org.gnome.Contacts.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-2.0+ Contacts A contacts manager for GNOME

Contacts keeps and organize your contacts information. You can create, edit, delete and link together pieces of information about your contacts. Contacts aggregates the details from all your sources providing a centralized place for managing your contacts.

Contacts will also integrate with online address books and automatically link contacts from different online sources.

Version 3.28 is a stable release, with the following major improvements:

  • Favorite contacts, which are shown at the top of the contact list.
  • Sort contacts by their first name or surname.
  • Small tweaks to the UI, such as a more welcoming setup screen and rounded avatars.
  • Performance improvements to the GNOME Shell search provider.
  • A slightly decreased memory usage.

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is the fourth unstable (beta) release in the 3.27 development series, with the following improvements:

  • The titlebar is now updated when a contact's name changes.
  • The window will now remember its size and restore it on the next start.
  • Postal addresses are now sorted before notes.

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is the third unstable release in the 3.27 development series, with the following improvements:

  • Support for favorite contacts. These contacts will be shown at the top of the list.
  • Contacts now allows sorting by both first name and surname.
  • Avatars are now displayed as a circle and are better optimized for memory usage.
  • Selection mode can now be started by right-clicking the contact list.

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is the second unstable release in the 3.27 development series, with the following improvements:

  • Contacts now has a shortcuts window
  • Small tweaks to the setup screen
  • Support --version as command-line argument
  • Telepathy is no longer a mandatory dependency
  • Support for maps can be disabled at compile time
  • Improved the Shell search provider

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is the first unstable release in the 3.27 development series, with the following improvements:

  • Contact properties are now sorted by type
  • Avatars are now displayed using rounded border

This release also updates translations in several languages.

Version 3.26 is a stable release, with the following improvements:

  • Support for Flatpak
  • Support for faster builds using Meson
  • Saving notes in a contact now works again
  • Some contact properties are now selectable
  • Use our own app icon, rather than a predefined one

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is an unstable release in the 3.25 development series, which fixes build errors in version 3.25.92.

This is an unstable release in the 3.25 development series, with the following improvements:

  • Added experimental support for Flatpak
  • Contacts can now be built with Meson
  • Contacts now provides its own proper app icon
  • Some labels in the contact sheet are now selectable

The following bugs are also fixed:

  • Can't save notes in a contact
  • Bumped minimal version of telepathy-glib, GTK+ and GLib

This release also updates translations in several languages.

This is an unstable release in the 3.25 development series, with the following improvements:

  • Contacts now provides its own application icon
  • Small UI improvements to the avatar chooser dialog

The following bugs are also fixed:

  • Folks now requires version 11.4 or higher
  • Migrated away from intltool and libgd
  • Got rid of a bunch of warnings and critical messsages
  • Use the locale to translate months
  • Added to automagically create .gitignores

This release also updates translations in several languages.

AppMenu HiDpiIcon ModernToolkit SearchProvider GNOME gnome-contacts