diff options
authorPriit Laes <>2006-11-08 21:38:40 +0000
committerPriit Laes <>2006-11-08 21:38:40 +0000
commitb54a05c87df839b148c4fd42003446a1ccc6fd92 (patch)
parent97f1067da666bd921a2f87e513b6d1c6b091c5ba (diff)
Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
2006-11-08 Priit Laes <> * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
19 files changed, 5 insertions, 3342 deletions
diff --git a/desktop-docs/gnome-intro/book01.html b/desktop-docs/gnome-intro/book01.html
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-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</H1
->for the May 1998 alpha release of GNOME in Red Hat
- 5.1<P
->by Mark Galassi</P
->rosalia@cygnus.com1998 May 4</DIV
->Table of Contents</B
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</A
->What is GNOME</A
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</A
->1. <A
->A sample session</A
->The provisional startup sequence</A
->Using GNOME's internationalization support</A
->2. <A
->A tour of some GNOME applications</A
->The GNOME help browser (gnome-help-browser)</A
->The panel and its applets</A
->The file manager &#8212; gmc</A
->General purpose applications</A
->GNOME hex editor &#8212; ghex</A
->GNOME terminal emulator (gnome-terminal)</A
->Multimedia applications</A
->Electric Eyes (ee)</A
->GNOME mixer (gmix)</A
->GNOME CD player (gtcd)</A
->System and configuration programs</A
->Property settings</A
->Line printer configuration (gulp)</A
->"Productivity" tools</A
->GNOME time tracker (gtt)</A
->GNOME calendar (gnomecal)</A
->GNOME calculator (gcalc)</A
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->A sample session</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 1. A sample session</A
->Table of Contents</B
->The provisional startup sequence</A
->Using GNOME's internationalization support</A
-> When GNOME becomes stable there will be a simple recipe for
- starting up a GNOME session: users will simply type
- <B
-> and it will start up their
- environment. But we are not yet at that point: right now UNIX
- users usually run their stable X Window environment with their
- favorite window manager, and the run the GNOME panel and other
- programs from the shell or from their
- <TT
-> or <TT
- files.
- </P
-> I assume that you have the GNOME programs and libraries
- installed on your system, and that they are in your path.
- </P
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</TD
->The provisional startup sequence</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->The provisional startup sequence</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 1. A sample session</TD
->The provisional startup sequence</A
->Startup sequence without session management</B
->start your normal X Window setup, including your
- window manager</P
->run <B
->panel &#38;</B
->You can now start programs from the panel's main menu
- (which you get to by clicking on the foot icon and
- selecting the program or submenu. You will usually start
- up a file manager (gmc) and a help browser
- (gnome-help-browser) near the start of your
- session.</P
->Startup sequence with session management</B
->start your normal X Window setup, including your
- window manager</P
->Run <B
->. This will start
- up the basic GNOME programs, like the panel, a help
- browser and the file manager.</P
->A sample session</TD
->Using GNOME's internationalization support</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->Using GNOME's internationalization support</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 1. A sample session</TD
->Using GNOME's internationalization support</A
->GNOME has had internationalization (sometimes called
- i18n support from the earliest phases of
- development. To get a GNOME program to give you messages in
- your favourite language, simply set your
- <TT
-> environment variable to the two letter
- code for that language.</P
->For example, the <B
- command invokes the gnome-hello
- variant which includes support for internationalization. If
- you want to see this program (or any GNOME application)
- display its menus and other information in
- <I
->, you could type (for Bourne shell
- or bash):</P
->$ </TT
->$ </TT
->export LANGUAGE</B
->$ </TT
->gnomecal &#38;</B
->A sample session</TD
->A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->A tour of some GNOME applications</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</A
->Table of Contents</B
->The GNOME help browser (gnome-help-browser)</A
->The panel and its applets</A
->The file manager &#8212; gmc</A
->General purpose applications</A
->Multimedia applications</A
->System and configuration programs</A
->"Productivity" tools</A
-> I will now give a very brief description of what you can do with
- some GNOME programs. I have chosen those GNOME programs which
- appear to be reasonably stable; these might be the same programs
- which are being included in the Red Hat Linux 5.1 distribution,
- but that is not clear at this time.</P
->Using GNOME's internationalization support</TD
->The GNOME help browser (gnome-help-browser)</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->The GNOME help browser (gnome-help-browser)</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->The GNOME help browser (gnome-help-browser)</A
-> GNOME has a help browser which allows you to view
- documentation in several formats, including UNIX man pages,
- GNU info files and HTML documents. The documents are shown
- with an HTML rendering widget, so any documentation format
- that can be translated into HTML could be rendered with
- <B
- </P
-> You can invoke the help browser from the panel or from the
- shell by typing
- </P
->$ </TT
->gnome-help-browser &#38;</B
-> The initial window you get is shown in <A
->Figure 2-1</A
- </P
->Figure 2-1. GNOME help browser &#8212; initial screen</A
-> The help browser is well documented, so once you are in it you
- can click on the help icon (which looks like <IMG
-SRC="pix/help-icon.gif">) and see the
- help browser's online help. I will only add one more tip on
- using the help browser: you can invoke it from the command
- line directly and give it a file URL, which has to be a
- complete path to the file. So if you have just written or
- generated a web page, you could view it with by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gnome-help-browser file:&#60;full-path&#62;/file.html</B
- or more conveniently
- <P
->$ </TT
->gnome-help-browser file:`pwd`/file.html</B
- </P
-> You can see an example of invoking the help browser on a file
- in <A
->Figure 2-2</A
->: it is a snapshot of
- the top level of this document as I am writing these
- paragraphs. I invoked it with
- <P
->$ </TT
->gnome-help-browser file:`pwd`/gnome-intro/book01.html</B
- </P
->Figure 2-2. GNOME help browser &#8212; a specific HTML page</A
->A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->The panel and its applets</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->The panel and its applets</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->The panel and its applets</A
-> The panel is invoked directly by the GNOME session manager
- when you type <B
->, but it can be
- also be invoked directly from the shell by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->panel &#38;</B
- </P
-> The panel will bring up a bar at the bottom of the screen,
- shown in <A
->Figure 2-3</A
-> (note that this bar will
- run across the entire bottom of your screen &#8212; in this
- picture I have narrowed it so that it will fit in a browser
- more conveniently.
- </P
->Figure 2-3. GNOME panel: the basic panel bar</A
-> Starting programs with the panel is easy: you simply click on
- the foot icon, from which you will get the top level launcher
- menu, as shown in <A
->Figure 2-4</A
- </P
->Figure 2-4. GNOME panel: main menu</A
-> Most of the entries in the panel menu are submenus; <A
->Figure 2-5</A
-> shows an example of running the
- CD player from the
- Audio submenu.</P
->Figure 2-5. GNOME panel: selecting one of the submenus</A
-> Here are a few things you should explore in the panel: you
- would probably discover them anyway because exploring the
- panel is an entertaining thing to do, but this will speed the
- process up.</P
-> First of all: it is possible to take panel menu entries and
- create short-cut icons on the panel itself. You do it with
- the Add to panel submenu of the
- panel menu which you obtain when you click
- the foot button. You can see and
- example of this in <A
->Figure 2-7</A
- </P
->Figure 2-6. GNOME panel: adding another icon</A
-> The result is another icon on the panel (<A
->Figure 2-7</A
->); clicking that icon will bring up
- the associated application.</P
->Figure 2-7. GNOME panel: with the new icon</A
-> Next: try clicking on the little arrows at the two sides of
- the panel: they allow you shrink or re-expand the panel, so
- you can get it out of the way easily.
- </P
-> The other feature I will mention now is <I
- applets</I
->. Applets are little programs which
- require little visual space and thus can be run
- <I
-> the panel. There are many applets,
- such as a clock, a mail alert, and shrunken versions of the CD
- player and the mixer.
- </P
->A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->The file manager &#8212; gmc</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->The file manager &#8212; <B
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->The file manager &#8212; gmc</A
-> The GNOME file manager is based on the GNU Midnight
- Commander, and can be invoked from the panel's main menu or by
- typing at the shell:
- <P
->$ </TT
->gmc &#38;</B
- </P
-> The file manager allows users to navigate their directories
- and the rest of the filesystem with an easy graphical point
- and click interface. GNOME Midnight Commander adds even more
- functionality through its notion of <I
->Virtual File
- Systems</I
-> (VFS): these are
- abstractions which allow you to navigate files that are not on
- your file system as if they were. Examples of virtual
- filesystems are the ftp filesystem and the tar filesystem:
- files can be accessed by anonymous ftp or by extraction from a
- tar file, and Midnight Commander treats them in the same way
- as local files.</P
-> Midnight Commander is powerful and vast, and it has its own
- manual (available by typing <B
->man mc</B
->) so I
- will not give more detail now.
- </P
->Figure 2-8. GNU Midnight Commander: basic display of a directory</A
->The panel and its applets</TD
->General purpose applications</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->General purpose applications</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->General purpose applications</A
->GNOME hex editor &#8212; ghex</A
-> The GNOME hex editor is an editor for non-ASCII files. It
- can be invoked from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->ghex &#38;</B
- </P
->Figure 2-9. GNOME hex editor: initial menu bar</A
->Figure 2-10. GNOME hex editor: two files loaded at once</A
-> Using <B
-> is quite straightforward, and
- it has a manual available in the GNOME help browser.</P
->gEdit is a simple text editor. It can be invoked from
- the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gedit &#38;</B
- </P
->Figure 2-11. gEdit: two files open at once</A
->GNOME terminal emulator (gnome-terminal)</A
-> The terminal emulator is a GNOME-compliant replacement for
- <B
->. It can be invoked from the panel
- or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gnome-terminal &#38;</B
- </P
->Figure 2-12. GNOME terminal emulator</A
->The file manager &#8212; gmc</TD
->Multimedia applications</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->Multimedia applications</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->Multimedia applications</A
->Electric Eyes (ee)</A
->Electric Eyes is a very
- sophisticated and feature-rich viewer for graphical images.
- Electric Eyes can be invoked from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->ee filename &#38;</B
- </P
-> Electric Eyes has its own manual with several screenshots,
- available in the GNOME help system, so I will not attempt to
- describe its myriad features here. I will only mention that
- to "get going" you probably do not want to invoke
- <B
-> with no options, but rather you want
- to invoke it directly on an image file or on several files,
- or even a directory with several images.</P
-> Once Electric Eyes is running you can bring up all the menu
- options by clicking the right mouse button, as shown in
- <A
->Figure 2-13</A
->. The most interesting options are
- probably those available Edit
- submenu.
- </P
->Figure 2-13. Electric Eyes: right mouse button menu</A
->GNOME mixer (gmix)</A
-> GNOME also has some sound programs; one of them is a mixer
- application. A mixer allows you to control how your
- computer's sound card handles sound from various inputs:
- using sliders you can block out some sound inputs while
- raising the gain on others, just like the mixer console in
- a live music PA system.</P
-> You can invoke the GNOME mixer from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gmix &#38;</B
- </P
-> In <A
->Figure 2-14</A
-> you can see a screenshot of
- <B
-> running on my laptop which runs
- GNU/Linux with GNOME and has a Sound Blaster card. You will
- notice that some channels are stereo while others are mono.
- For each stereo channel there is a
- Lock button which ensures that the
- right and left channel will have the same gain. You will
- also notice that there are mute
- buttons to completely ignore a certain channel.
- </P
->Figure 2-14. GNOME mixer: basic screenshot</A
->NOTE: </B
-> If you have trouble running <B
-> you
- might want to make sure that sound is properly configured
- for you. With older versions of Linux you might have to
- re-configure and build the kernel with support for your
- sound card. With recent distributions (such as Red Hat
- 5.x) you can run <B
-> to select
- and enable your sound card at runtime.
- </P
->GNOME CD player (gtcd)</A
->Another GNOME sound application is a nice CD player
- which allows you to play compact discs if your computer has
- a CDROM drive. You can invoke <B
-> from
- the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gtcd &#38;</B
- </P
-> Here are some screen shots which show you how you can use
- <B
-> and what it can do. The first one
- (<A
->Figure 2-15</A
->) shows me blasting the Pixies
- <A
-> song <I
->Here Comes Your Man</I
- in my headphones as I write these words.
- <DIV
->Figure 2-15. GNOME CD player: basic screenshot</A
- </P
->[1] </A
->The Pixies are an excellent punk group. I seldom
- listen to punk rock, but I enjoy them.</P
-> The GNOME CD player also allows you to dowload information
- from the impressive <I
->network Compact Disk
- DataBase</I
-> (CDDB); in <A
->Figure 2-16</A
-> you can see how to tell
- <B
-> to connect to the database server at
- <TT
- </P
->Figure 2-16. GNOME CD player: using the CD database</A
-> Once you have downloaded the information from CDDB you can
- then select songs or movements from the CD by name, using
- the Goto button, as shown in <A
->Figure 2-17</A
->Figure 2-17. GNOME CD player: selecting a track from the
- list</A
->General purpose applications</TD
->System and configuration programs</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->System and configuration programs</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->System and configuration programs</A
-> The gtop application is a
- graphical version of the UNIX <B
- command, but it also presents a very useful memory view
- which can help you resolve performance problems. You can
- invoke gtop from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gtcd &#38;</B
- </P
-> In <A
->Figure 2-18</A
-> you see the initial view you
- get from <B
->. If you select a process
- with the left mouse button you
- can bring up a menu of options for killing the process or
- seeing more detail about it, as shown in <A
->Figure 2-19</A
- </P
->Figure 2-18. gtop: processes view</A
->Figure 2-19. gtop: killing a process</A
-> In <A
->Figure 2-20</A
-> you can see one of the memory
- views in gtop: this tells you
- what the <I
-> size of each process
- is. Other views (which can be selected with the
- Memory menu) show you the processes'
- total memory and shared library memory.
- </P
->Figure 2-20. gtop: memory view</A
->Property settings</A
-> There are three basic property setting commands that affect
- your graphical environment:
- <B
- <B
-> and
- <B
->. These commands are
- usually meant to be invoked from the panel, but they can
- also be invoked by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->background-properties &#38;</B
- <P
->$ </TT
->keyboard-properties &#38;</B
- <P
->$ </TT
->mouse-properties &#38;</B
- </P
-> The <B
-> command, among
- other things, a way of visually selecting a screen saver and
- running a preview in a small window. This is shown in
- <A
->Figure 2-21</A
- </P
->Figure 2-21. background-properties</A
-> I will not present more detail about these applications
- here, since they are quite self-explanatory and easily
- explored.
- </P
->Line printer configuration (gulp)</A
-> GNOME has an interface for configuring printers, called
- <B
-> (which could stand for GNOME Unified
- Link to Printers). You can invoke <B
- from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gulp &#38;</B
- </P
-> I present a snapshot in <A
->Figure 2-22</A
->, but
- unfortunately I do not have any printers set up for the
- laptop with which I am traveling, so this will not give you
- a very good idea of how <B
-> works!
- </P
->Figure 2-22. gulp</A
->Multimedia applications</TD
->"Productivity" tools</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->"Productivity" tools</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
->"Productivity" tools</A
->GNOME time tracker (gtt)</A
-> The GNOME time tracker allows you to easily figure out how
- much time you allocate to various projects. You can start
- the GNOME time tracker from the panel or by typing
- <P
->$ </TT
->gtt &#38;</B
- </P
-> The time tracker is well documented, and its manual can be
- found with the GNOME help browser, so here I will simply
- show three screenshots of how the time tracker starts up
- (<A
->Figure 2-23</A
->), how you can add a
- new project (<A
->Figure 2-24</A
->) and what it looks
- like when you have two projects going (<A
->Figure 2-25</A
->). If you stop working on one project
- and start working on another one, just do a simple mouse
- click (with the left button) on
- the new project.
- </P
->Figure 2-23. GNOME time tracker: blank slate</A
->Figure 2-24. GNOME time tracker: adding a new project</A
->Figure 2-25. GNOME time tracker: tracking two projects</A
->GNOME calendar (gnomecal)</A
->Figure 2-26. GNOME calendar: my day later today in Florence</A
->GNOME calculator (gcalc)</A
-> GNOME also comes with a simple calculator; a screen shot is
- in <A
->Figure 2-27</A
- </P
->Figure 2-27. GNOME calculator</A
->System and configuration programs</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Chapter 2. A tour of some GNOME applications</TD
-> I will not give any detail about the games, since the point of
- games is to figure them out by playing. Here are a few screen
- shots.
- </P
->Figure 2-28. freecell screen shot</A
->Figure 2-29. mahjongg screen shot</A
->Figure 2-30. gnomine screen shot</A
->Figure 2-31. same-gnome screen shot</A
->"Productivity" tools</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</A
->Table of Contents</B
->What is GNOME</A
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</A
-> Dear GNOME enthusiast,
- </P
-> This document accompanies the alpha release of GNOME, shipped in
- May of 1998. At this time GNOME is an interesting and useful
- suite of programs, but it is under very active development.
- This means that you will find many programs which are incomplete
- and some bugs which you would not expect from a mature product.</P
-> Having said this, GNOME is already today an exciting product,
- and many of its programs are quite useful.
- </P
->Introduction to GNOME</TD
->What is GNOME</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
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->What is GNOME</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TD
->What is GNOME</A
->NOTE: </B
-> If you tire of explanations and just want to get going with
- GNOME in a practical way, please skip the rest of this
- preface and read <A
->Chapter 1</A
- immediately.</P
-> GNOME is a project which endeavors to provide a complete,
- consistent, state of the art and free user environment for
- UNIX systems. This includes:</P
-> An <I
->application framework</I
-> &#8212;
- this consists of a style guide for applications along with
- a set of libraries which enforce the style requirements.
- For example, the GNOME libraries allow a programmer to
- invoke standard menus and dialog boxes.</P
-> A <I
->file manager</I
-> &#8212; the GNOME
- file manager is based on the well known GNU
- midnight commander, which has been endowed
- with a GNOME&#8211;compliant graphical interface.</P
-> A <I
-> &#8212; this replaces the
- button&#8211;bars sometimes provided by UNIX window
- managers. The panel also allows the running programs in
- little squares in the panel, both by swallowing X Window
- programs and by running especially written
- <I
- </P
-> <I
->Session management</I
-> support &#8212;
- applications are notified so they can save state
- information when a user logs out: the next time a session
- is started, these applications can pick up where they left
- off.
- </P
-> A <I
->suite of GNOME applications</I
-> &#8212;
- these have written (or adapted) to use the GNOME
- facilities, and thus present a consistent look and
- behaviour.
- </P
-> There are many more facets to GNOME, and much information can
- be found at the <A
->GNOME web
- page</A
- </P
->GNOME is a GNU project, was started in 1997, and has
- developed very quickly. GNOME can be
- thought of as an acronym standing for GNU Network Object
- Model Environment.
- </P
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TD
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/desktop-docs/gnome-intro/f0102.html b/desktop-docs/gnome-intro/f0102.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f57061f7..00000000
--- a/desktop-docs/gnome-intro/f0102.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet version 1.05"><META
->Introduction to GNOME</TH
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TD
->Obtaining and installing GNOME</A
-> GNOME is in early stages and being modified very actively, so
- the only way to get up to date instructions on how to grab and
- install GNOME is to look at the GNOME home page at <A
- </P
->Preface to the alpha release of GNOME</TD
->A sample session</TD
-> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/desktop-links/ b/desktop-links/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7464b6f..00000000
--- a/desktop-links/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=Session Settings
-Comment[cs]=Nastavení sezení
-Comment[da]=Indstillinger for session
-Comment[el]=Ñõèìßóåéò óõíåäñßáò
-Comment[es]=Configuración de la sesión
-Comment[ga]=Cumraíocht Seisiún
-Comment[lt]=Sesijos nustatymai
-Comment[no]=Innstillinger for sesjon
-Comment[wa]=Apontiaedje del session
diff --git a/po/ChangeLog b/po/ChangeLog
index a5ba26b7..d262e60e 100644
--- a/po/ChangeLog
+++ b/po/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2006-11-08 Priit Laes <>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
2006-11-6 Djihed Afifi <>
* ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation.
diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po
index 804f8186..ecb5b1e1 100644
--- a/po/et.po
+++ b/po/et.po
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnome-desktop HEAD\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: gnome-desktop 2.16\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-11 06:52+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-04 08:05+0300\n"
@@ -343,4 +343,3 @@ msgstr "Laiendatud"
#: ../libgnome-desktop/gnome-hint.c:175
msgid "_Show Hints at Startup"
msgstr "_Näita käivitamisel vihjeid"