This is a test suite for the archiver. It is designed to ease the pain of formulating the (rather complex) tests the check all the functionality of the archiver. Simply loading up the GUI and playing around with it is not enough, since one wrong move can destroy a person's configuration. Tests: The test suite checks the following functionality: 1. On an account or machine where data have never been archived, the default location and archive are properly and automatically set up without user intervention. 2. Locations inheriting the default location are created and destroyed properly. 3. Backends can be added and removed from non-toplevel locations, with both full and partial containment. Any attempt to do so on a toplevel location results in an error. 4. Rollback data may be stored on both the base and derived locations. When stored in the derived location where the backend is marked with partial containment, the rollback data represent only the differences between the derived and parent configurations. The most recent configuration from the parent location is used for making this determination. 5. When rolling a backend back in a derived location, if the backend is not marked as contained in the derived location, the data are retrieved from the location's parent recursively. If the backend is marked as partially contained, then the XML data are merged with the parent's data. 6. Changing the current location correctly invokes the rollback algorithm 7. Rolling back by date and by number of steps works in a manner similar to the above. 8. Logs accurately represent the data archived. 9. Backends are invoked properly and data are sent to them properly. 10. All erroneous input should result in an error and not a crash. The program should return an appropriate error condition.