# frozen_string_literal: true class Packages::Package < ApplicationRecord include Sortable include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include UsageStatistics include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize DISPLAYABLE_STATUSES = [:default, :error].freeze belongs_to :project belongs_to :creator, class_name: 'User' # package_files must be destroyed by ruby code in order to properly remove carrierwave uploads and update project statistics has_many :package_files, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :dependency_links, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::DependencyLink' has_many :tags, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Tag' has_one :conan_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Conan::Metadatum' has_one :pypi_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Pypi::Metadatum' has_one :maven_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Maven::Metadatum' has_one :nuget_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Nuget::Metadatum' has_one :composer_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Composer::Metadatum' has_one :rubygems_metadatum, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Rubygems::Metadatum' has_many :build_infos, inverse_of: :package has_many :pipelines, through: :build_infos has_one :debian_publication, inverse_of: :package, class_name: 'Packages::Debian::Publication' has_one :debian_distribution, through: :debian_publication, source: :distribution, inverse_of: :packages, class_name: 'Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution' accepts_nested_attributes_for :conan_metadatum accepts_nested_attributes_for :debian_publication accepts_nested_attributes_for :maven_metadatum delegate :recipe, :recipe_path, to: :conan_metadatum, prefix: :conan delegate :codename, :suite, to: :debian_distribution, prefix: :debian_distribution delegate :target_sha, to: :composer_metadatum, prefix: :composer validates :project, presence: true validates :name, presence: true validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.package_name_regex }, unless: -> { conan? || generic? || debian? } validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: %i[project_id version package_type] }, unless: -> { conan? || debian_package? } validate :unique_debian_package_name, if: :debian_package? validate :valid_conan_package_recipe, if: :conan? validate :valid_composer_global_name, if: :composer? validate :package_already_taken, if: :npm? validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.conan_recipe_component_regex }, if: :conan? validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.generic_package_name_regex }, if: :generic? validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.npm_package_name_regex }, if: :npm? validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.nuget_package_name_regex }, if: :nuget? validates :name, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.debian_package_name_regex }, if: :debian_package? validates :name, inclusion: { in: %w[incoming] }, if: :debian_incoming? validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.nuget_version_regex }, if: :nuget? validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.conan_recipe_component_regex }, if: :conan? validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.maven_version_regex }, if: -> { version? && maven? } validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.pypi_version_regex }, if: :pypi? validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.prefixed_semver_regex }, if: :golang? validates :version, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.semver_regex }, if: -> { composer_tag_version? || npm? } validates :version, presence: true, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.generic_package_version_regex }, if: :generic? validates :version, presence: true, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.debian_version_regex }, if: :debian_package? validate :forbidden_debian_changes, if: :debian? enum package_type: { maven: 1, npm: 2, conan: 3, nuget: 4, pypi: 5, composer: 6, generic: 7, golang: 8, debian: 9, rubygems: 10 } enum status: { default: 0, hidden: 1, processing: 2, error: 3 } scope :for_projects, ->(project_ids) { where(project_id: project_ids) } scope :with_name, ->(name) { where(name: name) } scope :with_name_like, ->(name) { where(arel_table[:name].matches(name)) } scope :with_normalized_pypi_name, ->(name) { where("LOWER(regexp_replace(name, '[-_.]+', '-', 'g')) = ?", name.downcase) } scope :search_by_name, ->(query) { fuzzy_search(query, [:name], use_minimum_char_limit: false) } scope :with_version, ->(version) { where(version: version) } scope :without_version_like, -> (version) { where.not(arel_table[:version].matches(version)) } scope :with_package_type, ->(package_type) { where(package_type: package_type) } scope :with_status, ->(status) { where(status: status) } scope :displayable, -> { with_status(DISPLAYABLE_STATUSES) } scope :including_build_info, -> { includes(pipelines: :user) } scope :including_project_route, -> { includes(project: { namespace: :route }) } scope :including_tags, -> { includes(:tags) } scope :with_conan_channel, ->(package_channel) do joins(:conan_metadatum).where(packages_conan_metadata: { package_channel: package_channel }) end scope :with_conan_username, ->(package_username) do joins(:conan_metadatum).where(packages_conan_metadata: { package_username: package_username }) end scope :with_debian_codename, -> (codename) do debian .joins(:debian_distribution) .where(Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution.table_name => { codename: codename }) end scope :preload_debian_file_metadata, -> { preload(package_files: :debian_file_metadatum) } scope :with_composer_target, -> (target) do includes(:composer_metadatum) .joins(:composer_metadatum) .where(Packages::Composer::Metadatum.table_name => { target_sha: target }) end scope :preload_composer, -> { preload(:composer_metadatum) } scope :without_nuget_temporary_name, -> { where.not(name: Packages::Nuget::TEMPORARY_PACKAGE_NAME) } scope :has_version, -> { where.not(version: nil) } scope :processed, -> do where.not(package_type: :nuget).or( where.not(name: Packages::Nuget::TEMPORARY_PACKAGE_NAME) ) end scope :preload_files, -> { preload(:package_files) } scope :last_of_each_version, -> { where(id: all.select('MAX(id) AS id').group(:version)) } scope :limit_recent, ->(limit) { order_created_desc.limit(limit) } scope :select_distinct_name, -> { select(:name).distinct } # Sorting scope :order_created, -> { reorder('created_at ASC') } scope :order_created_desc, -> { reorder('created_at DESC') } scope :order_name, -> { reorder('name ASC') } scope :order_name_desc, -> { reorder('name DESC') } scope :order_version, -> { reorder('version ASC') } scope :order_version_desc, -> { reorder('version DESC') } scope :order_type, -> { reorder('package_type ASC') } scope :order_type_desc, -> { reorder('package_type DESC') } scope :order_project_name, -> { joins(:project).reorder('projects.name ASC') } scope :order_project_name_desc, -> { joins(:project).reorder('projects.name DESC') } scope :order_project_path, -> { joins(:project).reorder('projects.path ASC, id ASC') } scope :order_project_path_desc, -> { joins(:project).reorder('projects.path DESC, id DESC') } scope :order_by_package_file, -> { joins(:package_files).order('packages_package_files.created_at ASC') } after_commit :update_composer_cache, on: :destroy, if: -> { composer? } def self.only_maven_packages_with_path(path, use_cte: false) if use_cte && Feature.enabled?(:maven_metadata_by_path_with_optimization_fence, default_enabled: :yaml) # This is an optimization fence which assumes that looking up the Metadatum record by path (globally) # and then filter down the packages (by project or by group and subgroups) will be cheaper than # looking up all packages within a project or group and filter them by path. inner_query = Packages::Maven::Metadatum.where(path: path).select(:id, :package_id) cte = Gitlab::SQL::CTE.new(:maven_metadata_by_path, inner_query) with(cte.to_arel) .joins('INNER JOIN maven_metadata_by_path ON maven_metadata_by_path.package_id=packages_packages.id') else joins(:maven_metadatum).where(packages_maven_metadata: { path: path }) end end def self.by_name_and_file_name(name, file_name) with_name(name) .joins(:package_files) .where(packages_package_files: { file_name: file_name }).last! end def self.by_file_name_and_sha256(file_name, sha256) joins(:package_files) .where(packages_package_files: { file_name: file_name, file_sha256: sha256 }).last! end def self.by_name_and_version!(name, version) find_by!(name: name, version: version) end def self.pluck_names pluck(:name) end def self.pluck_versions pluck(:version) end def self.sort_by_attribute(method) case method.to_s when 'created_asc' then order_created when 'created_at_asc' then order_created when 'name_asc' then order_name when 'name_desc' then order_name_desc when 'version_asc' then order_version when 'version_desc' then order_version_desc when 'type_asc' then order_type when 'type_desc' then order_type_desc when 'project_name_asc' then order_project_name when 'project_name_desc' then order_project_name_desc when 'project_path_asc' then order_project_path when 'project_path_desc' then order_project_path_desc else order_created_desc end end def versions project.packages .including_build_info .including_tags .with_name(name) .where.not(version: version) .with_package_type(package_type) .order(:version) end # Technical debt: to be removed in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/281937 def original_build_info strong_memoize(:original_build_info) do build_infos.first end end # Technical debt: to be removed in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/281937 def pipeline original_build_info&.pipeline end def tag_names tags.pluck(:name) end def debian_incoming? debian? && version.nil? end def debian_package? debian? && !version.nil? end def package_settings strong_memoize(:package_settings) do project.namespace.package_settings end end def sync_maven_metadata(user) return unless maven? && version? && user ::Packages::Maven::Metadata::SyncWorker.perform_async(user.id, project.id, name) end private def update_composer_cache return unless composer? ::Packages::Composer::CacheUpdateWorker.perform_async(project_id, name, composer_metadatum.version_cache_sha) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/Worker end def composer_tag_version? composer? && !Gitlab::Regex.composer_dev_version_regex.match(version.to_s) end def valid_conan_package_recipe recipe_exists = project.packages .conan .includes(:conan_metadatum) .with_name(name) .with_version(version) .with_conan_channel(conan_metadatum.package_channel) .with_conan_username(conan_metadatum.package_username) .id_not_in(id) .exists? errors.add(:base, _('Package recipe already exists')) if recipe_exists end def valid_composer_global_name # .default_scoped is required here due to a bug in rails that leaks # the scope and adds `self` to the query incorrectly # See https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/35186 if Packages::Package.default_scoped.composer.with_name(name).where.not(project_id: project_id).exists? errors.add(:name, 'is already taken by another project') end end def package_already_taken return unless project if project.package_already_taken?(name) errors.add(:base, _('Package already exists')) end end def unique_debian_package_name return unless debian_publication&.distribution package_exists = debian_publication.distribution.packages .with_name(name) .with_version(version) .id_not_in(id) .exists? errors.add(:base, _('Debian package already exists in Distribution')) if package_exists end def forbidden_debian_changes return unless persisted? # Debian incoming if version_was.nil? || version.nil? errors.add(:version, _('cannot be changed')) if version_changed? end end end