GCR === GCR is a library for displaying certificates and crypto UI, accessing key stores. It also provides the viewer for crypto files on the GNOME desktop. GCK is a library for accessing PKCS#11 modules like smart cards, in a (G)object oriented way. Building -------- You can build GCR using [Meson] with the following build commands (replace `$BUILDDIR` with your chosed build directory). ``` $ meson $BUILDDIR $ meson compile -C $BUILDDIR $ meson install -C $BUILDDIR ``` Contributing ------------ The code and issue tracker of GCR can be found at the GNOME GitLab instance at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gcr. If you would like to get involved with GNOME projects, please also visit our [Newcomers page] on the Wiki. Documentation ------------- The documentation for GCR and GCK is built using [gi-docgen]. You can find the nightly documentation at: * Gck: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gcr/gck-2/ * Gcr: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gcr/gcr-4/ You can find the older GCR documentation at: * Gck: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gcr/gck-1/ * Gcr: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gcr/gcr-3/ * GcrUI: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gcr/gcr-ui-3/ Debug tracing ------------- The Gcr and Gck libraries contain statements which help debug flow and logic. In many cases these help you track down problems. Use the environment variable `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG='all'` or `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG='xxx'` to display either all messages or a specific categories of debug messages. You can separate categories in this list with spaces, commas or semicolons. Gcr library uses category 'Gcr', while Gck library uses category 'Gck'. ``` # Example to display all debug messages: $ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all gcr-viewer /path/to/certificate.crt # Example to display debug messages for a specific category: $ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="Gcr" gcr-viewer /path/to/certificate.crt ``` For the Gck debug messages simply replace 'Gcr' with 'Gck' in the above examples. More information ---------------- To discuss issues with developers and other users, you can post to the [GNOME Discourse instance](https://discourse.gnome.org). [gi-docgen]: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gi-docgen/ [Meson]: https://mesonbuild.com [Newcomers page]: https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject/JoiningTranslation