# GNOME Contacts Contacts organizes your contacts information from all your online and offline sources, providing a centralized place for managing your contacts. ## Building You can build and install Contacts using [Meson](http://mesonbuild.com/): ```sh meson build ninja -C build ninja -C build install ``` ## Issue tracker The code and issue tracker of Contacts can be found at the [gnome-contacts repository](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-contacts) on the GNOME GitLab instance. If you find a bug in Contacts, please file an issue with reproducible steps and the version of Contacts (shown in the About dialog, or by running `gnome-contacts --version`). If you want to contribute functionality or bug fixes to Contacts, you should fork the Contacts repository, work on a separate branch, and then open a merge request (MR) on our GitLab repository. If the MR fixes an existing issue, please refer to that issue in the description. ## More information Contacts has its own web page on https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Contacts. To discuss issues with developers and other users, you can subscribe to the [mailing list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-contacts-list) or join [#contacts](irc://irc.gnome.org/contacts) on irc.gnome.org.