GNOME Documentation XSLT Manual The GNOME Documentation XSLT stylesheets were created to provide fast DocBook to HTML conversion for real-time document viewing in GNOME's help browser, Yelp. 2004 Shaun McCance GNOME Documentation Project Shaun McCance GNOME Documentation Project Brent Smith GNOME Documentation Project 0.1 2004-03-31 0.2 2006-02-11
Introduction The GNOME XSLT Stylesheets are used to generate HTML from DocBook files. Some of the goals of these stylesheets are: To provide real-time translation of DocBook into HTML. The GNOME Help Browser, Yelp, uses these stylesheets to format help documents. To provide a customized look and feel for GNOME's documentation. To provide translation support for GNOME documentation.
Using the Stylesheets To use the stylesheets you should be familiar with the xsltproc application. The first argument is the location of the db2html.xsl stylesheet. The second argument is the top-level docbook file for which to generate the HTML. Generating HTML from a DocBook file $ xsltproc /usr/share/xml/gnome/xslt/docbook/html/db2html.xsl <docbook file> For more information on xsltproc and the libxslt libraries, see XInclude Processing If you make use of XInclude to include other files in your document, then you must use the --xinclude parameter to generate the complete DocBook file before processing it with the db2html.xsl stylesheet(s).
Specifying Parameters There are a number of parameters available in the stylesheets which you can set to customize the generated html. An exhaustive list is available in the following sections, but we will go over a few of the more commonly used ones in this section. To specify a parameter to the stylesheets, use the --stringparam option of the xsltproc application. db.chunk.chunk_top Set this parameter to 1 if you want the stylesheets to chunk Chunking refers to creating a separate output file for an element. For example, if there are three <sect1> elements within a document, (with no subsections) then there will be three files generated for each element. Incidentally, the name of the files will be the same as the element's id attribute. the top level element (<article> or <book>) into a file called index.xhtml. db.chunk.max_depth Specifies the maximum depth of chunked elements specified in db.chunk.chunks parameter. db.chunk.extension Set this parameter to the extension you would like for the chunked output files. Example of specifying stylesheet parameters $ xsltproc \ --stringparam db.chunk.chunk_top 1 \ --stringparam db.chunk.max_depth 1 \ --stringparam db.chunk.extension '.html' \ /usr/share/xml/gnome/xslt/docbook/html/db2html.xsl \ <path to docbook file> will chunk the top level element, chunk to a maximum depth of 1 and chunk the title page.
Limitations Currently, the stylesheets require that there be an id attribute on each chunked element.
Stylesheet Reference