#! /bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Undo Ltd. # # https://github.com/barisione/clang-format-hooks # Force variable declaration before access. set -u # Make any failure in piped commands be reflected in the exit code. set -o pipefail readonly bash_source="${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}" if [ -t 1 ] && hash tput 2> /dev/null; then readonly b=$(tput bold) readonly i=$(tput sitm) readonly n=$(tput sgr0) else readonly b= readonly i= readonly n= fi function error_exit() { for str in "$@"; do echo -n "$b$str$n" >&2 done echo >&2 exit 1 } # realpath is not available everywhere. function realpath() { if [ "${OSTYPE:-}" = "linux-gnu" ]; then readlink -m "$@" else # Python should always be available on macOS. # We use sys.stdout.write instead of print so it's compatible with both Python 2 and 3. python -c "import sys; import os.path; sys.stdout.write(os.path.realpath('''$1''') + '\\n')" fi } # realpath --relative-to is only available on recent Linux distros. # This function behaves identical to Python's os.path.relpath() and doesn't need files to exist. function rel_realpath() { local -r path=$(realpath "$1") local -r rel_to=$(realpath "${2:-$PWD}") # Split the paths into components. IFS='/' read -r -a path_parts <<< "$path" IFS='/' read -r -a rel_to_parts <<< "$rel_to" # Search for the first different component. for ((idx=1; idx<${#path_parts[@]}; idx++)); do if [ "${path_parts[idx]}" != "${rel_to_parts[idx]:-}" ]; then break fi done result=() # Add the required ".." to the $result array. local -r first_different_idx="$idx" for ((idx=first_different_idx; idx<${#rel_to_parts[@]}; idx++)); do result+=("..") done # Add the required components from $path. for ((idx=first_different_idx; idx<${#path_parts[@]}; idx++)); do result+=("${path_parts[idx]}") done if [ "${#result[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then # Join the array with a "/" as separator. echo "$(export IFS='/'; echo "${result[*]}")" else echo . fi } # Find the top-level git directory (taking into account we could be in a submodule). declare git_test_dir=. declare top_dir while true; do top_dir=$(cd "$git_test_dir" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel) || \ error_exit "You need to be in the git repository to run this script." [ -e "$top_dir/.git" ] || \ error_exit "No .git directory in $top_dir." if [ -d "$top_dir/.git" ]; then # We are done! top_dir is the root git directory. break elif [ -f "$top_dir/.git" ]; then # We are in a submodule or git work-tree if .git is a file! if [ -z "$(git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree)" ]; then # The --show-superproject-working-tree option is available and we # are in a work tree. gitdir=$(<"$top_dir/.git") gitdir=${gitdir#gitdir: } topdir_basename=${gitdir##*/} git_test_dir=${gitdir%/worktrees/$topdir_basename} break fi # If show-superproject-working-tree returns non-empty string, either: # # 1) --show-superproject-working-tree is not defined for this version of git # # 2) --show-superproject-working-tree is defined and we are in a submodule # # In the first case we will assume it is not a work tree because people # using that advanced technology will be using a recent version of git. # # In second case, we could use the value returned by # --show-superproject-working-tree directly but we do not here because # that would require extra work. # git_test_dir="$git_test_dir/.." fi done readonly top_dir hook_path="$top_dir/.git/hooks/pre-commit" readonly hook_path me=$(realpath "$bash_source") || exit 1 readonly me me_relative_to_hook=$(rel_realpath "$me" "$(dirname "$hook_path")") || exit 1 readonly me_relative_to_hook my_dir=$(dirname "$me") || exit 1 readonly my_dir apply_format="$my_dir/apply-format" readonly apply_format apply_format_relative_to_top_dir=$(rel_realpath "$apply_format" "$top_dir") || exit 1 readonly apply_format_relative_to_top_dir function is_installed() { if [ ! -e "$hook_path" ]; then echo nothing else existing_hook_target=$(realpath "$hook_path") || exit 1 readonly existing_hook_target if [ "$existing_hook_target" = "$me" ]; then # Already installed. echo installed else # There's a hook, but it's not us. echo different fi fi } function install() { if ln -s "$me_relative_to_hook" "$hook_path" 2> /dev/null; then echo "Pre-commit hook installed." else local -r res=$(is_installed) if [ "$res" = installed ]; then error_exit "The hook is already installed." elif [ "$res" = different ]; then error_exit "There's already an existing pre-commit hook, but for something else." elif [ "$res" = nothing ]; then error_exit "There's no pre-commit hook, but we couldn't create a symlink." else error_exit "Unexpected failure." fi fi } function uninstall() { local -r res=$(is_installed) if [ "$res" = installed ]; then rm "$hook_path" || \ error_exit "Couldn't remove the pre-commit hook." elif [ "$res" = different ]; then error_exit "There's a pre-commit hook installed, but for something else. Not removing." elif [ "$res" = nothing ]; then error_exit "There's no pre-commit hook, nothing to uninstall." else error_exit "Unexpected failure detecting the pre-commit hook status." fi } function show_help() { cat << EOF ${b}SYNOPSIS${n} $bash_source [install|uninstall] ${b}DESCRIPTION${n} Git hook to verify and fix formatting before committing. The script is invoked automatically when you commit, so you need to call it directly only to set up the hook or remove it. To setup the hook run this script passing "install" on the command line. To remove the hook run passing "uninstall". ${b}CONFIGURATION${n} You can configure the hook using the "git config" command. ${b}hooks.clangFormatDiffInteractive${n} (default: true) By default, the hook requires user input. If you don't run git from a terminal, you can disable the interactive prompt with: ${i}\$ git config hooks.clangFormatDiffInteractive false${n} ${b}hooks.clangFormatDiffStyle${n} (default: file) Unless a different style is specified, the hook expects a file named .clang-format to exist in the repository. This file should contain the configuration for clang-format. You can specify a different style (in this example, the WebKit one) with: ${i}\$ git config hooks.clangFormatDiffStyle WebKit${n} EOF } if [ $# = 1 ]; then case "$1" in -h | -\? | --help ) show_help exit 0 ;; install ) install exit 0 ;; uninstall ) uninstall exit 0 ;; esac fi [ $# = 0 ] || error_exit "Invalid arguments: $*" # This is a real run of the hook, not a install/uninstall run. if [ -z "${GIT_DIR:-}" ] && [ -z "${GIT_INDEX_FILE:-}" ]; then error_exit \ $'It looks like you invoked this script directly, but it\'s supposed to be used\n' \ $'as a pre-commit git hook.\n' \ $'\n' \ $'To install the hook try:\n' \ $' ' "$bash_source" $' install\n' \ $'\n' \ $'For more details on this script try:\n' \ $' ' "$bash_source" $' --help\n' fi [ -x "$apply_format" ] || \ error_exit \ $'Cannot find the apply-format script.\n' \ $'I expected it here:\n' \ $' ' "$apply_format" readonly style=$(cd "$top_dir" && git config hooks.clangFormatDiffStyle || echo file) readonly patch=$(mktemp) trap '{ rm -f "$patch"; }' EXIT "$apply_format" --style="$style" --cached > "$patch" || \ error_exit $'\nThe apply-format script failed.' if [ "$(wc -l < "$patch")" -eq 0 ]; then echo "The staged content is formatted correctly." exit 0 fi # The code is not formatted correctly. interactive=$(cd "$top_dir" && git config --bool hooks.clangFormatDiffInteractive) if [ "$interactive" != false ]; then # Interactive is the default, so anything that is not false is converted to # true, including possibly invalid values. interactive=true fi readonly interactive if [ "$interactive" = false ]; then echo "${b}The staged content is not formatted correctly.${n}" echo "You can fix the formatting with:" echo " ${i}\$ ./$apply_format_relative_to_top_dir --apply-to-staged${n}" echo echo "You can also make this script interactive (if you use git from a terminal) with:" echo " ${i}\$ git config hooks.clangFormatDiffInteractive true${n}" exit 1 fi if hash colordiff 2> /dev/null; then colordiff < "$patch" else echo "${b}(Install colordiff to see this diff in color!)${n}" echo cat "$patch" fi echo echo "${b}The staged content is not formatted correctly.${n}" echo "The patch shown above can be applied automatically to fix the formatting." echo echo "You can:" echo " [a]: Apply the patch" echo " [f]: Force and commit anyway (not recommended!)" echo " [c]: Cancel the commit" echo " [?]: Show help" echo readonly tty=${PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_TTY:-/dev/tty} while true; do echo -n "What would you like to do? [a/f/c/?] " read -r answer < "$tty" case "$answer" in [aA] ) patch -p0 < "$patch" || \ error_exit \ $'\n' \ $'Cannot apply patch to local files.\n' \ $'Have you modified the file locally after starting the commit?' git apply -p0 --cached < "$patch" || \ error_exit \ $'\n' \ $'Cannot apply patch to git staged changes.\n' \ $'This may happen if you have some overlapping unstaged changes. To solve\n' \ $'you need to stage or reset changes manually.' ;; [fF] ) echo echo "Will commit anyway!" echo "You can always abort by quitting your editor with no commit message." echo echo -n "Press return to continue." read -r < "$tty" exit 0 ;; [cC] ) error_exit "Commit aborted as requested." ;; \? ) echo show_help echo continue ;; * ) echo 'Invalid answer. Type "a", "f" or "c".' echo continue esac break done