-- test/test-supple.lua -- -- Supple - Tests for the core module -- -- Copyright 2012 Daniel Silverstone -- -- For Licence terms, see COPYING -- -- Step one, start coverage local luacov = require 'luacov' local objects = require 'supple.objects' local capi = require 'supple.capi' local testnames = {} local real_assert = assert local total_asserts = 0 local function assert(...) local retval = real_assert(...) total_asserts = total_asserts + 1 return retval end local function add_test(suite, name, value) rawset(suite, name, value) testnames[#testnames+1] = name end local suite = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = add_test}) function suite.give_integral_types() assert(objects.give(nil) == nil, "Nil didn't pass through") assert(objects.give(true) == true, "True didn't pass through") assert(objects.give(false) == false, "False didn't pass through") assert(objects.give(123) == 123, "Number didn't pass through") assert(objects.give("") == "", "String didn't pass through") end function suite.set_name_works() local unique_name = tostring({}) objects.set_name(unique_name) local expn = objects.give({}) assert(expn.tag:find(unique_name), "set_name not passing through") end function suite.give_table() local tab = {} objects.set_name("give_table") local expn = objects.give(tab) assert(tab ~= expn, "Table passed through") assert(expn.tag:match("^give_table:"), "Tag didn't come through") local expn2 = objects.give(tab) assert(expn.tag == expn2.tag, "Expansion tags did not match") end function suite.receive_integral_types() assert(objects.receive(nil) == nil, "Nil didn't pass through") assert(objects.receive(true) == true, "True didn't pass through") assert(objects.receive(false) == false, "False didn't pass through") assert(objects.receive(123) == 123, "Number didn't pass through") assert(objects.receive("") == "", "String didn't pass through") end function suite.receive_function() local last_cb = nil local function cb(tag, name, ...) last_cb = { tag = tag, name = name, args = {...} } return last_cb end local unique_id = tostring({}) objects.set_proc_call(cb) local obj = objects.receive { tag = unique_id, type = "function" } assert(capi.rawtype(obj) == "userdata", "Not a proxy") assert(capi.type(obj) == "function", "Not a proxied function") assert(obj("fish") == last_cb, "Call method not propagated") assert(type(last_cb) == "table", "Call didn't reach callback") assert(last_cb.tag == unique_id, "Tag not propagated") assert(last_cb.name == "__call", "__call not propagated") assert(last_cb.args[1] == "fish", "args not propagated") local obj2 = objects.receive { tag = unique_id } assert(obj == obj2, "Same object should be same object") end function suite.receive_one_of_ours() local tab = {} local ours = objects.give(tab) local back = objects.receive({tag=ours.tag}) assert(tab == back, "Reception of one of ours didn't work") end function suite.give_one_of_theirs() local function cb(...) end objects.set_proc_call(cb) local unique_id = "give_one_of_theirs:"..tostring({}) local obj = objects.receive { tag = unique_id, type = "function" } local out = objects.give(obj) assert(type(out) == "table", "giving a proxy didn't tabulate") assert(out.tag == unique_id, "giving back one of theirs wasn't right") end function suite.receive_table() local last_cb = nil local function cb(tag, name, ...) last_cb = { tag = tag, name = name, args = {...} } return last_cb end local unique_id = tostring({}) objects.set_proc_call(cb) local obj = objects.receive { tag = unique_id, type = "table" } assert(capi.rawtype(obj) == "userdata", "Not a proxy") assert(capi.type(obj) == "table", "Not a proxied function") assert(obj.thingy == last_cb, "Didn't proxy index") assert(last_cb.name == "__index", "didn't proxy") assert(last_cb.args[1] == "thingy", "proxy wasn't right") end function suite.received_object_gc() local last_cb = nil local function cb(tag, name, ...) last_cb = { tag = tag, name = name, } return last_cb end local unique_id = tostring({}) objects.set_proc_call(cb) local obj = objects.receive { tag = unique_id, type = "table" } assert(capi.rawtype(obj) == "userdata", "Not a proxy") assert(capi.type(obj) == "table", "Not a proxied function") -- deliberately lose the object obj = nil collectgarbage() assert(last_cb.name == "__gc", "GC didn't go through") end local count_ok = 0 for _, testname in ipairs(testnames) do -- print("Run: " .. testname) local ok, err = xpcall(suite[testname], debug.traceback) if not ok then print(err) print() else count_ok = count_ok + 1 end end print(tostring(count_ok) .. "/" .. tostring(#testnames) .. " [" .. tostring(total_asserts) .. "] OK") os.exit(count_ok == #testnames and 0 or 1)