/* * This file was generated by pso2h. */ #ifndef __YV12_H__ #define __YV12_H__ /* * This define is the size of the shader in bytes. More precisely it's the * sum of strlen() of every string in the array. */ #define YV12_FP_SZ 564 static const char *YV12_fp[] = { "!!ARBfp1.0\n", "PARAM c[2] = { { 1.1640625, 0.0625, 2.015625, 0.5 },\n", "{ 0.390625, 0.8125, 1.5976562 } };\n", "TEMP R0;\n", "TEMP R1;\n", "TEX R1.w, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n", "ADD R0.x, R1.w, -c[0].y;\n", "TEX R0.w, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[1], 2D;\n", "TEX R1.w, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[2], 2D;\n", "MUL R0.x, R0, c[0];\n", "ADD R0.y, R1.w, -c[0].w;\n", "MAD R0.z, R0.y, c[0], R0.x;\n", "MAD R0.y, -R0, c[1].x, R0.x;\n", "ADD R0.w, R0, -c[0];\n", "MAD R0.x, R0.w, c[1].z, R0;\n", "MAD R0.y, -R0.w, c[1], R0;\n", "MUL result.color.xyz, fragment.color.primary.w, R0;\n", "MOV result.color.w, fragment.color.primary;\n", "END\n", NULL }; #endif