screen->priv->info->outputs[i]; if (strcmp (output->name, name) == 0) return output; } return NULL; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_crtc: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * Returns: (transfer none): */ GnomeRRCrtc * gnome_rr_output_get_crtc (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); return output->current_crtc; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_possible_crtcs: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRRCrtc ** gnome_rr_output_get_possible_crtcs (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); return output->possible_crtcs; } gboolean _gnome_rr_output_name_is_builtin_display (const char *name) { if (!name) return FALSE; if (strstr (name, "lvds") || /* Most drivers use an "LVDS" prefix... */ strstr (name, "LVDS") || strstr (name, "Lvds") || strstr (name, "LCD") || /* ... but fglrx uses "LCD" in some versions. Shoot me now, kthxbye. */ strstr (name, "eDP") || /* eDP is for internal built-in panel connections */ strstr (name, "DSI")) return TRUE; return FALSE; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_is_builtin_display (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, FALSE); return _gnome_rr_output_name_is_builtin_display (output->name); } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_current_mode: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * Returns: (transfer none): the current mode of this output */ GnomeRRMode * gnome_rr_output_get_current_mode (GnomeRROutput *output) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc; GnomeRRMode *mode; g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); if ((crtc = gnome_rr_output_get_crtc (output))) { int total_w, total_h, tile_w, tile_h; mode = gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_mode (crtc); if (_gnome_rr_output_get_tiled_display_size (output, &tile_w, &tile_h, &total_w, &total_h)) { if (mode->width == tile_w && mode->height == tile_h) { if (output->modes[0]->tiled) return output->modes[0]; } } return gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_mode (crtc); } return NULL; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_position: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * @x: (out) (allow-none): * @y: (out) (allow-none): */ void gnome_rr_output_get_position (GnomeRROutput *output, int *x, int *y) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc; g_return_if_fail (output != NULL); if ((crtc = gnome_rr_output_get_crtc (output))) gnome_rr_crtc_get_position (crtc, x, y); } const char * gnome_rr_output_get_name (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_assert (output != NULL); return output->name; } /** * gnome_rr_output_get_preferred_mode: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * Returns: (transfer none): */ GnomeRRMode * gnome_rr_output_get_preferred_mode (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); return output->modes[0]; } /** * gnome_rr_output_list_modes: * @output: a #GnomeRROutput * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): */ GnomeRRMode ** gnome_rr_output_list_modes (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, NULL); return output->modes; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_supports_mode (GnomeRROutput *output, GnomeRRMode *mode) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, FALSE); for (i = 0; output->modes[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (output->modes[i] == mode) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_can_clone (GnomeRROutput *output, GnomeRROutput *clone) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (clone != NULL, FALSE); for (i = 0; output->clones[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (output->clones[i] == clone) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_get_is_primary (GnomeRROutput *output) { return output->is_primary; } /* GnomeRRCrtc */ static const GnomeRRRotation rotation_map[] = { GNOME_RR_ROTATION_0, GNOME_RR_ROTATION_90, GNOME_RR_ROTATION_180, GNOME_RR_ROTATION_270, GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X | GNOME_RR_ROTATION_0, GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X | GNOME_RR_ROTATION_90, GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X | GNOME_RR_ROTATION_180, GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X | GNOME_RR_ROTATION_270, }; static GnomeRRRotation gnome_rr_rotation_from_transform (enum wl_output_transform transform) { return rotation_map[transform]; } /** * gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_mode: * @crtc: a #GnomeRRCrtc * Returns: (transfer none): the current mode of this crtc */ GnomeRRMode * gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_mode (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc) { g_return_val_if_fail (crtc != NULL, NULL); return crtc->current_mode; } guint32 gnome_rr_crtc_get_id (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc) { g_return_val_if_fail (crtc != NULL, 0); return crtc->id; } gboolean gnome_rr_crtc_can_drive_output (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, GnomeRROutput *output) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (crtc != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (output != NULL, FALSE); for (i = 0; crtc->possible_outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (crtc->possible_outputs[i] == output) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * gnome_rr_crtc_get_position: * @crtc: a #GnomeRRCrtc * @x: (out) (allow-none): * @y: (out) (allow-none): */ void gnome_rr_crtc_get_position (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, int *x, int *y) { g_return_if_fail (crtc != NULL); if (x) *x = crtc->x; if (y) *y = crtc->y; } GnomeRRRotation gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_rotation (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc) { g_assert(crtc != NULL); return gnome_rr_rotation_from_transform (crtc->transform); } static GnomeRRRotation gnome_rr_rotation_from_all_transforms (int all_transforms) { GnomeRRRotation ret = all_transforms & 0xF; if (all_transforms & (1 << WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED)) ret |= GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X; if (all_transforms & (1 << WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_180)) ret |= GNOME_RR_REFLECT_Y; return ret; } GnomeRRRotation gnome_rr_crtc_get_rotations (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc) { g_assert(crtc != NULL); return gnome_rr_rotation_from_all_transforms (crtc->all_transforms); } gboolean gnome_rr_crtc_supports_rotation (GnomeRRCrtc * crtc, GnomeRRRotation rotation) { g_return_val_if_fail (crtc != NULL, FALSE); return (gnome_rr_rotation_from_all_transforms (crtc->all_transforms) & rotation); } static GnomeRRCrtc * crtc_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRRCrtc); crtc->id = id; crtc->info = info; crtc->current_outputs = g_new0 (GnomeRROutput *, 1); crtc->possible_outputs = g_new0 (GnomeRROutput *, 1); return crtc; } static GnomeRRCrtc * crtc_copy (const GnomeRRCrtc *from) { GnomeRROutput **p_output; GPtrArray *array; GnomeRRCrtc *to = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRRCrtc); to->info = from->info; to->id = from->id; to->current_mode = from->current_mode; to->x = from->x; to->y = from->y; to->transform = from->transform; to->all_transforms = from->all_transforms; to->gamma_size = from->gamma_size; array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (p_output = from->current_outputs; *p_output != NULL; p_output++) { g_ptr_array_add (array, *p_output); } to->current_outputs = (GnomeRROutput**) g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (p_output = from->possible_outputs; *p_output != NULL; p_output++) { g_ptr_array_add (array, *p_output); } to->possible_outputs = (GnomeRROutput**) g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); return to; } static void crtc_initialize (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, GVariant *info) { GVariantIter *all_transforms; int current_mode_id; guint transform; g_variant_get (info, META_CRTC_STRUCT, &crtc->id, &crtc->winsys_id, &crtc->x, &crtc->y, NULL, NULL, ¤t_mode_id, &crtc->transform, &all_transforms, NULL); if (current_mode_id >= 0) crtc->current_mode = mode_by_id (crtc->info, current_mode_id); while (g_variant_iter_loop (all_transforms, "u", &transform)) crtc->all_transforms |= 1 << transform; } static void crtc_free (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc) { g_free (crtc->current_outputs); g_free (crtc->possible_outputs); g_slice_free (GnomeRRCrtc, crtc); } /* GnomeRRMode */ static GnomeRRMode * mode_new (ScreenInfo *info, guint id) { GnomeRRMode *mode = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRRMode); mode->id = id; mode->info = info; return mode; } guint32 gnome_rr_mode_get_id (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, 0); return mode->id; } guint gnome_rr_mode_get_width (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, 0); return mode->width; } int gnome_rr_mode_get_freq (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, 0); return (mode->freq) / 1000; } guint gnome_rr_mode_get_height (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, 0); return mode->height; } /** * gnome_rr_mode_get_is_tiled: * @mode: a #GnomeRRMode * * Returns TRUE if this mode is a tiled * mode created for span a tiled monitor. */ gboolean gnome_rr_mode_get_is_tiled (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_return_val_if_fail (mode != NULL, FALSE); return mode->tiled; } static void mode_initialize (GnomeRRMode *mode, GVariant *info) { gdouble frequency; g_variant_get (info, "(uxuud)", &mode->id, &mode->winsys_id, &mode->width, &mode->height, &frequency); mode->freq = frequency * 1000; } static GnomeRRMode * mode_copy (const GnomeRRMode *from) { GnomeRRMode *to = g_slice_new0 (GnomeRRMode); to->id = from->id; to->info = from->info; to->width = from->width; to->height = from->height; to->freq = from->freq; return to; } static void mode_free (GnomeRRMode *mode) { g_slice_free (GnomeRRMode, mode); } gboolean _gnome_rr_screen_apply_configuration (GnomeRRScreen *screen, gboolean persistent, GVariant *crtcs, GVariant *outputs, GError **error) { return meta_dbus_display_config_call_apply_configuration_sync (screen->priv->proxy, screen->priv->info->serial, persistent, crtcs, outputs, NULL, error); } gboolean gnome_rr_crtc_set_gamma (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, int size, unsigned short *red, unsigned short *green, unsigned short *blue) { GBytes *red_bytes, *green_bytes, *blue_bytes; GVariant *red_v, *green_v, *blue_v; gboolean ok; red_bytes = g_bytes_new (red, size * sizeof (unsigned short)); green_bytes = g_bytes_new (green, size * sizeof (unsigned short)); blue_bytes = g_bytes_new (blue, size * sizeof (unsigned short)); red_v = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aq"), red_bytes, TRUE); green_v = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aq"), green_bytes, TRUE); blue_v = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aq"), blue_bytes, TRUE); ok = meta_dbus_display_config_call_set_crtc_gamma_sync (crtc->info->screen->priv->proxy, crtc->info->serial, crtc->id, red_v, green_v, blue_v, NULL, NULL); g_bytes_unref (red_bytes); g_bytes_unref (green_bytes); g_bytes_unref (blue_bytes); /* The variant above are floating, no need to free them */ return ok; } /** * gnome_rr_crtc_get_gamma: * @crtc: a #GnomeRRCrtc * @size: * @red: (out): the minimum width * @green: (out): the maximum width * @blue: (out): the minimum height * * Returns: %TRUE for success */ gboolean gnome_rr_crtc_get_gamma (GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, int *size, unsigned short **red, unsigned short **green, unsigned short **blue) { GBytes *red_bytes, *green_bytes, *blue_bytes; GVariant *red_v, *green_v, *blue_v; gboolean ok; gsize dummy; ok = meta_dbus_display_config_call_get_crtc_gamma_sync (crtc->info->screen->priv->proxy, crtc->info->serial, crtc->id, &red_v, &green_v, &blue_v, NULL, NULL); if (!ok) return FALSE; red_bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (red_v); green_bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (green_v); blue_bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (blue_v); /* Unref the variant early so that the bytes hold the only reference to the data and we don't need to copy */ g_variant_unref (red_v); g_variant_unref (green_v); g_variant_unref (blue_v); if (size) *size = g_bytes_get_size (red_bytes) / sizeof (unsigned short); if (red) *red = g_bytes_unref_to_data (red_bytes, &dummy); else g_bytes_unref (red_bytes); if (green) *green = g_bytes_unref_to_data (green_bytes, &dummy); else g_bytes_unref (green_bytes); if (blue) *blue = g_bytes_unref_to_data (blue_bytes, &dummy); else g_bytes_unref (blue_bytes); return TRUE; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_get_is_underscanning (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_assert(output != NULL); return output->is_underscanning; } gboolean gnome_rr_output_supports_underscanning (GnomeRROutput *output) { g_assert (output != NULL); return output->supports_underscanning; } gboolean _gnome_rr_output_get_tile_info (GnomeRROutput *output, GnomeRRTile *tile) { if (output->tile_info.group_id == UNDEFINED_GROUP_ID) return FALSE; if (!tile) return FALSE; *tile = output->tile_info; return TRUE; } GType gnome_rr_dpms_mode_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (etype == 0) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { GNOME_RR_DPMS_ON, "GNOME_RR_DPMS_ON", "on" }, { GNOME_RR_DPMS_STANDBY, "GNOME_RR_DPMS_STANDBY", "standby" }, { GNOME_RR_DPMS_SUSPEND, "GNOME_RR_DPMS_SUSPEND", "suspend" }, { GNOME_RR_DPMS_OFF, "GNOME_RR_DPMS_OFF", "off" }, { GNOME_RR_DPMS_UNKNOWN, "GNOME_RR_DPMS_UNKNOWN", "unknown" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static ("GnomeRRDpmsModeType", values); } return etype; }