Glade3 internals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ about this document =================== This is a short description of the designs goals and of the implementation choices of Glade3. It isn't complete, but I hope that it may be useful. * Note: not only I'm not the original author/designer of glade3, but also I have not touched glade3 for many months. The only reason why I'm writing this doc is that glade3 development has been stagnating for a long time... now it seems that there are some developers interested in resuming work on it, so I thought that it was right to put down some notes on what I remember to ease their way through the glade3 codebase. Everyone who spots errors and inaccuracies in this doc, or who wants to add informations to it, should feel free to improve it! 1) Introduction =============== As you probably know the idea behind glade and libglade is to serialize the description of a Gtk+ GUI to an xml file. * libglade takes care of reading such file at runtime and generates the interface * glade is a tool to create and edit the desired interface in an easy way and then automatically serialize it to the xml file. Glade3 is a complete rewrite of the original glade and takes advantage of the introspection properties of the GTK+2 toolkit. 2) Design goals =============== Here are some of the goals which were considered when designing glade3 * allow to easily "plug-in" new sets ("catalogs") of GtkWidgets. For instance the collections of GNOME widgets, which was hardcoded in glade2, should be provided as an external addition. In theory all what is required to add support for an extra collection of widgets is some xml describing the widgets and, if needed, a shared object which overrides some of the properties of the widgets which cannot be correctly handled with introspection. [Note: as of this writing this system is not fully functional and the only catalog available is the normal GTK+ widget collection] * implement full UNDO/REDO for the actions supported by glade * implement the glade tools (palette, editor, etc) as widget themselves so that it would be possible without too much work to embed them in another program (e.g. an IDE). * get rid of code generation. Code generation is considered a bad idea, the way to go is to use libglade to dinamically load the GUI from the xml file. If someone really wants to have code generation, it really belongs in an external program which generates code from the xml file. * FIXME: ADD OTHERS 3) File Map =========== Here is a (not complete) list of the source files of glade3, with a brief explanation of what they do. src subdir: * main.c - self explanatory, it parses options, loads the available catalogs and creates the main window * glade-project-window.[ch] - the main window of glade, with menus, toolbar, etc. The GladeProjectWindow struct also contains the general state of the program (e.g. the list of open projects). There is just one instance of this structure. * glade-palette.[ch] glade-editor.[ch] glade-signal-editor.[ch] glade-clipboard.[ch] glade-clipboard-view.[ch] glade-project-view.[ch] - the editing tools offered by glade * glade-commands.[ch] - editing actions available in glade. Implements UNDO/REDO. * glade-projects.[ch] - object correspong to each project currently open in glade, for instance it contains the list of toplevels widgets and if the project has been modified. * glade-widget.[ch] - probably the most important file: each GtkWidget in the project has an associated GladeWidget which contains the name, the properties, the name, the signals etc. * glade-catalog.[ch] - a collection of widget classes * glade-widget-class.[ch] - a structure describing each type of widget in a catalog. * FIXME: add the other files * glade-gtk.c: this implements the shared object that contains overridden properties for gtk widget catalog. widgets subdir * *.xml: each widget in a catalog has a corresponding xml description. At some point it may be worth collapse them in just one file per catalog, at the moment they are split in a file per widget because at the beginning glade3 required all the properties to be described in xml, but now only the properties which need special handling are listed