************************************************** * Note the build itself is outdated also due to * * no WebKit2 of WebKitGTK+ for Windows. * * It is waiting for: * * https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137488 * ************************************************** ************************************************ *** Caution - this work is still in progress *** ************************************************ These are steps how to setup local envinronment to build evolution and its dependencies from sources. a) http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-setup.exe/download Destination folder: C:\MinGW Install packages: - Basic setup: - mingw-developer-toolkit - msys-base - All Packages - msys-patch - msys-perl - msys-unzip - msys-wget b) http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/mingw-builds-install/mingw-builds-install.exe/download Version: 4.8.1 Architecture: x32 Threads: posix Exception: dwarf Build revision: 5 Destination folder: C:\MinGW64 c) Replace MinGW version of gcc & co. with the MinGW64 version (mainly for webkitgtk) - delete all but 'msys' directories in C:\MinGW\ - move all directories from C:\MinGW64\mingw32\ to C:MinGW\ d) http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/python-2.7.6.msi Destination folder: C:\Python27 e) Add to PATH: C:\Python27;C:\MinGW\bin f) go to evolution checkout, into evolution\win32\ subfolder and execute: $ source setup-env which setups build environment. This can take some addition parameters, see the top of setup-env for more information. g) build evolution from sources with: $ make evolution or with some additional software: $ make addons h) Make sure dbus-daemon is running before evolution is run, which can be done with $PREFIX\deps\bin\dbus-launch.exe i) Run 'evolution'