;; From GAsyncResult ;; From GCancellable (define-signal cancelled (of-object "GCancellable") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) ;; From GBufferedInputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GBufferedInputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property buffer-size (of-object "GBufferedInputStream") (prop-type "GParamUInt") (docs "The size of the backend buffer") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GBufferedOutputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GBufferedOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property buffer-size (of-object "GBufferedOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamUInt") (docs "The size of the backend buffer") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property auto-grow (of-object "GBufferedOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamBoolean") (docs "Whether the buffer should automatically grow") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GDataInputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GDataInputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property buffer-size (of-object "GDataInputStream") (prop-type "GParamUInt") (docs "The size of the backend buffer") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property byte-order (of-object "GDataInputStream") (prop-type "GParamEnum") (docs "The byte order") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property newline-type (of-object "GDataInputStream") (prop-type "GParamEnum") (docs "The accepted types of line ending") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GDataOutputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GDataOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property byte-order (of-object "GDataOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamEnum") (docs "The byte order") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GDrive (define-signal changed (of-object "GDrive") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) (define-signal disconnected (of-object "GDrive") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) (define-signal eject-button (of-object "GDrive") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) ;; From GFile ;; From GFileEnumerator (define-property container (of-object "GFileEnumerator") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The container that is being enumerated") (readable #f) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) ;; From GFileInfo ;; From GFileIcon (define-property file (of-object "GFileIcon") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The file containing the icon") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) ;; From GFileMonitor (define-signal changed (of-object "GFileMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GFile*" "p0") '("GFile*" "p1") '("GFileMonitorEvent" "p2") ) ) (define-property rate-limit (of-object "GFileMonitor") (prop-type "GParamInt") (docs "The limit of the monitor to watch for changes, in milliseconds") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property cancelled (of-object "GFileMonitor") (prop-type "GParamBoolean") (docs "Whether the monitor has been cancelled") (readable #t) (writable #f) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GFilenameCompleter (define-signal got-completion-data (of-object "GFilenameCompleter") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) ;; From GFileInputStream ;; From GFileOutputStream ;; From GFilterInputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GFilterInputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) ;; From GFilterOutputStream (define-property base-stream (of-object "GFilterOutputStream") (prop-type "GParamObject") (docs "The underlying base stream the io ops will be done on") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) ;; From GInputStream ;; From GLoadableIcon ;; From GMemoryInputStream ;; From GMemoryOutputStream ;; From GMount (define-signal changed (of-object "GMount") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) (define-signal unmounted (of-object "GMount") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) ;; From GMountOperation (define-signal ask-password (of-object "GMountOperation") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("const-gchar*" "p0") '("const-gchar*" "p1") '("const-gchar*" "p2") '("GAskPasswordFlags" "p3") ) ) ;; p1 is actually a gchar**, ;; but that is equivalent (by typedef) to gchar**, ;; and the declaration in gmountoperation.h adds a const. ;; murrayc (define-signal ask-question (of-object "GMountOperation") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("const-gchar*" "p0") '("const-gchar**" "p1") ) ) (define-signal reply (of-object "GMountOperation") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GMountOperationResult" "p0") ) ) (define-property username (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamString") (docs "The user name") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property password (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamString") (docs "The password") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property anonymous (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamBoolean") (docs "Whether to use an anonymous user") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property domain (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamString") (docs "The domain of the mount operation") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property password-save (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamEnum") (docs "How passwords should be saved") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) (define-property choice (of-object "GMountOperation") (prop-type "GParamInt") (docs "The users choice") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #f) ) ;; From GSeekable ;; From GSimpleAsyncResult ;; From GThemedIcon (define-property name (of-object "GThemedIcon") (prop-type "GParamString") (docs "The name of the icon") (readable #f) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property names (of-object "GThemedIcon") (prop-type "GParamBoxed") (docs "An array containing the icon names") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) (define-property use-default-fallbacks (of-object "GThemedIcon") (prop-type "GParamBoolean") (docs "Whether to use default fallbacks found by shortening the name at '-' characters. Ignores names after the first if multiple names are given.") (readable #t) (writable #t) (construct-only #t) ) ;; From GVolume (define-signal changed (of-object "GVolume") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) (define-signal removed (of-object "GVolume") (return-type "void") (when "last") ) ;; From GVolumeMonitor (define-signal volume-added (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GVolume*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal volume-removed (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GVolume*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal volume-changed (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GVolume*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal mount-added (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GMount*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal mount-removed (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GMount*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal mount-pre-unmount (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GMount*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal mount-changed (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GMount*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal drive-connected (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GDrive*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal drive-disconnected (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GDrive*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal drive-changed (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GDrive*" "p0") ) ) (define-signal drive-eject-button (of-object "GVolumeMonitor") (return-type "void") (when "last") (parameters '("GDrive*" "p0") ) )