/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Alexander Larsson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using Gtk; using Folks; using Gee; using DBus; using GLib; using Gdk; namespace Contacts { private bool is_set (string? str) { return str != null && str != ""; } public void add_separator (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before_row) { row.set_header (new Separator (Orientation.HORIZONTAL)); } [DBus (name = "org.freedesktop.Application")] interface FreedesktopApplication : Object { [DBus (name = "ActivateAction")] public abstract void ActivateAction (string action, Variant[] parameter, HashTable data) throws IOError; } public void activate_action (string app_id, string action, Variant? parameter, uint32 timestamp) { FreedesktopApplication? con = null; try { string object_path = "/" + app_id.replace(".", "/"); Display display = Display.get_default (); DesktopAppInfo info = new DesktopAppInfo (app_id + ".desktop"); Gdk.AppLaunchContext context = display.get_app_launch_context (); con = Bus.get_proxy_sync (BusType.SESSION, app_id, object_path); context.set_timestamp (timestamp); Variant[] param_array = {}; if (parameter != null) param_array += parameter; var startup_id = context.get_startup_notify_id (info, new GLib.List()); var data = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); data.insert ("desktop-startup-id", new Variant.string (startup_id)); con.ActivateAction (action, param_array, data); } catch (IOError e) { debug ("Failed to activate action" + action); } } } namespace Contacts.Utils { public void compose_mail (string email) { var mailto_uri = "mailto:" + Uri.escape_string (email, "@" , false); try { Gtk.show_uri_on_window (null, mailto_uri, 0); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Couldn't launch URI \"%s\": %s", mailto_uri, e.message); } } #if HAVE_TELEPATHY public void start_chat (Contact contact, string protocol, string id) { var im_persona = contact.find_im_persona (protocol, id); var account = (im_persona.store as Tpf.PersonaStore).account; var request_dict = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE, TelepathyGLib.IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE, (int) TelepathyGLib.HandleType.CONTACT); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_ID, id); // TODO: Should really use the event time like: // tp_user_action_time_from_x11(gtk_get_current_event_time()) var request = new TelepathyGLib.AccountChannelRequest(account, request_dict, int64.MAX); request.ensure_channel_async.begin ("org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Empathy.Chat", null); } public void start_call (string contact_id, TelepathyGLib.Account account) { var request_dict = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE, TelepathyGLib.IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE, (int) TelepathyGLib.HandleType.CONTACT); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_ID, contact_id); request_dict.insert (TelepathyGLib.PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL_INITIAL_AUDIO, true); var request = new TelepathyGLib.AccountChannelRequest(account, request_dict, int64.MAX); request.ensure_channel_async.begin ("org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Empathy.Call", null); } #endif public T? get_first (Collection collection) { var i = collection.iterator(); if (i.next()) return i.get(); return null; } public void grab_entry_focus_no_select (Entry entry) { int start, end; if (!entry.get_selection_bounds (out start, out end)) { start = end = entry.get_position (); } entry.grab_focus (); entry.select_region (start, end); } public string[] get_stock_avatars () { string[] files = {}; var system_data_dirs = Environment.get_system_data_dirs (); foreach (var data_dir in system_data_dirs) { var path = Path.build_filename (data_dir, "pixmaps", "faces"); Dir? dir = null; try { dir = Dir.open (path); } catch (Error e) { debug ("Couldn't open stock avatars folder \"%s\": %s", path, e.message); } if (dir != null) { string? face; while ((face = dir.read_name ()) != null) { var filename = Path.build_filename (path, face); files += filename; } } }; return files; } public PersonaStore[] get_eds_address_books (Store contacts_store) { PersonaStore[] stores = {}; foreach (var backend in contacts_store.backend_store.enabled_backends.values) { foreach (var persona_store in backend.persona_stores.values) { if (persona_store.type_id == "eds") { stores += persona_store; } } } return stores; } public void show_error_dialog (string error, Gtk.Window toplevel) { var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (toplevel, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, error); dialog.run(); dialog.destroy(); } }