project('gnome-contacts', [ 'vala', 'c' ], version: '3.35.1', license: 'GPL2+', meson_version: '>= 0.50', ) gnome = import('gnome') i18n = import('i18n') # Add our custom VAPI dir add_project_arguments( ['--vapidir', meson.source_root() / 'vapi'], language: 'vala' ) # Application ID if get_option('profile') == 'development' contacts_app_id = 'org.gnome.Contacts.Devel' else contacts_app_id = 'org.gnome.Contacts' endif # Common variables config_h_dir = include_directories('.') contacts_prefix = get_option('prefix') locale_dir = contacts_prefix / get_option('localedir') po_dir = meson.source_root() / 'po' # Dependencies min_eds_version = '3.13.90' min_folks_version = '0.11.4' min_glib_version = '2.44' # We also use this value for --target-glib, so scratch the micro version. math = meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m') folks = dependency('folks', version: '>=' + min_folks_version) folks_eds = dependency('folks-eds', version: '>=' + min_folks_version) gee = dependency('gee-0.8') gio_unix = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', version: '>=' + min_glib_version) glib = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=' + min_glib_version) gmodule_export = dependency('gmodule-export-2.0', version: '>=' + min_glib_version) gnome_desktop = dependency('gnome-desktop-3.0') goa = dependency('goa-1.0') gtk = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.23.1') libebook = dependency('libebook-1.2', version: '>=' + min_eds_version) libedataserver = dependency('libedataserver-1.2', version: '>=' + min_eds_version) libedataserverui = dependency('libedataserverui-1.2', version: '>=' + min_eds_version) if get_option('cheese') cheese = dependency('cheese') cheese_gtk = dependency('cheese-gtk', version: '>= 3.3.91') endif if get_option('telepathy') folks_telepathy = dependency('folks-telepathy', version: '>=' + min_folks_version) telepathy_glib = dependency('telepathy-glib', version: '>= 0.22.0') endif libhandy = dependency('libhandy-0.0', version: '>= 0.0.12', required: false) if not libhandy.found() libhandy_subproj = subproject( 'libhandy', default_options: [ 'examples=false', 'glade_catalog=disabled', 'tests=false', ] ) # When using libhandy as subproject, make sure we get the VAPI file libhandy = declare_dependency( dependencies: [ libhandy_subproj.get_variable('libhandy_dep'), libhandy_subproj.get_variable('libhandy_vapi'), ] ) libhandy_vapidir = meson.build_root() / 'subprojects' / 'libhandy' / 'src' else libhandy_vapidir = '' endif valadoc = find_program('valadoc', required: get_option('docs')) # Configuration conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('APP_ID', contacts_app_id) conf.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('G_LOG_DOMAIN', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', locale_dir) conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) conf.set_quoted('VERSION', meson.project_version()) conf.set_quoted('PROFILE', get_option('profile')) conf.set('GOA_API_IS_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE', true) configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: conf) # Post-install scripts meson.add_install_script('build-aux/') # Subfolders subdir('data') subdir('po') subdir('src') if get_option('manpage') subdir('man') endif if get_option('docs') subdir('docs') endif subdir('tests')