escape_char / repertoiremap charids.894 ########################################################################### #### # Locale de langue franaise pour le Canada / French lang. locale for Canada # # Adresse / Address: 178, Rexdale Blvd. # Etobicoke, ON # Canada M9W 1R3 # # Contact: Sue Wellspring, Technologies de l'information, CSA # Adresse Internet / Internet address: # Tlphone / Tel: +1 416 747 2333 # Tlcopieur / Fax: +1 416 747 2473 # Langue / Language: fr # Territoire / Territory: CA # Rvision / Revision: 2.13 # Date: 1996-03-28 # Usage: gnral / Application: General # Diffusion: publique / Users: General # Tables de correspondance / Repertoire maps: charids[1|2|3].396 # Jeu de caractres / Charset: LATIN # # Copyright (C) CSA (Association canadienne de normalisation), Canada 1996 # # Distribution et usage du contenu de la locale gratuits, y compris des # fins commerciales. On se doit de citer la source, de reproduire le # prsent avertissement et de n'exiger, s'il y a lieu, qu'un co>t minime # et raisonnable se limitant au co>t du support utilis pour la # distribution. Dans tous les cas, il ne doit y avoir aucun co>t associ # l'usage de cette locale. # # Cette locale est une partie intgrante de la norme nationale du Canada # CAN/CSA-Z243.230-1996, _Conventions canadiennes minimales de localisation # des logiciels_. # L'utilisation de la prsente locale ne suffit pas pour assurer la # conformit cette norme. Veuillez vous rfrer au texte de la # norme CAN/CSA-Z243.230-1996 pour en conna>tre les exigences de # conformit. # Cette norme peut >tre obtenue auprs de: # Association canadienne de normalisation/Vente des normes # 178, Rexdale Blvd., Etobicoke, ON M9W 1R3 # Canada Tl.: +1 416 747 4044 Fax: +1 416 747 2475 # # Distribution and usage of the locale contents are free, including for # commercial purposes. In all instances, the source must be cited and the # present notice reproduced. If required, only a minimal and reasonable charge # is permitted for this distribution. This charge, if applicable, should be # limited to the cost of the medium used for distribution. In all cases, no # other cost shall be associated with the use of the locale. # # This locale is an integral part of national Standard of Canada # CAN/CSA-Z243.230-1996, _Minimum Canadian Software Localization Parameters_. # Its use is not sufficient to guarantee conformance to this Standard. # Please refer to the text of CAN/CSA Z243.230-1996 Standard to know its exact # conformance requirements. # This Standard can be obtained from: # Canadian Standards Association/Standards Sales # 178, Rexdale Blvd., Etobicoke, ON M9W 1R3 # Canada Tel.: +1 416 747 4044 Fax: +1 416 747 2475 # ########################################################################### #### # Locale POSIX, variante franaise canadienne, selon la norme # CAN/CSA Z243.4.1-1996 de classement alphabtique, ainsi que # selon d'autres conventions culturelles nationales. # # POSIX locale, Canadian French variant, according to Standard # CAN/CSA Z243.4.1-1996 for alphabetic ordering, and other national # cultural conventions. ########################################################################### #### # Les symboles sont indpendants de la langue, du moins pour le # franais et l'anglais. # # Symbols are language independent, as far as French and English are concerned. ########################################################################### #### # Les commentaires ne sont normalement pas permis la fin des lignes pour # >tre conforme la norme POSIX d'origine. Lorsque l'on implante les # locales franaises canadiennes ou anglaises canadiennes, les commentaires # placs la fin des noncs doivent >tre enlevs # avant leur compilation, dans les cas o un programme LOCALEDEF conforme # POSIX est utilis. # # Comments are normally not allowed at the end of lines if conformance to # original POSIX Standard is claimed. When implementing either the Canadian # French or Canadian English locales, it is imperative that the remarks at # the end of the statements be removed for compilation, when a POSIX-compliant # LOCALEDEF utility is used. ########################################################################### #### # LC_COLLATE # SYMB N Expl. # collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol # collating-symbol # 70 minuscule/minuscule (bas de casse/lower case) collating-symbol # 80 infrieur min./subscript min. (indice/index) collating-symbol # 90 supr. min./superscript min. (exposant/exponent) collating-symbol #100 capitale/capital (haut de casse/upper case) collating-symbol #110 infrieur en capitale/subscript capital collating-symbol #120 suprieur en capitale/superscript capital # collating-symbol collating-symbol # collating-symbol #150 de base/basic (non accentu/non-accented) collating-symbol #160 particulier/peculiar collating-symbol #170 ligature/ligature collating-symbol #180 accent aigu/acute accent collating-symbol #190 accent grave/grave accent collating-symbol #195 brve/breve CSA T500 collating-symbol #200 accent circonflexe/circumflex accent collating-symbol #205 caron/caron CSA T500 collating-symbol #210 rond suprieur/ring above collating-symbol #220 trma/diaeresis (ou/or umlaut) collating-symbol #225 double ac. aigu/double acute ac. CSA T500 collating-symbol #230 tilde/tilde collating-symbol #235 point/dot CSA T500 collating-symbol #240 barre oblique/oblique collating-symbol #250 cdille/cedilla collating-symbol #252 ogonek/ogonek CSA T500 collating-symbol #255 macron/macron CSA T500 # collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol # order_start forward;backward;forward;forward,position # #SYMB. # N Expl. # 0070 # 0080 # 0090 # 0100 # 0110 # 0120 # 0150 # 0160 # 0170 # 0180 # 0190 # 0192 diacr. CSA T500 # 0200 # 0202 diacr. CSA T500 # 0210 # 0220 # 0225 diacr. CSA T500 # 0230 # 0235 diacr. CSA T500 # 0240 # 0250 # 0252 diacr. CSA T500 # 0255 diacr. CSA T500 # #SYMB. # N Expl. Uxxxx[*] # # Notes: # (1): [*]: JGSUG de CAN/CSA Z243.4 / GPGSS of CAN/CSA Z243.4 # (2): Autres Uxxxx -> CSA T500 <- Other Uxxxx's # #SYMB. # N Expl. Uxxxx[*] # IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0320 ESPACE/SPACE 0020 <_> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_> # 0330 _ 005F <"_> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"_> # 0335 0332 <'-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<'-> # 0340 ¯ 00AF <--> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<--> # 0350 ­ 00AD <-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<-> # 0360 - 002D <,> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<,> # 0370 , 002C <;> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<;> # 0380 ; 003B <:> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<:> # 0390 : 003A IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0400 ! 0021 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0410 ¡ 00A1 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0420 ? 003F IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0430 ¿ 00BF IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0440 / 002F <"//> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"//> # 0445 0338 <.> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<.> # 0450 . 002E # <0> <0>;;;IGNORE # 0480 0 0030 <1> <1>;;;IGNORE # 0490 1 0031 <2> <2>;;;IGNORE # 0500 2 0032 <3> <3>;;;IGNORE # 0510 3 0033 <4> <4>;;;IGNORE # 0520 4 0034 <5> <5>;;;IGNORE # 0530 5 0035 <6> <6>;;;IGNORE # 0540 6 0036 <7> <7>;;;IGNORE # 0550 7 0037 <8> <8>;;;IGNORE # 0560 8 0038 <9> <9>;;;IGNORE # 0570 9 0039 <.M> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<.M> # 0510 · 00B7 <',> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<',> # 0520 ¸ 00B8 <";> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<";> # 0522 0328 <'> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<'> # 0530 ' 0027 <'6> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<'6> # 0540 2018* <'9> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<'9> # 0550 2019* <"> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"> # 0560 " 0022 <"6> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"6> # 0570 201C* <"9> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"9> # 0580 201D* <<<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<<<> # 0590 « 00AB />> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;/>> # 0600 » 00BB <(> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<(> # 0610 ( 0028 <(S> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<(S> # 0620 207D* <)> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<)> # 0630 ) 0029 <)S> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<)S> # 0640 207E* IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0650 [ 005B <)!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<)!> # 0660 ] 005D <<(> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<<(> # 0670 { 007B <)/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<)/>> # 0680 } 007D IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0690 § 00A7 <9I> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<9I> # 0700 ¶ 00B6 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0710 © 00A9 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0720 ® 00AE IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0722 2122 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0730 @ 0040 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0740 ¤ 00A4 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0750 ¢ 00A2 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0760 $ 0024 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0770 £ 00A3 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0780 + 00A5 <*> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<*> # 0790 * 002A IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0800 \ 005C <&> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<&> # 0810 & 0026 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0820 # 0023 <%> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<%> # 0830 % 0025 <-S> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<-S> # 0840 207B* <+> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<+> # 0850 + 002B <+S> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<+S> # 0860 207A* <+-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<+-> # 0870 ± 00B1 # # 0970 # 0980 # 0990 # 1000 # 1010 # 1020 # 1030 # 1040 # 1050 # 1060 # 1070 # 1080 # 1090 # 1100 # 1110 # 1120 # 1130 # 1140 # 1150 # 1160 # 1170 # 1180 # 1190 # 1200 # 1210 # 1220 <_=> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_=> # 1121 2501 <<-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<<-> # 1122 2190 <-/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<-/>> # 1125 2192 <"7> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<"7> # 1127 20D1 <-!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<-!> # 1130 2191 <-v> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<-v> # 1132 2193 <_d!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_d!> # 1140 266A <_/>//> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_/>//> # 1150 2571 <_<\> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_<\> # 1160 2572 <_./>//> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_./>//> # 1170 25E2 <_.<\> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<_.<\> # 1180 25E3 # # ;;;IGNORE # _ 00A0 # <18> <0>;;;IGNORE # 215B <14> <0>;;;IGNORE # ¼ 00BC <38> <0>;;;IGNORE # 215C <58> <0>;;;IGNORE # 215D <78> <0>;;;IGNORE # 215E <12> <0>;;;IGNORE # ½ 00BD <34> <0>;;;IGNORE # ¾ 00BE <0S> <0>;;;IGNORE # 2070 <1S> <1>;;;IGNORE # ¹ 00B9 <2S> <2>;;;IGNORE # ² 00B2 <3S> <3>;;;IGNORE # ³ 00B3 <4S> <4>;;;IGNORE # 2074 <5S> <5>;;;IGNORE # 2075 <6S> <6>;;;IGNORE # 2076 <7S> <7>;;;IGNORE # 2077 <8S> <8>;;;IGNORE # 2078 <9S> <9>;;;IGNORE # 2079 # # BAS FR * Uxxxx[*] # ;;;IGNORE #a 0061 <-a> ;;;IGNORE #ª 00AA ;;;IGNORE #á 00E1 ;;;IGNORE #à 00E0 > ;;;IGNORE #â 00E2 ;;;IGNORE #ã 00E3 ;;;IGNORE #ä 00E4 ;;;IGNORE #å 00E5 ;;;IGNORE #0103 ;;;IGNORE #0105 ;;;IGNORE #0101 "";"";"";IGNORE #æ 00E6 ;;;IGNORE #b 0062 ;;;IGNORE #c 0063 ;;;IGNORE #ç 00E7 ;;;IGNORE #0107 > ;;;IGNORE #0109 ;;;IGNORE #010D ;;;IGNORE #010B ;;;IGNORE #d 0064 ;;;IGNORE #ð 00F0 ;;;IGNORE #010F ;;;IGNORE #0111 ;;;IGNORE #e 0065 ;;;IGNORE #é 00E9 ;;;IGNORE #è 00E8 > ;;;IGNORE #ê 00EA ;;;IGNORE #ë 00EB ;;;IGNORE #011B ;;;IGNORE #0117 ;;;IGNORE #0119 ;;;IGNORE #0113 ;;;IGNORE #f 0066 ;;;IGNORE #g 0067 ;;;IGNORE #011F > ;;;IGNORE #011D ;;;IGNORE #0121 ;;;IGNORE #0123 ;;;IGNORE #h 0068 > ;;;IGNORE #0125 ;;;IGNORE #0127 ;;;IGNORE #i 0069 ;;;IGNORE #í 00ED ;;;IGNORE #ì 00EC > ;;;IGNORE #î 00EE ;;;IGNORE #ï 00EF ;;;IGNORE #0131 ;;;IGNORE #0129 ;;;IGNORE #012F ;;;IGNORE #012B "";"";"";IGNORE #0133 ;;;IGNORE #j 006A > ;;;IGNORE #0135 ;;;IGNORE #k 006B ;;;IGNORE #0138 ;;;IGNORE #0137 ;;;IGNORE #l 006C ;;;IGNORE #013A ;;;IGNORE #013E ;;;IGNORE #0142 ;;;IGNORE #013C ;;;IGNORE #0140 ;;;IGNORE #m 006D ;;;IGNORE #n 006E ;;;IGNORE #ñ 00F1 <'n> ;;;IGNORE #0149 ;;;IGNORE #0144 ;;;IGNORE #0148 ;;;IGNORE #0146 "";"";"";IGNORE #014B ;;;IGNORE #o 006F <-o> ;;;IGNORE #º 00BA ;;;IGNORE #ó 00F3 ;;;IGNORE #ò 00F2 > ;;;IGNORE #ô 00F4 ;;;IGNORE #õ 00F5 ;;;IGNORE #ö 00F6 ;;;IGNORE #ø 00F8 ;;;IGNORE #0151 ;;;IGNORE #014D "";"";"";IGNORE # 0153

;;;IGNORE #P 0050 ;;;IGNORE #Q 0051 ;;;IGNORE #R 0052 ;;;IGNORE #0154 ;;;IGNORE #0158 ;;;IGNORE #0156 ;;;IGNORE #S 0053 ;;;IGNORE #015A > ;;;IGNORE #015C ;;;IGNORE #0160 ;;;IGNORE #015E ;;;IGNORE #T 0054 ;;;IGNORE #0164 ;;;IGNORE #0166 ;;;IGNORE #0162 "";"";"";IGNORE #Þ 00DE ;;;IGNORE #U 0055 ;;;IGNORE #Ú 00DA ;;;IGNORE #Ù 00D9 > ;;;IGNORE #Û 00DB ;;;IGNORE #Ü 00DC ;;;IGNORE #016C ;;;IGNORE #016E ;;;IGNORE #0170 ;;;IGNORE #0168 ;;;IGNORE #0172 ;;;IGNORE #016A ;;;IGNORE #V 0056 ;;;IGNORE #W 0057 > ;;;IGNORE #0174 ;;;IGNORE #X 0058 ;;;IGNORE #Y 0059 ;;;IGNORE #Ý 00DD > ;;;IGNORE #0176 ;;;IGNORE # 0178 ;;;IGNORE #Z 005A ;;;IGNORE #0179 ;;;IGNORE #017D ;;;IGNORE #017B # # Les caractres suivants ont t relocaliss par mesure de # simplification et pour rduire au maximum le nombre d'indices, tout en # conservant des valeurs de rfrence aux chiffres et aux lettres de base. # # These characters have been relocalized both for simplification and for # minimum allocation of token values, while preserving reference values # to digits and basic letters. # <''> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<0> # 0460 _ 00B4 <'!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<1> # 0470 ` 0060 <"(> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<2> # 0472 0306 <'/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<3> # 0480 ^ 005E <"<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<4> # 0482 030C <"0> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<5> # 0485 030A <':> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<6> # 0490 · 00A8 <""> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<7> # 0492 030B <'?> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<8> # 0500 ~ 007E <".> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;<9> # 0502 0307 <-:> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0880 _ 00F7 <*X> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0890 p 00D7 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0900 2260* <<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0910 < 003C <=<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0920 2264* <=> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0930 = 003D => IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0940 2265* > IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0950 > 003E <7!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0960 ¬ 00AC IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0970 | 007C IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0980 ¦ 00A6 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 0990 ° 00B0 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1000 µ 00B5 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1002 2126 IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1010 220E* <_V/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1020 250C* <_V-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1030 252C* <_V IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1040 2510* <_!/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1050 251C* <_!-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1060 253C* <_!<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1070 2524* <_A/>> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1080 2514* <_-A> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1090 2534* <_A<> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1100 2518* <_!> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1110 2502* <_-> IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE; # 1120 2500* # UNDEFINED IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE;IGNORE # order_end # END LC_COLLATE # LC_CTYPE # upper ;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ ;;

;;;;;;;;;;;/ ;;>;;; ;/ ;;; ;>;;/ ;;>;;; ;/ ;;>;;; ;/ ;;>;;; ;/ ;;;;>;;;;;;/ ;;;>;;;;>;;;/ ;;;;>;;;;;;/ ;;;;;;;;;;/ ;;>;;;;;;;;/ ;;;;>;>;;;; # lower ;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ ;;

;;;;;;;;;;;/ ;;>;;; ;; ;/ ;;>;;; ;>;;/ ;;; ;>;;; ;/ ;;>;;; ;; ;/ ;;;;>;;;;;;/ ;;;>;;;;>;;;/ ;;;;>;;;;;;/ ;;;;;<'n>;;;;;/ ;;;;>;;;;;;/ ;;;;;;>;>;;;/ # digit <0>;<1>;<2>;<3>;<4>;<5>;<6>;<7>;<8>;<9> # xdigit <0>;<1>;<2>;<3>;<4>;<5>;<6>;<7>;<8>;<9>;/ ;;;;;;;;;;; # space ;;;;; # blank ; # punct ; <">; <%>; <&>; <(>; <'>;/ <)>; <*>; <+>; <,>; <->;/ <.>; <:>; <;>; <=>; ;/ <@>; <_>; ; ; ;/ ; ; ; ; ;/ <7!>; ; ; <9I>; ;/ ; ; <1S>; <2S>; <3S>;/ <-a>; <-o>; ; ; <.M>;/ <*X>; <12>; <14>; <34>; <':>;/ <'->; <'!>; <'?>; <''>; <',>; <+->;/ <-:>; <-->; <<<>; ; <<(>;/ <<>; ; ; >; <)/>>;/ <)!>; />>;<'/>>; ;/ <"(>; <".>; <"0>; <"">; <"<>;/ <";>; <"_>; <"//>; <'6>; <'9>;/ <"6>; <"9>; <0S>; <4S>; <5S>;/ <6S>; <7S>; <8S>; <9S>; <(S>;/ <-S>; <)S>; <+S>; <"7>; ;/ ; <18>; <38>; <58>; <78>;/ <<->; <-!>; <-/>>; <-v>; ;/ ; <=<>; =>; <_->; <_=>;/ <_!>; <_V/>>;<_V;<_A/>>; <_A<>;/ <_!/>>;<_!<>;<_V->; <_-A>; <_!->;/ <_/>//>;<_<\>;<_./>//>;<_.<\>;<_d!> # cntrl ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;/ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;/ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;/ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # toupper (,); (,); (,); (>,>);/ (,); (,); (,); (,);/ (,); (,); (,); (,);/ (,); (,); (,); (,);/ (>,>); (,); (,); (,);/ (,); (,); (,); (,);/ (>,>); (,); (,); (,);/ (,); (,); (,); (,);/ (,); (,); (,); (>,>);/ (,); (,); (,); (


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"; "";/ ""; "" # mon ""; "";/ ""; "";/ ""; "";/ ""; ">";/ "

"; "";/ ""; "" # # Le changement d'heure s'effectue au Canada 2 heures le dimanche suivant # le 1er samedi d'avril et le dernier samedi d'octobre. Ceci est sujet # changement en fonction des lois provinciales. Certaines provinces ne # changent jamais d'heure. Prire de consulter la norme CSA Z234.4-89 pour # plus de dtails sur les noms des fuseaux horaires utiliser. # # Time changes in Canada are done at 2 A.M. the Sunday following the first # Saturday of April and the last Saturday of October. This is subject to # change according to provincial laws. Certain provinces never change time. # Consult CSA Standard Z234.4-89 for more details about time zone names to use. # # Ex.: Le mardi 31 dcembre 1991 23:59:59 HNE d_t_fmt " <%> <%> <%> <%> <%><:><%><:><%> <%>" # # Ex.: 1991-12-31 d_fmt "<%><-><%><-><%>" # # Ex.: 23:59:59 t_fmt "<%><:><%><:><%>" # am_pm "";"" # END LC_TIME # # Rponses acceptables en franais / Valid French answers # LC_MESSAGES # #yesexpr "^[[:blank:]]*[][[:alpha:]]*" #noexpr "^[[:blank:]]*[][[:alpha:]]*" # yesexpr "<'/>><<(><<(><:>blank<:><)/>><)/>><*><<(>/ <)/>><<(><<(><:>alpha<:><)/>><)/>><*>" noexpr "<'/>><<(><<(><:>blank<:><)/>><)/>><*><<(>/ <)/>><<(><<(><:>alpha<:><)/>><)/>><*>" # END LC_MESSAGES

;;;IGNORE #p 0070 ;;;IGNORE #q 0071 ;;;IGNORE #r 0072 ;;;IGNORE #0155 ;;;IGNORE #0159 ;;;IGNORE #0157 ;;;IGNORE #s 0073 ;;;IGNORE #015B > ;;;IGNORE #015D ;;;IGNORE #0161 ;;;IGNORE #015F "";"";"";IGNORE #ß 00DF ;;;IGNORE #t 0074 ;;;IGNORE #0165 ;;;IGNORE #0167 ;;;IGNORE #0163 "";"";"";IGNORE #þ 00FE ;;;IGNORE #u 0075 ;;;IGNORE #ú 00FA ;;;IGNORE #ù 00F9 > ;;;IGNORE #û 00FB ;;;IGNORE #ü 00FC ;;;IGNORE #016D ;;;IGNORE #016F ;;;IGNORE #0171 ;;;IGNORE #0169 ;;;IGNORE #0173 ;;;IGNORE #016B ;;;IGNORE #v 0076 ;;;IGNORE #w 0077 > ;;;IGNORE #0175 ;;;IGNORE #x 0078 ;;;IGNORE #y 0079 ;;;IGNORE #ý 00FD ;;;IGNORE #ÿ 00FF > ;;;IGNORE #0177 ;;;IGNORE #z 007A ;;;IGNORE #017A ;;;IGNORE #017E ;;;IGNORE #017C ;;;IGNORE #A 0041 ;;;IGNORE #Á 00C1 ;;;IGNORE #À 00C0 > ;;;IGNORE #Â 00C2 ;;;IGNORE #Ã 00C3 ;;;IGNORE #Ä 00C4 ;;;IGNORE #Å 00C5 ;;;IGNORE #0102 ;;;IGNORE #0104 ;;;IGNORE #0100 "";"";"";IGNORE #Æ 00C6 ;;;IGNORE #B 0042 ;;;IGNORE #C 0043 ;;;IGNORE #Ç 00C7 ;;;IGNORE #0106 > ;;;IGNORE #0108 ;;;IGNORE #010C ;;;IGNORE #010A ;;;IGNORE #D 0044 ;;;IGNORE #Ð 00D0 ;;;IGNORE #010E ;;;IGNORE #0110 ;;;IGNORE #E 0045 ;;;IGNORE #É 00C9 ;;;IGNORE #È 00C8 > ;;;IGNORE #Ê 00CA ;;;IGNORE #Ë 00CB ;;;IGNORE #011A ;;;IGNORE #0116 ;;;IGNORE #0118 ;;;IGNORE #0112 ;;;IGNORE #F 0046 ;;;IGNORE #G 0047 ;;;IGNORE #011E > ;;;IGNORE #011C ;;;IGNORE #0120 ;;;IGNORE #0122 ;;;IGNORE #H 0048 > ;;;IGNORE #0124 ;;;IGNORE #0126 ;;;IGNORE #I 0049 ;;;IGNORE #Í 00CD ;;;IGNORE #Ì 00CC > ;;;IGNORE #Î 00CE ;;;IGNORE #Ï 00CF ;;;IGNORE #0130 ;;;IGNORE #0128 ;;;IGNORE #012E ;;;IGNORE #012A "";"";"";IGNORE #0132 ;;;IGNORE #J 004A > ;;;IGNORE #0134 ;;;IGNORE #K 004B ;;;IGNORE #0136 ;;;IGNORE #L 004C ;;;IGNORE #0139 ;;;IGNORE #013D ;;;IGNORE #0141 ;;;IGNORE #013B ;;;IGNORE #013F ;;;IGNORE #M 004D ;;;IGNORE #N 004E ;;;IGNORE #Ñ 00D1 ;;;IGNORE #0143 ;;;IGNORE #0147 ;;;IGNORE #0145 "";"";"";IGNORE #014A ;;;IGNORE #O 004F ;;;IGNORE #Ó 00D3 ;;;IGNORE #¶ 00D2 > ;;;IGNORE #Ø 00D4 ;;;IGNORE #Õ 00D5 ;;;IGNORE #Ö 00D6 ;;;IGNORE #¥ 00D8 ;;;IGNORE #0150 ;;;IGNORE #014C "";"";"";IGNORE # 0152