true <_summary>Activation of this plugin <_description>Whether this plugin would be activated by gnome-settings-daemon or not [] <_summary>Custom keybindings <_description>List of custom keybindings 'XF86Calculator' <_summary>Launch calculator <_description>Binding to launch the calculator. 'XF86Tools' <_summary>Launch settings <_description>Binding to launch GNOME settings. 'XF86Mail' <_summary>Launch email client <_description>Binding to launch the email client. 'XF86Eject' <_summary>Eject <_description>Binding to eject an optical disc. '' <_summary>Launch help browser <_description>Binding to launch the help browser. 'XF86Explorer' <_summary>Home folder <_description>Binding to open the Home folder. 'XF86AudioMedia' <_summary>Launch media player <_description>Binding to launch the media player. 'XF86AudioNext' <_summary>Next track <_description>Binding to skip to next track. 'XF86AudioPause' <_summary>Pause playback <_description>Binding to pause playback. 'XF86AudioPlay' <_summary>Play (or play/pause) <_description>Binding to start playback (or toggle play/pause). '<Control><Alt>Delete' <_summary>Log out <_description>Binding to log out. 'XF86AudioPrev' <_summary>Previous track <_description>Binding to skip to previous track. 0 <_summary>Priority to use for this plugin <_description>Priority to use for this plugin in gnome-settings-daemon startup queue '<Super>l' <_summary>Lock screen <_description>Binding to lock the screen. 'XF86Search' <_summary>Search <_description>Binding to launch the search tool. 'XF86AudioStop' <_summary>Stop playback <_description>Binding to stop playback. 'XF86AudioLowerVolume' <_summary>Volume down <_description>Binding to lower the system volume. 'XF86AudioMute' <_summary>Volume mute <_description>Binding to mute the system volume. 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume' <_summary>Volume up <_description>Binding to raise the system volume. 'Print' <_summary>Take a screenshot <_description>Binding to take a screenshot. '<Alt>Print' <_summary>Take a screenshot of a window <_description>Binding to take a screenshot of a window. '<Shift>Print' <_summary>Take a screenshot of an area <_description>Binding to take a screenshot of an area. '<Ctrl>Print' <_summary>Copy a screenshot to clipboard <_description>Binding to copy a screenshot to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Alt>Print' <_summary>Copy a screenshot of a window to clipboard <_description>Binding to copy a screenshot of a window to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Shift>Print' <_summary>Copy a screenshot of an area to clipboard <_description>Binding to copy a screenshot of an area to clipboard. '<Ctrl><Shift><Alt>R' <_summary>Record a short video of the screen Binding to record a short video of the screen 'XF86WWW' <_summary>Launch web browser <_description>Binding to launch the web browser. '<Alt><Super>8' <_summary>Toggle magnifier <_description>Binding to show the screen magnifier '<Alt><Super>s' <_summary>Toggle screen reader <_description>Binding to start the screen reader '' <_summary>Toggle on-screen keyboard <_description>Binding to show the on-screen keyboard '' <_summary>Increase text size <_description>Binding to increase the text size '' <_summary>Decrease text size <_description>Binding to decrease the text size '' <_summary>Toggle contrast <_description>Binding to toggle the interface contrast '<Alt><Super>equal' <_summary>Magnifier zoom in <_description>Binding for the magnifier to zoom in '<Alt><Super>minus' <_summary>Magnifier zoom out <_description>Binding for the magnifier to zoom out 30 Maximum length of screen recordings The maximum length of single screen cast recordings in seconds or 0 for unlimited '' <_summary>Name <_description>Name of the custom binding '' <_summary>Binding <_description>Binding for the custom binding '' <_summary>Command <_description>Command to run when the binding is invoked