gnome-desktop-2.12.0 ==================== This package is free software and is part of the GNOME project. The package contains the libgnome-desktop library which contains APIs that really belong in libgnome[ui] but have not seen enough testing or development to be considered stable. Use at your own risk. Also contained here are documents installed as part of the core GNOME distribution, e.g. a copy of the GPL, the gnome-about program, some manpages and GNOME's core graphics files and icons. You may download updates to the package from: is the relevant mailing list: To subscribe: Send a mail to with the subject "subscribe". Installation ============ See the file 'INSTALL' How to report bugs ================== Bugs should be reported to the GNOME bug tracking system. (, product gnome-desktop.) You will need to create an account for yourself. Please read the following page on how to prepare a useful bug report Please read the HACKING file for information on where to send changes or bugfixes for this package.