@function themecolor($s) { @return unquote("@" + "#{$s}"); } $variant: 'light'; @import 'colors'; @import 'drawing'; // menu button fix, yeah this is ugly button.active-menu { @include button(active); &:backdrop { @include button(active-backdrop); } } // floating status bar .floating-bar { background-color: themecolor(theme_base_color); border-width: 1px; border-style: solid solid none; border-color: themecolor(borders); border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; &.left { border-left-style: none; border-top-left-radius: 0; } &.right { border-right-style: none; border-top-right-radius: 0; } &:backdrop { background-color: themecolor(theme_unfocused_base_color); border-color: themecolor(unfocused_borders); } } // incognito mode //$incognito_color: #c5cfd8; $incognito_color: #cbd2d9; $incognito_icon: 'user-not-tracked-symbolic'; $edge_color: lighten($incognito_color, 13%); .incognito-mode { &.titlebar { @include headerbar_fill($incognito_color, $edge_color, -gtk-icontheme($incognito_icon) 160px 0 / 64px 64px no-repeat); border-color: _border_color($incognito_color); color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.8); // this is the color of the overlayed icon > * { color: $fg_color; &:backdrop { color: $backdrop_fg_color } } &:backdrop { background-image: -gtk-icontheme($incognito_icon), image($incognito_color); box-shadow: inset 0 1px $edge_color; color: transparentize($backdrop_fg_color, 0.9); // color of the overlayed icon in backdrop } button { // changing the headerbar background color requires changing widget borders accordingly @include button(normal, $incognito_color); &.flat, &.titlebutton { @include button(undecorated); } &.titlebutton { @include _button_text_shadow($fg_color, $incognito_color); } &:hover { @include button(hover, $incognito_color); } &:active, &:checked, &#ephy-page-menu-button.active-menu { @include button(active, $incognito_color); } &:disabled { @include button(insensitive, $incognito_color); } &:backdrop { @include button(backdrop, $incognito_color); border-color: _border_color($incognito_color); &:active { @include button(backdrop-active, $incognito_color); border-color: _border_color($incognito_color); } &:disabled { @include button(backdrop-insensitive, $incognito_color); border-color: _border_color($incognito_color); } } &.flat:backdrop, &.titlebutton:backdrop { @include button(undecorated); } } entry { border-color: _border_color($incognito_color); &:focus { border-color: entry_focus_border($selected_bg_color); box-shadow: entry_focus_shadow($selected_bg_color); } &:backdrop { box-shadow: none; } } } }