require 'timeout' require_relative 'gitlab_config' require_relative 'gitlab_logger' class GitlabKeys attr_accessor :auth_file, :key def initialize @command = ARGV.shift @key_id = ARGV.shift @key = ARGV.shift @auth_file = end def exec case @command when 'add-key'; add_key when 'batch-add-keys'; batch_add_keys when 'rm-key'; rm_key when 'list-keys'; puts list_keys when 'clear'; clear else $logger.warn "Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-keys command #{@command.inspect}." puts 'not allowed' false end end protected def add_key lock do $ "Adding key #{@key_id} => #{@key.inspect}" auth_line = key_line(@key_id, @key) open(auth_file, 'a') { |file| file.puts(auth_line) } end true end def list_keys $ 'Listing all keys' keys = '' File.readlines(auth_file).each do |line| # key_id & public_key # command=".../bin/gitlab-shell key-741" ... ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E\n # ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ matches = /^command=\".+?\s+(.+?)\".+?(?:ssh|ecdsa)-.*?\s(.+)\s*.*\n*$/.match(line) keys << "#{matches[1]} #{matches[2]}\n" unless matches.nil? end keys end def batch_add_keys lock do open(auth_file, 'a') do |file| stdin.each_line do |input| tokens = input.strip.split("\t") abort("#{$0}: invalid input #{input.inspect}") unless tokens.count == 2 key_id, public_key = tokens $ "Adding key #{key_id} => #{public_key.inspect}" file.puts(key_line(key_id, public_key)) end end end true end def stdin $stdin end def key_command(key_id) "#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell #{key_id}" end def key_line(key_id, public_key) auth_line = "command=\"#{key_command(key_id)}\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty #{public_key}" end def rm_key lock do $ "Removing key #{@key_id}" open(auth_file, 'r+') do |f| while line = f.gets do next unless line.start_with?("command=\"#{key_command(@key_id)}\""), IO::SEEK_CUR) # Overwrite the line with #'s. Because the 'line' variable contains # a terminating '\n', we write line.length - 1 '#' characters. f.write('#' * (line.length - 1)) end end end true end def clear open(auth_file, 'w') { |file| file.puts '# Managed by gitlab-shell' } true end def lock(timeout = 10), "w+") do |f| begin f.flock File::LOCK_EX Timeout::timeout(timeout) { yield } ensure f.flock File::LOCK_UN end end end def lock_file @lock_file ||= auth_file + '.lock' end end