/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* test-openssl.c: Test openssl Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Walter The Gnome Keyring Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Gnome Keyring Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, see . Author: Stef Walter */ #include "config.h" #include "egg/egg-armor.h" #include "egg/egg-symkey.h" #include "egg/egg-openssl.h" #include "egg/egg-secure-memory.h" #include "egg/egg-testing.h" #include #include #include #include #include EGG_SECURE_DEFINE_GLIB_GLOBALS (); typedef struct { GBytes *input; GQuark reftype; guchar *refenc; guchar *refdata; gsize n_refenc; gsize n_refdata; GHashTable *refheaders; } Test; static void setup (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { gchar *contents; gsize length; if (!g_file_get_contents (SRCDIR "/egg/fixtures/pem-rsa-enc.key", &contents, &length, NULL)) g_assert_not_reached (); test->input = g_bytes_new_take (contents, length); } static void teardown (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { g_bytes_unref (test->input); g_free (test->refenc); egg_secure_free (test->refdata); g_hash_table_destroy (test->refheaders); } static void copy_each_key_value (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_hash_table_insert ((GHashTable*)user_data, g_strdup ((gchar*)key), g_strdup ((gchar*)value)); } static void parse_reference (GQuark type, GBytes *data, GBytes *outer, GHashTable *headers, gpointer user_data) { Test *test = user_data; const gchar *dekinfo; g_assert (type); test->reftype = type; g_assert ("no data in PEM callback" && data != NULL); g_assert ("no data in PEM callback" && g_bytes_get_size (data) > 0); test->refenc = g_memdup2 (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (data)); test->n_refenc = g_bytes_get_size (data); g_assert ("no headers present in file" && headers != NULL); g_assert (!test->refheaders); test->refheaders = egg_armor_headers_new (); g_hash_table_foreach (headers, copy_each_key_value, test->refheaders); dekinfo = egg_openssl_get_dekinfo (headers); g_assert ("no dekinfo in headers" && dekinfo != NULL); test->refdata = egg_openssl_decrypt_block (dekinfo, "booo", 4, data, &test->n_refdata); g_assert ("no data returned from openssl decrypt" && test->refdata != NULL); g_assert ("invalid amount of data returned from openssl decrypt" && test->n_refdata == g_bytes_get_size (data)); } static void test_parse_reference (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { guint num; num = egg_armor_parse (test->input, parse_reference, test); g_assert ("couldn't PEM block in reference data" && num == 1); g_assert ("parse_reference() wasn't called" && test->refdata != NULL); } static void test_write_reference (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { const gchar *dekinfo; guchar *encrypted; gsize n_encrypted; GBytes *data; guint num; num = egg_armor_parse (test->input, parse_reference, test); g_assert ("couldn't PEM block in reference data" && num == 1); dekinfo = egg_openssl_get_dekinfo (test->refheaders); g_assert ("no dekinfo in headers" && dekinfo != NULL); data = g_bytes_new_static (test->refdata, test->n_refdata); encrypted = egg_openssl_encrypt_block (dekinfo, "booo", 4, data, &n_encrypted); g_bytes_unref (data); g_assert ("no data returned from openssl encrypt" && encrypted != NULL); g_assert ("invalid amount of data returned from openssl encrypt" && test->n_refdata <= n_encrypted); g_assert ("data length doesn't match input length" && n_encrypted == test->n_refenc); g_assert ("data doesn't match input" && memcmp (encrypted, test->refenc, n_encrypted) == 0); g_free (encrypted); } static void test_write_exactly_same (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { guchar *result; gsize n_result; guint num; num = egg_armor_parse (test->input, parse_reference, test); g_assert ("couldn't PEM block in reference data" && num == 1); result = egg_armor_write (test->refenc, test->n_refenc, test->reftype, test->refheaders, &n_result); /* * Yes sirrr. Openssl's parser is so fragile, that we have to make it * character for character identical. This includes line breaks, whitespace * and line endings. */ egg_assert_cmpbytes (test->input, ==, result, n_result); g_free (result); } /* 29 bytes (prime number, so block length has bad chance of matching */ static const guchar *TEST_DATA = (guchar*)"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123"; const gsize TEST_DATA_L = 29; static void test_openssl_roundtrip (Test *test, gconstpointer unused) { const gchar *dekinfo; guchar *encrypted, *decrypted; gsize n_encrypted, n_decrypted; GBytes *data; int i; guint num; num = egg_armor_parse (test->input, parse_reference, test); g_assert ("couldn't PEM block in reference data" && num == 1); dekinfo = egg_openssl_prep_dekinfo (test->refheaders); data = g_bytes_new_static (TEST_DATA, TEST_DATA_L); encrypted = egg_openssl_encrypt_block (dekinfo, "password", -1, data, &n_encrypted); g_bytes_unref (data); g_assert ("no data returned from openssl encrypt" && encrypted != NULL); g_assert ("invalid amount of data returned from openssl encrypt" && TEST_DATA_L <= n_encrypted); data = g_bytes_new_with_free_func (encrypted, n_encrypted, egg_secure_free, encrypted); decrypted = egg_openssl_decrypt_block (dekinfo, "password", 8, data, &n_decrypted); g_bytes_unref (data); g_assert ("no data returned from openssl decrypt" && decrypted != NULL); /* Check that the data was decrypted properly */ g_assert ("decrypted data doesn't match length" && n_decrypted >= TEST_DATA_L); g_assert ("decrypted data doesn't match" && memcmp (TEST_DATA, decrypted, TEST_DATA_L) == 0); /* Check that the remainder is all zeros */ for (i = TEST_DATA_L; i < n_decrypted; ++i) g_assert ("non null byte in padding" && decrypted[i] == 0); egg_secure_free (decrypted); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add ("/openssl/parse_reference", Test, NULL, setup, test_parse_reference, teardown); g_test_add ("/openssl/write_reference", Test, NULL, setup, test_write_reference, teardown); g_test_add ("/openssl/write_exactly_same", Test, NULL, setup, test_write_exactly_same, teardown); g_test_add ("/openssl/openssl_roundtrip", Test, NULL, setup, test_openssl_roundtrip, teardown); return g_test_run (); }