'''GNOME settings daemon test base class''' __author__ = 'Martin Pitt ' __copyright__ = '(C) 2013 Canonical Ltd.' __license__ = 'GPL v2 or later' import subprocess import time import os import os.path import tempfile import fcntl import shutil import sys from glob import glob import signal from output_checker import OutputChecker from gi.repository import GLib try: import dbusmock except ImportError: sys.stderr.write('You need python-dbusmock (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-dbusmock) for this test suite.\n') sys.exit(77) from x11session import X11SessionTestCase try: from gi.repository import Gio except ImportError: sys.stderr.write('You need pygobject and the Gio GIR for this test suite.\n') sys.exit(77) if subprocess.call(['which', 'gnome-session'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) != 0: sys.stderr.write('You need gnome-session for this test suite.\n') sys.exit(77) top_builddir = os.environ.get('TOP_BUILDDIR', os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) def set_nonblock(fd): '''Set a file object to non-blocking''' flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) class GSDTestCase(X11SessionTestCase): '''Base class for settings daemon tests This redirects the XDG directories to temporary directories, and runs local session and system D-BUSes with a minimal GNOME session and a mock notification daemon. It also provides common functionality for plugin tests. ''' @classmethod def setUpClass(klass): os.environ['GIO_USE_VFS'] = 'local' os.environ['GVFS_DISABLE_FUSE'] = '1' # we do some string checks, disable translations os.environ['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'C' klass.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gsd-plugin-test') klass.addClassCleanup(shutil.rmtree, klass.workdir) # Prevent applications from accessing an outside session manager os.environ['SESSION_MANAGER'] = '' # Signal to mutter and gnome-session that we are using X11 os.environ['XDG_SESSION_TYPE'] = 'x11' # tell dconf and friends to use our config/runtime directories os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'config') os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'] = os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'data') os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] = os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'runtime') # Copy gschema file into XDG_DATA_HOME gschema_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'], 'glib-2.0', 'schemas') os.makedirs(gschema_dir) shutil.copy(os.path.join(top_builddir, 'data', 'gschemas.compiled'), gschema_dir) # work around https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=689136 os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'], 'dconf')) os.makedirs(os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'], mode=0o700) # Starts Xvfb and dbus busses X11SessionTestCase.setUpClass() klass.system_bus_con = klass.get_dbus(True) klass.session_bus_con = klass.get_dbus(False) klass.addClassCleanup(klass.system_bus_con.close) klass.addClassCleanup(klass.session_bus_con.close) # we never want to cause notifications on the actual GUI klass.p_notify_log = OutputChecker() klass.p_notify = klass.spawn_server_template( 'notification_daemon', {}, stdout=klass.p_notify_log.fd)[0] klass.p_notify_log.writer_attached() klass.addClassCleanup(klass.stop_process, klass.p_notify) klass.configure_session() klass.start_monitor() klass.addClassCleanup(klass.stop_monitor) klass.settings_session = Gio.Settings(schema_id='org.gnome.desktop.session') # Make sure we get a backtrace when meson kills after a timeout def r(*args): raise KeyboardInterrupt() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, r) def tearDown(self): # we check this at the end so that the other cleanup always happens daemon_running = self.daemon.poll() == None self.assertTrue(daemon_running or self.daemon_death_expected, 'daemon died during the test') def run(self, result=None): '''Show log files on failed tests If the environment variable $SHELL_ON_FAIL is set, this runs bash in the work directory; exit the shell to continue the tests. Otherwise it shows all log files. ''' if result: orig_err_fail = len(result.errors) + len(result.failures) super(GSDTestCase, self).run(result) if result and len(result.errors) + len(result.failures) > orig_err_fail: if 'SHELL_ON_FAIL' in os.environ: subprocess.call(['bash', '-i'], cwd=self.workdir) else: for log_file in glob(os.path.join(self.workdir, '*.log')): with open(log_file) as f: print('\n----- %s -----\n%s\n------\n' % (log_file, f.read())) @classmethod def configure_session(klass): '''Configure minimal GNOME session''' # create dummy session type and component d = os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'config', 'gnome-session', 'sessions') if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dummy.session'), d) d = os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'data', 'applications') if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dummyapp.desktop'), d) def start_session(self): self.session_log = OutputChecker() self.session = subprocess.Popen(['gnome-session', '-f', '-a', os.path.join(self.workdir, 'autostart'), '--session=dummy', '--debug'], stdout=self.session_log.fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.session_log.writer_attached() # wait until the daemon is on the bus self.wait_for_bus_object('org.gnome.SessionManager', '/org/gnome/SessionManager', timeout=100) self.session_log.check_line(b'fill: *** Done adding required components') def stop_session(self): '''Stop GNOME session''' assert self.session self.stop_process(self.session) # dummyapp.desktop survives the session. This keeps the FD open in the # CI environment when gnome-session fails to redirect the child output # to journald. # Though, gnome-session should probably kill the child anyway. #self.session_log.assert_closed() self.session_log.force_close() @classmethod def start_monitor(klass): '''Start dbus-monitor''' # You can rename the log file to *.log if you want to see it on test # case failures klass.monitor_log = open(os.path.join(klass.workdir, 'dbus-monitor.out'), 'wb', buffering=0) klass.monitor = subprocess.Popen(['dbus-monitor', '--monitor'], stdout=klass.monitor_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) @classmethod def stop_monitor(klass): '''Stop dbus-monitor''' assert klass.monitor klass.stop_process(klass.monitor) klass.monitor_log.flush() klass.monitor_log.close() def start_logind(self, parameters=None): '''start mock logind''' if parameters is None: parameters = {} self.logind_log = OutputChecker() self.logind, self.logind_obj = self.spawn_server_template('logind', parameters, stdout=self.logind_log.fd) self.logind_log.writer_attached() # Monkey patch SuspendThenHibernate functions in for dbusmock <= 0.17.2 # This should be removed once we can depend on dbusmock 0.17.3 self.logind_obj.AddMethod('org.freedesktop.login1.Manager', 'SuspendThenHibernate', 'b', '', '') self.logind_obj.AddMethod('org.freedesktop.login1.Manager', 'CanSuspendThenHibernate', '', 's', 'ret = "%s"' % parameters.get('CanSuspendThenHibernate', 'yes')) self.logind_obj.AddMethod('org.freedesktop.login1.Session', 'SetBrightness', 'ssu', '', '') def stop_logind(self): '''stop mock logind''' self.stop_process(self.logind) self.logind_log.assert_closed() @classmethod def start_mutter(klass): ''' start mutter ''' os.environ['MUTTER_DEBUG_RESET_IDLETIME']='1' # See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/15 klass.mutter = subprocess.Popen(['mutter', '--x11']) klass.wait_for_bus_object('org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor', '/org/gnome/Mutter/IdleMonitor/Core', timeout=100) @classmethod def stop_mutter(klass): '''stop mutter''' assert klass.monitor klass.stop_process(klass.mutter, timeout=2) def start_plugin(self, env): self.plugin_death_expected = False # We need to redirect stdout to grab the debug messages. # stderr is not needed by the testing infrastructure but is useful to # see warnings and errors. self.plugin_log = OutputChecker() self.daemon = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(top_builddir, 'plugins', self.gsd_plugin, 'gsd-' + self.gsd_plugin), '--verbose'], stdout=self.plugin_log.fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) self.plugin_log.writer_attached() bus = self.get_dbus(False) timeout = 100 while timeout > 0: if bus.name_has_owner('org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.' + self.gsd_plugin_case): break timeout -= 1 time.sleep(0.1) if timeout <= 0: assert timeout > 0, 'timed out waiting for plugin startup: %s' % (self.gsd_plugin_case) def stop_plugin(self): daemon_running = self.daemon.poll() == None if daemon_running: self.stop_process(self.daemon) self.plugin_log.assert_closed() def reset_settings(self, schema): # reset all changed gsettings, so that tests are independent from each # other for k in schema.list_keys(): schema.reset(k) Gio.Settings.sync() @classmethod def stop_process(cls, proc, timeout=1): proc.terminate() try: proc.wait(timeout) except: print("Killing %d (%s) after timeout of %f seconds" % (proc.pid, proc.args[0], timeout)) proc.kill() proc.wait() @classmethod def reset_idle_timer(klass): '''trigger activity to reset idle timer''' obj_mutter_idlemonitor = klass.session_bus_con.get_object( 'org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor', '/org/gnome/Mutter/IdleMonitor/Core') obj_mutter_idlemonitor.ResetIdletime(dbus_interface='org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor')