# frozen_string_literal: true module LabelsHelper extend self def show_label_issuables_link?(label, issuables_type, current_user: nil) return true unless label.project_label? label.project.feature_available?(issuables_type, current_user) end # Link to a Label # # label - LabelPresenter object to link to # type - The type of item the link will point to (:issue or # :merge_request). If omitted, defaults to :issue. # block - An optional block that will be passed to `link_to`, forming the # body of the link element. If omitted, defaults to # `render_colored_label`. # # Examples: # # # Allow the generated link to use the label's own subject # link_to_label(label) # # # Force the generated link to use a provided group # link_to_label(label, subject: Group.last) # # # Force the generated link to use a provided project # link_to_label(label, subject: Project.last) # # # Force the generated link to point to merge requests instead of issues # link_to_label(label, type: :merge_request) # # # Customize link body with a block # link_to_label(label) { "My Custom Label Text" } # # Returns a String def link_to_label(label, type: :issue, tooltip: true, small: false, &block) link = label.filter_path(type: type) if block_given? link_to link, &block else render_label(label, link: link, tooltip: tooltip, small: small) end end def render_label(label, link: nil, tooltip: true, dataset: nil, small: false) html = render_colored_label(label) if link title = label_tooltip_title(label) if tooltip html = render_label_link(html, link: link, title: title, dataset: dataset) end wrap_label_html(html, small: small, label: label) end def render_colored_label(label, suffix: '') render_label_text( label.name, suffix: suffix, css_class: text_color_class_for_bg(label.color), bg_color: label.color ) end # We need the `label` argument here for EE def wrap_label_html(label_html, small:, label:) wrapper_classes = %w(gl-label) wrapper_classes << 'gl-label-sm' if small %(<span class="#{wrapper_classes.join(' ')}">#{label_html}</span>).html_safe end def label_tooltip_title(label) Sanitize.clean(label.description) end def suggested_colors { '#0033CC' => s_('SuggestedColors|UA blue'), '#428BCA' => s_('SuggestedColors|Moderate blue'), '#44AD8E' => s_('SuggestedColors|Lime green'), '#A8D695' => s_('SuggestedColors|Feijoa'), '#5CB85C' => s_('SuggestedColors|Slightly desaturated green'), '#69D100' => s_('SuggestedColors|Bright green'), '#004E00' => s_('SuggestedColors|Very dark lime green'), '#34495E' => s_('SuggestedColors|Very dark desaturated blue'), '#7F8C8D' => s_('SuggestedColors|Dark grayish cyan'), '#A295D6' => s_('SuggestedColors|Slightly desaturated blue'), '#5843AD' => s_('SuggestedColors|Dark moderate blue'), '#8E44AD' => s_('SuggestedColors|Dark moderate violet'), '#FFECDB' => s_('SuggestedColors|Very pale orange'), '#AD4363' => s_('SuggestedColors|Dark moderate pink'), '#D10069' => s_('SuggestedColors|Strong pink'), '#CC0033' => s_('SuggestedColors|Strong red'), '#FF0000' => s_('SuggestedColors|Pure red'), '#D9534F' => s_('SuggestedColors|Soft red'), '#D1D100' => s_('SuggestedColors|Strong yellow'), '#F0AD4E' => s_('SuggestedColors|Soft orange'), '#AD8D43' => s_('SuggestedColors|Dark moderate orange') } end def render_suggested_colors colors_html = suggested_colors.map do |color_hex_value, color_name| link_to('', '#', class: "has-tooltip", style: "background-color: #{color_hex_value}", data: { color: color_hex_value }, title: color_name) end content_tag(:div, class: 'suggest-colors') do colors_html.join.html_safe end end def text_color_class_for_bg(bg_color) if light_color?(bg_color) 'gl-label-text-dark' else 'gl-label-text-light' end end def text_color_for_bg(bg_color) if light_color?(bg_color) '#333333' else '#FFFFFF' end end def light_color?(color) if color.length == 4 r, g, b = color[1, 4].scan(/./).map { |v| (v * 2).hex } else r, g, b = color[1, 7].scan(/.{2}/).map(&:hex) end (r + g + b) > 500 end def labels_filter_path_with_defaults(only_group_labels: false, include_ancestor_groups: true, include_descendant_groups: false) options = {} options[:include_ancestor_groups] = include_ancestor_groups if include_ancestor_groups options[:include_descendant_groups] = include_descendant_groups if include_descendant_groups options[:only_group_labels] = only_group_labels if only_group_labels && @group options[:format] = :json labels_filter_path(options) end def labels_filter_path(options = {}) project = @target_project || @project format = options.delete(:format) if project project_labels_path(project, format, options) elsif @group group_labels_path(@group, format, options) else dashboard_labels_path(format, options) end end def label_subscription_status(label, project) return 'group-level' if label.subscribed?(current_user) return 'project-level' if label.subscribed?(current_user, project) 'unsubscribed' end def toggle_subscription_label_path(label, project) return toggle_subscription_group_label_path(label.group, label) unless project case label_subscription_status(label, project) when 'group-level' then toggle_subscription_group_label_path(label.group, label) when 'project-level' then toggle_subscription_project_label_path(project, label) when 'unsubscribed' then toggle_subscription_project_label_path(project, label) end end def label_subscription_toggle_button_text(label, project = nil) label.subscribed?(current_user, project) ? 'Unsubscribe' : 'Subscribe' end def create_label_title(subject) case subject when Group _('Create group label') when Project _('Create project label') else _('Create new label') end end def manage_labels_title(subject) case subject when Group _('Manage group labels') when Project _('Manage project labels') else _('Manage labels') end end def view_labels_title(subject) case subject when Group _('View group labels') when Project _('View project labels') else _('View labels') end end def label_status_tooltip(label, status) type = label.project_label? ? 'project' : 'group' level = status.unsubscribed? ? type : status.sub('-level', '') action = status.unsubscribed? ? 'Subscribe' : 'Unsubscribe' "#{action} at #{level} level" end def presented_labels_sorted_by_title(labels, subject) labels.sort_by(&:title).map { |label| label.present(issuable_subject: subject) } end def label_dropdown_data(project, opts = {}) { toggle: "dropdown", field_name: opts[:field_name] || "label_name[]", show_no: "true", show_any: "true", project_id: project&.try(:id), namespace_path: project&.try(:namespace)&.try(:full_path), project_path: project&.try(:path) }.merge(opts) end def sidebar_label_dropdown_data(issuable_type, issuable_sidebar) label_dropdown_data(nil, { default_label: "Labels", field_name: "#{issuable_type}[label_names][]", ability_name: issuable_type, namespace_path: issuable_sidebar[:namespace_path], project_path: issuable_sidebar[:project_path], issue_update: issuable_sidebar[:issuable_json_path], labels: issuable_sidebar[:project_labels_path], display: 'static' }) end def label_from_hash(hash) klass = hash[:group_id] ? GroupLabel : ProjectLabel klass.new(hash.slice(:color, :description, :title, :group_id, :project_id)) end def issuable_types ['issues', 'merge requests'] end private def render_label_link(label_html, link:, title:, dataset:) classes = %w(gl-link gl-label-link) dataset ||= {} if title.present? classes << 'has-tooltip' dataset.merge!(html: true, title: title) end link_to(label_html, link, class: classes.join(' '), data: dataset) end def render_label_text(name, suffix: '', css_class: nil, bg_color: nil) <<~HTML.chomp.html_safe <span class="gl-label-text #{css_class}" data-container="body" data-html="true" #{"style=\"background-color: #{bg_color}\"" if bg_color} >#{ERB::Util.html_escape_once(name)}#{suffix}</span> HTML end end LabelsHelper.prepend_if_ee('EE::LabelsHelper')