# Basque translation of epiphany. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER. # # Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza , 2004. # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio , 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. # Asier Sarasua Garmendia , 2019, 2020. # msgid "" msgstr "Project-Id-Version: epiphany master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany/issues\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-07 20:34+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-01 10:00+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia \n" "Language-Team: Basque \n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:6 msgid "GNOME Web" msgstr "GNOME Web" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:7 msgid "Web browser for GNOME" msgstr "GNOMEren web nabigatzailea" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:9 msgid "" "The web browser for GNOME, featuring tight integration with the desktop and " "a simple and intuitive user interface that allows you to focus on your web " "pages. If you’re looking for a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web, " "this is the browser for you." msgstr "GNOMEren web nabigatzailea, mahaigainera egokitutako bateragarritasunarekin eta erabil errazeko erabiltzailearen interfazearekin web orrietan zentra zaitezen.Webaren ikuspegi eder, garbi eta sotilaren bila ibiliz gero, hau da zure nabigatzailea." #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:15 msgid "GNOME Web is often referred to by its code name, Epiphany." msgstr "GNOME Web bere kode-izenagatik ezaguna da: Epiphany." #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:22 msgid "The GNOME web site displayed in GNOME Web" msgstr "GNOMEren webgunea GNOME Weben bistaratua" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.appdata.xml.in.in:37 msgid "The GNOME Project" msgstr "GNOME proiektua" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:3 embed/ephy-about-handler.c:192 #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:226 src/ephy-main.c:102 src/ephy-main.c:254 #: src/ephy-main.c:406 src/window-commands.c:992 msgid "Web" msgstr "Weba" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:4 msgid "Web Browser" msgstr "Web nabigatzailea" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:5 msgid "Browse the web" msgstr "Nabigatu webean" #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon! #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:7 msgid "web;browser;internet;" msgstr "weba;nabigatzailea;internet;" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:19 msgid "New Window" msgstr "_Leiho berria" #: data/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop.in.in:23 msgid "New Incognito Window" msgstr "Leiho berria isilka moduan" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:13 msgid "Browse with caret" msgstr "Arakatu kurtsorearekin" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:17 msgid "Home page" msgstr "Hasierako orria" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:18 msgid "Address of the user’s home page." msgstr "Erabiltzailearen orrialde nagusiaren helbidea." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:22 msgid "Default search engine." msgstr "Bilaketa-motor lehenetsia." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:23 msgid "Name of the search engine selected by default." msgstr "Lehenetsi gisa hautatutako bilaketa-motorraren izena." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:26 msgid "" "[('DuckDuckGo', 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany', '!ddg'),\n" "\t\t\t\t ('Google', 'https://www.google.com/search?q=%s', '!g'),\n" "\t\t\t\t ('Bing', 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=%s', '!b')]" msgstr "[('DuckDuckGo', 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany', '!ddg'),\n" "\t\t\t\t ('Google', 'https://www.google.com/search?q=%s', '!g'),\n" "\t\t\t\t ('Bing', 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=%s', '!b')]" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:33 msgid "Default search engines." msgstr "Bilaketa-motor lehenetsiak." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:34 msgid "" "List of the default search engines. It is an array in which each search " "engine is described by a name, an address, and a bang (shortcut)." msgstr "Bilaketa-motor lehenetsien zerrenda. It is an array in which each search engine is described by a name, an address, and a bang (shortcut)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:38 msgid "Force new windows to be opened in tabs" msgstr "Derrigortu leiho berriak fitxetan irekitzea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:39 msgid "" "Force new window requests to be opened in tabs instead of using a new window." msgstr "Derrigortu galdetzea leiho berriek irekitzeko fitxa berriak erabiltzea leiho berrien ordez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:46 msgid "Whether to automatically restore the last session" msgstr "Azken saioa automatikoki leheneratuko den edo ez adierazten du" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:47 msgid "" "Defines how the session will be restored during startup. Allowed values are " "“always” (the previous state of the application is always restored), " "“crashed” (the session is only restored if the application crashes) and " "“never” (the homepage is always shown)." msgstr "Abioan saioa nola leheneratuko den definitzen du. Balio onartuak: 'always' (beti) aplikazioaren aurreko egoera beti leheneratzen da; 'crashed' (kraskatuta) aplikazioa kraskatzen denean soilik leheneratuko da saioa; eta 'never' (inoiz ere ez) orri nagusia erakutsiko da beti." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:51 msgid "" "Whether to delay loading of tabs that are not immediately visible on session " "restore" msgstr "Saioa leheneratzean berehala ikusgai ez dauden fitxen karga atzeratzea edo ez" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:52 msgid "" "When this option is set to true, tabs will not start loading until the user " "switches to them, upon session restore." msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago (TRUE gisa ezarrita), saioa leheneratzean fitxak ez dira kargatuko erabiltzaileak haien gainean klik egin arte." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:56 msgid "List of adblock filters" msgstr "Adblock iragazkien zerrenda" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:57 msgid "" "List of URLs with content filtering rules in JSON format to be used by the " "ad blocker." msgstr "Iragarkien blokeatzaileak erabiliko dituen eduki-iragazkien arauak dituzten URLen zerrenda, JSON formatuan" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:61 msgid "Whether to ask for setting browser as default" msgstr "Nabigatzailea lehenetsi modura ezarriko den galdetuko den ala ez" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:62 msgid "" "When this option is set to true, browser will ask for being default if it is " "not already set." msgstr "Aukera honetan egia ezartzen denean, nabigatzaileak galdetuko du nabigatzaile lehenetsia bihurtuko den ala ez, lehendik ezarrita ez badago." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:66 msgid "Start in incognito mode" msgstr "Abiarazi isilpeko moduan" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:67 msgid "" "When this option is set to true, browser will always start in incognito mode" msgstr "Aukera honetan egia ezartzen denean, nabigatzailea beti isilpeko moduan abiaraziko da" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:73 msgid "Expand tabs size to fill the available space on the tabs bar." msgstr "Zabaldu fitxen tamaina fitxa-barrako leku erabilgarria betetzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:74 msgid "" "If enabled the tabs will expand to use the entire available space in the " "tabs bar. This setting is ignored in Pantheon desktop." msgstr "Gaitzen bada, fitxa-barraren leku erabilgarri osoa erabiltzeko zabalduko dira fitxak. Ezarpen honi ez ikusiarena egiten zaio Pantheon mahaigainean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:78 msgid "The position of the tabs bar." msgstr "Fitxa-barraren ikusgaitasunaren araua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:79 msgid "" "Controls where the tabs bar is shown. Possible values are “top” (the " "default), “bottom”, “left” (vertical tabs with bar on the left) and " "“right” (vertical tabs with bar on the right)." msgstr "Fitxa-barra non erakutsiko den kontrolatzen du. Balio onartuak: 'top' (goian, lehenetsia da), 'bottom' (behean), 'left' (fitxa bertikalen barra ezkerrean) eta 'right' (fitxa bertikalen barra eskuinean)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:83 msgid "The visibility policy for the tabs bar." msgstr "Fitxa-barraren ikusgaitasunaren araua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:84 msgid "" "Controls when the tabs bar is shown. Possible values are “always” (the tabs " "bar is always shown), “more-than-one” (the tabs bar is only shown if there’s " "two or more tabs) and “never” (the tabs bar is never shown). This setting is " "ignored in Pantheon desktop, and “always” value is used." msgstr "Fitxa-barra noiz erakutsiko den kontrolatzen du. Balio onartuak: 'always' (beti), fitxa-barra beti erakusten da; 'more-than-one' (bat baino gehiago), fitxa-barra soilik erakutsiko da fitxa bat edo gehiago daudenean); eta 'never' (inoiz ere ez), fitxa-barra ez da inoiz erakusten. Ezarpen honi ez ikusiarena egiten zaio Pantheon mahaigainean, eta 'always' balioa erabiltzen da." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:88 msgid "Keep window open when closing last tab" msgstr "Mantendu leihoa irekita azken fitxa ixtean" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:89 msgid "If enabled application window is kept open when closing the last tab." msgstr "Gaituta badago, aplikazioaren leihoa irekita geratuko da azken fitxa ixten denean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:95 msgid "Reader mode article font style." msgstr "Irakurle moduaren artikuluen letra-tipoaren estiloa." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:96 msgid "" "Chooses the style of the main body text for articles in reader mode. " "Possible values are “sans” and “serif”." msgstr "Chooses the style of the main body text for articles in reader mode. Balio onartuak: 'sans' eta 'serif'." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:100 msgid "Reader mode color scheme." msgstr "Irakurle moduaren kolore-eskema" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:101 msgid "" "Selects the style of colors for articles displayed in reader mode. Possible " "values are “light” (dark text on light background) and “dark” (light text on " "dark background)." msgstr "Irakurle moduan ikusiko diren artikuluen koloreen estiloa hautatzen du. Balio onartuak: 'argia' (testu iluna atzeko plano argian) eta 'iluna' (testu argia atzeko plano ilunean)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:107 msgid "Minimum font size" msgstr "Gutxieneko letra-tamaina" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:111 msgid "Use GNOME fonts" msgstr "Erabili GNOMEren letra-tipoak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:112 msgid "Use GNOME font settings." msgstr "Erabili GNOMEren letra-tipoen ezarpenak." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:116 msgid "Custom sans-serif font" msgstr "Sans serif letra-tipo pertsonalizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:117 msgid "" "A value to be used to override sans-serif desktop font when use-gnome-fonts " "is set." msgstr "Balio bat mahaigaineko sans-serif letra-tipoa gainidazteko 'use-gnome-fonts' ezartzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:121 msgid "Custom serif font" msgstr "Serif letra-tipo pertsonalizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:122 msgid "" "A value to be used to override serif desktop font when use-gnome-fonts is " "set." msgstr "Balio bat mahaigaineko serif letra-tipoa gainidazteko 'use-gnome-fonts' ezartzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:126 msgid "Custom monospace font" msgstr "Tarte bakarreko letra-tipo pertsonalizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:127 msgid "" "A value to be used to override monospace desktop font when use-gnome-fonts " "is set." msgstr "Balio bat mahaigaineko tarte bakarreko letra-tipoa gainidazteko 'use-gnome-fonts' ezartzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:131 msgid "Use a custom CSS" msgstr "Erabili CSS pertsonalizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:132 msgid "Use a custom CSS file to modify websites own CSS." msgstr "Erabili CSS pertsonalizatua webguneetako CSS propioak aldatzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:136 msgid "Use a custom JS" msgstr "Erabili JS pertsonalizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:137 msgid "Use a custom JS file to modify websites." msgstr "Erabili JS pertsonalizatua webguneak aldatzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:141 msgid "Enable spell checking" msgstr "Gaitu ortografia-egiaztapena" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:142 msgid "Spell check any text typed in editable areas." msgstr "Area editagarrietako edozein testuren ortografia zuzendu." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:146 msgid "Default encoding" msgstr "Kodeketa lehenetsia" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:147 msgid "" "Default encoding. Accepted values are the ones WebKitGTK can understand." msgstr "Kodeketa lehenetsia. Onartutako balioak WebKitGTK liburutegiak uler ditzakeenak dira." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:151 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:351 msgid "Languages" msgstr "Hizkuntzak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:152 msgid "" "Preferred languages. Array of locale codes or “system” to use current locale." msgstr "Hobetsitako hizkuntzak. Hizkuntza-kodeen matrizea edo 'system' uneko hizkuntza erabiltzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:156 msgid "Allow popups" msgstr "Onartu laster-leihoak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:157 msgid "" "Allow sites to open new windows using JavaScript (if JavaScript is enabled)." msgstr "Eman baimena guneei leiho berriak JavaScript-ekin irekitzeko (JavaScript gaituta badago)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:161 msgid "Enable smooth scrolling" msgstr "Gaitu korritze leuna" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:162 msgid "Whether to enable smooth scrolling." msgstr "Korritze leuna gaituko den edo ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:166 msgid "User agent" msgstr "Erabiltzaile-agentea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:167 msgid "" "String that will be used as user agent, to identify the browser to the web " "servers." msgstr "Erabiltzaile-agente gisa erabiliko den katea nabigatzailea web zerbitzarietan identifikatzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:171 msgid "Enable adblock" msgstr "Gaitu iragarkien blokeatzailea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:172 msgid "" "Whether to block the embedded advertisements that web pages might want to " "show." msgstr "Web orriak erakutsi nahi dituzten kapsulatutako iragarkiak blokeatu edo ez adierazten du." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:176 msgid "Remember passwords" msgstr "Gogoratu pasahitzak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:177 msgid "Whether to store and prefill passwords in websites." msgstr "Webguneetan pasahitzak gorde eta aurretik osatuko diren ala ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:181 msgid "Enable site-specific quirks" msgstr "Gaitu gune zehatzen bitxikeriak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:182 msgid "" "Enable quirks to make specific websites work better. You might want to " "disable this setting if debugging a specific issue." msgstr "Gaitu berezitasunak zenbait webgunek hobeto funtziona dezaten. Hobe ezarpen hau desgaitzen baduzu arazo bat arazten ari zarenean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:186 msgid "Enable safe browsing" msgstr "Gaitu nabigazio segurua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:187 msgid "" "Whether to enable safe browsing. Safe browsing operates via Google Safe " "Browsing API v4." msgstr "Nabigazio segurua gaituko den ala ez. Nabigazio segurua Google Safe Browsing API v4 bidez dabil." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:191 msgid "Google Safe Browsing API key" msgstr "Google Safe Browsing API gakoa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:192 msgid "The API key used to access the Google Safe Browsing API v4." msgstr "API gakoa Google Safe Browsing API v4 atzitzeko erabiltzen da." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:196 msgid "Enable Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)" msgstr "Gaitu jarraipenaren prebentzio adimentsua (ITP)" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:197 msgid "Whether to enable Intelligent Tracking Prevention." msgstr "Jarraipenaren prebentzio adimentsua gaituko den ala ez" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:201 msgid "Allow websites to store local website data" msgstr "Onartu webguneek datuak lokalean biltegiratu ditzaten" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:202 msgid "" "Whether to allow websites to store cookies, local storage data, and " "IndexedDB databases. Disabling this will break many websites." msgstr "Webguneek cookie-ak, biltegiratze-datu lokalak eta IndexedDB datu-baseak onartuko dituzten ala ez. Hau desgaitzen bada, zenbait webgunek ez dute ongi funtzionatuko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:206 msgid "Default zoom level for new pages" msgstr "Orri berrien zoomaren maila lehenetsia" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:210 msgid "Enable autosearch" msgstr "Gaitu bilaketa automatikoa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:211 msgid "" "Whether to automatically search the web when something that does not look " "like a URL is entered in the address bar. If this setting is disabled, " "everything will be loaded as a URL unless a search engine is explicitly " "selected from the dropdown menu." msgstr "Sareko bilaketa automatiko bat egingo den ala ez helbide-barran URL bat ez dirudien zerbait sartzen denean. Ezarpen hau desgaituta badago, dena kargatuko da URL bat bailitzan, bilaketa-motor bat esplizituki hautatzen ez bada goitibeherako menuan." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:215 msgid "Enable mouse gestures" msgstr "Gaitu sagu-keinuak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:216 msgid "" "Whether to enable mouse gestures. Mouse gestures are based on Opera’s " "behaviour and are activated using the middle mouse button + gesture." msgstr "Sagu-keinuak gaituko diren ala ez. Sagu-keinuak Opera nabigatzailearen portaeran oinarrituta daude eta saguaren erdiko botoia + keinua erabilita aktibatzen dira." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:220 msgid "Last upload directory" msgstr "Kargarako azken direktorioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:221 msgid "Keep track of last upload directory" msgstr "Gogoratu kargarako azken direktorioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:225 msgid "Last download directory" msgstr "Deskargarako azken direktorioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:226 msgid "Keep track of last download directory" msgstr "Gogoratu deskargarako azken direktorioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:230 msgid "Hardware acceleration policy" msgstr "Hardware bidezko azelerazioaren politika" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:231 msgid "" "Whether to enable hardware acceleration. Possible values are “on-demand”, " "“always”, and “never”. Hardware acceleration may be required to achieve " "acceptable performance on embedded devices, but increases memory usage " "requirements and could expose severe hardware-specific graphics driver bugs. " "When the policy is “on-demand”, hardware acceleration will be used only when " "required to display 3D transforms." msgstr "Hardware bidezko azelerazioa gaituko den ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'always' (beti), 'on-demand' (eskatutakoan) eta 'never' (inoiz ere ez). Hardware bidezko azelerazioa beharrezkoa izan daiteke errendimendu onargarria lortzeko kapsulatutako gailuetan, baina memoriaren erabilera handitzen du eta kontrolagailu grafikoen akats larriak jasan ditzake. Erabilitako politika 'on-demand' denean, hardware bidezko azelerazioa 3D transformazioak bistaratzeko beharrezkoa denean soilik erabiliko da." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:235 msgid "Always ask for download directory" msgstr "Beti galdetu deskargarako direktorioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:236 msgid "Whether to present a directory chooser dialog for every download." msgstr "Deskarga bakoitzean direktorioen aukeratzaile bat erakutsiko den ala ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:240 msgid "Enable immediately switch to new open tab" msgstr "Gaitu fitxa ireki berrira berehala joatea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:241 msgid "Whether to automatically switch to a new open tab." msgstr "Fitxa ireki berrira automatikoki joango den ala ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:247 msgid "Web application additional URLs" msgstr "Web aplikazioaren URL gehigarriak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:248 msgid "The list of URLs that should be opened by the web application" msgstr "Web aplikazioak ireki beharko dituen URLen zerrenda" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:252 msgid "WebApp is mobile capable" msgstr "WebApp mugikorretarako ere bada" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:253 msgid "Whether to show buttons for navigation." msgstr "Nabigaziorako botoiak erakutsiko diren ala ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:257 msgid "Run in background" msgstr "Exekutatu atzeko planoan" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:258 msgid "" "If enabled, application continues running in the background after closing " "the window." msgstr "Gaituta badago, aplikazioa atzeko planoan exekutatuko da leihoa ixtean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:264 msgid "The downloads folder" msgstr "Deskargen karpeta" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:265 msgid "" "The path of the folder where to download files to; or “Downloads” to use the " "default downloads folder, or “Desktop” to use the desktop folder." msgstr "Deskargak gordetzeko karpetaren bide-izena, edo \"Downloads\" (Deskargak) deskargen karpeta lehenetsia erabiltzeko, edo \"Desktop\" (Mahaigaina) mahaigaina karpeta erabiltzeko." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:272 msgid "Window position" msgstr "Leihoaren posizioa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:273 msgid "" "The position to use for a new window that is not restored from a previous " "session." msgstr "Aurreko saioetatik berreskuratu ez den leiho berrian erabiliko den posizioa." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:277 msgid "Window size" msgstr "Leihoaren tamaina" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:278 msgid "" "The size to use for a new window that is not restored from a previous " "session." msgstr "Aurreko saioetatik berreskuratu ez den leiho berrian erabiliko den tamaina." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:282 msgid "Is maximized" msgstr "Maximizatua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:283 msgid "" "Whether a new window that is not restored from a previous session should be " "initially maximized." msgstr "Aurreko saioetatik berreskuratu ez den leiho berria maximizatuta abiaraziko den ala ez." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:298 msgid "Disable forward and back buttons" msgstr "Desgaitu aurrera eta atzera joateko botoiak" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:299 msgid "" "If set to “true”, forward and back buttons are disabled, preventing users " "from accessing immediate browser history" msgstr "Ezarritakoa 'true' (egia) bada, aurrera eta atzera joateko botoiak desgaituko dira eta erabiltzaileek ezin izango dute nabigatzailearen historia hurbila atzitu." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:317 msgid "Firefox Sync Token Server URL" msgstr "Firefox Sync token-zerbitzariaren URLa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:318 msgid "URL to a custom Firefox Sync token server." msgstr "Firefox Sync token-zerbitzari pertsonalizatu baten URLa." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:322 msgid "Firefox Sync Accounts Server URL" msgstr "Firefox Sync kontu-zerbitzariaren URLa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:323 msgid "URL to a custom Firefox Sync accounts server." msgstr "Firefox Sync kontu-zerbitzari pertsonalizatu baten URLa." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:327 msgid "Currently signed in sync user" msgstr "Unean sinkronizatze-erabiltzaile gisa saioan hasita" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:328 msgid "" "The email linked to the Firefox Account used to sync data with Mozilla’s " "servers." msgstr "Mozilla-ren zerbitzariekin datuak sinkronizatzeko erabiltzen den Firefox Kontuarekin estekatutako posta elektronikoa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:332 msgid "Last sync timestamp" msgstr "Azken sinkronizazioaren denbora-zigilua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:333 msgid "The UNIX time at which last sync was made in seconds." msgstr "Egin zen azken sinkronizazioaren data-zigilua UNIX denboran (segundotan)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:337 msgid "Sync device ID" msgstr "Sinkronizatze-gailuaren IDa" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:338 msgid "The sync device ID of the current device." msgstr "Uneko gailuaren sinkronizatze-gailuaren IDa." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:342 msgid "Sync device name" msgstr "Sinkronizatze-gailuaren izena" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:343 msgid "The sync device name of the current device." msgstr "Uneko gailuaren sinkronizatze-gailuaren izena." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:347 msgid "The sync frequency in minutes" msgstr "Sinkronizazioaren maiztasuna (minututan)" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:348 msgid "The number of minutes between two consecutive syncs." msgstr "Bi sinkronizazio jarraituen arteko minutu kopurua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:352 msgid "Sync data with Firefox" msgstr "Sinkronizatu datuak Firefox-ekin" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:353 msgid "" "TRUE if Ephy collections should be synced with Firefox collections, FALSE " "otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) Epiphanyren bilduma Firefoxenarekin sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela, FALSE (faltsua)" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:357 msgid "Enable bookmarks sync" msgstr "Gaitu laster-markak sinkronizatzea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:358 msgid "TRUE if bookmarks collection should be synced, FALSE otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) laster-marken bilduma sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela, FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:362 msgid "Bookmarks sync timestamp" msgstr "Laster-marken sinkronizazioaren denbora-zigilua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:363 msgid "The timestamp at which last bookmarks sync was made." msgstr "Laster-marken azken sinkronizazioa burutu zeneko denbora-zigilua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:367 #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:382 #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:397 msgid "Initial sync or normal sync" msgstr "Hasierako sinkronizazioa, edo sink. arrunta" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:368 msgid "" "TRUE if bookmarks collection needs to be synced for the first time, FALSE " "otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) laster-marken bilduma aurreneko aldiz sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:372 msgid "Enable passwords sync" msgstr "Gaitu pasahitzak sinkronizatzea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:373 msgid "TRUE if passwords collection should be synced, FALSE otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) pasahitzen bilduma sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:377 msgid "Passwords sync timestamp" msgstr "Pasahitzen sinkronizazioaren denbora-zigilua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:378 msgid "The timestamp at which last passwords sync was made." msgstr "Pasahitzen azken sinkronizazioa burutu zeneko denbora-zigilua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:383 msgid "" "TRUE if passwords collection needs to be synced for the first time, FALSE " "otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) pasahitzen bilduma aurreneko aldiz sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:387 msgid "Enable history sync" msgstr "Gaitu historia sinkronizatzea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:388 msgid "TRUE if history collection should be synced, FALSE otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) historiaren bilduma sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:392 msgid "History sync timestamp" msgstr "Historiaren sinkronizazioaren denbora-zigilua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:393 msgid "The timestamp at which last history sync was made." msgstr "Historiaren azken sinkronizazioa burutu zeneko denbora-zigilua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:398 msgid "" "TRUE if history collection needs to be synced for the first time, FALSE " "otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) historiaren bilduma aurreneko aldiz sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:402 msgid "Enable open tabs sync" msgstr "Gaitu irekitako fitxak sinkronizatzea" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:403 msgid "TRUE if open tabs collection should be synced, FALSE otherwise." msgstr "TRUE (egia) irekitako fitxen bilduma sinkronizatu behar bada. Bestela FALSE (faltsua)." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:407 msgid "Open tabs sync timestamp" msgstr "Irekitako fitxen sinkronizazioaren denbora-zigilua" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:408 msgid "The timestamp at which last open tabs sync was made." msgstr "Irekitako fitxen azken sinkronizazioa burutu zeneko denbora-zigilua." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:419 msgid "Decision to apply when microphone permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia ostalari honentzako mikrofonoaren baimena eskatzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:420 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to access the user’s microphone. The “undecided” default means the browser " "needs to ask the user for permission, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to " "automatically make the decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati erabiltzailearen mikrofonoa atzitzeko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzaileak erabiltzaileari galdetuko diola adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:424 msgid "" "Decision to apply when geolocation permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia ostalari honentzako geolokalizazioaren baimena eskatzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:425 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to access the user’s location. The “undecided” default means the browser " "needs to ask the user for permission, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to " "automatically make the decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati erabiltzailearen kokalekua atzitzeko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzaileak erabiltzaileari galdetuko diola adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:429 msgid "" "Decision to apply when notification permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia ostalari honentzako jakinarazpenaren baimena eskatzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:430 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to show notifications. The “undecided” default means the browser needs to " "ask the user for permission, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to " "automatically make the decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati jakinarazpenak erakusteko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzaileak erabiltzaileari galdetuko diola adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:434 msgid "" "Decision to apply when save password permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia ostalari honentzako pasahitza gordetzeko baimena eskatzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:435 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to save passwords. The “undecided” default means the browser needs to ask " "the user for permission, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to automatically " "make the decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati pasahitzak gordentzeko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzaileak erabiltzaileari galdetuko diola adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:439 msgid "Decision to apply when webcam permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Zer erabaki aplikatu ostalari honek web-kameraren baimenak eskatzean" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:440 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to access the user’s webcam. The “undecided” default means the browser needs " "to ask the user for permission, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to " "automatically make the decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati erabiltzailearen web-kamera atzitzeko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzaileak erabiltzaileari galdetuko diola adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:444 msgid "" "Decision to apply when advertisement permission is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia ostalari honentzako iragarkien baimena eskatzean." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:445 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to allow advertisements. The “undecided” default means the browser global " "setting is used, while “allow” and “deny” tell it to automatically make the " "decision upon request." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati iragarkiak bidaltzeko baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta nabigatzailearen ezarpen globala erabiliko dela adierazten du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek eskaeren aurrean erabakia automatikoki hartuko dela zehazten dute." #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:449 msgid "Decision to apply when an autoplay policy is requested for this host" msgstr "Aplikatu beharreko erabakia erreprodukzio automatikoko politika bat eskatzean ostalari honetarako" #: data/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml:450 msgid "" "This option is used to save whether a given host has been given permission " "to autoplay. The “undecided” default means to allow autoplay of muted media, " "while “allow” and “deny” tell it to allow / deny all requests to autoplay " "media respectively." msgstr "Aukera honek gordetzen du ostalari jakin bati erreprodukzio automatikorako baimena eman zaion ala ez. Balio onartuak: 'undecided' (erabaki gabe) balio lehenetsia da eta mutututako multimedien erreprodukzio automatikoa onartzen dela esan nahi du; 'allow' (baimendu) eta 'deny' (ukatu) balioek multimedia automatikoki erreproduzitzeko eskariak automatikoki onartu edo ukatuko direla zehazten dute." #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:116 embed/ephy-about-handler.c:118 msgid "Memory usage" msgstr "Memoria-erabilera" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:168 #, c-format msgid "Version %s" msgstr "%s bertsioa" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:189 msgid "About Web" msgstr "Web aplikazioari buruz" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:194 src/window-commands.c:994 msgid "Epiphany Technology Preview" msgstr "Epiphanyren aurrerapen teknologikoak" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:197 msgid "A simple, clean, beautiful view of the web" msgstr "Webaren ikuspegi xume, garbi eta dotorea." #. Displayed when opening applications without any installed web apps. #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:258 embed/ephy-about-handler.c:259 #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:287 embed/ephy-about-handler.c:302 msgid "Applications" msgstr "Aplikazioak" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:260 msgid "List of installed web applications" msgstr "Instalatutako web aplikazioen zerrenda" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:273 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Ezabatu" #. Note for translators: this refers to the installation date. #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:275 msgid "Installed on:" msgstr "Instalatuta:" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:302 msgid "" "You can add your favorite website by clicking Install Site as Web " "Application… within the page menu." msgstr "Zure webgunerik gogokoena gehitu dezakezu Instalatu gunea web aplikazio gisa… sakatuta orriaren menuan." #. Displayed when opening the browser for the first time. #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:394 msgid "Welcome to Web" msgstr "Ongi etorri Web aplikaziora" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:394 msgid "Start browsing and your most-visited sites will appear here." msgstr "Hasi nabigatzen eta gehien bisitatu dituzun webguneak agertuko dira hemen." #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:425 #: embed/web-process-extension/resources/js/overview.js:116 msgid "Remove from overview" msgstr "Kendu ikuspegitik" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:505 embed/ephy-about-handler.c:506 msgid "Private Browsing" msgstr "Arakatze pribatua" #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:507 msgid "" "You are currently browsing incognito. Pages viewed in this mode will not " "show up in your browsing history and all stored information will be cleared " "when you close the window. Files you download will be kept." msgstr "Isilpean nabigatzen ari zara. Modu honetan ikusitako orriak ez dira nabigazio-historian agertuko eta gordetako informazio guztia garbitu egingo da leihoa ixten duzunean. Deskargatu dituzun fitxategiak gorde egingo dira." #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:511 msgid "" "Incognito mode hides your activity only from people using this computer." msgstr "Isilpeko moduak zure jarduerak ordenagailu hau darabilten besteengandik ezkutatzen ditu." #: embed/ephy-about-handler.c:513 msgid "" "It will not hide your activity from your employer if you are at work. Your " "internet service provider, your government, other governments, the websites " "that you visit, and advertisers on these websites may still be tracking you." msgstr "Ez ditu zure jarduerak ezkutatuko lanetik ari bazara. Zure Interneteko Zerbitzuen Hornitzaileak (ISP), zure gobernuak, beste gobernu batzuk, bisitatzen dituzun webguneek eta iragarkien enpresek zure jardueren aztarna jarrai dezakete." #. Translators: a desktop notification when a download finishes. #: embed/ephy-download.c:725 #, c-format msgid "Finished downloading %s" msgstr "%s deskargatzea amaitu da" #. Translators: the title of the notification. #: embed/ephy-download.c:727 msgid "Download finished" msgstr "Deskarga amaitu da" #: embed/ephy-download.c:818 msgid "Download requested" msgstr "Deskarga eskatu da" #: embed/ephy-download.c:819 lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:164 #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:96 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-lang-dialog.ui:16 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:153 src/window-commands.c:275 #: src/window-commands.c:333 src/window-commands.c:377 #: src/window-commands.c:561 src/window-commands.c:646 #: src/window-commands.c:807 src/window-commands.c:1874 msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "_Utzi" #: embed/ephy-download.c:819 msgid "_Download" msgstr "_Deskargatu" #: embed/ephy-download.c:832 #, c-format msgid "Type: %s (%s)" msgstr "Mota: %s (%s)" #. From #: embed/ephy-download.c:838 #, c-format msgid "From: %s" msgstr "Nork: %s" #. Question #: embed/ephy-download.c:843 msgid "Where do you want to save the file?" msgstr "Non gorde nahi duzu fitxategia?" #. File Chooser Button #: embed/ephy-download.c:848 msgid "Save file" msgstr "Gorde fitxategia" #. Translators: 'ESC' and 'F11' are keyboard keys. #: embed/ephy-embed.c:534 #, c-format msgid "Press %s to exit fullscreen" msgstr "Sakatu %s pantaila osotik irteteko" #: embed/ephy-embed.c:534 msgid "ESC" msgstr "ESC" #: embed/ephy-embed.c:534 msgid "F11" msgstr "F11" #. Translators: this means WebDriver control. #: embed/ephy-embed.c:794 msgid "Web is being controlled by automation." msgstr "Weba automatizazioaren bidez kontrolatua da." #: embed/ephy-embed-utils.c:66 #, c-format msgid "Send an email message to “%s”" msgstr "Bidali posta '%s' helbidera" #: embed/ephy-embed-utils.h:31 msgid "Blank page" msgstr "Orri hutsa" #. Title for the blank page #: embed/ephy-embed-utils.h:32 msgid "Most Visited" msgstr "Bisitatuenak" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:58 msgid "Arabic (_IBM-864)" msgstr "Arabiarra (_IBM-864)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:59 msgid "Arabic (ISO-_8859-6)" msgstr "Arabiarra (ISO-_8859-6)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:60 msgid "Arabic (_MacArabic)" msgstr "Arabiarra (_MacArabic)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:61 msgid "Arabic (_Windows-1256)" msgstr "Arabiarra (_Windows-1256)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:62 msgid "Baltic (_ISO-8859-13)" msgstr "Baltikokoa (_ISO-8859-13)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:63 msgid "Baltic (I_SO-8859-4)" msgstr "Baltikokoa (I_SO-8859-4)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:64 msgid "Baltic (_Windows-1257)" msgstr "Baltikokoa (_Windows-1257)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:65 msgid "_Armenian (ARMSCII-8)" msgstr "_Armeniarra (ARMSCII-8)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:66 msgid "_Georgian (GEOSTD8)" msgstr "_Georgiarra(GEOSTD8)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:67 msgid "Central European (_IBM-852)" msgstr "Europako Erdialdekoa (_IBM-852)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:68 msgid "Central European (I_SO-8859-2)" msgstr "Europako Erdialdekoa (I_SO-8859-2)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:69 msgid "Central European (_MacCE)" msgstr "Europako Erdialdekoa (_MacCE)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:70 msgid "Central European (_Windows-1250)" msgstr "Europako Erdialdekoa (_Windows-1250)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:71 msgid "Chinese Simplified (_GB18030)" msgstr "Txinatar soildua (_GB18030)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:72 msgid "Chinese Simplified (G_B2312)" msgstr "Txinatar soildua (G_B2312)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:73 msgid "Chinese Simplified (GB_K)" msgstr "Txinatar soildua (GB_K)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:74 msgid "Chinese Simplified (_HZ)" msgstr "Txinatar soildua (_HZ)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:75 msgid "Chinese Simplified (_ISO-2022-CN)" msgstr "Txinatar soildua (_ISO-2022-CN)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:76 msgid "Chinese Traditional (Big_5)" msgstr "Txinatar tradizionala (Big_5)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:77 msgid "Chinese Traditional (Big5-HK_SCS)" msgstr "Txinatar tradizionala (Big5-HK_SCS)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:78 msgid "Chinese Traditional (_EUC-TW)" msgstr "Txinatar tradizionala (_EUC-TW)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:79 msgid "Cyrillic (_IBM-855)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (_IBM-855)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:80 msgid "Cyrillic (I_SO-8859-5)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (I_SO-8859-5)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:81 msgid "Cyrillic (IS_O-IR-111)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (IS_O-IR-111)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:82 msgid "Cyrillic (_KOI8-R)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (_KOI8-R)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:83 msgid "Cyrillic (_MacCyrillic)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (_MacCyrillic)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:84 msgid "Cyrillic (_Windows-1251)" msgstr "Zirilikoa (_Windows-1251)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:85 msgid "Cyrillic/_Russian (IBM-866)" msgstr "Zirilikoa/_Errusiarra (IBM-866)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:86 msgid "Greek (_ISO-8859-7)" msgstr "Grekoa (_ISO-8859-7)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:87 msgid "Greek (_MacGreek)" msgstr "Grekoa (_MacGreek)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:88 msgid "Greek (_Windows-1253)" msgstr "Grekoa (_Windows-1253)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:89 msgid "Gujarati (_MacGujarati)" msgstr "Gujeratiarra (_MacGujarati)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:90 msgid "Gurmukhi (Mac_Gurmukhi)" msgstr "Gurmukhi-koa (Mac_Gurmukhi)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:91 msgid "Hindi (Mac_Devanagari)" msgstr "Hindia (Mac_Devanagari)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:92 msgid "Hebrew (_IBM-862)" msgstr "Hebrearra (_IBM-862)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:93 msgid "Hebrew (IS_O-8859-8-I)" msgstr "Hebrearra (IS_O-8859-8-I)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:94 msgid "Hebrew (_MacHebrew)" msgstr "Hebrearra (_MacHebrew)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:95 msgid "Hebrew (_Windows-1255)" msgstr "Hebrearra (_Windows-1255)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:96 msgid "_Visual Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)" msgstr "_Hebrear bisuala (ISO-8859-8)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:97 msgid "Japanese (_EUC-JP)" msgstr "Japoniarra (_EUC-JP)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:98 msgid "Japanese (_ISO-2022-JP)" msgstr "Japoniarra (_ISO-2022-JP)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:99 msgid "Japanese (_Shift-JIS)" msgstr "Japoniarra (_Shift-JIS)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:100 msgid "Korean (_EUC-KR)" msgstr "Korearra (_EUC-KR)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:101 msgid "Korean (_ISO-2022-KR)" msgstr "Korearra (_ISO-2022-KR)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:102 msgid "Korean (_JOHAB)" msgstr "Korearra (_JOHAB)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:103 msgid "Korean (_UHC)" msgstr "Korearra (_UHC)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:104 msgid "_Celtic (ISO-8859-14)" msgstr "_Zeltikoa (ISO-8859-14)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:105 msgid "_Icelandic (MacIcelandic)" msgstr "_Islandiarra (MacIcelandic)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:106 msgid "_Nordic (ISO-8859-10)" msgstr "_Nordikoa (ISO-8859-10)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:107 msgid "_Persian (MacFarsi)" msgstr "_Farsia (MacFarsi)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:108 msgid "Croatian (Mac_Croatian)" msgstr "Kroaziarra (Mac_Croatian)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:109 msgid "_Romanian (MacRomanian)" msgstr "_Errumaniarra (MacRomanian)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:110 msgid "R_omanian (ISO-8859-16)" msgstr "E_rrumaniarra (ISO-8859-16)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:111 msgid "South _European (ISO-8859-3)" msgstr "Europako _Hegoaldekoa (ISO-8859-3)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:112 msgid "Thai (TIS-_620)" msgstr "Thailandiarra (TIS-_620)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:113 msgid "Thai (IS_O-8859-11)" msgstr "Thailandiarra (IS_O-8859-11)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:114 msgid "_Thai (Windows-874)" msgstr "_Thailandiarra (Windows-874)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:115 msgid "Turkish (_IBM-857)" msgstr "Turkiarra (_IBM-857)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:116 msgid "Turkish (I_SO-8859-9)" msgstr "Turkiarra (I_SO-8859-9)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:117 msgid "Turkish (_MacTurkish)" msgstr "Turkiarra (_MacTurkish)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:118 msgid "Turkish (_Windows-1254)" msgstr "Turkiarra (_Windows-1254)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:119 msgid "Unicode (UTF-_8)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-_8)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:120 msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (_KOI8-U)" msgstr "Zirilikoa/Ukrainarra (_KOI8-U)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:121 msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (Mac_Ukrainian)" msgstr "Zirilikoa/Ukrainarra (Mac_Ukrainian)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:122 msgid "Vietnamese (_TCVN)" msgstr "Vietnamdarra (_TCVN)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:123 msgid "Vietnamese (_VISCII)" msgstr "Vietnamdarra (_VISCII)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:124 msgid "Vietnamese (V_PS)" msgstr "Vietnamdarra (V_PS)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:125 msgid "Vietnamese (_Windows-1258)" msgstr "Vietnamdarra (_Windows-1258)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:126 msgid "Western (_IBM-850)" msgstr "Mendebaldekoa (_IBM-850)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:127 msgid "Western (_ISO-8859-1)" msgstr "Mendebaldekoa (_ISO-8859-1)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:128 msgid "Western (IS_O-8859-15)" msgstr "Mendebaldekoa (IS_O-8859-15)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:129 msgid "Western (_MacRoman)" msgstr "Mendebaldekoa (_MacRoman)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:130 msgid "Western (_Windows-1252)" msgstr "Mendebaldekoa (_Windows-1252)" #. The following encodings are so rarely used that we don't want to #. * pollute the "related" part of the encodings menu with them, so we #. * set the language group to 0 here. #. #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:136 msgid "English (_US-ASCII)" msgstr "Ingelesa (_US-ASCII)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:137 msgid "Unicode (UTF-_16 BE)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-_16 BE)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:138 msgid "Unicode (UTF-1_6 LE)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-1_6 LE)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:139 msgid "Unicode (UTF-_32 BE)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-_32 BE)" #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:140 msgid "Unicode (UTF-3_2 LE)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-3_2 LE)" #. Translators: this is the title that an unknown encoding will #. * be displayed as. #. #: embed/ephy-encodings.c:219 #, c-format msgid "Unknown (%s)" msgstr "Ezezaguna (%s)" #: embed/ephy-find-toolbar.c:112 msgid "Text not found" msgstr "Ez da testua aurkitu" #: embed/ephy-find-toolbar.c:118 msgid "Search wrapped back to the top" msgstr "Bilatu berriro goitik" #: embed/ephy-find-toolbar.c:398 msgid "Type to search…" msgstr "Idatzi bilaketa…" #: embed/ephy-find-toolbar.c:404 msgid "Find previous occurrence of the search string" msgstr "Hitzaren aurreko agerraldia bilatzen du" #: embed/ephy-find-toolbar.c:412 msgid "Find next occurrence of the search string" msgstr "Hitzaren hurrengo agerraldia bilatzen du" #: embed/ephy-reader-handler.c:300 embed/ephy-view-source-handler.c:261 #, c-format msgid "%s is not a valid URI" msgstr "'%s' ez da baliozko URIa" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:183 src/window-commands.c:1336 msgid "Open" msgstr "Ireki" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:358 msgid "Not No_w" msgstr "Orain _ez" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:359 msgid "_Never Save" msgstr "_Inoiz ez gorde" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:360 lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:175 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:162 src/window-commands.c:645 msgid "_Save" msgstr "_Gorde" #. Translators: The %s the hostname where this is happening. #. * Example: mail.google.com. #. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:367 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to save your password for “%s”?" msgstr "Nahi duzu '%s' gunerako zure pasahitza gordetzea?" #. Translators: Message appears when insecure password form is focused. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:609 msgid "" "Heads-up: this form is not secure. If you type your password, it will not be " "kept private." msgstr "Adi! inprimaki hau ez da segurua. Zure pasahitza tekleatzen baduzu, ez da pribatua izango." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:817 msgid "Web process crashed" msgstr "Web prozesua kraskatu da" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:820 msgid "Web process terminated due to exceeding memory limit" msgstr "Web prozesua amaitu egin da memoria-mugak gainditu direlako" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1020 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1141 #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:515 msgid "Deny" msgstr "Ukatu" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1021 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1142 #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:514 msgid "Allow" msgstr "Baimendu" #. Translators: Notification policy for a specific site. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1034 #, c-format msgid "The page at %s wants to show desktop notifications." msgstr "'%s' guneko orriak mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak bistaratu nahi ditu." #. Translators: Geolocation policy for a specific site. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1039 #, c-format msgid "The page at %s wants to know your location." msgstr "'%s' guneko orriak zure kokalekua jakin nahi du." #. Translators: Microphone policy for a specific site. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1044 #, c-format msgid "The page at %s wants to use your microphone." msgstr "'%s' guneko orriak zure mikrofonoa erabili nahi du." #. Translators: Webcam policy for a specific site. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1049 #, c-format msgid "The page at %s wants to use your webcam." msgstr "'%s' guneko orriak zure web-kamera erabili nahi du." #. Translators: Webcam and microphone policy for a specific site. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1054 #, c-format msgid "The page at %s wants to use your webcam and microphone." msgstr "'%s' guneko orriak zure web-kamera eta mikrofonoa erabili nahi ditu." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1149 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to allow “%s” to use cookies while browsing “%s”?" msgstr "“%s”(e)k cookie-ak erabili ditzan nahi duzu “%s” gunean nabigatzean?" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1158 #, c-format msgid "This will allow “%s” to track your activity." msgstr "Hori egiten bada, “%s” guneak zure jardueran jarraipena egingo du.." #. translators: %s here is the address of the web page #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1336 #, c-format msgid "Loading “%s”…" msgstr "'%s' kargatzen…" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1338 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1344 msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Kargatzen…" #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1677 msgid "" "This website presented identification that belongs to a different website." msgstr "Webgune honek aurkeztutako identifikazioa beste webgune batena da." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1682 msgid "" "This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your " "computer’s calendar." msgstr "Webgune honen identifikazioa zaharregia da fidagarria izateko. Egiaztatu data zure ordenagailuaren egutegian." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1687 msgid "This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization." msgstr "Webgune honen identifikazioa ez da erakunde fidagarri batek igorritakoa." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1692 msgid "" "This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted." msgstr "Ezin izan da webgune honen identifikazioa prozesatu. Hondatuta egon daiteke." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1697 msgid "" "This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization " "that issued it." msgstr "Webgune honen identifikazioa igorri zuen erakunde fidagarriak errebokatu du." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1702 msgid "" "This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak " "encryption." msgstr "Ezin da webgune honen identifikazioan fidatu, zifratze oso ahula darabilelako." #. Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1707 msgid "" "This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the date " "on your computer’s calendar." msgstr "Webgune honen identifikazioa etorkizuneko datentzako bakarrik da baliozkoa. Egiaztatu data zure ordenagailuaren egutegian." #. Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. #. Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1770 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1826 #, c-format msgid "Problem Loading Page" msgstr "Arazoa orria kargatzean" #. Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1773 msgid "Unable to display this website" msgstr "Ezin izan da webgune hau bistaratu." #. Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1777 #, c-format msgid "The site at %s seems to be unavailable." msgstr "Badirudi '%s' gunea ez dagoela erabilgarri." #. Further error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1781 msgid "" "It may be temporarily inaccessible or moved to a new address. You may wish " "to verify that your internet connection is working correctly." msgstr "Baliteke aldi baterako ezin erabili izana edo helbide berri batera aldatua izatea. Egiaztatu zure interneteko konexioak ongi funtzionatzen duela." #. Technical details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1791 #, c-format msgid "The precise error was: %s" msgstr "Errorearen xehetasuna: %s" #. The button on the network error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #. The button on the page crash error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #. The button on the process crash error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1796 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1849 #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1888 src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:129 msgid "Reload" msgstr "Birkargatu" #. Mnemonic for the Reload button on browser error pages. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1799 embed/ephy-web-view.c:1852 #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1891 msgctxt "reload-access-key" msgid "R" msgstr "R" #. Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1829 msgid "Oops! There may be a problem" msgstr "Eeeepaaa! Arazo bat egin daiteke" #. Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1833 #, c-format msgid "The page %s may have caused Web to close unexpectedly." msgstr "'%s' webguneak Web ustekabean ixtea eragin du." #. Further error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1840 #, c-format msgid "If this happens again, please report the problem to the %s developers." msgstr "Hau berriro gertatzen bada, eskertuko genizuke arazoaren berri %s(e)ko garatzaileei bidaliko bazenie." #. Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1877 #, c-format msgid "Problem Displaying Page" msgstr "Arazoa orria bistaratzean" #. Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1880 msgid "Oops!" msgstr "Eeeepaaa!" #. Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1883 msgid "" "Something went wrong while displaying this page. Please reload or visit a " "different page to continue." msgstr "Zerbait oker joan da orri hau bistaratzean. Kargatu berriro edo bisitatu beste orri bat jarraitzeko." #. Page title when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1917 #, c-format msgid "Security Violation" msgstr "Segurtasuneko bortxaketa" #. Message title when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1920 msgid "This Connection is Not Secure" msgstr "Konexio hau segurua ez dela dirudi." #. Error details when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1924 #, c-format msgid "" "This does not look like the real %s. Attackers might be trying to steal or " "alter information going to or from this site." msgstr "Honek ez dirudi benetako %s. Erasotzaileek webgune honetatik edo honetara doan informazioa lapurtzen edo aldatzen saia daitezke." #. The button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #. The button on unsafe browsing error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #. The button on no such file error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1934 embed/ephy-web-view.c:2023 #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2074 msgid "Go Back" msgstr "Joan atzera" #. Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. #. Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the unsafe browsing error page. #. Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the no such file error page. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1937 embed/ephy-web-view.c:2026 #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2077 msgctxt "back-access-key" msgid "B" msgstr "B" #. The hidden button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. Do not add mnemonics here. #. The hidden button on the unsafe browsing error page. Do not add mnemonics here. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1940 embed/ephy-web-view.c:2029 msgid "Accept Risk and Proceed" msgstr "Onartu arriskua eta jarraitu" #. Mnemonic for the Accept Risk and Proceed button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. #. Mnemonic for the Accept Risk and Proceed button on the unsafe browsing error page. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1944 embed/ephy-web-view.c:2033 msgctxt "proceed-anyway-access-key" msgid "P" msgstr "J" #. Page title when a site is flagged by Google Safe Browsing verification. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1974 #, c-format msgid "Security Warning" msgstr "Segurtasun-abisua" #. Message title on the unsafe browsing error page. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1977 msgid "Unsafe website detected!" msgstr "Segurua ez den webgunea antzeman da!" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1984 #, c-format msgid "" "Visiting %s may harm your computer. This page appears to contain malicious " "code that could be downloaded to your computer without your consent." msgstr "%s bisitatzeak zure ordenagailuan kalteak eragin ditzake. Badirudi orri honek kode kaltegarria duela eta zure baimenik gabe zure ordenagailura deskarga daitekeela." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1988 #, c-format msgid "" "You can learn more about harmful web content including viruses and other " "malicious code and how to protect your computer at %s." msgstr "Web eduki kaltegarriei buruz (birusak, kode maltzurra) gehiago ikasi dezakezu eta zure ordenagailua nola babestu ikasi dezakezu %s gunean." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:1995 #, c-format msgid "" "Attackers on %s may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing " "software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, " "phone numbers, or credit cards)." msgstr "%s guneko erasotzaileek ziria sartu diezazukete zerbait arriskutsua egin dezazun, adibidez softwarea instalatzea edo zure datu pertsonalak agerian jartzea ( adibidez pasahitzak, telefono-zenbakiak edo kreditu-txartelak)." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2000 #, c-format msgid "" "You can find out more about social engineering (phishing) at %s or from %s." msgstr "Ingeniaritza sozialari buruzko informazio gehiago duzu %s edo %s guneetan." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2009 #, c-format msgid "" "%s may contain harmful programs. Attackers might attempt to trick you into " "installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by " "changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit)." msgstr "%s guneak programa kaltegarrik eduki ditzake. Erasotzaileek zuri ziria sartzen saia daitezke, zure nabigazio-esperientzia kaltetu dezaketen programak instalatu ditzazun (adibidez, zure orri nagusia aldatuta edo iragarkiak erakutsita bisitatzen dituzun webguneetan)." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2014 #, c-format msgid "You can learn more about unwanted software at %s." msgstr "Desiragarria ez den softwareari buruzko informazio gehiago duzu hemen: %s." #. Page title on no such file error page #. Message title on the no such file error page. #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2058 embed/ephy-web-view.c:2061 #, c-format msgid "File not found" msgstr "Ez da fitxategia aurkitu" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2065 #, c-format msgid "%s could not be found." msgstr "%s ez da aurkitu." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2067 #, c-format msgid "" "Please check the file name for capitalization or other typing errors. Also " "check if it has been moved, renamed, or deleted." msgstr "Egiaztatu fitxategi-izenaren maiuskulak edo idaztean egindako beste akats batzuk. Begiratu, baita ere, fitxategia lekuz aldatu, izenez aldatu edo ezabatu den." #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2130 msgid "None specified" msgstr "Ez da bat ere zehaztu" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:2246 msgid "Technical information" msgstr "Informazio teknikoa" #: embed/ephy-web-view.c:3382 msgid "_OK" msgstr "_Ados" #: lib/contrib/gnome-languages.c:719 msgid "Unspecified" msgstr "Zehaztu gabea" #. If we don't have XDG user dirs info, return an educated guess. #: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:118 src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:210 msgid "Downloads" msgstr "Deskargak" #. If we don't have XDG user dirs info, return an educated guess. #: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:175 msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Mahaigaina" #: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:392 #, c-format msgid "Could not create a temporary directory in “%s”." msgstr "Ezin izan da aldi bateko %s direktorioa sortu." #: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:514 #, c-format msgid "The file “%s” exists. Please move it out of the way." msgstr "'%s' fitxategia badago. Kendu ezazu paretik." #: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:533 #, c-format msgid "Failed to create directory “%s”." msgstr "Huts egin du %s direktorioa sortzean." #: lib/ephy-gui.c:73 #, c-format msgid "Could not display help: %s" msgstr "Ezin izan da laguntza erakutsi: %s" #. TRANSLATORS: Please modify the main address of duckduckgo in order to match #. * the version used in your country. For example for the french version : #. * replace the ".com" with ".fr" : "https://duckduckgo.fr/?q=%s&t=epiphany" #. #: lib/ephy-search-engine-manager.h:33 #, c-format msgid "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany" msgstr "http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany&kl=eu-es&kad=eu_ES" #. Translators: First %s is the name of the user currently logged in on the #. * machine. The second %s is the machine's name. You can use the variables #. * in a different order by changing them to %2$s and %1$s. #: lib/ephy-sync-utils.c:342 #, c-format msgid "%s’s GNOME Web on %s" msgstr "%s(r)en GNOME Web %s(e)n" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for the current day, strftime format. like "Today 12∶34 am" #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:236 msgid "Today %I∶%M %p" msgstr "Gaur %I:%M %p" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for the current day, strftime format. like "Today 15∶34" #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:239 msgid "Today %H∶%M" msgstr "Gaur %H:%M" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for the previous day, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Yesterday 12∶34 am" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:254 msgid "Yesterday %I∶%M %p" msgstr "Atzo %I:%M %p" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for the previous day, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Yesterday 15∶34" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:259 msgid "Yesterday %H∶%M" msgstr "Atzo %H:%M" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for a day in the current week, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Wed 12∶34 am" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:277 msgid "%a %I∶%M %p" msgstr "%a, %I:%M %p" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for a day in the current week, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Wed 15∶34" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:282 msgid "%a %H∶%M" msgstr "%a %H:%M" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for a day in the current year, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Feb 12 12∶34 am" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:296 msgid "%b %d %I∶%M %p" msgstr "%b %d, %I:%M %p" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for a day in the current year, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Feb 12 15∶34" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:301 msgid "%b %d %H∶%M" msgstr "%b %d %H:%M" #. Translators: "friendly time" string for a day in a different year, #. * strftime format. e.g. "Feb 12 1997" #. #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:307 msgid "%b %d %Y" msgstr "%Y %b %d" #. impossible time or broken locale settings #: lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:317 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ezezaguna" #: lib/sync/ephy-password-import.c:132 #, c-format msgid "Cannot create SQLite connection. Close browser and try again." msgstr "Ezin da SQLite konexioa sortu. Itxi nabigatzailea eta saiatu berriro." #: lib/sync/ephy-password-import.c:141 lib/sync/ephy-password-import.c:151 #, c-format msgid "" "Browser password database could not be opened. Close browser and try again." msgstr "Nabigatzailearen pasahitzen datu-basea ezin da ireki. Itxi nabigatzailea eta saiatu berriro." #. Translators: The first %s is the username and the second one is the #. * security origin where this is happening. Example: gnome@gmail.com and #. * https://mail.google.com. #: lib/sync/ephy-password-manager.c:433 #, c-format msgid "Password for %s in a form in %s" msgstr "'%s'(r)en pasahitza '%s'(r)en inprimakian" #. Translators: The %s is the security origin where this is happening. #. * Example: https://mail.google.com. #: lib/sync/ephy-password-manager.c:437 #, c-format msgid "Password in a form in %s" msgstr "Pasahitza '%s'(r)en inprimakian" #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:862 msgid "Failed to obtain storage credentials." msgstr "Huts egin du biltegiaren kredentzialak eskuratzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:863 lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:980 #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1755 msgid "Please visit Preferences and sign in again to continue syncing." msgstr "Joan hobespenetara eta sinatu berriro sinkronizazio prozesua jarraitzeko." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:970 msgid "The password of your Firefox account seems to have been changed." msgstr "Zure Firefox kontuaren pasahitza aldatu egin dela dirudi." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:971 msgid "" "Please visit Preferences and sign in with the new password to continue " "syncing." msgstr "Joan Hobespenak atalera, eta hasi saioa pasahitz berriarekin sinkronizazioaren prozesuarekin jarraitzeko." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:979 msgid "Failed to obtain signed certificate." msgstr "Huts egin du sinatutako ziurtagiria eskuratzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1721 lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1726 msgid "Could not find the sync secrets for the current sync user." msgstr "Ezin izan da uneko sinkronizatze-erabiltzailearen sinkronizazioko tokenik aurkitu." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1733 lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1741 msgid "The sync secrets for the current sync user are invalid." msgstr "Uneko sinkronizatze-erabiltzailearen sinkronizazioko tokenak baliogabeak dira." #. Translators: %s is the email of the user. #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1849 #, c-format msgid "The sync secrets of %s" msgstr "'%s'(e)n sinkronizazioko tokenak" #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:1874 msgid "Failed to upload client record." msgstr "Huts egin du bezeroaren erregistroa kargatzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2073 msgid "Failed to upload crypto/keys record." msgstr "Huts egin du zifratzearen/gakoen erregistroa kargatzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2180 msgid "Failed to retrieve crypto keys." msgstr "Huts egin du zifratzearen gakoak eskuratzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2231 msgid "Failed to upload meta/global record." msgstr "Huts egin du 'meta/global' erregistroa kargatzeak." #. Translators: the %d is the storage version, the \n is a newline character. #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2348 #, c-format msgid "" "Your Firefox Account uses storage version %d. Web only supports version %d." msgstr "Zure Firefox kontuak %d biltegiratze-bertsioa darabil. Web aplikazioak %d bertsioa soilik onartzen du." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2359 msgid "Failed to verify storage version." msgstr "Huts egin du biltegiaren bertsioa egiaztatzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2415 msgid "Failed to upload device info" msgstr "Huts egin du gailuaren informazioa kargatzeak." #: lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2488 lib/sync/ephy-sync-service.c:2566 msgid "Failed to retrieve the Sync Key" msgstr "Huts egin du sink. gakoa eskuratzea." #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:102 msgid "The certificate does not match this website" msgstr "Ziurtagiria ez dator webgune honekin bat" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:105 msgid "The certificate has expired" msgstr "Ziurtagiria iraungi da" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:108 msgid "The signing certificate authority is not known" msgstr "Sinaduraren ziurtagiri-emailearen ez da ezaguna" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:111 msgid "The certificate contains errors" msgstr "Ziurtagiriak erroreak ditu" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:114 msgid "The certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Ziurtagiria errebokatu da" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:117 msgid "The certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm" msgstr "Sinatzeko algoritmo ahul batekin sinatu da ziurtagiria" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:120 msgid "The certificate activation time is still in the future" msgstr "Ziurtagiria aktibatzeko denbora oraindik etorkizuneko da" #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:162 msgid "The identity of this website has been verified." msgstr "Webgune honen identitatea egiaztatu da." #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:163 msgid "The identity of this website has not been verified." msgstr "Webgune honen identitatea ez da egiaztatu." #. Message on certificte dialog ertificate dialog #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:175 msgid "No problems have been detected with your connection." msgstr "Ez da arazorik atzeman konexioarekin." #: lib/widgets/ephy-certificate-dialog.c:178 msgid "" "This certificate is valid. However, resources on this page were sent " "insecurely." msgstr "Ziurtagiri hau baliozkoa da. Hala ere, orri honen baliabideak modu ez-seguruan bidali dira." #: lib/widgets/ephy-downloads-popover.c:235 #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:345 #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:27 msgid "_Clear All" msgstr "Garbitu _denak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:78 #, c-format msgid "%d second left" msgid_plural "%d seconds left" msgstr[0] "segundo %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d segundo falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:82 #, c-format msgid "%d minute left" msgid_plural "%d minutes left" msgstr[0] "minutu %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d minutu falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:86 #, c-format msgid "%d hour left" msgid_plural "%d hours left" msgstr[0] "ordu %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d ordu falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d day left" msgid_plural "%d days left" msgstr[0] "segundo %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d segundo falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:94 #, c-format msgid "%d week left" msgid_plural "%d weeks left" msgstr[0] "aste %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d aste falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:98 #, c-format msgid "%d month left" msgid_plural "%d months left" msgstr[0] "hilabete %d falta da" msgstr[1] "%d hilabete falta dira" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:213 #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:431 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Amaitua" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:223 msgid "Moved or deleted" msgstr "Lekuz aldatua edo ezabatua" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:238 #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:428 #, c-format msgid "Error downloading: %s" msgstr "Errorea deskargatzean: %s" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:264 msgid "Cancelling…" msgstr "Bertan behera uzten…" #: lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:433 msgid "Starting…" msgstr "Hasieratzen…" #: lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:173 src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:384 msgid "_Open" msgstr "_Ireki" #: lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:188 msgid "All supported types" msgstr "Onartutako mota guztiak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:204 msgid "Web pages" msgstr "Web orriak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:215 msgid "Images" msgstr "Irudiak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-file-chooser.c:224 msgid "All files" msgstr "Fitxategi denak" #. Translators: the mnemonic shouldn't conflict with any of the #. * standard items in the GtkEntry context menu (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, #. * Select All, Input Methods and Insert Unicode control character.) #. #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:669 src/ephy-history-dialog.c:563 msgid "Cl_ear" msgstr "_Garbitu" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:689 msgid "Paste and _Go" msgstr "Itsatsi eta _joan" #. Undo, redo. #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:710 src/ephy-window.c:956 msgid "_Undo" msgstr "_Desegin" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:717 msgid "_Redo" msgstr "_Berregin" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:1003 msgid "Show website security status and permissions" msgstr "Erakutsi webgunearen segurtasun-egoera eta baimenak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:1005 msgid "Search for websites, bookmarks, and open tabs" msgstr "Bilatu webguneetan, laster-marketan eta irekitako fitxetan" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:1045 msgid "Bookmark this page" msgstr "Ezarri laster-marka orrialde honi" #: lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c:1064 msgid "Toggle reader mode" msgstr "Txandakatu irakurle modua" #. Label in certificate popover when site is untrusted. %s is a URL. #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:186 #, c-format msgid "" "This web site’s digital identification is not trusted. You may have " "connected to an attacker pretending to be %s." msgstr "Webgunearen identifikazio digitala ez da fidagarria. Erasotzaile bat konektatuta eduki dezakezu %s dela itxura eginez." #. Label in certificate popover when site uses HTTP. %s is a URL. #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:193 #, c-format msgid "" "This site has no security. An attacker could see any information you send, " "or control the content that you see." msgstr "Gune honek ez du segurtasunik. Erasotzaile batek zuk bidalitako edozein informazio ikusi dezake, edo erabiltzen ari zaren edukia kontrolatu dezake." #. Label in certificate popover when site sends mixed content. #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:200 msgid "This web site did not properly secure your connection." msgstr "Webgune honek zurekin ezarri duen konexioa ez da erabat segurua." #. Label in certificate popover on secure sites. #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:205 msgid "Your connection seems to be secure." msgstr "Zure konexioa segurua dela dirudi." #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:251 msgid "_View Certificate…" msgstr "_Ikusi ziurtagiria…" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:518 msgid "Ask" msgstr "Galdetu" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:535 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Baimenak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:573 msgid "Advertisements" msgstr "Iragarkiak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:574 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Jakinarazpenak" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:575 msgid "Password saving" msgstr "Pasahitza gordetzea" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:576 msgid "Location access" msgstr "Kokalekua atzitzea" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:577 msgid "Microphone access" msgstr "Mikrofonoa atzitzea" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:578 msgid "Webcam access" msgstr "Web-kamera atzitzea" #: lib/widgets/ephy-security-popover.c:579 msgid "Media autoplay" msgstr "Multimediaren erreprodukzio automatikoa" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-row.c:62 msgid "Bookmark Properties" msgstr "Laster-marken propietateak" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:127 #, c-format msgid "File is not a valid Epiphany bookmarks file: missing tags table" msgstr "Fitxategia ez da baliozko Epiphany-ko laster-marken fitxategia: etiketen taula falta da" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:145 #, c-format msgid "File is not a valid Epiphany bookmarks file: missing bookmarks table" msgstr "Fitxategia ez da baliozko Epiphany-ko laster-marken fitxategia: laster-marken taula falta da" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:247 #, c-format msgid "" "Firefox bookmarks database could not be opened. Close Firefox and try again." msgstr "Firefoxen laster-marken datu-basea ezin izan da ireki. Itxi Firefox eta saiatu berriro." #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:260 #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:292 #, c-format msgid "Firefox bookmarks could not be retrieved!" msgstr "Ezin izan dira Firefox-eko laster-markarik lortu." #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:458 #, c-format msgid "HTML bookmarks database could not be opened: %s" msgstr "HTML laster-marken datu-basea ezin da ireki: %s" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:469 msgid "HTML bookmarks database could not be read." msgstr "HTML laster-marken datu-basea ezin da irakurri." #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:490 #, c-format msgid "HTML bookmarks database could not be parsed: %s" msgstr "HTML laster-marken datu-basea ezin da analizatu: %s" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:643 #, c-format msgid "Bookmarks file could not be parsed:" msgstr "Laster-marken fitxategia ezin izan da analizatu:" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-manager.h:34 msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Gogokoak" #: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-manager.h:35 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mugikorra" #. Translators: tooltip for the refresh button #: src/ephy-action-bar-start.c:37 src/ephy-header-bar.c:51 msgid "Reload the current page" msgstr "Kargatu berriro uneko orria" #: src/ephy-action-bar-start.c:649 src/ephy-header-bar.c:450 msgid "Stop loading the current page" msgstr "Gelditu uneko orria kargatzea" #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:139 src/ephy-history-dialog.c:963 msgid "It is not possible to modify history when in incognito mode." msgstr "Ezin da historia eraldatu anonimoaren moduan egotean." #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:456 msgid "Remove the selected pages from history" msgstr "Kendu hautatutako orriak historiatik" #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:463 msgid "Copy URL" msgstr "Kopiatu URLa" #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:553 msgid "Clear browsing history?" msgstr "Arakatzearen historia garbitu?" #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:557 msgid "" "Clearing the browsing history will cause all history links to be permanently " "deleted." msgstr "Arakatzearen historia garbitzen bada, historiako esteka guztiak betiko ezabatuko dira." #: src/ephy-history-dialog.c:966 msgid "Remove all history" msgstr "Kendu historia osoa" #: src/ephy-main.c:111 msgid "Open a new browser window instead of a new tab" msgstr "Ireki nabigatzaile-leiho berria, fitxa berria ireki ordez" #: src/ephy-main.c:113 msgid "Load the given session state file" msgstr "Kargatu emandako saioaren egoeraren fitxategia" #: src/ephy-main.c:113 msgid "FILE" msgstr "FITXATEGIA" #: src/ephy-main.c:115 msgid "Start an instance with user data read-only" msgstr "Abiarazi instantzia bat irakurtzeko soilik den erabiltzaile-datuekin" #: src/ephy-main.c:117 msgid "Start a private instance with separate user data" msgstr "Abiarazi instantzia pribatu bat erabiltzaile-datuak bereizita dituena" #: src/ephy-main.c:120 msgid "Start a private instance in web application mode" msgstr "Abiarazi instantzia pribatu bat web aplikazioen moduan" #: src/ephy-main.c:122 msgid "Start a private instance for WebDriver control" msgstr "Abiarazi instantzia pribatu bat WebDriver kontrolerako" #: src/ephy-main.c:124 msgid "Custom profile directory for private instance" msgstr "Profil-direktorio pertsonalizatua instantzia pribaturako" #: src/ephy-main.c:124 msgid "DIR" msgstr "DIR" #: src/ephy-main.c:126 msgid "URL …" msgstr "URLa …" #: src/ephy-main.c:255 msgid "Web options" msgstr "Webaren aukerak" #. Translators: tooltip for the new tab button #: src/ephy-notebook.c:611 src/resources/gtk/action-bar-start.ui:95 msgid "Open a new tab" msgstr "Fitxa berria irekitzen du" #. Translators: tooltip for the tab switcher menu button #: src/ephy-notebook.c:621 msgid "View open tabs" msgstr "Ikusi irekitako fitxak" #: src/ephy-tab-header-bar.c:68 msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Fitxak" #: src/ephy-tab-label.c:340 msgid "New Tab" msgstr "Fitxa berria" #: src/ephy-window.c:273 msgid "Do you want to leave this website?" msgstr "Webgune hau uztea nahi duzu?" #: src/ephy-window.c:274 src/window-commands.c:1185 msgid "A form you modified has not been submitted." msgstr "Zuk eraldatutako inprimakia ez da bidali." #: src/ephy-window.c:275 src/window-commands.c:1187 msgid "_Discard form" msgstr "_Baztertu inprimakia" #: src/ephy-window.c:290 msgid "There are multiple tabs open." msgstr "Fitxa anitz daude irekita." #: src/ephy-window.c:291 msgid "If you close this window, all open tabs will be lost" msgstr "Leiho hau ixten baduzu, irekitako fitxa guztiak galduko dira" #: src/ephy-window.c:292 msgid "C_lose tabs" msgstr "I_txi fitxak" #: src/ephy-window.c:957 msgid "Re_do" msgstr "Be_rregin" #. Edit. #: src/ephy-window.c:960 msgid "Cu_t" msgstr "_Moztu" #: src/ephy-window.c:961 msgid "_Copy" msgstr "_Kopiatu" #: src/ephy-window.c:962 msgid "_Paste" msgstr "_Itsatsi" #: src/ephy-window.c:963 msgid "_Paste Text Only" msgstr "Itsatsi te_stua soilik" #: src/ephy-window.c:964 msgid "Select _All" msgstr "Hautatu _dena" #: src/ephy-window.c:966 msgid "S_end Link by Email…" msgstr "Bi_dali esteka postaz…" #: src/ephy-window.c:968 msgid "_Reload" msgstr "Bir_kargatu" #: src/ephy-window.c:969 msgid "_Back" msgstr "At_zera" #: src/ephy-window.c:970 msgid "_Forward" msgstr "A_urrera" #. Bookmarks #: src/ephy-window.c:973 msgid "Add Boo_kmark…" msgstr "_Gehitu laster-marka…" #. Links. #: src/ephy-window.c:977 msgid "Open Link in New _Window" msgstr "Ireki esteka leiho _berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:978 msgid "Open Link in New _Tab" msgstr "Ireki esteka _fitxa berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:979 msgid "Open Link in I_ncognito Window" msgstr "Ireki esteka _isilpeko leihoan" #: src/ephy-window.c:980 msgid "_Save Link As…" msgstr "Gorde _esteka honela…" #: src/ephy-window.c:981 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Kopiatu estekaren helbidea" #: src/ephy-window.c:982 msgid "_Copy E-mail Address" msgstr "_Kopiatu helbide elektronikoa" #. Images. #: src/ephy-window.c:986 msgid "View _Image in New Tab" msgstr "Ikusi _irudia fitxa berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:987 msgid "Copy I_mage Address" msgstr "Kopiatu ir_udiaren helbidea" #: src/ephy-window.c:988 msgid "_Save Image As…" msgstr "Gorde _irudia honela…" #: src/ephy-window.c:989 msgid "Set as _Wallpaper" msgstr "Ezarri _horma-paper gisa" #. Video. #: src/ephy-window.c:993 msgid "Open Video in New _Window" msgstr "Ireki bideoa _leiho berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:994 msgid "Open Video in New _Tab" msgstr "Ireki bideoa _fitxa berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:995 msgid "_Save Video As…" msgstr "Gorde _bideoa honela…" #: src/ephy-window.c:996 msgid "_Copy Video Address" msgstr "_Kopiatu bideoaren helbidea" #. Audio. #: src/ephy-window.c:1000 msgid "Open Audio in New _Window" msgstr "Ireki audioa _leiho berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:1001 msgid "Open Audio in New _Tab" msgstr "Ireki audioa _fitxa berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:1002 msgid "_Save Audio As…" msgstr "Gorde _audioa honela…" #: src/ephy-window.c:1003 msgid "_Copy Audio Address" msgstr "_Kopiatu audioaren helbidea" #: src/ephy-window.c:1009 msgid "Save Pa_ge As…" msgstr "Gorde _orria honela…" #: src/ephy-window.c:1010 msgid "_Page Source" msgstr "_Orriaren iturburua" #: src/ephy-window.c:1370 #, c-format msgid "Search the Web for “%s”" msgstr "Bilatu '%s' webean" #: src/ephy-window.c:1399 msgid "Open Link" msgstr "Ireki esteka" #: src/ephy-window.c:1401 msgid "Open Link In New Tab" msgstr "Ireki esteka fitxa berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:1403 msgid "Open Link In New Window" msgstr "Ireki esteka leiho berrian" #: src/ephy-window.c:1405 msgid "Open Link In Incognito Window" msgstr "Ireki esteka isilpeko leihoan" #: src/ephy-window.c:3029 msgid "Download operation" msgstr "Deskarga-eragiketa" #: src/ephy-window.c:3031 msgid "Show details" msgstr "Erakutsi xehetasunak" #: src/ephy-window.c:3033 #, c-format msgid "%d download operation active" msgid_plural "%d download operations active" msgstr[0] "Desgarga-eragiketa %d aktibo" msgstr[1] "%d deskarga-eragiketa aktibo" #: src/ephy-window.c:3655 msgid "Set Web as your default browser?" msgstr "Ezarri Web zure nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa?" #: src/ephy-window.c:3657 msgid "Set Epiphany Technology Preview as your default browser?" msgstr "Ezarri Epiphany Technology Preview zure nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa?" #: src/ephy-window.c:3669 msgid "_Yes" msgstr "_Bai" #: src/ephy-window.c:3670 msgid "_No" msgstr "_Ez" #: src/popup-commands.c:235 msgid "Save Link As" msgstr "Gorde esteka honela" #: src/popup-commands.c:243 msgid "Save Image As" msgstr "Gorde irudia honela" #: src/popup-commands.c:251 msgid "Save Media As" msgstr "Gorde _multimedia honela" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:69 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookie-ak" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:70 msgid "HTTP disk cache" msgstr "HTTP diskoko cachea" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:71 msgid "Local storage data" msgstr "Biltegiratze lokaleko datuak" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:72 msgid "Offline web application cache" msgstr "Lineaz kanpoko web aplikazioen cachea" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:73 msgid "IndexedDB databases" msgstr "IndexedDB datu-baseak" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:74 msgid "WebSQL databases" msgstr "WebSQL datu-baseak" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:75 msgid "Plugins data" msgstr "Pluginen datuak" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:76 msgid "HSTS policies cache" msgstr "HSTS politiken cachea" #: src/preferences/clear-data-view.c:77 msgid "Intelligent Tracking Prevention data" msgstr "Jarraipenaren prebentzio adimentsuaren datuak" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:192 msgid "Delete All Passwords?" msgstr "Ezabatu pasahitz guztiak?" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:195 msgid "This will clear all locally stored passwords, and can not be undone." msgstr "Horrek lokalean biltegiratutako pasahitz guztiak garbituko ditu, eta hori ezin da desegin." #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:200 src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:370 msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Ez_abatu" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:258 msgid "Copy password" msgstr "Kopiatu pasahitza" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:264 msgid "Username" msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:287 msgid "Copy username" msgstr "Kopiatu erabiltzaile-izena" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:293 msgid "Password" msgstr "Pasahitza" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:318 msgid "Reveal password" msgstr "Erakutsi pasahitza" #: src/preferences/passwords-view.c:328 msgid "Remove Password" msgstr "Kendu pasahitza" #: src/preferences/prefs-appearance-page.c:66 msgid "Sans" msgstr "Sans" #: src/preferences/prefs-appearance-page.c:68 msgid "Serif" msgstr "Serif" #: src/preferences/prefs-appearance-page.c:112 msgid "Light" msgstr "Argia" #: src/preferences/prefs-appearance-page.c:114 msgid "Dark" msgstr "Iluna" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:348 msgid "Add Language" msgstr "Gehitu hizkuntza" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:499 msgid "Delete language" msgstr "Ezabatu hizkuntza" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:581 #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:740 #, c-format msgid "System language (%s)" msgid_plural "System languages (%s)" msgstr[0] "Sistemaren hizkuntza (%s)" msgstr[1] "Sistemaren hizkuntzak (%s)" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:768 msgid "Select a directory" msgstr "Hautatu direktorioa" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:919 msgid "Web Application Icon" msgstr "Web aplikazioaren ikonoa" #: src/preferences/prefs-general-page.c:924 msgid "Supported Image Files" msgstr "Onartutako irudi-fitxategiak" #. Translators: the %s refers to the time at which the last sync was made. #. * For example: Today 04:34 PM, Sun 11:25 AM, May 31 06:41 PM. #. #: src/preferences/prefs-sync-page.c:107 #, c-format msgid "Last synchronized: %s" msgstr "Azken sinkronizazioa: %s" #: src/preferences/prefs-sync-page.c:395 msgid "Something went wrong, please try again later." msgstr "Zerbait oker joan da, saiatu berriro geroago." #: src/preferences/synced-tabs-dialog.c:184 msgid "Local Tabs" msgstr "Fitxa lokalak" #: src/profile-migrator/ephy-profile-migrator.c:1540 msgid "Executes only the n-th migration step" msgstr "Migrazioaren n. urratsa soilik exekutatzen du" #: src/profile-migrator/ephy-profile-migrator.c:1542 msgid "Specifies the required version for the migrator" msgstr "Migratzailearen beharrezko bertsioa zehazten du" #: src/profile-migrator/ephy-profile-migrator.c:1544 msgid "Specifies the profile where the migrator should run" msgstr "Migratzailea zein profiletan exekutatu behar duen zehazten du" #: src/profile-migrator/ephy-profile-migrator.c:1565 msgid "Web profile migrator" msgstr "Web-aren profilaren migratzailea" #: src/profile-migrator/ephy-profile-migrator.c:1566 msgid "Web profile migrator options" msgstr "Web-aren profilaren migratzailearen aukerak" #. Translators: tooltip for the bookmarks popover button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar-end.ui:10 msgid "View and manage your bookmarks" msgstr "Ikusi eta kudeatu zure laster-markak" #. Translators: tooltip for the downloads button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar-end.ui:34 msgid "View downloads" msgstr "Ikusi deskargak" #. Translators: tooltip for the back button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar-start.ui:19 msgid "Go back to the previous page" msgstr "Joan aurreko orrira" #. Translators: tooltip for the forward button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar-start.ui:38 msgid "Go forward to the next page" msgstr "Joan hurrengo orrira" #. Translators: tooltip for the secret homepage button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar-start.ui:76 msgid "Go to your homepage" msgstr "Joan orri nagusira" #. Translators: tooltip for the page switcher button #: src/resources/gtk/action-bar.ui:21 msgid "View open pages" msgstr "Ikusi irekitako orriak" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:16 msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "Laster-marka" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:31 #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:142 msgid "Name" msgstr "Izena" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:59 #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:155 msgid "Address" msgstr "Helbidea" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:86 #: src/resources/gtk/bookmarks-popover.ui:75 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Etiketak" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:106 msgid "Add Tag…" msgstr "Gehitu etiketa…" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:116 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-lang-dialog.ui:27 msgid "_Add" msgstr "_Gehitu" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmark-properties-grid.ui:175 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Kendu" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmarks-popover.ui:54 msgid "All" msgstr "Denak" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmarks-popover.ui:166 msgid "No bookmarks yet?" msgstr "Oraindik laster-markarik ez?" #: src/resources/gtk/bookmarks-popover.ui:179 msgid "Bookmark some webpages to view them here." msgstr "Egin webgune batzuen laster-markak hemen ikusteko." #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:22 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:65 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Datu pertsonalak" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:23 msgid "_Clear Data" msgstr "_Grabitu datuak" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:24 msgid "Remove selected personal data" msgstr "Kendu hautatutako datu pertsonalak" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:25 msgid "Search personal data" msgstr "Bilatu datu pertsonalak" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:26 msgid "There is no Personal Data" msgstr "Ez dago datu pertsonalik" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:27 msgid "Personal data will be listed here" msgstr "Datu pertsonalak hemen zerrendatuko dira" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:64 msgid "Clear selected personal data:" msgstr "Garbitu hautatutako datu pertsonalak:" #: src/resources/gtk/clear-data-view.ui:125 msgid "" "You cannot undo this action. The data you are choosing to clear will be " "removed forever." msgstr "Ezin duzu ekintza hau desegin. Garbitu nahi dituzun datuak betiko kenduko dira." #: src/resources/gtk/data-view.ui:50 src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:74 #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:120 msgid "Search" msgstr "Bilatu" #: src/resources/gtk/data-view.ui:215 src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:299 msgid "No Results Found" msgstr "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu" #: src/resources/gtk/data-view.ui:230 src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:314 msgid "Try a different search" msgstr "Saiatu bestelako bilaketa" #: src/resources/gtk/encoding-dialog.ui:8 msgid "Text Encoding" msgstr "Testu kodeketa" #: src/resources/gtk/encoding-dialog.ui:46 msgid "Use the encoding specified by the document" msgstr "Erabili dokumentuak zehaztutako kodeketa" #: src/resources/gtk/encoding-dialog.ui:99 msgid "Recent encodings" msgstr "Azken aldiko kodeketak" #: src/resources/gtk/encoding-dialog.ui:151 msgid "Related encodings" msgstr "Erlazionatutako kodeketak" #: src/resources/gtk/encoding-dialog.ui:193 msgid "Show all…" msgstr "Erakutsi denak…" #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:42 msgid "Select Items" msgstr "Hautatu elementuak" #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:87 msgid "History" msgstr "Historia" #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:150 msgid "Search history" msgstr "Garbitu historia" #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:242 msgid "The History is Empty" msgstr "Historia hutsik dago" #: src/resources/gtk/history-dialog.ui:258 msgid "Visited pages will be listed here" msgstr "Bisitatutako orriak hemen zerrendatuko dira" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:7 msgid "R_eload" msgstr "_Birkargatu" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:11 msgid "Reload _All Tabs" msgstr "Birkargatu _fitxa guztiak" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:15 msgid "_Duplicate" msgstr "_Bikoiztu" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:21 msgid "P_in Tab" msgstr "_Finkatu fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:25 msgid "Unpi_n Tab" msgstr "As_katu fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:31 msgid "Reo_pen Closed Tab" msgstr "Ireki berriro it_xitako fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:37 msgid "Close Tabs to the _Left" msgstr "Itxi e_zkerreko fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:41 msgid "Close Tabs to the _Right" msgstr "Itxi e_skuineko fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:45 msgid "Close _Other Tabs" msgstr "Itxi _beste fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/notebook-context-menu.ui:49 msgid "_Close" msgstr "It_xi" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:24 msgctxt "tooltip" msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Txikiagotu" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:43 msgid "Restore Zoom" msgstr "Leheneratu zooma" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:56 msgctxt "tooltip" msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Handiagotu" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:84 msgid "Print…" msgstr "Inprimatu…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:99 msgid "Find…" msgstr "Bilatu…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:114 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Pantaila osoa" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:172 msgid "_Run in Background" msgstr "_Exekutatu atzeko planoan" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:191 msgid "_New Window" msgstr "_Leiho berria" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:199 msgid "New _Incognito Window" msgstr "Leiho berria isilka moduan" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:216 msgid "Reopen Closed _Tab" msgstr "Ireki berriro itxitako _fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:224 msgid "_History" msgstr "_Historia" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:240 msgid "I_mport and Export" msgstr "I_nportatu eta esportatu" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:257 msgid "Install Site as Web _Application…" msgstr "Instalatu gunea web _aplikazio gisa…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:265 msgid "Open Appli_cation Manager" msgstr "Ireki a_plikazioen kudeatzailea" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:282 msgid "_Override Text Encoding…" msgstr "_Gainidatzi testu-kodeketa…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:298 msgid "Pr_eferences" msgstr "_Hobespenak" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:307 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "Las_ter-teklak" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:316 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Laguntza" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:325 msgid "_About Web" msgstr "_Web aplikazioari buruz" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:350 msgid "Import and Export" msgstr "Inportatu eta esportatu" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:361 msgid "I_mport Bookmarks…" msgstr "I_nportatu laster-markak…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:369 msgid "E_xport Bookmarks…" msgstr "E_sportatu laster-markak…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-menu-popover.ui:385 msgid "I_mport Passwords…" msgstr "I_nportatu pasahitzak…" #: src/resources/gtk/page-row.ui:85 msgid "Close page" msgstr "Itxi orria" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:25 #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:87 msgid "Passwords" msgstr "Pasahitzak" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:28 msgid "Remove all passwords" msgstr "Kendu pasahitz guztiak" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:29 msgid "Search passwords" msgstr "Bilatu pasahitzak" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:30 msgid "There are no Passwords" msgstr "Ez dago pasahitzik" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:31 msgid "Saved passwords will be listed here" msgstr "Gordetako pasahitzak hemen zerrendatuko dira" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:75 msgid "_Copy Password" msgstr "Kopiatu _pasahitza" #: src/resources/gtk/passwords-view.ui:79 msgid "C_opy Username" msgstr "Kopiatu _erabiltzaile-izena" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:6 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Itxura" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:10 msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Letra-tipoak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:15 msgid "Use Custom Fonts" msgstr "Erabili letra-tipo pertsonalizatuak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:20 msgid "Sans serif font" msgstr "Sans serif letra-tipoa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:35 msgid "Serif font" msgstr "Serif letra-tipoa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:50 msgid "Monospace font" msgstr "Tarte bakarreko letra-tipoa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:68 msgid "Reader Mode" msgstr "Irakurle modua" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:72 msgid "Font Style" msgstr "Letra-tipoaren estiloa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:78 msgid "Color Scheme" msgstr "Kolore-eskema" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:91 msgid "Style" msgstr "Estiloa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:96 msgid "Use Custom Stylesheet" msgstr "Erabili estilo-orri pertsonalizatua" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:131 msgid "Use Custom JavaScript" msgstr "Erabili JavaScript pertsonalizatua" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-appearance-page.ui:166 msgid "Default zoom level" msgstr "Zommaren maila lehenetsia" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:6 msgid "General" msgstr "Orokorra" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:10 msgid "Web Application" msgstr "Web aplikazioa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:46 msgid "Homepage:" msgstr "Orri nagusia:" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:68 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titulua:" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:93 msgid "_Manage Additional URLs" msgstr "_Kudeatu URL gehigarriak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:118 msgid "Web Content" msgstr "Web edukia" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:123 msgid "Block _Advertisements" msgstr "Blokeatu _iragarkiak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:137 msgid "Block _Popup Windows" msgstr "Blokeatu _laster-leihoak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:152 msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Webgune nagusia" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:157 msgid "Most _visited pages" msgstr "Orri _bisitatuenak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:171 msgid "_Blank page" msgstr "Orri _hutsa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:186 msgid "_Custom" msgstr "_Pertsonalizatu" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:215 msgid "Ask o_n download" msgstr "Galdetu d_eskargatzean" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:230 msgid "_Download folder" msgstr "_Deskargen karpeta" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:239 msgid "Search Engines" msgstr "Bilaketako motorrak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:244 msgid "Manage Search _Engines" msgstr "Kudeatu _bilaketa-motorrak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:269 msgid "Session" msgstr "Saioa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:274 msgid "Start in _Incognito Mode" msgstr "Abiarazi _isilpeko moduan" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:288 msgid "_Restore Tabs on Startup" msgstr "Berrezarri _fitxak abioan" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:303 msgid "Browsing" msgstr "Nabigatzea" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:308 msgid "Sm_ooth Scrolling" msgstr "Korritze _leuna" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:322 msgid "Mouse _Gestures" msgstr "Sagu-_keinuak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:336 msgid "S_witch Immediately to New Tabs" msgstr "Joan berehala _fitxa berrira" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-general-page.ui:371 msgid "_Spell Checking" msgstr "O_rtografia-egiaztapena" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-lang-dialog.ui:13 msgid "Add _Language" msgstr "Gehitu _hizkuntza" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-lang-dialog.ui:67 msgid "Choose a language:" msgstr "Aukeratu hizkuntza bat:" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:6 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Pribatutasuna" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:10 msgid "Web Safety" msgstr "Web segurtasuna" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:15 msgid "Block Dangerous Web_sites" msgstr "Blokeatu web_gune arriskutsuak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:30 msgid "Web Tracking" msgstr "Web jarraipena" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:35 msgid "Intelligent _Tracking Prevention" msgstr "_Jarraipenaren prebentzio adimentsua" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:49 msgid "Allow websites to store cookies, databases, and local storage data." msgstr "Onartu webguneek cookie-ak, datu-baseak eta datuen biltegiratze lokalak gorde ditzaten." #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:50 msgid "_Website Data Storage" msgstr "_Webguneen datu-biltegiratzea" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:70 msgid "You can clear stored personal data." msgstr "Gordetako datu pertsonalak garbi ditzakezu." #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:71 msgid "Clear Personal _Data" msgstr "G_arbitu datu pertsonalak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:92 msgid "_Passwords" msgstr "_Pasahitzak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-privacy-page.ui:107 msgid "_Remember Passwords" msgstr "_Gogoratu pasahitzak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:6 msgid "Sync" msgstr "Sinkronizatu" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:10 msgid "" "Sign in with your Firefox account to sync your data with Web and Firefox on " "other computers. Web is not Firefox and is not produced or endorsed by " "Mozilla." msgstr "Hasi saioa zure Firefox kontuan Weben eta Firefoxen dituzun datuak beste ordenagailu batzuekin sinkronizatzeko. Web ez da Firefox eta ez du Mozillak ekoizten edo sustatzen." #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:11 msgid "Firefox Sync" msgstr "Firefoxen sinkronizazioa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:30 msgid "Firefox Account" msgstr "Firefox-eko kontua" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:34 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Saioan sartuta" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:39 msgid "Sign _out" msgstr "_Amaitu saioa" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:52 msgid "Sync Options" msgstr "Sinkronizazioaren aukerak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:57 msgid "Sync _Bookmarks" msgstr "Sinkronizatu _laster-markak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:72 msgid "Sync _Passwords" msgstr "Sinkronizatu _pasahitzak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:87 msgid "Sync _History" msgstr "Sinkronizatu _historia" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:102 msgid "Sync Open _Tabs" msgstr "Sinkronizatu _fitxa irekiak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:114 msgid "S_ynced tabs" msgstr "_Sinkronizatutako fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:125 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Maiztasuna" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:129 msgid "Sync _now" msgstr "Sinkronizatu _orain" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:148 msgid "Device name" msgstr "Gailuaren izena" #: src/resources/gtk/prefs-sync-page.ui:171 msgid "_Change" msgstr "_Aldatu" #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:11 msgid "Manage Search Engines" msgstr "Kudeatu bilaketa-motorrak" #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:180 msgid "Bang" msgstr "Bang" #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:215 msgid "Default" msgstr "Lehenetsia" #: src/resources/gtk/search-engine-dialog.ui:268 #, c-format msgid "" "To determine the search address, perform a search using the search engine " "that you want to add and check the resulting address. Remove the search term " "from the resulting address and replace it with %s." msgstr "Bilaketaren helbidea zehazteko, egin bilaketa gehitu nahi duzun bilaketa-motorra erabiliz, eta egiaztatu emaitzen helbideak. Kendu bilaketaren terminoa emaitzaren helbidetik eta ordeztu %s katearekin." #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:15 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "General" msgstr "Orokorra" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:19 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "New window" msgstr "Leiho berria" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:26 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "New incognito window" msgstr "Leiho berria isilka moduan" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:33 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Open file" msgstr "Ireki fitxategia" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:40 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Save page" msgstr "Gorde orria" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:47 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Print page" msgstr "Inprimatu orria" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:54 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Quit" msgstr "Irten" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:61 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Help" msgstr "Laguntza" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:68 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Open menu" msgstr "Ireki menua" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:75 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Shortcuts" msgstr "Lasterbideak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:86 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Nabigazioa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:90 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Go to homepage" msgstr "Joan orri nagusira" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:97 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Reload current page" msgstr "Birkargatu uneko orrialdea" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:104 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Reload bypassing cache" msgstr "Birkargatu cachea saihestuta" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:111 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Stop loading current page" msgstr "Gelditu uneko orriaren karga" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:118 #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:133 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Go back to the previous page" msgstr "Joan aurreko orrira" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:125 #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:140 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Go forward to the next page" msgstr "Joan hurrengo orrira" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:150 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:154 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "New tab" msgstr "Fitxa berria" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:161 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Close current tab" msgstr "Itxi uneko fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:168 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Reopen closed tab" msgstr "Ireki berriro itxitako fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:175 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Go to the next tab" msgstr "Joan hurrengo fitxara" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:182 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Go to the previous tab" msgstr "Joan aurreko fitxara" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:189 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Move current tab to the left" msgstr "Eraman uneko fitxa ezkerrera" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:196 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Move current tab to the right" msgstr "Eraman uneko fitxa eskuinera" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:203 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Duplicate current tab" msgstr "Bizkoitu uneko fitxa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:214 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Bestelakoak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:218 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "History" msgstr "Historia" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:225 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Hobespenak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:232 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Bookmark current page" msgstr "Egin uneko orriaren laster-marka" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:239 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Import bookmarks" msgstr "Inportatu laster-markak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:246 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Export bookmarks" msgstr "Esportatu laster-markak" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:253 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Toggle caret browsing" msgstr "Txandakatu kurtsore bidezko arakatzea" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:264 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Web application" msgstr "Web aplikazioa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:268 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Install site as web application" msgstr "Instalatu gunea web aplikazio gisa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:275 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Open web application manager" msgstr "Ireki web aplikazioen kudeatzailea" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:286 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "View" msgstr "Ikusi" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:290 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Zoom in" msgstr "Handiagotu" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:297 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Zoom out" msgstr "Txikiagotu" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:304 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Reset zoom" msgstr "Berrezarri zooma" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:311 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Pantaila osoa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:318 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "View page source" msgstr "Ikusi orriaren iturburua" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:325 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Toggle inspector" msgstr "Txandakatu ikuskatzailea" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:332 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Toggle reader mode" msgstr "Txandakatu irakurle modua" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:343 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Editing" msgstr "Edizioa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:347 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Cut" msgstr "Ebaki" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:354 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopiatu" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:361 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Paste" msgstr "Itsatsi" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:368 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Undo" msgstr "Desegin" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:375 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Berregin" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:382 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Select all" msgstr "Hautatu dena" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:389 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Select page URL" msgstr "Hautatu orriaren URLa" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:396 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Search with default search engine" msgstr "Bilatu bilaketa-motor lehenetsia erabilita" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:403 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Find" msgstr "Aurkitu" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:410 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Next find result" msgstr "Bilaketaren hurrengo emaitza" #: src/resources/gtk/shortcuts-dialog.ui:417 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Previous find result" msgstr "Bilaketaren aurreko emaitza" #: src/resources/gtk/synced-tabs-dialog.ui:22 msgid "Synced Tabs" msgstr "Sinkronizatutako fitxak" #: src/resources/gtk/synced-tabs-dialog.ui:38 msgid "" "Below are the synced open tabs of your other devices that use Firefox Sync " "with this account. Open a tab by double clicking its name (tabs under Local " "Tabs cannot be opened)." msgstr "Kontu honekin Firefox Sync erabiltzen duten zure beste gailuetan irekita dauden sinkronizatutako fitxak ageri dira azpian. Ireki fitxa bat bere izenaren gainean klik bikoitza eginez ('Fitxa lokalak' atalekoak ezin dira ireki)." #: src/resources/gtk/tab-label.ui:73 msgid "Close Document" msgstr "Itxi dokumentua" #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:20 msgid "Additional URLs" msgstr "URL gehigarriak" #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:24 msgid "C_lear All" msgstr "Garbitu _denak" #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:64 msgid "" "A URL that starts with any of the additional URLs will be opened by the web " "application. If you omit the URL scheme, the one from the currently loaded " "URL will be used." msgstr "URL gehigarrietako edozeinekin hasten den URL bat irekiko da web aplikazioan. URL eskema ezikusten baduzu, unean kargatutako URLko bat erabiliko da." #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:99 msgctxt "Column header in the Additional URLs dialog" msgid "URL" msgstr "URLa" #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:124 msgid "Add new URL" msgstr "Gehitu beste URL bat" #: src/resources/gtk/webapp-additional-urls-dialog.ui:137 msgid "Remove the selected URLs" msgstr "Kendu hautatutako URLak" #: src/search-provider/ephy-search-provider.c:214 #, c-format msgid "Search the web for “%s”" msgstr "Bilatu '%s' webean" #: src/search-provider/ephy-search-provider.c:224 #, c-format msgid "Load “%s”" msgstr "Kargatu “%s”" #: src/window-commands.c:113 msgid "GVDB File" msgstr "GVDB fitxategia" #: src/window-commands.c:114 msgid "HTML File" msgstr "HTML fitxategia" #: src/window-commands.c:115 msgid "Firefox" msgstr "Firefox" #: src/window-commands.c:116 src/window-commands.c:695 msgid "Chrome" msgstr "Chrome" #: src/window-commands.c:117 src/window-commands.c:696 msgid "Chromium" msgstr "Chromium" #: src/window-commands.c:131 src/window-commands.c:563 #: src/window-commands.c:781 msgid "Ch_oose File" msgstr "_Aukeratu fitxategia" #: src/window-commands.c:133 src/window-commands.c:332 #: src/window-commands.c:376 src/window-commands.c:783 #: src/window-commands.c:809 msgid "I_mport" msgstr "_Inportatu" #: src/window-commands.c:272 msgid "Select Profile" msgstr "Hautatu profila" #: src/window-commands.c:277 msgid "_Select" msgstr "_Hautatu" #: src/window-commands.c:329 src/window-commands.c:373 #: src/window-commands.c:642 msgid "Choose File" msgstr "Aukeratu fitxategia" #: src/window-commands.c:354 src/window-commands.c:398 #: src/window-commands.c:445 src/window-commands.c:470 #: src/window-commands.c:495 msgid "Bookmarks successfully imported!" msgstr "Laster-markak ongi inportatu dira." #: src/window-commands.c:558 msgid "Import Bookmarks" msgstr "Inportatu laster-markak" #: src/window-commands.c:576 src/window-commands.c:822 msgid "From:" msgstr "Nondik:" #: src/window-commands.c:622 msgid "Bookmarks successfully exported!" msgstr "Laster-markak ongi esportatu dira." #. Translators: Only translate the part before ".gvdb" (e.g. "bookmarks") #: src/window-commands.c:650 msgid "bookmarks.gvdb" msgstr "lastermarkak.gvdb" #: src/window-commands.c:737 msgid "Passwords successfully imported!" msgstr "Pasahitzak ongi inportatu dira!" #: src/window-commands.c:804 msgid "Import Passwords" msgstr "Inportatu pasahitzak" #: src/window-commands.c:980 #, c-format msgid "" "A simple, clean, beautiful view of the web.\n" "Powered by WebKitGTK %d.%d.%d" msgstr "Webaren ikuspegi xume, garbi eta dotorea.\n" "WebKitGTK %d.%d.%d bertsioa darabil" #: src/window-commands.c:1004 msgid "Website" msgstr "Webgunea" #: src/window-commands.c:1037 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "Asier Sarasua Garmendia " #: src/window-commands.c:1183 msgid "Do you want to reload this website?" msgstr "Webgune hau birkargatu nahi duzu?" #: src/window-commands.c:1711 #, c-format msgid "A web application named “%s” already exists. Do you want to replace it?" msgstr "“%s” izeneko web aplikazioa badago lehendik ere. Hura ordeztu nahi duzu?" #: src/window-commands.c:1714 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Utzi" #: src/window-commands.c:1716 msgid "Replace" msgstr "Ordeztu" #: src/window-commands.c:1720 msgid "" "An application with the same name already exists. Replacing it will " "overwrite it." msgstr "Izen bereko aplikazioa badago lehendik ere. Hura ordeztean gainidatzi egingo du." #: src/window-commands.c:1812 #, c-format msgid "The application “%s” is ready to be used" msgstr "'%s' aplikazioa prest dago erabiltzeko" #: src/window-commands.c:1815 #, c-format msgid "The application “%s” could not be created" msgstr "'%s' aplikazioa ezin izan da sortu" #. Translators: Desktop notification when a new web app is created. #: src/window-commands.c:1830 msgid "Launch" msgstr "Abiarazi" #. Show dialog with icon, title. #: src/window-commands.c:1871 msgid "Create Web Application" msgstr "Sortu web aplikazioa" #: src/window-commands.c:1876 msgid "C_reate" msgstr "_Sortu" #: src/window-commands.c:2091 msgid "Save" msgstr "Gorde" #: src/window-commands.c:2100 msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" #: src/window-commands.c:2105 msgid "MHTML" msgstr "MHTML" #: src/window-commands.c:2110 msgid "PNG" msgstr "PNG" #: src/window-commands.c:2595 msgid "Enable caret browsing mode?" msgstr "Gaitu kurtsore bidezko arakatzea?" #: src/window-commands.c:2598 msgid "" "Pressing F7 turns caret browsing on or off. This feature places a moveable " "cursor in web pages, allowing you to move around with your keyboard. Do you " "want to enable caret browsing?" msgstr "F7 sakatzen bada, kurtsore bidezko arakatzea aktibatu edo desaktibatuko da. Eginbide horrek kurtsore mugikor bat jartzen du web orrietan, teklatuarekin inguruan mugitzea baimenduz. Nahi duzu kurtsore bidezko arakatzea aktibatzea? Kurtsore bidezko arakatzea gaitu nahi duzu?" #: src/window-commands.c:2601 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Gaitu" #~ msgid "Hide window on quit" #~ msgstr "Ezkutatu leihoa irtetean" #~ msgid "Cookie accept" #~ msgstr "Cookie-ak onartzea" #~ msgid "" #~ "Where to accept cookies from. Possible values are “always”, “no-third-" #~ "party” and “never”." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nongo cookie-ak onartu. Balio onartuak: 'always' (beti), 'no-third-" #~ "party' (hirugarrenik ez) eta 'never' (inoiz ere ez)." #~ msgid "Mobile user agent" #~ msgstr "Mugikorreko erabiltzaile-agentea" #~ msgid "" #~ "Whether to present a mobile user agent. If the user agent is overridden, " #~ "this will have no effect." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mugikorreko erabiltzaile-agentea aurkeztuko den ala ez. Erabiltzaile-" #~ "agentea gainidazten bada, honek ez du eraginik izango." #~ msgid "Yes" #~ msgstr "Bai" #~ msgid "No" #~ msgstr "Ez" #~ msgid "Remove cookie" #~ msgstr "Kendu cookie-a" #~ msgid "'Clear all' action name" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' ekintzaren izena" #~ msgid "The name of the action associated to the 'Clear all' button" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' botoiari lotutako ekintzaren izena" #~ msgid "'Clear all' action target value" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' ekintzaren helburuko balioa" #~ msgid "The parameter for 'Clear all' action invocations" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' ekintza deitzeko parametroa" #~ msgid "'Clear all' description" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' deskribapena" #~ msgid "The description of the 'Clear all' action" #~ msgstr "'Garbitu dena' ekintzaren deskribapena" #~ msgid "'Search' description" #~ msgstr "'Bilatu' deskribapena" #~ msgid "The description of the 'Search' action" #~ msgstr "'Bilatu' ekintzaren deskribapena" #~ msgid "'Empty' title" #~ msgstr "'Hutsik' titulua" #~ msgid "The title of the 'Empty' state page" #~ msgstr "'Hutsik' egoera-orriaren titulua" #~ msgid "'Empty' description" #~ msgstr "'Hutsik' deskribapena" #~ msgid "The description of the 'Empty' state page" #~ msgstr "'Hutsik' egoera-orriaren deskribapena" #~ msgid "Search text" #~ msgstr "Bilaketa-testua" #~ msgid "The text of the search entry" #~ msgstr "Bilaketa-sarrerako testua" #~ msgid "Is loading" #~ msgstr "Kargatzen ari da" #~ msgid "Whether the dialog is loading its data" #~ msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroa bere datuak kargatzen ari den ala ez" #~ msgid "Has data" #~ msgstr "Datuak ditu" #~ msgid "Whether the dialog has data" #~ msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroak datuak dituen ala ez" #~ msgid "Has search results" #~ msgstr "Bilaketa-emaitzak ditu" #~ msgid "Whether the dialog has search results" #~ msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroak bilaketa-emaitzak dituen ala ez" #~ msgid "Can clear" #~ msgstr "Garbitu daiteke" #~ msgid "Whether the data can be cleared" #~ msgstr "Datuak garbitu daitezkeen ala ez" #~ msgid "New search engine" #~ msgstr "Bilaketa-motor berria" #~ msgid "New address" #~ msgstr "Helbide berria" #~ msgid "" #~ "You can select a period of time to clear data for all websites modified " #~ "in that period. If you choose from the beginning of time, then you can " #~ "also clear data only for particular websites." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Denbora-tarte bat hautatu dezakezu tarte horretan aldatu diren webgune " #~ "guztietako datuak garbitzeko. Denboraren hasieratik hautatzen baduzu, " #~ "webgune jakin batzuetako datuak soilik garbitu ditzakezu." #~ msgid "the past hour" #~ msgstr "azken ordua" #~ msgid "the past day" #~ msgstr "azken eguna" #~ msgid "the past week" #~ msgstr "azken astea" #~ msgid "the past four weeks" #~ msgstr "azken lau aste" #~ msgid "the beginning of time" #~ msgstr "denboraren hasiera" #~ msgid "Remove all cookies" #~ msgstr "Kendu cookie guztiak" #~ msgid "Search cookies" #~ msgstr "Bilatu cookie-ak" #~ msgid "There are no Cookies" #~ msgstr "Ez dago cookie-rik" #~ msgid "Cookies left by visited pages will be listed here" #~ msgstr "Bisitatutako orriek utzitako cookie-ak hemen zerrendatuko dira" #~ msgid "_Copy Location" #~ msgstr "_Kopiatu helbidea" #~ msgid "Site" #~ msgstr "Gunea" #~ msgid "Forget the selected passwords" #~ msgstr "Ahaztu hautatutako pasahitzak" #~ msgid "Reveal all the passwords" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi pasahitz guztiak" #~ msgid "Preferences" #~ msgstr "Hobespenak" #~ msgid "_Manage Search Engines" #~ msgstr "_Kudeatu bilaketa-motorrak" #~ msgid "Clear _Cookies" #~ msgstr "Garbitu _cookie-ak" #~ msgid "_Always accept" #~ msgstr "_Beti onartu" #~ msgid "For example, not from advertisers on these sites." #~ msgstr "Adibidez, gune hauetako iragarkirik ez" #~ msgid "Only _from sites you visit" #~ msgstr "_Zuk bisitatutako guneetakoak bakarrik" #~ msgid "_Never accept" #~ msgstr "_Inoiz ere ez onartu" #~ msgctxt "shortcut window" #~ msgid "Search" #~ msgstr "Bilatu" #~ msgid "Ch_oose File…" #~ msgstr "_Aukeratu fitxategia…" #~ msgid "Don’t use an external application to view page source." #~ msgstr "Ez erabili kanpoko aplikazio bat orriaren iturburua bistaratzeko." #~ msgid "Enable Plugins" #~ msgstr "Gaitu pluginak" #~ msgid "Enable WebGL" #~ msgstr "Gaitu WebGL" #~ msgid "Whether to enable support for WebGL contexts." #~ msgstr "WebGL testuinguruaren euskarria gaitu edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Enable WebAudio" #~ msgstr "Gaitu WebAudio" #~ msgid "Whether to enable support for WebAudio." #~ msgstr "Webaudio euskarria gaitu edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Do Not Track" #~ msgstr "Jarraipenik ez egin" #~ msgid "Enables tracking query parameter removal." #~ msgstr "Jarraipenaren kontsulta-parametroa kentzea gaitzen du." #~ msgid "Something went wrong while displaying this page." #~ msgstr "Zerbait oker joan da orri hau bistaratzean." #~ msgid "Switch to Tab" #~ msgstr "Aldatu fitxara" #~ msgid "Language" #~ msgstr "Hizkuntza" #~ msgid "_Remove Bookmark" #~ msgstr "_Kendu laster-markak" #~ msgid "Filter domains" #~ msgstr "Iragazi domeinuak" #~ msgid "Search domains" #~ msgstr "Bilatu domeinuak" #~ msgid "No data found" #~ msgstr "Ez dira daturik aurkitu" #~ msgid "Filter passwords" #~ msgstr "Iragazi pasahitzak" #~ msgid "Enable mouse _gesture" #~ msgstr "Gaitu sagu-_keinuak" #~ msgid "You can select different search engines to use" #~ msgstr "Bilaketa-motor desberdinak hauta ditzakezu." #~ msgid "Always start browser in _incognito mode" #~ msgstr "Beti abiarazi nabigatzailea _isilpeko moduan" #~ msgid "Fonts & Style" #~ msgstr "Letra-tipoak eta estiloak" #~ msgid "Stored Data" #~ msgstr "Gordetako datuak" #~ msgid "Manage _Cookies" #~ msgstr "Kudeatu _cookie-ak" #~ msgid "Manage _Passwords" #~ msgstr "Kudeatu _pasahitzak" #~ msgid "Manage Personal _Data" #~ msgstr "Kudeatu _datu pertsonalak" #~ msgid "Add language" #~ msgstr "Gehitu hizkuntza" #~ msgid "Move language up" #~ msgstr "Mugitu hizkuntza gorantz" #~ msgid "Move language down" #~ msgstr "Mugitu hizkuntza beherantz" #~ msgid "_Enable spell checking" #~ msgstr "_Gaitu ortografia-egiaztapena" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enables tracking query parameter removal. Note that when changing this " #~ "setting from the preferences dialog, the adblock-filters setting will " #~ "additionally be updated to add/remove EasyPrivacy filters." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jarraipenaren kontsultaren parametroa kentzea gaitzen du. Kontuan izan " #~ "ezarpen hau aldatzen bada hobespenen elkarrizketa-koadrotik, adblock-" #~ "filters ezarpena ere eguneratuko dela EasyPrivacy iragazkiak gehitzeko/" #~ "kentzeko." #~ msgid "Epiphany adblocker refused to load %s" #~ msgstr "Epyphanyren iragazki-blokeatzaileak ez du %s kargatu" #~ msgid "Try to block web _trackers" #~ msgstr "Saiatu _web aztarnariak blokeatzen" #~ msgid "Spell checking language" #~ msgstr "Ortografia egiaztatzeko hizkuntza" #~ msgid "" #~ "Language which is used by Spell checker in locale format (e.g. en_US, " #~ "de_DE)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ortografia-egiaztatzaileak erabiliko duen hizkuntza konfigurazio " #~ "lokalaren formatuan (adibidez, en_US, eu_FR)." #~ msgid "Current maintainers" #~ msgstr "Uneko garatzaileak" #~ msgid "Past maintainers" #~ msgstr "Iraganeko garatzaileak" #~ msgid "Documented by" #~ msgstr "Dokumentazioaren sortzaileak" #~ msgid "Artwork by" #~ msgstr "Artelanak" #~ msgid "Contributors" #~ msgstr "Laguntzaileak" #~ msgid "If you quit, the downloads will be cancelled" #~ msgstr "Hemendik irtetean deskarga guztiak bertan behera utziko dira" #~ msgid "Quit and cancel downloads" #~ msgstr "Irten eta utzi deskargak" #~ msgid "Delete the selected cookies" #~ msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako cookie-ak" #~ msgid "C_lear all" #~ msgstr "Garbitu _denak" #~ msgid "Always ask where to dow_nload files" #~ msgstr "Beti galdetu fitxategiak _non deskargatuko diren" #~ msgid "_Edit Stylesheet" #~ msgstr "_Editatu orri-estiloa" #~ msgid "_Add…" #~ msgstr "_Gehitu…" #~ msgid "_Up" #~ msgstr "_Gora" #~ msgid "_Down" #~ msgstr "_Behera" #~ msgid "Collections" #~ msgstr "Bildumak" #~ msgid "_5 min" #~ msgstr "_5 min" #~ msgid "_15 min" #~ msgstr "_15 min" #~ msgid "_30 min" #~ msgstr "_30 min" #~ msgid "_60 min" #~ msgstr "_60 min" #~ msgid "org.gnome.Epiphany" #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Epiphany" #~ msgid "URL Search" #~ msgstr "URL bilaketa" #~ msgid "" #~ "DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated and ignored. Use /org/gnome/epiphany/" #~ "search-engines instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "ZAHARKITUA. Gako hau zaharkitua dago eta ez ikusi egingo zaio. Erabili /" #~ "org/gnome/epiphany/search-engines horren ordez." #~ msgid "" #~ "String that will be used as user agent, to identify the browser to the " #~ "web servers. DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated and ignored. Use /org/" #~ "gnome/epiphany/web/user-agent instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Erabiltzaile-agente gisa erabiliko den katea web zerbitzarietan " #~ "arakatzailea identifikatzeko. ZAHARKITUA: gako hau zaharkitua dago eta ez " #~ "ikusi egongo zaio. Erabili /org/gnome/epiphany/web/user-agent horren " #~ "ordez." #~ msgid "Automatic downloads" #~ msgstr "Deskarga automatikoak" #~ msgid "" #~ "When files cannot be opened by the browser they are automatically " #~ "downloaded to the download folder and opened with the appropriate " #~ "application." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Arakatzaileak ezin dituenean fitxategiak ireki, automatikoki deskargatzen " #~ "dira deskargen karpetara, aplikazio egokiak irekitzen ditu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Whether to store and prefill passwords in websites. DEPRECATED: This key " #~ "is deprecated and ignored. Use /org/gnome/epiphany/web/remember-passwords " #~ "instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pasahitzak gorde eta aurre-ezarri webguneetan edo ez. ZAHARKITUA. Gako " #~ "hau zaharkitua dago eta ez ikusi egingo zaio. Erabili /org/gnome/" #~ "epiphany/web/remember-passwords horren ordez." #~ msgid "" #~ "DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated and ignored. Use /org/gnome/epiphany/" #~ "web/enable-smooth-scrolling instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "ZAHARKITUA. Gako hau zaharkitua dago eta ez ikusi egingo zaio. Erabili /" #~ "org/gnome/epiphany/web/enable-smooth-scrolling horren ordez." #~ msgid "Process model" #~ msgstr "Prozesuaren modeloa" #~ msgid "" #~ "This option allows to set the process model used. Use “shared-secondary-" #~ "process” to use a single web process shared by all the tabs and “one-" #~ "secondary-process-per-web-view” to use a different web process for each " #~ "tab." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aukera honek erabilitako prozesuaren modeloa ezartzea baimentzen du. " #~ "Erabili 'shared-secondary-process' web prozesu bakar bat fitxa guztiekin " #~ "partekatuta erabiltzeko, eta 'secondary-process-per-web-view' fitxa " #~ "bakoitzak web prozesu desberdin bat erabiltzeko." #~ msgid "" #~ "Maximum number of web processes created at the same time when using “one-" #~ "secondary-process-per-web-view” model" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aldi berean sortutako gehienezko web prozesu kopurua 'prozesu-lagungarria-" #~ "web-ikuspegiko' eredua" #~ msgid "" #~ "This option sets a limit to the number of web processes that will be used " #~ "at the same time for the “one-secondary-process-per-web-view” model. The " #~ "default value is “0” and means no limit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aukera honek aldi berean erabil daitekeen web prozesuen kopurua mugatzen " #~ "du 'prozesu-lagungarria-web-ikuspegiko' ereduarentzako. Balio lehenetsia " #~ "'0' da eta mugarik ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Installed plugins" #~ msgstr "Instalatutako pluginak" #~ msgid "Plugins" #~ msgstr "Pluginak" #~ msgid "Plugins are disabled in the preferences" #~ msgstr "Pluginak desgaituta daude hobespenetan" #~ msgid "Enabled" #~ msgstr "Gaituta" #~ msgid "MIME type" #~ msgstr "MIME mota" #~ msgid "Suffixes" #~ msgstr "Atzizkiak" #~ msgid "50%" #~ msgstr "%50" #~ msgid "75%" #~ msgstr "%75" #~ msgid "100%" #~ msgstr "%100" #~ msgid "125%" #~ msgstr "%125" #~ msgid "150%" #~ msgstr "%150" #~ msgid "175%" #~ msgstr "%175" #~ msgid "200%" #~ msgstr "%200" #~ msgid "300%" #~ msgstr "%300" #~ msgid "400%" #~ msgstr "%400" #~ msgid "Others" #~ msgstr "Bestelakoak" #~ msgid "Local files" #~ msgstr "Fitxategi lokalak" #~ msgid "The sync secrets for the current sync user are null." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uneko sinkronizatze-erabiltzailearen sinkronizazioko tokenak hutsik daude." #~ msgid "Failed to register device." #~ msgstr "Huts egin du gailua erregistratzean." #~ msgid "You are connected to %s" #~ msgstr "'%s'(e)ra konektatuta zaude" #~ msgid "Open a new tab in an existing browser window" #~ msgstr "Ireki fitxa berria existitzen den arakatze-leihoan" #~ msgid "Import bookmarks from the given file" #~ msgstr "Inportatu laster-markak emandako fitxategitik" #~ msgid "Add a bookmark" #~ msgstr "Gehitu laster-marka" #~ msgid "" #~ "Please don’t leave this page until you have completed the verification." #~ msgstr "Ez utzi orri hau egiaztaketa amaitzen duzun arte." #~ msgctxt "language" #~ msgid "User defined (%s)" #~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileak definitua (%s)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Web 3.6 deprecated this directory and tried migrating this configuration " #~ "to ~/.config/epiphany" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Web 3.6 bertsioak direktorio hau zaharkitu zuen, eta bere konfigurazioa " #~ "~/.config/epiphany direktoriora migratzen saiatu da." #~ msgid "I_mport Bookmarks" #~ msgstr "_Inportatu laster-markak" #~ msgid "_About" #~ msgstr "Honi _buruz" #~ msgid "_Quit" #~ msgstr "_Irten" #~ msgid "Date" #~ msgstr "Data" #~ msgid "Open the selected pages in new tabs" #~ msgstr "Ireki hautatutako orriak fitxa berrietan" #~ msgid "New _Window" #~ msgstr "_Leiho berria" #~ msgid "Text _Encoding" #~ msgstr "Testu _kodeketa" #~ msgid "New _tab page" #~ msgstr "_Fitxa berriaren orria" #~ msgid "A_utomatically open downloaded files" #~ msgstr "A_utomatikoki ireki deskargatutako fitxategiak" #~ msgid "Enable _plugins" #~ msgstr "Gaitu _pluginak" #~ msgctxt "shortcut window" #~ msgid "Save page as web app" #~ msgstr "Gorde orria web app gisa" #~ msgid "Search the Web for %s" #~ msgstr "Bilatu '%s' webean" #~ msgid "Contact us at:" #~ msgstr "Kontaktatu gurekin:" #~ msgid "Past developers:" #~ msgstr "Iraganeko garatzaileak:" #~ msgid "The sync user currently logged in" #~ msgstr "Unean saioa hasitako sinkronizaziorako erabiltzailea" #~ msgid "_Manage Search Engines…" #~ msgstr "Kudeatu _bilaketa-motorrak…" #~ msgid "Sign out if you wish to stop syncing." #~ msgstr "Amaitu saioa sinkronizazioa gelditzea nahi baduzu." #~ msgid "Found more than one set of sync tokens." #~ msgstr "Sinkronizazioko hainbat token multzo aurkitu dira." #~ msgid "Could not get the secret value of the sync tokens." #~ msgstr "Ezin izan dira sinkronizazioko tokenen ezkutuko balioak lortu." #~ msgid "The sync tokens are not a valid JSON." #~ msgstr "Sinkronizazioko tokenak ez dira baliozko JSON." #~ msgid "'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany'" #~ msgstr "'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany&kl=eu-es&kad=eu_ES'" #~ msgid "Search string for keywords entered in the URL bar." #~ msgstr "Bilatu katea URL barran sartutako gakoentzako." #~ msgid "DuckDuckGo" #~ msgstr "DuckDuckGo" #~ msgid "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany" #~ msgstr "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany&kl=eu-es&kad=eu_ES" #~ msgid "Google" #~ msgstr "Google" #~ msgid "https://google.com/search?q=%s" #~ msgstr "https://google.com/search?q=%s" #~ msgid "Bing" #~ msgstr "Bing" #~ msgid "https://www.bing.com/search?q=%s" #~ msgstr "https://www.bing.com/search?q=%s" #~ msgid "_Engine:" #~ msgstr "_Motorra:" #~ msgid "Encodings" #~ msgstr "Kodeketak" #~ msgid "De_fault:" #~ msgstr "_Lehenetsia:" #~ msgid "'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany'" #~ msgstr "" #~ "'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany&kl=eu-es&kad=eu_ES'" #~ msgid "Window height" #~ msgstr "Leihoaren altuera" #~ msgid "" #~ "The height to use for a new window that is not restored from a previous " #~ "session." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aurreko saioetatik berreskuratu ez den leiho berrian erabiliko den " #~ "altuera." #~ msgid "Select the personal data you wish to clear" #~ msgstr "Hautatu ezabatzea nahi dituzun datu pertsonalak" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are about to clear personal data that is stored about the web pages " #~ "you have visited. Check the types of information that you want to remove:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bisitatutako web orriak gordeta dituzten datu pertsonalak garbitzera " #~ "zoaz. Egiaztatu ezabatzea nahi dituzun informazio motak:" #~ msgid "Coo_kies" #~ msgstr "_Cookie-ak" #~ msgid "Cache and _temporary files" #~ msgstr "Cacheko eta _aldi baterako fitxategiak" #~ msgid "Browsing _history" #~ msgstr "Arakatzearen _historia" #~ msgid "Saved _passwords" #~ msgstr "Gordetako _pasahitzak" #~ msgid "https://duckduckgo.com/?t=epiphany" #~ msgstr "https://duckduckgo.com/?t=epiphany&kl=eu-es&kad=eu_ES" #~ msgid "Epiphany Web Browser" #~ msgstr "Epiphany web arakatzailea" #~ msgid "Automatically manage offline status with NetworkManager" #~ msgstr "Kudeatu automatikoki lineaz kanpoko egoera NetworkManager-ekin" #~ msgid "[Deprecated]" #~ msgstr "[Zaharkitua]" #~ msgid "" #~ "[Deprecated] This setting is deprecated, use 'tabs-bar-visibility-policy' " #~ "instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "[Zaharkitua] Ezarpen hau zaharkitua dago, erabili 'tabs-bar-visibility-" #~ "policy' horren ordez." #~ msgid "Visibility of the downloads window" #~ msgstr "Deskargen leihoaren ikusgaitasuna" #~ msgid "" #~ "Hide or show the downloads window. When hidden, a notification will be " #~ "shown when new downloads are started." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ezkutatu edo erakutsi deskargen leihoa. Ezkutatuta badago, jakinarazpena " #~ "erakutsiko da deskarga berriak hastean." #~ msgid "Use own colors" #~ msgstr "Erabili norberaren koloreak" #~ msgid "Use your own colors instead of the colors the page requests." #~ msgstr "Orriak eskatzen dituen koloreen ordez, zeure koloreak erabili." #~ msgid "Use own fonts" #~ msgstr "Erabili norberaren letra-tipoak" #~ msgid "Use your own fonts instead of the fonts the page requests." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Orriak eskatzen dituen letra-tipoen ordez, zeure letra-tipoak erabili." #~ msgid "Preferred languages, two letter codes." #~ msgstr "Hizkuntza hobetsiak, bi letrako kodeak." #~ msgid "Image animation mode" #~ msgstr "Animaziozko irudi modua" #~ msgid "" #~ "How to present animated images. Possible values are \"normal\", \"once\" " #~ "and \"disabled\"." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nola agertu animaziozko irudiak. Dauden balioak: \"normal\" (arrunta), " #~ "\"once\" (behin) eta \"disabled\" (desgaituta)." #~ msgid "Enable JavaScript" #~ msgstr "Gaitu JavaScript" #~ msgid "" #~ "Whether to tell websites that we do not wish to be tracked. Please note " #~ "that web pages are not forced to follow this setting." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gure jarraipenik egiterik ez dugula nahi webguneei adierazi edo ez. Jakin " #~ "ezazu webguneak ez daudela derrigortuta ezarpen honi kasu egiteko. " #~ msgid "Whether to show the title column in the bookmarks window." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Laster-marken leihoan tituluaren zutabea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Whether to show the address column in the bookmarks window." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Laster-marken leihoan helbidearen zutabea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "_Don’t Save" #~ msgstr "E_z gorde" #~ msgid "This might not be the real %s." #~ msgstr "Ez dirudi '%s' benetakoa denik." #~ msgid "" #~ "When you try to connect securely, websites present identification to " #~ "prove that your connection has not been maliciously intercepted. There is " #~ "something wrong with this website’s identification:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Segurtasunez konektatzen saiatzean, webguneek identifikazioak aurkezten " #~ "dituzte zure konexioan beste inor maltzurki sartuta ez dagoela " #~ "frogatzeko. Zerbait gaizki dago webgune honen identifikatzailearekin:" #~ msgid "" #~ "A third party may have hijacked your connection. You should continue only " #~ "if you know there is a good reason why this website does not use trusted " #~ "identification." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hirugarren batek zure konexioan sartuta egon daiteke. Soilik jarraitu " #~ "baldin eta webgune honek identifikazio fidagarririk ez erabiltzeko " #~ "arrazoi oso onak baditu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Legitimate banks, stores, and other public sites will not ask you to do " #~ "this." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Banku, denda edo beste gune publiko legitimoek ez dizute hau egiteko " #~ "eskatuko." #~ msgid "Look out!" #~ msgstr "Kontuz!" #~ msgctxt "accept-risk-access-key" #~ msgid "R" #~ msgstr "A" #~ msgid "Directory “%s” is not writable" #~ msgstr "%s direktorioan ezin da idatzi" #~ msgid "You do not have permission to create files in this directory." #~ msgstr "Ez dituzu nahikoa baimen direktorioan fitxategiak sortzeko." #~ msgid "Directory not Writable" #~ msgstr "Direktorioa ez da idazgarria" #~ msgid "Cannot overwrite existing file “%s”" #~ msgstr "Ezin da lehendik dagoen '%s' fitxategia gainidatzi" #~ msgid "" #~ "A file with this name already exists and you don't have permission to " #~ "overwrite it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Izen bereko fitxategia badago lehendik ere eta ez duzu baimenik " #~ "gainidazteko." #~ msgid "Cannot Overwrite File" #~ msgstr "Ezin da fitxategia gainidatzi" #~ msgid "Master password needed" #~ msgstr "Pasahitz maisua behar da" #~ msgid "" #~ "The passwords from the previous version are locked with a master " #~ "password. If you want to import them, please enter your master password " #~ "below." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aurreko bertsioko pasahitzak blokeatuta daude pasahitz maisu batekin. " #~ "Epiphany-k hauek inportatzea nahi baduzu, sartu zure pasahitz maisua " #~ "azpian." #~ msgid "Failed to copy cookies file from Mozilla." #~ msgstr "Huts egin du cookien fitxategia Mozilla-tik kopiatzean." #~ msgid "Drag and drop this icon to create a link to this page" #~ msgstr "Arrastatu eta jaregin ikono hau orriaren esteka sortzeko" #~ msgid "%d bookmark is similar" #~ msgid_plural "%d bookmarks are similar" #~ msgstr[0] "Laster-marka %d antzekoa da" #~ msgstr[1] "%d laster-marka antzekoak dira" #~ msgid "Add Bookmark" #~ msgstr "Gehitu laster-marka" #~ msgid "“%s” Properties" #~ msgstr "'%s' - Propietateak" #~ msgid "Entertainment" #~ msgstr "Denbora-pasa" #~ msgid "News" #~ msgstr "Berriak" #~ msgid "Shopping" #~ msgstr "Erosketak" #~ msgid "Sports" #~ msgstr "Kirolak" #~ msgid "Travel" #~ msgstr "Bidaiak" #~ msgid "Work" #~ msgstr "Lanekoak" #~ msgctxt "bookmarks" #~ msgid "All" #~ msgstr "Denak" #~ msgctxt "bookmarks" #~ msgid "Not Categorized" #~ msgstr "Kategoriarik gabeak" #~ msgctxt "bookmarks" #~ msgid "Nearby Sites" #~ msgstr "Gertuko guneak" #~ msgid "Untitled" #~ msgstr "Izengabea" #~ msgid "Web (RDF)" #~ msgstr "Weba (RDF)" #~ msgid "Mozilla (HTML)" #~ msgstr "Mozilla (HTML)" #~ msgid "_File" #~ msgstr "_Fitxategia" #~ msgid "_New Topic" #~ msgstr "Gai _berria" #~ msgid "Create a new topic" #~ msgstr "Gai berria sortzen du" #~ msgid "Open in New _Window" #~ msgid_plural "Open in New _Windows" #~ msgstr[0] "Ireki _leiho berrian" #~ msgstr[1] "Ireki _leiho berrietan" #~ msgid "Open the selected bookmark in a new window" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako laster-marka leiho berri batean irekitzen du" #~ msgid "Open in New _Tab" #~ msgid_plural "Open in New _Tabs" #~ msgstr[0] "Ireki _fitxa berrian" #~ msgstr[1] "Ireki _fitxa berrietan" #~ msgid "Open the selected bookmark in a new tab" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako laster-marka fitxa berri batean irekitzen du" #~ msgid "_Rename…" #~ msgstr "Izena _aldatu..." #~ msgid "Rename the selected bookmark or topic" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako laster-markari edo gaiari izena aldatu" #~ msgid "_Properties" #~ msgstr "_Propietateak" #~ msgid "View or modify the properties of the selected bookmark" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako elementuen propietateak ikusi edo aldatu" #~ msgid "Import bookmarks from another browser or a bookmarks file" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Beste arakatzaile edo laster-marken fitxategi bateko laster-markak " #~ "inportatu" #~ msgid "Export bookmarks to a file" #~ msgstr "Esportatu laster-markak fitxategira" #~ msgid "Close the bookmarks window" #~ msgstr "Laster-marken leihoa itxi" #~ msgid "Cut the selection" #~ msgstr "Hautapena ebakitzen du" #~ msgid "Copy the selection" #~ msgstr "Hautapena kopiatzen du" #~ msgid "Paste the clipboard" #~ msgstr "Arbelaren edukia itsasten du" #~ msgid "Delete the selected bookmark or topic" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako laster-marka edo gaia ezabatu" #~ msgid "Select all bookmarks or text" #~ msgstr "Laster-marka guztiak edo testu osoa hautatu" #~ msgid "_Contents" #~ msgstr "_Edukia" #~ msgid "Display bookmarks help" #~ msgstr "Laster-marken laguntza erakutsi" #~ msgid "Display credits for the web browser creators" #~ msgstr "Web arakatzailea sortu dutenen kredituak erakusten ditu" #~ msgid "_Title" #~ msgstr "_Titulua" #~ msgid "Show the title column" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi tituluaren zutabea" #~ msgid "Show the address column" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi helbideen zutabea" #~ msgid "Type a topic" #~ msgstr "Idatzi gai bat" #~ msgid "Delete topic “%s”?" #~ msgstr "Ezabatu '%s' gaia?" #~ msgid "Delete this topic?" #~ msgstr "Ezabatu gai hau?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Deleting this topic will cause all its bookmarks to become uncategorized, " #~ "unless they also belong to other topics. The bookmarks will not be " #~ "deleted." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gai hau ezabatzean bere laster-marka guztiak kategoriarik gabe geldituko " #~ "dira, ez badira beste gai batzuetara eramaten bederen. Laster-markak ez " #~ "dira ezabatuko." #~ msgid "_Delete Topic" #~ msgstr "_Ezabatu gaia" #~ msgid "Firebird" #~ msgstr "Firebird" #~ msgid "Mozilla “%s” profile" #~ msgstr "Mozillako '%s' profila" #~ msgid "Galeon" #~ msgstr "Galeon" #~ msgid "Konqueror" #~ msgstr "Konqueror" #~ msgid "Import Failed" #~ msgstr "Huts egin du inportatzeak" #~ msgid "" #~ "The bookmarks from “%s” could not be imported because the file is " #~ "corrupted or of an unsupported type." #~ msgstr "" #~ "'%s'(e)ko laster-markak ezin dira inportatu fitxategia hondatuta " #~ "dagoelako edo onartzen ez den motakoa delako." #~ msgid "Import Bookmarks from File" #~ msgstr "Inportatu laster-markak fitxategitik" #~ msgid "Firefox/Mozilla bookmarks" #~ msgstr "Firefox-eko/Mozilla-ko laster-markak" #~ msgid "Galeon/Konqueror bookmarks" #~ msgstr "Galeon-eko/Konqueror-eko laster-markak" #~ msgid "File f_ormat:" #~ msgstr "Fitxategi-_formatua:" #~ msgid "Import bookmarks from:" #~ msgstr "Inportatu laster-markak:" #~ msgid "_Copy Address" #~ msgstr "_Kopiatu helbidea" #~ msgid "Topics" #~ msgstr "Gaiak" #~ msgid "Title" #~ msgstr "Titulua" #~ msgid "Open the bookmarks in this topic in new tabs" #~ msgstr "Ireki gai honen laster-markak fitxa berrietan" #~ msgid "Create topic “%s”" #~ msgstr "Sortu '%s' gaia" #~ msgid "A_ddress:" #~ msgstr "Helbi_dea:" #~ msgid "T_opics:" #~ msgstr "_Gaiak:" #~ msgid "Sho_w all topics" #~ msgstr "Erakut_si gai guztiak" #~ msgid "<b>Recent encodings</b>" #~ msgstr "<b>Azken kodeketak</b>" #~ msgid "<b>Related encodings</b>" #~ msgstr "<b>Azken kodeketak</b>" #~ msgid "Add _Bookmark" #~ msgstr "Gehitu _laster-marka" #~ msgid "_Tell websites I do not want to be tracked" #~ msgstr "_Adierazi webguneei ez dudala nire jarraipenik egiterik nahi" #~ msgid "Stop" #~ msgstr "Gelditu" #~ msgid "Stop current data transfer" #~ msgstr "Uneko datu-transferentzia geldiarazi" #~ msgid "Display the latest content of the current page" #~ msgstr "Uneko orriaren eduki berriena bistaratzen du" #~ msgid "Could not start Web" #~ msgstr "Ezin izan da weba abiarazi" #~ msgid "" #~ "Startup failed because of the following error:\n" #~ "%s" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abioak huts egin du honako errorearengatik:\n" #~ "%s" #~ msgid "_Open…" #~ msgstr "_Ireki..." #~ msgid "Save _As…" #~ msgstr "Gorde _honela..." #~ msgid "Find Ne_xt" #~ msgstr "Bilatu _hurrengoa" #~ msgid "Find Pre_vious" #~ msgstr "Bilatu _aurrekoa" #~ msgid "Edit _Bookmarks" #~ msgstr "Editatu _laster-markak" #~ msgid "_Stop" #~ msgstr "_Gelditu" #~ msgid "_Normal Size" #~ msgstr "Tamaina _normala" #~ msgid "_Add Bookmark…" #~ msgstr "_Gehitu laster-marka..." #~ msgid "_Location…" #~ msgstr "_Helbidea..." #~ msgid "_Previous Tab" #~ msgstr "_Aurreko fitxa" #~ msgid "_Next Tab" #~ msgstr "_Hurrengo fitxa" #~ msgid "_Detach Tab" #~ msgstr "_Desuztartu fitxa" #~ msgid "Popup _Windows" #~ msgstr "_Laster-leihoak" #~ msgid "There are unsubmitted changes to form elements" #~ msgstr "Inprimakiko elementuen aldaketa batzuk bidali gabe daude." #~ msgid "If you close the document anyway, you will lose that information." #~ msgstr "Hala ere dokumentua ixten baduzu, informazio hori galdu egingo da." #~ msgid "Save As" #~ msgstr "Gorde honela" #~ msgid "Save As Application" #~ msgstr "Gorde aplikazio gisa" #~ msgid "Print" #~ msgstr "Inprimatu" #~ msgid "Larger" #~ msgstr "Handiagoa" #~ msgid "Smaller" #~ msgstr "Txikiagoa" #~ msgid "Zoom" #~ msgstr "Zooma" #~ msgid "Go to most visited" #~ msgstr "Joan bisitatuenera" #~ msgid "Search the Web for '%s'" #~ msgstr "Bilatu '%s' webean" #~ msgid "Try again" #~ msgstr "Saiatu berriro" #~ msgid "Load Anyway" #~ msgstr "Kargatu dena den" #~ msgid "Part of this page is insecure." #~ msgstr "Orri honen zatia ez da segurua." #~ msgid "Show in folder" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi karpetan" #~ msgid "Remove" #~ msgstr "Kendu" #~ msgid "_Automatic" #~ msgstr "_Automatikoa" #~ msgid "_Other…" #~ msgstr "_Bestelakoak..." #~ msgid "Other encodings" #~ msgstr "Beste kodeketak" #~ msgid "_Downloads Bar" #~ msgstr "_Deskarga-barra" #~ msgid "Toolbar style" #~ msgstr "Tresna-barraren estiloa" #~ msgid "" #~ "Toolbar style. Allowed values are \"\" (use GNOME default style), \"both" #~ "\" (text and icons), \"both-horiz\" (text besides icons), \"icons\", and " #~ "\"text\"." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tresna-barraren estiloa. Baimendutako balioak: \"\" (GNOMEren estilo " #~ "lehenetsia), \"both\" (biak: testu eta ikonoak), \"both-horiz\" (biak-" #~ "horiz.: testua ikonoen alboan), \"icons\" (ikonoak), eta \"text" #~ "\" (testua)." #~ msgid "Size of disk cache, in MB." #~ msgstr "Diskoko cache-aren tamaina (MB)." #~ msgid "Temporary Files" #~ msgstr "Aldi baterako fitxategiak" #~ msgid "_Disk space:" #~ msgstr "_Diskoko lekua:" #~ msgid "http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany" #~ msgstr "http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&t=epiphany" #~ msgid "St_art Animation" #~ msgstr "A_biarazi animazioa" #~ msgid "St_op Animation" #~ msgstr "_Gelditu animazioa" #~ msgid "Show toolbars by default" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi tresna-barrak lehenespenez" #~ msgid "Use GNOME desktop wide font configuration." #~ msgstr "Erabili GNOME mahaigain osoaren letra-tipoaren konfigurazioa." #~ msgid "History pages time range" #~ msgstr "Historiako orrien bilaketa denbora-esparruan" #~ msgid "Whether to show the title column in the history window." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Historiaren leihoan tituluaren zutabea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Whether to show the address column in the history window." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Historiaren leihoan helbidearen zutabea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Whether to show the date-time column in the history window." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Historiaren leihoan data-orduaren zutabea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." #~ msgid "Store password" #~ msgstr "Gorde pasahitza" #~ msgid "" #~ "Would you like to store the password for %s in %s?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nahi duzu %s(r)en pasahitza %s(e)n gordetzea?" #~ msgid "Oops! Error loading %s" #~ msgstr "Errorea %s kargatzean" #~ msgid "%u:%02u hour left" #~ msgid_plural "%u:%02u hours left" #~ msgstr[0] "%u:%02u ordu falta da" #~ msgstr[1] "%u:%02u ordu falta dira" #~ msgid "All sites" #~ msgstr "Webgune guztiak" #~ msgid "%d _Similar" #~ msgid_plural "%d _Similar" #~ msgstr[0] "_Antzeko %d" #~ msgstr[1] "%d _antzeko" #~ msgid "_Unify With %d Identical Bookmark" #~ msgid_plural "_Unify With %d Identical Bookmarks" #~ msgstr[0] "_Batu antzeko laster-marka %dekin" #~ msgstr[1] "_Batu antzeko %d laster-markekin" #~ msgid "Show “%s”" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi '%s'" #~ msgid "Epiphany (RDF)" #~ msgstr "Epiphany (RDF)" #~ msgid "Epiphany bookmarks" #~ msgstr "Epiphany-ko laster-markak" #~ msgid "_Personal Data" #~ msgstr "_Datu pertsonalak" #~ msgid "Content:" #~ msgstr "Edukia:" #~ msgid "Path:" #~ msgstr "Bide-izena:" #~ msgid "Send for:" #~ msgstr "Bidali hona:" #~ msgid "Expires:" #~ msgstr "Iraungitzea:" #~ msgid "_Automatic" #~ msgstr "_Automatikoa" #~ msgid "Open the selected history link in a new window" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako historiako esteka leiho berri batean irekitzen du" #~ msgid "Open the selected history link in a new tab" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako historiako esteka fitxa berri batean irekitzen du" #~ msgid "Bookmark the selected history link" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako historiako estekari laster-marka jartzen dio" #~ msgid "Close the history window" #~ msgstr "Historiaren leihoa ixten du" #~ msgid "Delete the selected history link" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako historiako esteka ezabatzen du" #~ msgid "Select all history links or text" #~ msgstr "Historiako estekak edo testua hautatu" #~ msgid "Clear _History" #~ msgstr "Garbitu _historia" #~ msgid "Clear your browsing history" #~ msgstr "Arakatzearen historia garbitzen du" #~ msgid "Display history help" #~ msgstr "Historiaren laguntza bistaratu" #~ msgid "_Address" #~ msgstr "_Helbidea" #~ msgid "_Date and Time" #~ msgstr "_Data eta ordua" #~ msgid "Show the date and time column" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi data eta orduaren zutabea" #~ msgid "Today" #~ msgstr "Gaur" #~ msgid "Start the application without opening windows" #~ msgstr "Abiarazi aplikazioa leihorik ireki gabe" #~ msgid "_Bookmark Link…" #~ msgstr "_Gehitu estekaren laster-marka..." #~ msgid "_Use Image As Background" #~ msgstr "_Erabili irudia atzeko plano gisa" #~ msgid "Inspect _Element" #~ msgstr "Aztertu _elementua" #~ msgid "Hi_story" #~ msgstr "Hi_storia" #~ msgid "Encrypted connections only" #~ msgstr "Enkriptatutako konexioak soilik" #~ msgid "Any type of connection" #~ msgstr "Edozein konexio mota" #~ msgid "End of current session" #~ msgstr "Uneko saioaren amaiera" #~ msgid "Domain" #~ msgstr "Domeinua" #~ msgid "Host" #~ msgstr "Ostalaria" #~ msgid "User Password" #~ msgstr "Erabiltzailearen pasahitza" #~ msgid "" #~ "Web is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the " #~ "terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software " #~ "Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any " #~ "later version." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Web software librea da; birbana eta/edo alda dezakezu Software Foundation-" #~ "ek argitaratutako GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren 2. bertsioan, edo " #~ "(nahiago baduzu) beste berriago batean, jasotako baldintzak betez gero." #~ msgid "" #~ "The GNOME Web Browser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " #~ "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " #~ "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General " #~ "Public License for more details." #~ msgstr "" #~ "GNOMEko web arakatzailea erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina, " #~ "INOLAKO BERMERIK GABE; era berean, ez da bermatzen beraren EGOKITASUNA " #~ "MERKATURATZEKO edo HELBURU PARTIKULARRETARAKO ERABILTZEKO. Argibide " #~ "gehiago nahi izanez gero, ikus GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra." #~ msgid "" #~ "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along " #~ "with the GNOME Web Browser; if not, write to the Free Software " #~ "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA " #~ "02110-1301 USA" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Programa honekin batera GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren kopia bat " #~ "jasoko zenuen; hala ez bada, idatzi hona: Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., " #~ "51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." #~ msgid "http://www.google.com" #~ msgstr "http://www.google.com" #~ msgid "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8" #~ msgstr "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8" #~ msgid "Epiphany can't be used now. Initialization failed." #~ msgstr "Epiphany ezin da erabili orain. Huts egin du hasieratzean." #~ msgid "_Work Offline" #~ msgstr "_Egin lana konektatu gabe" #~ msgid "" #~ "Middle click to open the web page pointed to by the currently selected " #~ "text" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Saguaren erdiko botoiarekin klik egin unean hautatutako testuak " #~ "seinalatutako web orria irekitzeko" #~ msgid "" #~ "Middle clicking on the main view pane will open the web page pointed to " #~ "by the currently selected text." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ikuspegi nagusiko panelean erdiko botoiaz klik eginda, unean hautatuta " #~ "dagoen testuak seinalatzen duen web orria irekiko da." #~ msgctxt "file type" #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "Ezezaguna" #~ msgid "File is not a valid .desktop file" #~ msgstr "Fitxategia ez da baliozko .desktop fitxategia" #~ msgid "Unrecognized desktop file Version '%s'" #~ msgstr "Mahaigaineko (desktop) fitxategiaren '%s' bertsio ezezaguna" #~ msgid "Starting %s" #~ msgstr "%s hasieratzen" #~ msgid "Application does not accept documents on command line" #~ msgstr "Aplikazioak ez du dokumenturik onartzen komando-lerroan" #~ msgid "Unrecognized launch option: %d" #~ msgstr "Abiarazteko aukera ezezaguna: %d" #~ msgid "Can't pass document URIs to a 'Type=Link' desktop entry" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ezin zaizkie dokumentuen URIak mahaigaineko 'Type=Link' sarrerari igaro" #~ msgid "Not a launchable item" #~ msgstr "Ez da elementu abiarazgarria" #~ msgid "Disable connection to session manager" #~ msgstr "Desgaitu saio-kudeatzailearen konexioa" #~ msgid "Specify file containing saved configuration" #~ msgstr "Zehaztu gordetako konfigurazioa duen fitxategia" #~ msgid "Specify session management ID" #~ msgstr "Zehaztu saio-kudeatzailearen IDa" #~ msgid "ID" #~ msgstr "IDa" #~ msgid "Session management options:" #~ msgstr "Saio-kudeatzailearen aukerak:" #~ msgid "Show session management options" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi saio-kudeatzailearen aukerak" #~ msgid "Update bookmark “%s”?" #~ msgstr "Eguneratu '%s' laster-marka?" #~ msgid "The bookmarked page has moved to “%s”." #~ msgstr "Markatutako orria '%s'(e)ra eraman da." #~ msgid "_Update" #~ msgstr "_Eguneratu" #~ msgid "Update Bookmark?" #~ msgstr "Eguneratu laster-marka?" #~ msgid "Wrapped" #~ msgstr "Doituta" #~ msgid "Find links:" #~ msgstr "Bilatu estekak:" #~ msgid "Find:" #~ msgstr "Bilatu:" #~ msgid "_Case sensitive" #~ msgstr "_Maiuskula/minuskula" #~ msgid "Find Previous" #~ msgstr "Bilatu aurrekoa" #~ msgid "Find Next" #~ msgstr "Bilatu hurrengoa" #~ msgid "Leave Fullscreen" #~ msgstr "Irten pantaila osotik" #~ msgid "Launch the bookmarks editor" #~ msgstr "Abiarazi laster-marken editorea" #~ msgid "Downloads will be aborted and logout proceed in %d second." #~ msgid_plural "Downloads will be aborted and logout proceed in %d seconds." #~ msgstr[0] "" #~ "Deskargak abortatu egingo dira eta saioa segundo %dean amaituko da." #~ msgstr[1] "" #~ "Deskargak abortatu egingo dira eta saioa %d segundotan amaituko da." #~ msgid "Abort pending downloads?" #~ msgstr "Deskargatzea falta direnak abortatu?" #~ msgid "" #~ "There are still downloads pending. If you log out, they will be aborted " #~ "and lost." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deskarga batzuk burutu gabe daude. Saioa amaitzen baduzu abortatu eta " #~ "egingo dira." #~ msgid "_Cancel Logout" #~ msgstr "_Ezetsi saioa amaitzea" #~ msgid "_Abort Downloads" #~ msgstr "_Abortatu deskargak" #~ msgid "_Don't recover" #~ msgstr "_Ez berreskuratu" #~ msgid "_Recover session" #~ msgstr "_Berreskuratu saioa" #~ msgid "Do you want to recover the previous browser windows and tabs?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Arakatzailearen aurreko leihoak eta fitxak berreskuratzea nahi duzu?" #~ msgid "_Extensions" #~ msgstr "_Hedapenak" #~ msgid "_Larger Text" #~ msgstr "_Testu handia" #~ msgid "S_maller Text" #~ msgstr "Testu txikia" #~ msgid "" #~ "Lets you view web pages and find information on the internet.\n" #~ "Powered by WebKit %d.%d.%d" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Web orrialdeak ikusteko eta interneten informazioa aurkitzeko.\n" #~ "WebKit %d.%d.%d motorrarekin" #~ msgid "Epiphany Web Bookmarks" #~ msgstr "Epiphany-ko laster-markak" #~ msgid "Certificate _Hierarchy" #~ msgstr "Ziurtagiriaren _hierarkia" #~ msgid "Common Name:" #~ msgstr "Izen arrunta:" #~ msgid "Expires On:" #~ msgstr "Iraungitu datan:" #~ msgid "Field _Value" #~ msgstr "Eremuaren _balioa" #~ msgid "Fingerprints" #~ msgstr "Hatz-markak" #~ msgid "Issued By" #~ msgstr "Jaulkitzailea" #~ msgid "Issued On:" #~ msgstr "Jaulkitze-data:" #~ msgid "Issued To" #~ msgstr "Honentzat jaulkia" #~ msgid "MD5 Fingerprint:" #~ msgstr "MD5 hatz-marka:" #~ msgid "Organizational Unit:" #~ msgstr "Erakundeko saila:" #~ msgid "SHA1 Fingerprint:" #~ msgstr "SHA1 hatz-marka:" #~ msgid "Serial Number:" #~ msgstr "Serie-zenbakia:" #~ msgid "Validity" #~ msgstr "Baliozkotasuna" #~ msgid "" #~ "To confirm that you want to sign the above text, choose a certificate to " #~ "sign the text with and enter its password below." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gaineko testua sinatzea nahi duzula baieztatzeko, aukeratu ziurtagiria " #~ "testua sinatzeko eta sartu dagokion pasahitza azpian." #~ msgid "_Certificate:" #~ msgstr "_Ziurtagiria:" #~ msgid "Set to _Blank Page" #~ msgstr "Ezarri orri _hutsean" #~ msgid "_Address:" #~ msgstr "Helbi_dea:" #~ msgid "As laid out on the _screen" #~ msgstr "_Pantailan aurkeztua bezala" #~ msgid "Footers" #~ msgstr "Orri-oinak" #~ msgid "Frames" #~ msgstr "Markoak" #~ msgid "Headers" #~ msgstr "Goiburuak" #~ msgid "O_nly the selected frame" #~ msgstr "Hautatutako marka _soilik" #~ msgid "P_age title" #~ msgstr "_Orriaren titulua" #~ msgid "Page _numbers" #~ msgstr "Orrialde-_zenbakiak" #~ msgid "Print background c_olors" #~ msgstr "Inprimatu atzeko planoko _koloreak" #~ msgid "Print background i_mages" #~ msgstr "Inprimatu atzeko planoko _irudiak" #~ msgid "_Date" #~ msgstr "_Data" #~ msgid "_Each frame separately" #~ msgstr "Marko bakoitza _bereiztuta" #~ msgid "" #~ "CA Certificates file we should use was not found, all SSL sites will be " #~ "considered to have a broken certificate." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ez da erabili ohi dugun ZE ziurtagirien fitxategia aurkitu, SSL gune " #~ "guztiek ziurtagiriak hautsitzat daudela hartuko da." #~ msgid "Show “_%s”" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi '_%s'" #~ msgid "_Move on Toolbar" #~ msgstr "_Aldatu lekuz tresna-barran" #~ msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar" #~ msgstr "Aldatu lekuz hautatutako elementua tresna-barran" #~ msgid "_Delete Toolbar" #~ msgstr "_Kendu tresna-barra" #~ msgid "Separator" #~ msgstr "Bereizlea" #~ msgid "Popup Windows" #~ msgstr "Laster-leihoak" #~ msgid "Address Entry" #~ msgstr "Helbide-sarrera" #~ msgid "%s:" #~ msgstr "%s:" #~ msgid "Executes the script “%s”" #~ msgstr "'%s' script-a exekutatzen du" #~ msgid "_Show on Toolbar" #~ msgstr "_Erakutsi tresna-barran" #~ msgid "Show the selected bookmark on a toolbar" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi hautatutako laster-marka tresna-barran" #~ msgid "Show properties for this bookmark" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi laster-markaren propietateak" #~ msgid "Open this bookmark in a new tab" #~ msgstr "Ireki laster-marka fitxa berrian" #~ msgid "Open this bookmark in a new window" #~ msgstr "Ireki laster-marka leiho berrian" #~ msgid "Related" #~ msgstr "Erlazioa" #~ msgid "Topic" #~ msgstr "Gaia" #~ msgid "Go" #~ msgstr "Joan" #~ msgid "GNOME Web Browser options" #~ msgstr "GNOMEko web arakatzailearen aukerak" #~ msgid "Forward history" #~ msgstr "Aurrera joan historian" #~ msgid "Go up one level" #~ msgstr "Maila bat gora joaten da" #~ msgid "List of upper levels" #~ msgstr "Gaineko mailen zerrenda" #~ msgid "Enter a web address to open, or a phrase to search for" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Idatzi ireki nahi duzun web-helbidea, edo web-ean bilatzeko esaldi bat" #~ msgid "Adjust the text size" #~ msgstr "Testuaren tamaina doitzen du" #~ msgid "Go to the address entered in the address entry" #~ msgstr "Helbide-sarreran idatzitako helbidera joan" #~ msgid "_Home" #~ msgstr "_Hasiera" #~ msgid "Open a new window" #~ msgstr "Leiho berria irekitzen du" #~ msgctxt "toolbar style" #~ msgid "Text below icons" #~ msgstr "Testua ikonoen azpian" #~ msgctxt "toolbar style" #~ msgid "Text beside icons" #~ msgstr "Testua ikonoen ondoan" #~ msgctxt "toolbar style" #~ msgid "Icons only" #~ msgstr "Ikonoak soilik" #~ msgid "Toolbar Editor" #~ msgstr "Tresna-barraren editorea" #~ msgid "Toolbar _button labels:" #~ msgstr "Tresna-barrako _botoien etiketak: " #~ msgid "_Add a New Toolbar" #~ msgstr "_Gehitu tresna-barra berria" #~ msgid "_Go" #~ msgstr "_Joan" #~ msgid "T_ools" #~ msgstr "_Tresna-barrak" #~ msgid "Save the current page as a Web Application" #~ msgstr "Uneko orria web aplikazio gisa gordetzen du" #~ msgid "Page Set_up" #~ msgstr "Prestatu _orrialdea" #~ msgid "Setup the page settings for printing" #~ msgstr "Konfiguratu inprimatzeko orrialde-ezarpenak" #~ msgid "Print Pre_view" #~ msgstr "Inprimatzeko _aurrebista" #~ msgid "Print the current page" #~ msgstr "Uneko orria inprimatzen du" #~ msgid "Send a link of the current page" #~ msgstr "Uneko orriaren esteka bidaltzen du" #~ msgid "Undo the last action" #~ msgstr "Desegin azken ekintza" #~ msgid "Redo the last undone action" #~ msgstr "Desegin den azken ekintza berregiten du" #~ msgid "Paste clipboard" #~ msgstr "Arbelekoa itsasten du" #~ msgid "Delete text" #~ msgstr "Ezabatu testua" #~ msgid "Select the entire page" #~ msgstr "Orri osoa hautatzen du" #~ msgid "Find a word or phrase in the page" #~ msgstr "Orrian hitz bat edo esaldi bat bilatzen du" #~ msgid "Find next occurrence of the word or phrase" #~ msgstr "Hitzaren edo esaldiaren hurrengo agerraldia bilatzen du" #~ msgid "Find previous occurrence of the word or phrase" #~ msgstr "Hitzaren edo esaldiaren aurreko agerraldia bilatzen du" #~ msgid "P_ersonal Data" #~ msgstr "Dat_u pertsonalak" #~ msgid "View and remove cookies and passwords" #~ msgstr "Cookie-ak eta pasahitzak ikusi eta kendu" #~ msgid "Certificate_s" #~ msgstr "Ziurtagiria_k" #~ msgid "P_references" #~ msgstr "H_obespenak" #~ msgid "Configure the web browser" #~ msgstr "Web arakatzailea konfiguratu" #~ msgid "_Customize Toolbars…" #~ msgstr "_Pertsonalizatu tresna-barrak..." #~ msgid "Customize toolbars" #~ msgstr "Pertsonalizatu tresna-barrak" #~ msgid "Increase the text size" #~ msgstr "Handiagotu testuaren tamaina" #~ msgid "Decrease the text size" #~ msgstr "Txikiagotu testuaren tamaina" #~ msgid "Use the normal text size" #~ msgstr "Testu-tamaina normala erabili" #~ msgid "Change the text encoding" #~ msgstr "Aldatu testu-kodeketa" #~ msgid "View the source code of the page" #~ msgstr "Ikusi orriaren iturburu-kodea" #~ msgid "Display security information for the web page" #~ msgstr "Bistaratu webgunearen segurtasun-informazioa" #~ msgid "Open the bookmarks window" #~ msgstr "Ireki laster-marken leihoa" #~ msgid "Go to a specified location" #~ msgstr "Kokaleku jakin batera joaten da" #~ msgid "Open the history window" #~ msgstr "Historiaren leihoa irekitzen du" #~ msgid "Activate previous tab" #~ msgstr "Aurreko fitxa aktibatzen du" #~ msgid "Activate next tab" #~ msgstr "Hurrengo fitxa aktibatzen du" #~ msgid "Display web browser help" #~ msgstr "Web arakatzailearen laguntza bistaratzen du" #~ msgid "Switch to offline mode" #~ msgstr "Aldatu lineaz kanpo modura" #~ msgid "_Hide Toolbars" #~ msgstr "_Ezkutatu tresna-barrak" #~ msgid "Show or hide toolbar" #~ msgstr "Tresna-barra erakutsi edo ezkutatu" #~ msgid "Show the active downloads for this window" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi deskarga aktiboak leiho honetan" #~ msgid "Men_ubar" #~ msgstr "_Menu-barra" #~ msgid "Show or hide unrequested popup windows from this site" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi edo ezkutatu gune honetako eskatu gabeko laster-leihoak" #~ msgid "Show Only _This Frame" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi _marko hau soilik" #~ msgid "Show only this frame in this window" #~ msgstr "Erakutsi marko hau soilik leiho honetan" #~ msgid "Open link in this window" #~ msgstr "Ireki esteka leiho honetan" #~ msgid "Open link in a new window" #~ msgstr "Ireki esteka leiho berrian" #~ msgid "Open link in a new tab" #~ msgstr "Ireki esteka fitxa berrian" #~ msgid "Save link with a different name" #~ msgstr "Gorde esteka beste izen batekin" #~ msgid "_Send Email…" #~ msgstr "Bi_dali posta..." #~ msgid "Insecure" #~ msgstr "Segurtasun gabea" #~ msgid "Broken" #~ msgstr "Hautsita" #~ msgid "Low" #~ msgstr "Txikia" #~ msgid "High" #~ msgstr "Handia" #~ msgid "Security level: %s" #~ msgstr "Segurtasun-maila: %s" #~ msgid "Open image “%s”" #~ msgstr "Ireki '%s' irudia" #~ msgid "Use as desktop background “%s”" #~ msgstr "Erabili '%s' mahaigaineko atzeko plano gisa" #~ msgid "Save image “%s”" #~ msgstr "Gorde '%s' irudia" #~ msgid "Copy image address “%s”" #~ msgstr "Kopiatu '%s' irudiaren helbidea" #~ msgid "Send email to address “%s”" #~ msgstr "Bidali mezua '%s' helbidera" #~ msgid "Copy email address “%s”" #~ msgstr "Kopiatu '%s' helbide elektronikoa" #~ msgid "Bookmark link “%s”" #~ msgstr "Gehitu '%s' estekaren laster-marka" #~ msgid "Copy link's address “%s”" #~ msgstr "Kopiatu '%s' estekaren helbidea" #~ msgid "Fingerprints" #~ msgstr "Hatz-markak" #~ msgid "Issued By" #~ msgstr "Honek bidalita" #~ msgid "Issued To" #~ msgstr "Honi bidalita" #~ msgid "Cookies" #~ msgstr "Cookie-ak" #~ msgid "Downloads" #~ msgstr "Deskargak" #~ msgid "Fonts" #~ msgstr "Letra-tipoak" #~ msgid "Languages" #~ msgstr "Hizkuntzak" #~ msgid "Passwords" #~ msgstr "Pasahitzak" #~ msgid "Style" #~ msgstr "Estiloa" #~ msgid "Temporary Files" #~ msgstr "Aldi baterako fitxategiak"