[] Custom keybindings List of custom keybindings 'XF86Calculator' Launch calculator Binding to launch the calculator. 'XF86Tools' Launch settings Binding to launch GNOME settings. 'XF86Mail' Launch email client Binding to launch the email client. 'XF86Eject' Eject Binding to eject an optical disc. '' Launch help browser Binding to launch the help browser. 'XF86Explorer' Home folder Binding to open the Home folder. 'XF86AudioMedia' Launch media player Binding to launch the media player. 'XF86AudioNext' Next track Binding to skip to next track. 'XF86AudioPause' Pause playback Binding to pause playback. 'XF86AudioPlay' Play (or play/pause) Binding to start playback (or toggle play/pause). '<Control><Alt>Delete' Log out Binding to log out. 'XF86AudioPrev' Previous track Binding to skip to previous track. '<Super>l' Lock screen Binding to lock the screen. 'XF86Search' Search Binding to launch the search tool. 'XF86AudioStop' Stop playback Binding to stop playback. 'XF86AudioLowerVolume' Volume down Binding to lower the system volume. 'XF86AudioMute' Volume mute Binding to mute the system volume. 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume' Volume up Binding to raise the system volume. 'Print' Take a screenshot Binding to take a screenshot. '<Alt>Print' Take a screenshot of a window Binding to take a screenshot of a window. '<Shift>Print' Take a screenshot of an area Binding to take a screenshot of an area. '<Ctrl>Print' Copy a screenshot to clipboard Binding to copy a screenshot to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Alt>Print' Copy a screenshot of a window to clipboard Binding to copy a screenshot of a window to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Shift>Print' Copy a screenshot of an area to clipboard Binding to copy a screenshot of an area to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Shift><Alt>R' Record a short video of the screen Binding to record a short video of the screen 'XF86WWW' Launch web browser Binding to launch the web browser. '<Alt><Super>8' Toggle magnifier Binding to show the screen magnifier '<Alt><Super>s' Toggle screen reader Binding to start the screen reader '' Toggle on-screen keyboard Binding to show the on-screen keyboard '' Increase text size Binding to increase the text size '' Decrease text size Binding to decrease the text size '' Toggle contrast Binding to toggle the interface contrast '<Alt><Super>equal' Magnifier zoom in Binding for the magnifier to zoom in '<Alt><Super>minus' Magnifier zoom out Binding for the magnifier to zoom out 30 Maximum length of screen recordings The maximum length of single screen cast recordings in seconds or 0 for unlimited '' Name Name of the custom binding '' Binding Binding for the custom binding '' Command Command to run when the binding is invoked