Source: control-center Section: x11 Priority: optional Maintainer: Christian Marillat Standards-Version: Build-Depends: libgtkhtml-dev, libgal-dev (>= 0.13), pkg-config (>= 0.8.0), libbonobo-conf-dev (>= 0.12), automake, intltool, libtiff3g-dev, libgdk-pixbuf-gnome-dev, debhelper (>> 3), libglade-gnome0-dev (>= 0.13-2), zlib1g-dev, flex, imlib-dev (>= 1.9.8-4), libgtkxmhtml-dev (>= 1.2.0), orbit, libwrap0-dev, libgnome-dev (>= 1.2.13-5), libjpeg62-dev, libungif4-dev (>= 4.1-4), libpng2-dev, xscreensaver, libcapplet-dev (>= 1.5.4), libgnome-vfs-dev (>= 1.0.2) Package: gnome-control-center Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, gnome-bin (>= 1.2.13-5), scrollkeeper (>= 0.2-1), xbase-clients (>= 4.0.3-1) Replaces: gnome-desktop, gnome-core Suggests: gnome-core, gnome-audio, xscreensaver (>= 3.32-1), doc-base Description: The Gnome Control Center Gnome is the "GNU Network Object Model Environment" . It is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. . This package contains utilities to configure your desktop background, screen saver, keyboard and mouse properties. Package: libconfig-archiver0 Section: libs Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Library for Gnome Control Center applets Gnome is the "GNU Network Object Model Environment" . It is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. . This library is used by Gnome control center applets. Package: libconfig-archiver-dev Section: devel Architecture: any Depends: libconfig-archiver0 (>= 1.5.0) Description: Library for Gnome Control Center applets - Development Gnome is the "GNU Network Object Model Environment" . It is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. . This packages provides the include files and static library for the Gnome control center applet library functions.