/* gnome-rr-config.c * -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * Copyright 2007, 2008, 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright 2010 Giovanni Campagna * * This file is part of the Gnome Library. * * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: Soren Sandmann */ #define GNOME_DESKTOP_USE_UNSTABLE_API #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gnome-rr-config.h" #include "gnome-rr-private.h" #define CONFIG_INTENDED_BASENAME "monitors.xml" #define CONFIG_BACKUP_BASENAME "monitors.xml.backup" /* Look for DPI_FALLBACK in: * http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/xsettings/gsd-xsettings-manager.c * for the reasoning */ #define DPI_FALLBACK 96.0 /* In version 0 of the config file format, we had several * toplevel elements and no explicit version number. So, the filed looked * like * * * ... * * * ... * * * Since version 1 of the config file, the file has a toplevel * element to group all the configurations. That element has a "version" * attribute which is an integer. So, the file looks like this: * * * * ... * * * ... * * */ typedef struct CrtcAssignment CrtcAssignment; static gboolean crtc_assignment_apply (CrtcAssignment *assign, gboolean persistent, GError **error); static CrtcAssignment *crtc_assignment_new (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs, GError **error); static void crtc_assignment_free (CrtcAssignment *assign); enum { PROP_0, PROP_SCREEN, PROP_LAST }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GnomeRRConfig, gnome_rr_config, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void gnome_rr_config_init (GnomeRRConfig *self) { self->priv = gnome_rr_config_get_instance_private (self); self->priv->clone = FALSE; self->priv->screen = NULL; self->priv->outputs = NULL; } static void gnome_rr_config_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *property) { GnomeRRConfig *self = GNOME_RR_CONFIG (gobject); switch (property_id) { case PROP_SCREEN: self->priv->screen = g_value_dup_object (value); return; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, property_id, property); } } static void gnome_rr_config_finalize (GObject *gobject) { GnomeRRConfig *self = GNOME_RR_CONFIG (gobject); if (self->priv->screen) g_object_unref (self->priv->screen); if (self->priv->outputs) { int i; for (i = 0; self->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; i++) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = self->priv->outputs[i]; g_object_unref (output); } g_free (self->priv->outputs); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (gnome_rr_config_parent_class)->finalize (gobject); } gboolean gnome_rr_config_load_current (GnomeRRConfig *config, GError **error) { GPtrArray *a; GnomeRROutput **rr_outputs; int i; int clone_width = -1; int clone_height = -1; int last_x; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (config), FALSE); a = g_ptr_array_new (); rr_outputs = gnome_rr_screen_list_outputs (config->priv->screen); config->priv->clone = FALSE; for (i = 0; rr_outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutput *rr_output = rr_outputs[i]; GnomeRROutputInfo *output = g_object_new (GNOME_TYPE_RR_OUTPUT_INFO, NULL); GnomeRRMode *mode = NULL; GnomeRRCrtc *crtc; output->priv->name = g_strdup (gnome_rr_output_get_name (rr_output)); output->priv->connected = TRUE; output->priv->display_name = g_strdup (gnome_rr_output_get_display_name (rr_output)); output->priv->connector_type = g_strdup (_gnome_rr_output_get_connector_type (rr_output)); output->priv->config = config; output->priv->is_tiled = _gnome_rr_output_get_tile_info (rr_output, &output->priv->tile); if (output->priv->is_tiled) { _gnome_rr_output_get_tiled_display_size (rr_output, NULL, NULL, &output->priv->total_tiled_width, &output->priv->total_tiled_height); } if (!output->priv->connected) { output->priv->x = -1; output->priv->y = -1; output->priv->width = -1; output->priv->height = -1; output->priv->rate = -1; } else { gnome_rr_output_get_ids_from_edid (rr_output, &output->priv->vendor, &output->priv->product, &output->priv->serial); crtc = gnome_rr_output_get_crtc (rr_output); mode = crtc ? gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_mode (crtc) : NULL; if (crtc && mode) { output->priv->on = TRUE; gnome_rr_crtc_get_position (crtc, &output->priv->x, &output->priv->y); output->priv->width = gnome_rr_mode_get_width (mode); output->priv->height = gnome_rr_mode_get_height (mode); output->priv->rate = gnome_rr_mode_get_freq (mode); output->priv->rotation = gnome_rr_crtc_get_current_rotation (crtc); output->priv->available_rotations = gnome_rr_crtc_get_rotations (crtc); if (output->priv->x == 0 && output->priv->y == 0) { if (clone_width == -1) { clone_width = output->priv->width; clone_height = output->priv->height; } else if (clone_width == output->priv->width && clone_height == output->priv->height) { config->priv->clone = TRUE; } } } else { output->priv->on = FALSE; config->priv->clone = FALSE; } /* Get preferred size for the monitor */ mode = gnome_rr_output_get_preferred_mode (rr_output); output->priv->pref_width = gnome_rr_mode_get_width (mode); output->priv->pref_height = gnome_rr_mode_get_height (mode); } output->priv->primary = gnome_rr_output_get_is_primary (rr_output); output->priv->underscanning = gnome_rr_output_get_is_underscanning (rr_output); g_ptr_array_add (a, output); } g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); config->priv->outputs = (GnomeRROutputInfo **)g_ptr_array_free (a, FALSE); /* Walk the outputs computing the right-most edge of all * lit-up displays */ last_x = 0; for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = config->priv->outputs[i]; if (output->priv->on) { last_x = MAX (last_x, output->priv->x + output->priv->width); } } /* Now position all off displays to the right of the * on displays */ for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = config->priv->outputs[i]; if (output->priv->connected && !output->priv->on) { output->priv->x = last_x; last_x = output->priv->x + output->priv->width; } } g_assert (gnome_rr_config_match (config, config)); return TRUE; } static void gnome_rr_config_class_init (GnomeRRConfigClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->set_property = gnome_rr_config_set_property; gobject_class->finalize = gnome_rr_config_finalize; g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SCREEN, g_param_spec_object ("screen", "Screen", "The GnomeRRScreen this config applies to", GNOME_TYPE_RR_SCREEN, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB)); } GnomeRRConfig * gnome_rr_config_new_current (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { GnomeRRConfig *self = g_object_new (GNOME_TYPE_RR_CONFIG, "screen", screen, NULL); if (gnome_rr_config_load_current (self, error)) return self; else { g_object_unref (self); return NULL; } } static gboolean output_match (GnomeRROutputInfo *output1, GnomeRROutputInfo *output2) { g_assert (GNOME_IS_RR_OUTPUT_INFO (output1)); g_assert (GNOME_IS_RR_OUTPUT_INFO (output2)); if (g_strcmp0 (output1->priv->name, output2->priv->name) != 0) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (output1->priv->vendor, output2->priv->vendor) != 0) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (output1->priv->product, output2->priv->product) != 0) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (output1->priv->serial, output2->priv->serial) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static gboolean output_equal (GnomeRROutputInfo *output1, GnomeRROutputInfo *output2) { g_assert (GNOME_IS_RR_OUTPUT_INFO (output1)); g_assert (GNOME_IS_RR_OUTPUT_INFO (output2)); if (!output_match (output1, output2)) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->on != output2->priv->on) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->on) { if (output1->priv->width != output2->priv->width) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->height != output2->priv->height) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->rate != output2->priv->rate) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->x != output2->priv->x) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->y != output2->priv->y) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->rotation != output2->priv->rotation) return FALSE; if (output1->priv->underscanning != output2->priv->underscanning) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static GnomeRROutputInfo * find_output (GnomeRRConfig *config, const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = config->priv->outputs[i]; if (strcmp (name, output->priv->name) == 0) return output; } return NULL; } /* Match means "these configurations apply to the same hardware * setups" */ gboolean gnome_rr_config_match (GnomeRRConfig *c1, GnomeRRConfig *c2) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (c1), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (c2), FALSE); for (i = 0; c1->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output1 = c1->priv->outputs[i]; GnomeRROutputInfo *output2; output2 = find_output (c2, output1->priv->name); if (!output2 || !output_match (output1, output2)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Equal means "the configurations will result in the same * modes being set on the outputs" */ gboolean gnome_rr_config_equal (GnomeRRConfig *c1, GnomeRRConfig *c2) { int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (c1), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (c2), FALSE); for (i = 0; c1->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output1 = c1->priv->outputs[i]; GnomeRROutputInfo *output2; output2 = find_output (c2, output1->priv->name); if (!output2 || !output_equal (output1, output2)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static GnomeRROutputInfo ** make_outputs (GnomeRRConfig *config) { GPtrArray *outputs; GnomeRROutputInfo *first_on; int i; outputs = g_ptr_array_new (); first_on = NULL; for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *old = config->priv->outputs[i]; GnomeRROutputInfo *new = g_object_new (GNOME_TYPE_RR_OUTPUT_INFO, NULL); *(new->priv) = *(old->priv); new->priv->name = g_strdup (old->priv->name); new->priv->display_name = g_strdup (old->priv->display_name); new->priv->connector_type = g_strdup (old->priv->connector_type); new->priv->vendor = g_strdup (old->priv->vendor); new->priv->product = g_strdup (old->priv->product); new->priv->serial = g_strdup (old->priv->serial); if (old->priv->on && !first_on) first_on = old; if (config->priv->clone && new->priv->on) { g_assert (first_on); new->priv->width = first_on->priv->width; new->priv->height = first_on->priv->height; new->priv->rotation = first_on->priv->rotation; new->priv->x = 0; new->priv->y = 0; } g_ptr_array_add (outputs, new); } g_ptr_array_add (outputs, NULL); return (GnomeRROutputInfo **)g_ptr_array_free (outputs, FALSE); } gboolean gnome_rr_config_applicable (GnomeRRConfig *configuration, GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs; CrtcAssignment *assign; gboolean result; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (configuration), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); outputs = make_outputs (configuration); assign = crtc_assignment_new (screen, outputs, error); if (assign) { result = TRUE; crtc_assignment_free (assign); } else { result = FALSE; } for (i = 0; outputs[i] != NULL; i++) { g_object_unref (outputs[i]); } g_free (outputs); return result; } /* Database management */ void gnome_rr_config_sanitize (GnomeRRConfig *config) { int i; int x_offset, y_offset; gboolean found; /* Offset everything by the top/left-most coordinate to * make sure the configuration starts at (0, 0) */ x_offset = y_offset = G_MAXINT; for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i]; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = config->priv->outputs[i]; if (output->priv->on) { x_offset = MIN (x_offset, output->priv->x); y_offset = MIN (y_offset, output->priv->y); } } for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i]; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = config->priv->outputs[i]; if (output->priv->on) { output->priv->x -= x_offset; output->priv->y -= y_offset; } } /* Only one primary, please */ found = FALSE; for (i = 0; config->priv->outputs[i]; ++i) { if (config->priv->outputs[i]->priv->primary) { if (found) { config->priv->outputs[i]->priv->primary = FALSE; } else { found = TRUE; } } } } gboolean gnome_rr_config_ensure_primary (GnomeRRConfig *configuration) { int i; GnomeRROutputInfo *builtin_display; GnomeRROutputInfo *top_left; gboolean found; GnomeRRConfigPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (configuration), FALSE); builtin_display = NULL; top_left = NULL; found = FALSE; priv = configuration->priv; for (i = 0; priv->outputs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRROutputInfo *info = priv->outputs[i]; if (!info->priv->on) { info->priv->primary = FALSE; continue; } /* ensure only one */ if (info->priv->primary) { if (found) { info->priv->primary = FALSE; } else { found = TRUE; } } if (top_left == NULL || (info->priv->x < top_left->priv->x && info->priv->y < top_left->priv->y)) { top_left = info; } if (builtin_display == NULL && _gnome_rr_output_connector_type_is_builtin_display (info->priv->connector_type)) { builtin_display = info; } } if (!found) { if (builtin_display != NULL) { builtin_display->priv->primary = TRUE; } else if (top_left != NULL) { /* Note: top_left can be NULL if all outputs are off */ top_left->priv->primary = TRUE; } } return !found; } static gboolean gnome_rr_config_apply_helper (GnomeRRConfig *config, GnomeRRScreen *screen, gboolean persistent, GError **error) { CrtcAssignment *assignment; GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs; gboolean result = FALSE; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (config), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_SCREEN (screen), FALSE); outputs = make_outputs (config); assignment = crtc_assignment_new (screen, outputs, error); if (assignment) { if (crtc_assignment_apply (assignment, persistent, error)) result = TRUE; crtc_assignment_free (assignment); } for (i = 0; outputs[i] != NULL; i++) g_object_unref (outputs[i]); g_free (outputs); return result; } gboolean gnome_rr_config_apply (GnomeRRConfig *config, GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { return gnome_rr_config_apply_helper (config, screen, FALSE, error); } gboolean gnome_rr_config_apply_persistent (GnomeRRConfig *config, GnomeRRScreen *screen, GError **error) { return gnome_rr_config_apply_helper (config, screen, TRUE, error); } /** * gnome_rr_config_get_outputs: * * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (element-type GnomeDesktop.RROutputInfo) (transfer none): the output configuration for this #GnomeRRConfig */ GnomeRROutputInfo ** gnome_rr_config_get_outputs (GnomeRRConfig *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (self), NULL); return self->priv->outputs; } /** * gnome_rr_config_get_clone: * * Returns: whether at least two outputs are at (0, 0) offset and they * have the same width/height. Those outputs are of course connected and on * (i.e. they have a CRTC assigned). */ gboolean gnome_rr_config_get_clone (GnomeRRConfig *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (self), FALSE); return self->priv->clone; } void gnome_rr_config_set_clone (GnomeRRConfig *self, gboolean clone) { g_return_if_fail (GNOME_IS_RR_CONFIG (self)); self->priv->clone = clone; } /* * CRTC assignment */ typedef struct CrtcInfo CrtcInfo; struct CrtcInfo { GnomeRRMode *mode; int x; int y; GnomeRRRotation rotation; GPtrArray *outputs; }; struct CrtcAssignment { GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs; GnomeRRScreen *screen; GHashTable *info; GnomeRROutput *primary; }; static gboolean can_clone (CrtcInfo *info, GnomeRROutput *output) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < info->outputs->len; ++i) { GnomeRROutput *clone = info->outputs->pdata[i]; if (!gnome_rr_output_can_clone (clone, output)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean crtc_assignment_assign (CrtcAssignment *assign, GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, GnomeRRMode *mode, int x, int y, GnomeRRRotation rotation, gboolean primary, GnomeRROutput *output, GError **error) { CrtcInfo *info = g_hash_table_lookup (assign->info, crtc); guint32 crtc_id; const char *output_name; crtc_id = gnome_rr_crtc_get_id (crtc); output_name = gnome_rr_output_get_name (output); if (!gnome_rr_crtc_can_drive_output (crtc, output)) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("CRTC %d cannot drive output %s"), crtc_id, output_name); return FALSE; } if (!gnome_rr_output_supports_mode (output, mode)) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("output %s does not support mode %dx%d@%dHz"), output_name, gnome_rr_mode_get_width (mode), gnome_rr_mode_get_height (mode), gnome_rr_mode_get_freq (mode)); return FALSE; } if (!gnome_rr_crtc_supports_rotation (crtc, rotation)) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("CRTC %d does not support rotation=%d"), crtc_id, rotation); return FALSE; } if (info) { if (!(info->mode == mode && info->x == x && info->y == y && info->rotation == rotation)) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("output %s does not have the same parameters as another cloned output:\n" "existing mode = %d, new mode = %d\n" "existing coordinates = (%d, %d), new coordinates = (%d, %d)\n" "existing rotation = %d, new rotation = %d"), output_name, gnome_rr_mode_get_id (info->mode), gnome_rr_mode_get_id (mode), info->x, info->y, x, y, info->rotation, rotation); return FALSE; } if (!can_clone (info, output)) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("cannot clone to output %s"), output_name); return FALSE; } g_ptr_array_add (info->outputs, output); if (primary && !assign->primary) { assign->primary = output; } return TRUE; } else { info = g_new0 (CrtcInfo, 1); info->mode = mode; info->x = x; info->y = y; info->rotation = rotation; info->outputs = g_ptr_array_new (); g_ptr_array_add (info->outputs, output); g_hash_table_insert (assign->info, crtc, info); if (primary && !assign->primary) { assign->primary = output; } return TRUE; } } static void crtc_assignment_unassign (CrtcAssignment *assign, GnomeRRCrtc *crtc, GnomeRROutput *output) { CrtcInfo *info = g_hash_table_lookup (assign->info, crtc); if (info) { g_ptr_array_remove (info->outputs, output); if (assign->primary == output) { assign->primary = NULL; } if (info->outputs->len == 0) g_hash_table_remove (assign->info, crtc); } } static void crtc_assignment_free (CrtcAssignment *assign) { g_hash_table_destroy (assign->info); g_free (assign); } static gboolean mode_is_rotated (CrtcInfo *info) { if ((info->rotation & GNOME_RR_ROTATION_270) || (info->rotation & GNOME_RR_ROTATION_90)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void accumulate_error (GString *accumulated_error, GError *error) { g_string_append_printf (accumulated_error, " %s\n", error->message); g_error_free (error); } /* Check whether the given set of settings can be used * at the same time -- ie. whether there is an assignment * of CRTC's to outputs. * * Brute force - the number of objects involved is small * enough that it doesn't matter. */ static gboolean real_assign_crtcs (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs, CrtcAssignment *assignment, GError **error) { GnomeRRCrtc **crtcs = gnome_rr_screen_list_crtcs (screen); GnomeRROutputInfo *output; int i; gboolean tried_mode; GError *my_error; GString *accumulated_error; gboolean success; output = *outputs; if (!output) return TRUE; /* It is always allowed for an output to be turned off */ if (!output->priv->on) { return real_assign_crtcs (screen, outputs + 1, assignment, error); } success = FALSE; tried_mode = FALSE; accumulated_error = g_string_new (NULL); for (i = 0; crtcs[i] != NULL; ++i) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc = crtcs[i]; int crtc_id = gnome_rr_crtc_get_id (crtc); int pass; g_string_append_printf (accumulated_error, _("Trying modes for CRTC %d\n"), crtc_id); /* Make two passes, one where frequencies must match, then * one where they don't have to */ for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) { GnomeRROutput *gnome_rr_output = gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_name (screen, output->priv->name); GnomeRRMode **modes = gnome_rr_output_list_modes (gnome_rr_output); int j; for (j = 0; modes[j] != NULL; ++j) { GnomeRRMode *mode = modes[j]; int mode_width; int mode_height; int mode_freq; mode_width = gnome_rr_mode_get_width (mode); mode_height = gnome_rr_mode_get_height (mode); mode_freq = gnome_rr_mode_get_freq (mode); g_string_append_printf (accumulated_error, _("CRTC %d: trying mode %dx%d@%dHz with output at %dx%d@%dHz (pass %d)\n"), crtc_id, mode_width, mode_height, mode_freq, output->priv->width, output->priv->height, output->priv->rate, pass); if (mode_width == output->priv->width && mode_height == output->priv->height && (pass == 1 || mode_freq == output->priv->rate)) { tried_mode = TRUE; my_error = NULL; if (crtc_assignment_assign ( assignment, crtc, modes[j], output->priv->x, output->priv->y, output->priv->rotation, output->priv->primary, gnome_rr_output, &my_error)) { my_error = NULL; if (real_assign_crtcs (screen, outputs + 1, assignment, &my_error)) { success = TRUE; goto out; } else accumulate_error (accumulated_error, my_error); crtc_assignment_unassign (assignment, crtc, gnome_rr_output); } else accumulate_error (accumulated_error, my_error); } } } } out: if (success) g_string_free (accumulated_error, TRUE); else { char *str; str = g_string_free (accumulated_error, FALSE); if (tried_mode) g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("could not assign CRTCs to outputs:\n%s"), str); else g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_CRTC_ASSIGNMENT, _("none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:\n%s"), str); g_free (str); } return success; } static void crtc_info_free (CrtcInfo *info) { g_ptr_array_free (info->outputs, TRUE); g_free (info); } static void get_required_virtual_size (CrtcAssignment *assign, int *width, int *height) { GList *active_crtcs = g_hash_table_get_keys (assign->info); GList *list; int d; if (!width) width = &d; if (!height) height = &d; /* Compute size of the screen */ *width = *height = 1; for (list = active_crtcs; list != NULL; list = list->next) { GnomeRRCrtc *crtc = list->data; CrtcInfo *info = g_hash_table_lookup (assign->info, crtc); int w, h; w = gnome_rr_mode_get_width (info->mode); h = gnome_rr_mode_get_height (info->mode); if (mode_is_rotated (info)) { int tmp = h; h = w; w = tmp; } *width = MAX (*width, info->x + w); *height = MAX (*height, info->y + h); } g_list_free (active_crtcs); } static CrtcAssignment * crtc_assignment_new (GnomeRRScreen *screen, GnomeRROutputInfo **outputs, GError **error) { CrtcAssignment *assignment = g_new0 (CrtcAssignment, 1); assignment->outputs = outputs; assignment->info = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GFreeFunc)crtc_info_free); if (real_assign_crtcs (screen, outputs, assignment, error)) { int width, height; int min_width, max_width, min_height, max_height; get_required_virtual_size (assignment, &width, &height); gnome_rr_screen_get_ranges ( screen, &min_width, &max_width, &min_height, &max_height); if (width < min_width || width > max_width || height < min_height || height > max_height) { g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_BOUNDS_ERROR, /* Translators: the "requested", "minimum", and * "maximum" words here are not keywords; please * translate them as usual. */ _("required virtual size does not fit available size: " "requested=(%d, %d), minimum=(%d, %d), maximum=(%d, %d)"), width, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height); goto fail; } assignment->screen = screen; return assignment; } fail: crtc_assignment_free (assignment); return NULL; } #define ROTATION_MASK 0x7F static enum wl_output_transform rotation_to_transform (GnomeRRRotation rotation) { static const enum wl_output_transform y_reflected_map[] = { WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_180, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_90, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270 }; enum wl_output_transform ret; switch (rotation & ROTATION_MASK) { default: case GNOME_RR_ROTATION_0: ret = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL; break; case GNOME_RR_ROTATION_90: ret = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90; break; case GNOME_RR_ROTATION_180: ret = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180; break; case GNOME_RR_ROTATION_270: ret = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270; break; } if (rotation & GNOME_RR_REFLECT_X) return ret + 4; else if (rotation & GNOME_RR_REFLECT_Y) return y_reflected_map[ret]; else return ret; } static gboolean crtc_assignment_apply (CrtcAssignment *assign, gboolean persistent, GError **error) { GVariantBuilder crtc_builder, output_builder, nested_outputs; GHashTableIter iter; GnomeRRCrtc *crtc; CrtcInfo *info; unsigned i; g_variant_builder_init (&crtc_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(uiiiuaua{sv})")); g_variant_builder_init (&output_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ua{sv})")); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, assign->info); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (void*) &crtc, (void*) &info)) { g_variant_builder_init (&nested_outputs, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("au")); for (i = 0; i < info->outputs->len; i++) { GnomeRROutput *output = g_ptr_array_index (info->outputs, i); g_variant_builder_add (&nested_outputs, "u", gnome_rr_output_get_id (output)); } g_variant_builder_add (&crtc_builder, "(uiiiuaua{sv})", gnome_rr_crtc_get_id (crtc), info->mode ? gnome_rr_mode_get_id (info->mode) : (guint32) -1, info->x, info->y, rotation_to_transform (info->rotation), &nested_outputs, NULL); } for (i = 0; assign->outputs[i]; i++) { GnomeRROutputInfo *output = assign->outputs[i]; GnomeRROutput *gnome_rr_output = gnome_rr_screen_get_output_by_name (assign->screen, output->priv->name); g_variant_builder_add (&output_builder, "(u@a{sv})", gnome_rr_output_get_id (gnome_rr_output), g_variant_new_parsed ("{ 'primary': <%b>," " 'presentation': <%b>," " 'underscanning': <%b> }", output->priv->primary, FALSE, output->priv->underscanning)); } return _gnome_rr_screen_apply_configuration (assign->screen, persistent, g_variant_builder_end (&crtc_builder), g_variant_builder_end (&output_builder), error); }