/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Alexander Larsson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using Gtk; using Folks; using Gee; const int PROFILE_SIZE = 128; /** * The ContactPage is the right pane. It consists of 3 possible pages: * a page if nothing is selected, a ContactSheet to view contact information, * and a ContactEditor to edit contact information. */ [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/Contacts/ui/contacts-contact-pane.ui")] public class Contacts.ContactPane : Stack { private Window parent_window; private Store store; public Contact? contact = null; [GtkChild] private Grid none_selected_page; [GtkChild] private ScrolledWindow contact_sheet_page; [GtkChild] private Container contact_sheet_container; private ContactSheet? sheet = null; [GtkChild] private Box contact_editor_page; private ContactEditor editor; private SimpleActionGroup edit_contact_actions = new SimpleActionGroup (); private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries = { { "add.email-addresses.home", on_add_detail }, { "add.email-addresses.work", on_add_detail }, { "add.phone-numbers.cell", on_add_detail }, { "add.phone-numbers.home", on_add_detail }, { "add.phone-numbers.work", on_add_detail }, { "add.urls", on_add_detail }, { "add.nickname", on_add_detail }, { "add.birthday", on_add_detail }, { "add.postal-addresses.home", on_add_detail }, { "add.postal-addresses.work", on_add_detail }, { "add.notes", on_add_detail }, }; public bool on_edit_mode = false; private LinkSuggestionGrid? suggestion_grid = null; /* Signals */ public signal void contacts_linked (string? main_contact, string linked_contact, LinkOperation operation); public signal void will_delete (Contact contact); /** * Passes the changed display name to all listeners after edit mode has been completed. */ public signal void display_name_changed (string new_display_name); public void add_suggestion (Contact c) { var parent_overlay = this.get_parent () as Overlay; remove_suggestion_grid (); this.suggestion_grid = new LinkSuggestionGrid (c); parent_overlay.add_overlay (this.suggestion_grid); this.suggestion_grid.suggestion_accepted.connect ( () => { var linked_contact = c.individual.display_name; link_contacts.begin (contact, c, this.store, (obj, result) => { var operation = link_contacts.end (result); this.contacts_linked (null, linked_contact, operation); }); remove_suggestion_grid (); }); this.suggestion_grid.suggestion_rejected.connect ( () => { /* TODO: Add undo */ store.add_no_suggest_link (contact, c); remove_suggestion_grid (); }); } public void show_contact (Contact? contact) { if (this.contact == contact) return; this.contact = contact; if (this.contact != null) { show_contact_sheet (); } else { remove_contact_sheet (); set_visible_child (this.none_selected_page); } } public ContactPane (Window parent_window, Store contacts_store) { this.parent_window = parent_window; this.store = contacts_store; this.edit_contact_actions.add_action_entries (action_entries, this); // Contact editor this.editor = new ContactEditor (this.edit_contact_actions); this.editor.linked_button.clicked.connect (linked_accounts); this.editor.remove_button.clicked.connect (delete_contact); this.contact_editor_page.add (this.editor); /* enable/disable actions*/ var birthday_action = this.edit_contact_actions.lookup_action ("add.birthday") as SimpleAction; this.editor.bind_property ("has-birthday-row", birthday_action, "enabled", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE | BindingFlags.INVERT_BOOLEAN); var nickname_action = this.edit_contact_actions.lookup_action ("add.nickname") as SimpleAction; this.editor.bind_property ("has-nickname-row", nickname_action, "enabled", BindingFlags.DEFAULT | BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE | BindingFlags.INVERT_BOOLEAN); var notes_action = this.edit_contact_actions.lookup_action ("add.notes") as SimpleAction; this.editor.bind_property ("has-notes-row", notes_action, "enabled", BindingFlags.DEFAULT | BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE | BindingFlags.INVERT_BOOLEAN); } private void show_contact_sheet () { assert (this.contact != null); remove_contact_sheet(); this.sheet = new ContactSheet (this.contact, this.store); this.contact_sheet_container.add (this.sheet); this.sheet.set_focus_vadjustment (this.contact_sheet_page.get_vadjustment ()); set_visible_child (this.contact_sheet_page); } private void remove_contact_sheet () { if (this.sheet == null) return; // Remove the suggestion grid that goes along with it. remove_suggestion_grid (); this.contact_sheet_container.remove (this.sheet); this.sheet.destroy(); this.sheet = null; } void on_add_detail (GLib.SimpleAction action, GLib.Variant? parameter) { var tok = action.name.split ("."); if (tok[0] == "add") { editor.add_new_row_for_property (contact.find_primary_persona (), tok[1], tok.length > 2 ? tok[2].up () : null); } } private void linked_accounts () { var dialog = new LinkedPersonasDialog (this.parent_window, contact); if (dialog.run () == ResponseType.CLOSE && dialog.any_unlinked) { /* update edited contact if any_unlinked */ set_edit_mode (false); set_edit_mode (true); } dialog.destroy (); } void delete_contact () { if (contact != null) { contact.hide (); this.will_delete (contact); } } public void set_edit_mode (bool on_edit, bool drop_changes = false) { if (on_edit == on_edit_mode) return; if (on_edit) { if (contact == null) { return; } on_edit_mode = true; remove_contact_sheet (); editor.clear (); editor.edit (contact); editor.show_all (); set_visible_child (this.contact_editor_page); } else { on_edit_mode = false; /* saving changes */ if (!drop_changes) { foreach (var prop in editor.properties_changed ().entries) { Contact.set_persona_property.begin (prop.value.persona, prop.key, prop.value.value, (obj, result) => { try { Contact.set_persona_property.end (result); } catch (Error e2) { show_message (e2.message); } }); } if (editor.name_changed ()) { var v = editor.get_full_name_value (); Contact.set_individual_property.begin (contact, "full-name", v, (obj, result) => { try { Contact.set_individual_property.end (result); display_name_changed (v.get_string ()); } catch (Error e) { show_message (e.message); /* FIXME: add this back */ /* l.set_markup (Markup.printf_escaped ("%s", contact.display_name)); */ } }); } if (editor.avatar_changed ()) { var v = editor.get_avatar_value (); Contact.set_individual_property.begin (contact, "avatar", v, (obj, result) => { try { Contact.set_individual_property.end (result); } catch (GLib.Error e) { show_message (e.message); } }); } } editor.clear (); if (contact != null) { show_contact_sheet (); } else { set_visible_child (this.none_selected_page); } } } public void new_contact () { on_edit_mode = true; remove_contact_sheet (); editor.set_new_contact (); set_visible_child (this.contact_editor_page); } // Creates a new contact from the details in the ContactEditor public async void create_contact () { var details = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); // Collect the details from the editor if (editor.name_changed ()) details["full-name"] = this.editor.get_full_name_value (); if (editor.avatar_changed ()) details["avatar"] = this.editor.get_avatar_value (); foreach (var prop in this.editor.properties_changed ().entries) details[prop.key] = prop.value.value; // Leave edit mode set_edit_mode (false, true); if (details.size () == 0) { show_message_dialog (_("You need to enter some data")); return; } if (this.store.aggregator.primary_store == null) { show_message_dialog (_("No primary addressbook configured")); return; } // Create the contact var primary_store = this.store.aggregator.primary_store; Persona? persona = null; try { persona = yield Contact.create_primary_persona_for_details (primary_store, details); } catch (Error e) { show_message_dialog (_("Unable to create new contacts: %s").printf (e.message)); return; } // Now show it to the user var contact = this.store.find_contact_with_persona (persona); if (contact != null) this.parent_window.set_shown_contact (contact); else show_message_dialog (_("Unable to find newly created contact")); } private void show_message_dialog (string message) { var dialog = new MessageDialog (this.parent_window, DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | DialogFlags.MODAL, MessageType.ERROR, ButtonsType.OK, message); dialog.run (); dialog.destroy (); } private void show_message (string message) { var notification = new InAppNotification (message); notification.show (); this.parent_window.add_notification (notification); } private void remove_suggestion_grid () { if (this.suggestion_grid == null) return; this.suggestion_grid.destroy (); this.suggestion_grid = null; } }