# Overrides Like other binding languages, GJS includes a number of overrides for various libraries, like GIO and GTK. These overrides include implementations of functions not normally available to language bindings, as well as convenience functions and support for native JavaScript features such as iteration. The library headings below are links to the JavaScript source for each override, which may clarify particular behaviour or contain extra implementation notes. ## [Gio](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/blob/HEAD/modules/core/overrides/Gio.js) The `Gio` override includes a number of utilities and conveniences, in particular a number of helpers for working with D-Bus in GJS. For a longer introduction to the D-Bus utilities listed here, see the [D-Bus Tutorial][dbus-tutorial]. [dbus-tutorial]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gio/dbus.html ### Gio.DBus.session > Warning: It is a programmer error to call `close()` on this object instance Type: * [`Gio.DBusConnection`][gdbusconnection] Convenience for getting the session [`Gio.DBusConnection`][gdbusconnection]. This always returns the same object and is equivalent to calling: ```js const connection = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, null); ``` [gdbusconnection]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.dbusconnection ### Gio.DBus.system > Warning: It is a programmer error to call `close()` on this object instance Type: * [`Gio.DBusConnection`][gdbusconnection] Convenience for getting the system [`Gio.DBusConnection`][gdbusconnection]. This always returns the same object and is equivalent to calling: ```js const connection = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, null); ``` [gdbusconnection]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.dbusconnection ### Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(xmlData) Type: * Static Parameters: * xmlData (`String`) — Valid D-Bus introspection XML Returns: * (`Gio.DBusNodeInfo`) — A [`Gio.DBusNodeInfo`][gdbusnodeinfo] structure > Note: This is an override for function normally available in GIO Parses `xmlData` and returns a [`Gio.DBusNodeInfo`][gdbusnodeinfo] representing the data. The introspection XML must contain exactly one top-level `` element. Note that this routine is using a GMarkup-based parser that only accepts a subset of valid XML documents. [gdbusnodeinfo]: https://docs.gtk.org/gio/struct.DBusNodeInfo.html ### Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml(xmlData) Type: * Static Parameters: * xmlData (`String`) — Valid D-Bus introspection XML Returns: * (`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`) — A [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo] structure Parses `xmlData` and returns a [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo] representing the first `` element of the data. This is a convenience wrapper around `Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml()` for the common case of a [`Gio.DBusNodeInfo`][gdbusnodeinfo] with a single interface. [gdbusinterfaceinfo]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.dbusinterfaceinfo ### Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(interfaceInfo) Type: * Static Parameters: * interfaceInfo (`String`|`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`) — Valid D-Bus introspection XML or [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo] structure Returns: * (`Function`) — A `Function` used to create a [`Gio.DBusProxy`][gdbusproxy] Returns a `Function` that can be used to create a [`Gio.DBusProxy`][gdbusproxy] for `interfaceInfo` if it is a [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo] structure, or the first `` element if it is introspection XML. The returned `Function` has the following signature: ```js @param {Gio.DBusConnection} bus — A bus connection @param {String} name — A well-known name @param {String} object — An object path @param {Function} [asyncCallback] — Optional callback @param {Gio.Cancellable} [cancellable] — Optional cancellable @param {Gio.DBusProxyFlags} flags — Optional flags ``` The signature for `asyncCallback` is: ```js @param {Gio.DBusProxy|null} proxy — A D-Bus proxy, or null on failure @param {Error} error — An exception, or null on success ``` See the [D-Bus Tutorial][make-proxy-wrapper] for an example of how to use this function and the resulting [`Gio.DBusProxy`][gdbusproxy]. [gdbusproxy]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.dbusproxy [make-proxy-wrapper]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gio/dbus.html#high-level-proxies ### Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(interfaceInfo, jsObj) Type: * Static Parameters: * interfaceInfo (`String`|`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`) — Valid D-Bus introspection XML or [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo] structure * jsObj (`Object`) — A `class` instance implementing `interfaceInfo` Returns: * (`Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton`) — A [`Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton`][gdbusinterfaceskeleton] Takes `jsObj`, an object instance implementing the interface described by [`Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo`][gdbusinterfaceinfo], and returns an instance of [`Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton`][gdbusinterfaceskeleton]. The returned object has two additional methods not normally found on a `Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton` instance: * `emit_property_changed(propertyName, propertyValue)` * propertyName (`String`) — A D-Bus property name * propertyValue (`GLib.Variant`) — A [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant] * `emit_signal(signalName, signalParameters)` * signalName (`String`) — A D-Bus signal name * signalParameters (`GLib.Variant`) — A [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant] See the [D-Bus Tutorial][wrap-js-object] for an example of how to use this function and the resulting [`Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton`][gdbusinterfaceskeleton]. [gdbusinterfaceskeleton]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.dbusinterfaceskeleton [gvariant]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.variant [wrap-js-object]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gio/dbus.html#exporting-interfaces ### Gio._promisify(prototype, startFunc, finishFunc) > Warning: This is a tech-preview and not guaranteed to be stable Type: * Static Parameters: * prototype (`Object`) — The prototype of a GObject class * startFunc (`Function`) — The "async" or "start" method * finishFunc (`Function`) — The "finish" method Replaces the original `startFunc` on a GObject class prototype, so that it returns a `Promise` and can be used as a JavaScript `async` function. The function may then be used like any other `Promise` without the need for a customer wrapper, simply by invoking `startFunc` without the callback argument: ```js Gio._promisify(Gio.InputStream.prototype, 'read_bytes_async', 'read_bytes_finish'); try { const inputStream = new Gio.UnixInputStream({fd: 0}); const bytes = await inputStream.read_bytes_async(4096, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, null); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'Failed to read bytes'); } ``` ### Gio.FileEnumerator[Symbol.asyncIterator] [Gio.FileEnumerator](gio-fileenumerator) are [async iterators](async-iterators). Each iteration returns a [Gio.FileInfo](gio-fileinfo): ```js import Gio from "gi://Gio"; const dir = Gio.File.new_for_path("/"); const enumerator = dir.enumerate_children( "standard::name", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, null ); for await (const file_info of enumerator) { console.log(file_info.get_name()); } ``` [gio-fileenumerator]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.fileenumerator [async-iterator]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_async_iterator_and_async_iterable_protocols [gio-fileinfo]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.fileinfo ### Gio.FileEnumerator[Symbol.iterator] [Gio.FileEnumerator](gio-fileenumerator) are [sync iterators](sync-iterators). Each iteration returns a [Gio.FileInfo](gio-fileinfo): ```js import Gio from "gi://Gio"; const dir = Gio.File.new_for_path("/"); const enumerator = dir.enumerate_children( "standard::name", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, null ); for (const file_info of enumerator) { console.log(file_info.get_name()); } ``` [gio-fileenumerator]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.fileenumerator [sync-iterator]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol [gio-fileinfo]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.fileinfo ### Gio.InputStream.createAsyncIterator(count, priority) Parameters: * count (`Number`) — Number of bytes to read per iteration see [read_bytes] * priority (`Number`) — Optional priority (i.e. `GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT`) Returns: * (`Object`) — An [asynchronous iterator][async-iterator] Return an asynchronous iterator for a [`Gio.InputStream`][ginputstream]. Each iteration will return a [`GLib.Bytes`][gbytes] object: ```js import Gio from "gi://Gio"; const textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const file = Gio.File.new_for_path("/etc/os-release"); const inputStream = file.read(null); for await (const bytes of inputStream.createAsyncIterator(4)) { log(textDecoder.decode(bytes.toArray())); } ``` [read_bytes]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.inputstream#method-read_bytes [async-iterator]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_async_iterator_and_async_iterable_protocols [gbytes]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.bytes [ginputstream]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.inputstream ### Gio.InputStream.createSyncIterator(count, priority) Parameters: * count (`Number`) — Number of bytes to read per iteration see [read_bytes] * priority (`Number`) — Optional priority (i.e. `GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT`) Returns: * (`Object`) — An [synchronous iterator][sync-iterator] Return a synchronous iterator for a [`Gio.InputStream`][ginputstream]. Each iteration will return a [`GLib.Bytes`][gbytes] object: ```js import Gio from "gi://Gio"; const textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const file = Gio.File.new_for_path("/etc/os-release"); const inputStream = file.read(null); for (const bytes of inputStream.createSyncIterator(4)) { log(textDecoder.decode(bytes.toArray())); } ``` [read_bytes]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.inputstream#method-read_bytes [sync-iterator]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol [gbytes]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.bytes [ginputstream]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20/gio.inputstream ### Gio.Application.runAsync() Returns: * (`Promise`) Similar to [`Gio.Application.run`][gio-application-run] but return a Promise which resolves when the main loop ends, instead of blocking while the main loop runs. This helps avoid the situation where Promises never resolved if you didn't run the application inside a callback. [gio-application-run]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gio20~2.0/gio.application#method-run ## [GLib](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/blob/HEAD/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js) The `GLib` override includes a number of utilities and conveniences for working with [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant], [`GLib.Bytes`][gbytes] and others. See the [GVariant Tutorial][make-proxy-wrapper] for examples of working with [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant] objects and the functions here. ### GLib.Bytes.toArray() Returns: * (`Uint8Array`) — A `Uint8Array` Convert a [`GLib.Bytes`][gbytes] object to a `Uint8Array` object. [gbytes]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.bytes ### GLib.log_structured(logDomain, logLevel, stringFields) > Note: This is an override for function normally available in GLib Type: * Static Parameters: * logDomain (`String`) — A log domain, usually G_LOG_DOMAIN * logLevel (`GLib.LogLevelFlags`) — A log level, either from [`GLib.LogLevelFlags`][gloglevelflags], or a user-defined level * stringFields (`{String: Any}`) — Key–value pairs of structured data to add to the log message Log a message with structured data. For more information about this function, see the upstream documentation for [g_log_structured()][glogstructured]. [glogdomain]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.log_domain [gloglevelflags]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.loglevelflags [glogstructured]: https://docs.gtk.org/glib/func.log_structured.html ### GLib.Variant.unpack() Returns: * (`Any`) — A native JavaScript value, corresponding to the type of variant A convenience for unpacking a single level of a [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant]. ### GLib.Variant.deepUnpack() Returns: * (`Any`) — A native JavaScript value, corresponding to the type of variant A convenience for unpacking a [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant] and its children, but only up to one level. ### GLib.Variant.recursiveUnpack() Returns: * (`Any`) — A native JavaScript value, corresponding to the type of variant A convenience for recursively unpacking a [`GLib.Variant`][gvariant] and all its descendants. Note that this method will unpack source values (e.g. `uint32`) to native values (e.g. `Number`), so some type information may not be fully represented in the result. ### GLib.MainLoop.runAsync() Returns: * (`Promise`) Similar to [`GLib.MainLoop.run`][glib-mainloop-run] but return a Promise which resolves when the main loop ends, instead of blocking while the main loop runs. This helps avoid the situation where Promises never resolved if you didn't run the main loop inside a callback. [glib-mainloop-run]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/glib20/glib.mainloop#method-run ## [GObject](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/blob/HEAD/modules/core/overrides/GObject.js) > See also: The [Mapping][mapping] documentation, for general GObject usage The `GObject` override mostly provides aliases for constants and types normally found in GObject, as well as [`GObject.registerClass()`](#gobject-registerclass) for registering subclasses. [mapping]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gjs/mapping.md ### GObject.Object.$gtype > See also: [GType Objects][gtype-objects] Type: * `GObject.Type` The `GObject.Type` object for the given type. This is the proper way to find the GType given an object instance or a class. For a class, [`GObject.type_from_name()`][gtypefromname] can also be used. ```js // expected output: [object GType for 'GObject'] // GType for an object class log(GObject.Object.$gtype); // GType for an object instance const objectInstance = GObject.Object.new() log(objectInstance.constructor.$gtype); // GType from C type name log(GObject.type_from_name('GObject')); ``` Note that the GType name for user-defined subclasses will be prefixed with `Gjs_` (i.e. `Gjs_MyObject`), unless the `GTypeName` class property is specified when calling [`GObject.registerClass()`](#gobject-registerclass). [gtypefromname]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.type_from_name [gtype-objects]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gjs/mapping.md#gtype-objects ### GObject.registerClass(metaInfo, klass) Type: * Static Parameters: * metaInfo (`Object`) — An optional dictionary of class properties * klass (`class`) — A JavaScript class expression Returns: * (`GObject.Class`) — A registered `GObject.Class` Registers a JavaScript class expression with the GObject type system. This function supports both a two-argument and one-argument form. In the two-argument form, the first argument is an object with meta info such as properties and signals. The second argument is the class expression for the class itself. ```js var MyObject = GObject.registerClass({ GTypeName: 'MyObject', Properties: { ... }, Signals: { ... }, }, class MyObject extends GObject.Object { constructor() { ... } }); ``` In the one-argument form, the meta info object is omitted and only the class expression is required. ```js var MyObject = GObject.registerClass( class MyObject extends GObject.Object { constructor() { ... } }); ``` See the [GObject Tutorial][gobject-subclassing] for examples of subclassing GObject and declaring class properties. [gobject-subclassing]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gobject/subclassing.html#subclassing-gobject ### GObject.ParamSpec The `GObject` override contains aliases for the various `GParamSpec` types, which are used when defining properties for a subclass. Be aware that the arguments for `flags` and default values are reversed: ```js // Original function const pspec1 = GObject.param_spec_boolean('property1', 'nick', 'blurb', true, // default value GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE); // flags // GJS alias const pspec2 = GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('property2', 'nick', 'blurb', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE, // flags true); // default value ``` ### GObject Signal Matches This is an object passed to a number of signal matching functions. It has three properties: * signalId (`Number`) — A signal ID. Note that this is the signal ID, not a handler ID as returned from `GObject.Object.connect()`. * detail (`String`) — A signal detail, such as `prop` in `notify::prop`. * func (`Function`) — A signal callback function. For example: ```js // Note that `Function.prototype.bind()` creates a new function instance, so // you must pass the correct instance to successfully match a handler function notifyCallback(obj, pspec) { log(pspec.name); } const objectInstance = new GObject.Object(); const handlerId = objectInstance.connect('notify::property-name', notifyCallback); const result = GObject.signal_handler_find(objectInstance, { detail: 'property-name', func: notifyCallback, }); console.assert(result === handlerId); ``` ### GObject.Object.connect(name, callback) > See also: [GObject Signals Tutorial][gobject-signals-tutorial] Parameters: * name (`String`) — A detailed signal name * callback (`Function`) — A callback function Returns: * (`Number`) — A signal handler ID Connects a callback function to a signal for a particular object. The first argument of the callback will be the object emitting the signal, while the remaining arguments are the signal parameters. The handler will be called synchronously, before the default handler of the signal. `GObject.Object.emit()` will not return control until all handlers are called. For example: ```js // A signal connection (emitted when any property changes) let handler1 = obj.connect('notify', (obj, pspec) => { log(`${pspec.name} changed on ${obj.constructor.$gtype.name} object`); }); // A signal name with detail (emitted when "property-name" changes) let handler2 = obj.connect('notify::property-name', (obj, pspec) => { log(`${pspec.name} changed on ${obj.constructor.$gtype.name} object`); }); ``` [gobject-signals-tutorial]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gobject/basics.html#signals ### GObject.Object.connect_after(name, callback) > See also: [GObject Signals Tutorial][gobject-signals-tutorial] Parameters: * name (`String`) — A detailed signal name * callback (`Function`) — A callback function Returns: * (`Number`) — A signal handler ID Connects a callback function to a signal for a particular object. The first argument of the callback will be the object emitting the signal, while the remaining arguments are the signal parameters. The handler will be called synchronously, after the default handler of the signal. [gobject-signals-tutorial]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gobject/basics.html#signals ### GObject.Object.disconnect(id) > See also: [GObject Signals Tutorial][gobject-signals-tutorial] Parameters: * id (`Number`) — A signal handler ID Disconnects a handler from an instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to. The `id` has to be a valid signal handler ID, connected to a signal of the object. For example: ```js let handlerId = obj.connect('notify', (obj, pspec) => { log(`${pspec.name} changed on ${obj.constructor.$gtype.name} object`); }); if (handlerId) { obj.disconnect(handlerId); handlerId = null; } ``` [gobject-signals-tutorial]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gobject/basics.html#signals ### GObject.Object.emit(name, ...args) > See also: [GObject Signals Tutorial][gobject-signals-tutorial] Parameters: * name (`String`) — A detailed signal name * args (`Any`) — Signal parameters Returns: * (`Any`|`undefined`) — Optional return value Emits a signal. Signal emission is done synchronously. The method will only return control after all handlers are called or signal emission was stopped. In some cases, signals expect a return value (usually a `Boolean`). The effect of the return value will be described in the documentation for the signal. For example: ```js // Emitting a signal obj.emit('signal-name', arg1, arg2); // Emitting a signal that returns a boolean if (obj.emit('signal-name', arg1, arg2)) log('signal emission was handled!'); else log('signal emission was unhandled!'); ``` [gobject-signals-tutorial]: https://gjs.guide/guides/gobject/basics.html#signals ### GObject.signal_handler_find(instance, match) > Note: This function has a different signature that the original Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * match (`Object`) — A dictionary of properties to match Returns: * (`Number`|`BigInt`|`Object`|`null`) — A valid non-0 signal handler ID for a successful match. Finds the first signal handler that matches certain selection criteria. The criteria are passed as properties of a match object. The match object has to be non-empty for successful matches. If no handler was found, a falsy value is returned. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_block_matched(instance, match) > Note: This function has a different signature that the original Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * match (`Object`) — A dictionary of properties to match Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Blocks all handlers on an instance that match certain selection criteria. The criteria are passed as properties of a match object. The match object has to have at least `func` for successful matches. If no handlers were found, 0 is returned, the number of blocked handlers otherwise. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_unblock_matched(instance, match) > Note: This function has a different signature that the original Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * match (`Object`) — A dictionary of properties to match Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Unblocks all handlers on an instance that match certain selection criteria. The criteria are passed as properties of a match object. The match object has to have at least `func` for successful matches. If no handlers were found, 0 is returned, the number of blocked handlers otherwise. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(instance, match) > Note: This function has a different signature that the original Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * match (`Object`) — A dictionary of properties to match Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Disconnects all handlers on an instance that match certain selection criteria. The criteria are passed as properties of a match object. The match object has to have at least `func` for successful matches. If no handlers were found, 0 is returned, the number of blocked handlers otherwise. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_block_by_func(instance, func) Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * func (`Function`) — The callback function Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Blocks all handlers on an instance that match `func`. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_unblock_by_func(instance, func) Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * func (`Function`) — The callback function Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Unblocks all handlers on an instance that match `func`. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(instance, func) Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * func (`Function`) — The callback function Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Disconnects all handlers on an instance that match `func`. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ### GObject.signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data(instance, data) > Warning: This function does not work in GJS Type: * Static Parameters: * instance (`GObject.Object`) — A [`GObject.Object`][gobject] instance * data (`void`) — The callback data Returns: * (`Number`) — The number of handlers that matched. Disconnects all handlers on an instance that match `data`. [gobject]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.object ## [Gtk](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/blob/HEAD/modules/core/overrides/Gtk.js) Mostly GtkBuilder/composite template implementation. May be useful as a reference. > Reminder: You should specify a version prior to importing a library with > multiple versions. ```js // GTK3 import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk?version=3.0'; // GTK4 import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk?version=4.0'; ``` ### Gtk.Container.list_child_properties(widget) > Note: This GTK3 function requires different usage in GJS than other languages Type: * Static Parameters: * widget (`Gtk.Container`) — A [`Gtk.Container`][gtkcontainer] Returns: * (`Array(GObject.ParamSpec)`) — A list of the container's child properties as [`GObject.ParamSpec`][gparamspec] objects Returns all child properties of a container class. Note that in GJS, this is a static function on [`Gtk.Container`][gtkcontainer] that must be called with `Function.prototype.call()`, either on a widget instance or a widget class: ```js // Calling on a widget instance const box = new Gtk.Box(); const properties = Gtk.Container.list_child_properties.call(box); for (let pspec of properties) log(pspec.name); // Calling on a widget class const properties = Gtk.Container.list_child_properties.call(Gtk.Box); for (let pspec of properties) log(pspec.name); ``` For more information about this function, see the upstream documentation for [gtk_container_class_list_child_properties()][gtkcontainerclasslistchildproperties]. [gtkwidget]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gtk30/gtk.widget [gtkcontainer]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gtk30/gtk.container [gtkcontainerclasslistchildproperties]: https://docs.gtk.org/gtk3/class_method.Container.list_child_properties.html [gparamspec]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gobject20/gobject.paramspec ## GObject Introspection > See also: [ECMAScript Modules][esmodules] The `gi` override is a wrapper for `libgirepository` for importing native GObject-Introspection libraries. [esmodules]: https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gjs/esmodules.md #### Import ```js import gi from 'gi'; ``` ### gi.require(library, version) Type: * Static Parameters: * library (`String`) — A introspectable library * version (`String`) — A library version, if applicable > New in GJS 1.72 (GNOME 42) Loads a native gobject-introspection library. Version is required if more than one version of a library is installed. You can also import libraries through the `gi://` URL scheme. This function is only intended to be used when you want to import a library conditionally, since top-level import statements are resolved statically. ## Legacy Imports Prior to the introduction of [ES Modules](ESModules.md), GJS had its own import system. **imports** is a global object that you can use to import any js file or GObject Introspection lib as module, there are 4 special properties of **imports**: * `searchPath` An array of path that used to look for files, if you want to prepend a path you can do something like `imports.searchPath.unshift(myPath)`. * `__modulePath__` * `__moduleName__` * `__parentModule__` These 3 properties is intended to be used internally, you should not use them. Any other properties of **imports** is treated as a module, if you access these properties, an import is attempted. Gjs try to look up a js file or directory by property name from each location in `imports.searchPath`. For `imports.foo`, if a file named `foo.js` is found, this file is executed and then imported as a module object; else if a directory `foo` is found, a new importer object is returned and its `searchPath` property is replaced by the path of `foo`. Note that any variable, function and class declared at the top level, except those declared by `let` or `const`, are exported as properties of the module object, and one js file is executed only once at most even if it is imported multiple times.