path: root/lib/vendor/excon/lib/excon/error.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/vendor/excon/lib/excon/error.rb')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/vendor/excon/lib/excon/error.rb b/lib/vendor/excon/lib/excon/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757fe6e
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+++ b/lib/vendor/excon/lib/excon/error.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Excon
+ # Excon exception classes
+ class Error < StandardError
+ @default_status_error = :HTTPStatus
+ class StubNotFound < Error; end
+ class InvalidStub < Error; end
+ # Socket related errors
+ class Socket < Error
+ attr_reader :socket_error
+ def initialize(socket_error =
+ if is_a?(Certificate) || is_a?(Excon::Errors::CertificateError)
+ super
+ else
+ super("#{socket_error.message} (#{socket_error.class})")
+ set_backtrace(socket_error.backtrace)
+ @socket_error = socket_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Certificate related errors
+ class Certificate < Socket
+ def initialize(socket_error =
+ msg = <<-EOL
+Unable to verify certificate. This may be an issue with the remote host or with Excon. Excon has certificates bundled, but these can be customized:
+ `Excon.defaults[:ssl_ca_path] = path_to_certs`
+ `ENV['SSL_CERT_DIR'] = path_to_certs`
+ `Excon.defaults[:ssl_ca_file] = path_to_file`
+ `ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = path_to_file'
+ `Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_callback] = callback`
+ (see OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#verify_callback)
+ `Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_peer] = false` (less secure).
+ full_message = "#{socket_error.message} (#{socket_error.class})" +
+ ' ' + msg
+ super(full_message)
+ set_backtrace(socket_error.backtrace)
+ @socket_error = socket_error
+ end
+ end
+ class Timeout < Error; end
+ class ResponseParse < Error; end
+ class ProxyParse < Error; end
+ class ProxyConnection < Error; end
+ # Base class for HTTP Error classes
+ class HTTPStatus < Error
+ attr_reader :request, :response
+ def initialize(msg, request = nil, response = nil)
+ super(msg)
+ @request = request
+ @response = response
+ end
+ end
+ # HTTP Error classes
+ class Informational < HTTPStatus; end
+ class Success < HTTPStatus; end
+ class Redirection < HTTPStatus; end
+ class Client < HTTPStatus; end
+ class Server < HTTPStatus; end
+ class Continue < Informational; end # 100
+ class SwitchingProtocols < Informational; end # 101
+ class OK < Success; end # 200
+ class Created < Success; end # 201
+ class Accepted < Success; end # 202
+ class NonAuthoritativeInformation < Success; end # 203
+ class NoContent < Success; end # 204
+ class ResetContent < Success; end # 205
+ class PartialContent < Success; end # 206
+ class MultipleChoices < Redirection; end # 300
+ class MovedPermanently < Redirection; end # 301
+ class Found < Redirection; end # 302
+ class SeeOther < Redirection; end # 303
+ class NotModified < Redirection; end # 304
+ class UseProxy < Redirection; end # 305
+ class TemporaryRedirect < Redirection; end # 307
+ class BadRequest < Client; end # 400
+ class Unauthorized < Client; end # 401
+ class PaymentRequired < Client; end # 402
+ class Forbidden < Client; end # 403
+ class NotFound < Client; end # 404
+ class MethodNotAllowed < Client; end # 405
+ class NotAcceptable < Client; end # 406
+ class ProxyAuthenticationRequired < Client; end # 407
+ class RequestTimeout < Client; end # 408
+ class Conflict < Client; end # 409
+ class Gone < Client; end # 410
+ class LengthRequired < Client; end # 411
+ class PreconditionFailed < Client; end # 412
+ class RequestEntityTooLarge < Client; end # 413
+ class RequestURITooLong < Client; end # 414
+ class UnsupportedMediaType < Client; end # 415
+ class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable < Client; end # 416
+ class ExpectationFailed < Client; end # 417
+ class UnprocessableEntity < Client; end # 422
+ class TooManyRequests < Client; end # 429
+ class InternalServerError < Server; end # 500
+ class NotImplemented < Server; end # 501
+ class BadGateway < Server; end # 502
+ class ServiceUnavailable < Server; end # 503
+ class GatewayTimeout < Server; end # 504
+ def self.status_errors
+ @status_errors ||= {
+ 100 => [Excon::Error::Continue, 'Continue'],
+ 101 => [Excon::Error::SwitchingProtocols, 'Switching Protocols'],
+ 200 => [Excon::Error::OK, 'OK'],
+ 201 => [Excon::Error::Created, 'Created'],
+ 202 => [Excon::Error::Accepted, 'Accepted'],
+ 203 => [Excon::Error::NonAuthoritativeInformation, 'Non-Authoritative Information'],
+ 204 => [Excon::Error::NoContent, 'No Content'],
+ 205 => [Excon::Error::ResetContent, 'Reset Content'],
+ 206 => [Excon::Error::PartialContent, 'Partial Content'],
+ 300 => [Excon::Error::MultipleChoices, 'Multiple Choices'],
+ 301 => [Excon::Error::MovedPermanently, 'Moved Permanently'],
+ 302 => [Excon::Error::Found, 'Found'],
+ 303 => [Excon::Error::SeeOther, 'See Other'],
+ 304 => [Excon::Error::NotModified, 'Not Modified'],
+ 305 => [Excon::Error::UseProxy, 'Use Proxy'],
+ 307 => [Excon::Error::TemporaryRedirect, 'Temporary Redirect'],
+ 400 => [Excon::Error::BadRequest, 'Bad Request'],
+ 401 => [Excon::Error::Unauthorized, 'Unauthorized'],
+ 402 => [Excon::Error::PaymentRequired, 'Payment Required'],
+ 403 => [Excon::Error::Forbidden, 'Forbidden'],
+ 404 => [Excon::Error::NotFound, 'Not Found'],
+ 405 => [Excon::Error::MethodNotAllowed, 'Method Not Allowed'],
+ 406 => [Excon::Error::NotAcceptable, 'Not Acceptable'],
+ 407 => [Excon::Error::ProxyAuthenticationRequired, 'Proxy Authentication Required'],
+ 408 => [Excon::Error::RequestTimeout, 'Request Timeout'],
+ 409 => [Excon::Error::Conflict, 'Conflict'],
+ 410 => [Excon::Error::Gone, 'Gone'],
+ 411 => [Excon::Error::LengthRequired, 'Length Required'],
+ 412 => [Excon::Error::PreconditionFailed, 'Precondition Failed'],
+ 413 => [Excon::Error::RequestEntityTooLarge, 'Request Entity Too Large'],
+ 414 => [Excon::Error::RequestURITooLong, 'Request-URI Too Long'],
+ 415 => [Excon::Error::UnsupportedMediaType, 'Unsupported Media Type'],
+ 416 => [Excon::Error::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, 'Request Range Not Satisfiable'],
+ 417 => [Excon::Error::ExpectationFailed, 'Expectation Failed'],
+ 422 => [Excon::Error::UnprocessableEntity, 'Unprocessable Entity'],
+ 429 => [Excon::Error::TooManyRequests, 'Too Many Requests'],
+ 500 => [Excon::Error::InternalServerError, 'InternalServerError'],
+ 501 => [Excon::Error::NotImplemented, 'Not Implemented'],
+ 502 => [Excon::Error::BadGateway, 'Bad Gateway'],
+ 503 => [Excon::Error::ServiceUnavailable, 'Service Unavailable'],
+ 504 => [Excon::Error::GatewayTimeout, 'Gateway Timeout']
+ }
+ end
+ # Messages for nicer exceptions, from rfc2616
+ def self.status_error(request, response)
+ error_class, error_message = status_errors[response[:status]]
+ if error_class.nil?
+ default_class = Excon::Error.const_get(@default_status_error)
+ error_class, error_message = [default_class, 'Unknown']
+ end
+ message =
+ str = "Expected(#{request[:expects].inspect}) <=>" +
+ " Actual(#{response[:status]} #{error_message})"
+ message.puts(str)
+ if request[:debug_request]
+ message.puts('excon.error.request')
+ Excon::PrettyPrinter.pp(message, request)
+ end
+ if request[:debug_response]
+ message.puts('excon.error.response')
+ Excon::PrettyPrinter.pp(message,
+ end
+ message.rewind
+, request, response)
+ end
+ end
+ # Legacy
+ module Errors
+ Excon::Errors::Error = Excon::Error
+ legacy_re = /
+ \A
+ Client
+ |Server
+ |Socket
+ |Certificate
+ |HTTPStatus
+ |InternalServer
+ \Z
+ /x
+ klasses = do |c|
+ Excon::Error.const_get(c).is_a? Class
+ end
+ klasses.each do |klass|
+ class_name = klass.to_s
+ unless class_name =~ /Error\Z/
+ class_name = klass.to_s + 'Error' if class_name =~ legacy_re
+ end
+ Excon::Errors.const_set(class_name, Excon::Error.const_get(klass))
+ end
+ def self.status_error(request, response)
+ Excon::Error.status_error(request, response)
+ end
+ end