Code formating and ordering =========================== + The source file will keep and order of methods. The order will be as following: 1. Private functions 2. vfuncs implementations 3. interface init 4. class_init and init 5. Public API will go in the end + Methods naming will be according to: 1. Private methods will have no prefix 2. vfuncs and public API will have the right prefix + The methods prototype will always be placed at the top of the source, in the same order as their implementation below. + Lines will have 120 chars of width. I've been to long of just 80 + Line splitting will work accordingly to Gtk+ code style, adding the following: 1. Pure mathematic calculation can extend over the 120 pixel line Contributing guidelines ======================= + Fill a bug, attach a patch, wait for review (ping the maintainers if you think we took too long) + If you patch touch any autotools related files at all in any non trivial way, ensure **make distcheck** pass before posting the patch